What is the best approach to read from both Web.config and appsettings.json in a .NET Standard library? - nuget

We have an old .NET Framework nuget package built with .NET Framework that reads settings from Web.configs files on .NET Framework projects using the ConfigurationManager.AppSettings class. Now, we need to migrate it to .NET Standard to be able to use it on .NET Core projects also.
Is there an elegant way to try to find and read settings from both Web.config files when running in .NET Framework, and from appsetting.json when running on a .NET Core project? Does it make sense?
Also, it makes sense to have 2 different nuget packages, one for use only on .NET Framework projects and another to use only in .NET Core projects?
The main goal is to read setting independent of the .NET version it is running on.


NuGet Framework Targeting in Squirrel

I'm trying to better understand the proper use of .NET Framework version targeting in the project's NuSpec file, as relates to Squirrel.
For example:
<file src="bin\Release\*.dll" target="lib\net472\"></file>
Does the version specified here affect Squirrel's operations at all? Or is it a NuGet-specific construct only?
What does it mean when we say .NET 4.8 is now supported?
The behavior by NuGet is driven by the compatibility map of the frameworks.
.NET Framework is mostly backwards compatible, so NuGet has built on top of that, when your package declares that it targets net472, net48 as the next evolution is acceptable.
NuGet will allow this package to be consumed in .NET Framework 4.8 projects.
See more for .NET Framework version compatibility.
See more on cross platform targeting libraries, which talks about the multi targeting concept.

NuGet package not installing in .NET Framework

I have created .net standard library project and I have created nuget package for this library, Now I need to install this package in both application .Net Core and .Net Framework4.5. Working fine in .Net Core but while installing .Net framework project it was showing below exception.
You are trying to install this package into a project that targets '.NETFramework,Version=v4.5.2', but the package does not contain any assembly references or content files that are compatible with that framework. For more information, contact the package author.
Please let me know the right approach to resolve this.
The library that you have created targets .NET Standard 2.0, as stated in your tags. .NET Framework 4.5.2 does only implement .NET Standard up to version 1.2, that is why the assemblies are not compatible.
You should change your library to a .NET Standard version that is implemented by both .NET Core and .NET Framework or upgrade your .NET Framework version accordingly.
You can find the version mappings here, credits to #Matt Ward for providing the source.

Tools for scaffolding a .NETCore WebAPI project with Entity Framework and integration tests

I'm making the switch from frontend/Angular to backend/.NETCore. The biggest hurdle I've had is understanding what goes into scaffolding, especially when it comes to integration testing a WebAPI project and Entity Framework migrations.
Are there scaffolding tools similar to Angular Cli that promote good practices around things like setting up new projects or adding new classes in an organized, easily maintainable way?
Currently there is dotnet new which gives you both project templates (dotnet new razor, dotnet new mvc) as well as item templates (dotnet new page).
For entity framework, there is dotnet ef to help creating database contexts for existing databases (dotnet ef dbcontext scaffold) as well as managing migrations (dotnet ef migrations …).
I create new .NET Core projects using Visual Studio 2017 so the IDE automatically sets everything up in organised and maintainable way. It is certainly possible to do this in similar way to Angular CLI with .NET Core CLI. If you're creating .NET Core 2.x project you can find all the required commands here. For example; dotnet new webapi --name MyWebApiProject creates a web api project. To add Entity Framework you can use EF Core .NET Command-line Tools in similar way. Please find all EF Core commands here.

Entity Framework Core project with .Net Core and .Net Framework projects

I am creating a bot using Microsoft Bot Framework and the project is using .NET Framework 4.6.1. I am also creating another project for user interface using .NET Core. Since both projects will be using same database so I am thinking to create an another common project using Entity Framework Core. But this project will not be working with .NET Framework 4.6.1.
Could anyone suggest me how to implement this requirement ?

Which lib folder should I use for my portable library targeting net45, asp.net core 5.0 and windows 8?

I am currently developing a portable library in C# that I want to publish on the NuGet official feed. I have published assemblies as NuGet packages before, but they were written against a single framework (.NET 4.0).
Now I'm confused how I should organize my lib folder in my NuGet package - my portable library can be used with .NET 4.5, ASP.NET Core 5.0, Windows 8, Windows Phone 8.1 and Windows Phone Silverlight 8 projects.
I tried to look up the framework profiles and their corresponding NuGet abbreviations, but I couldn't find them in the official documentation. Stephen Cleary gathered up profiles a while ago, but his list does not contain the profile for ASP.NET Core 5.0.
My actual question is: how should I structure the lib folder of my NuGet package? What is the profile name for portable libraries that target the framework versions mentioned above? And if I get that very profile name, is the assembly properly referenced in a non-portable library project (e.g. .NET 4.5 or WinRT)? Or should I make subfolders for the different framework version and copy the exact same assembly in all of them (which would largely increase the size of the package)? I habe seen some packages (like xunit.assert) doing it this way in NuGet Package Explorer.
The actual folder name that one has to use in this case is the following one: