How to pass objects to PopupPage using MAUI.Toolkit or Mopup plugins? - popup

I have a Maui app where I use MVVM pattern with MAUI Toolkik and also trying with Mopup plugin but I haven't found how to pass objects to Popup pages combined with MVVM. At the moment, I have a page, which I use to navigate to the PopupPage successfully and also I am able to connect the PopupPage with its viewmodel. What I am unable to do is to pass any kind of object to the PopupPage.
I have tried to set the PopupPage constructor with parameters but the methods to navigate to the PopupPage only recognize parameters setted on the code behind.
Here is my code:
<mopup:PopupPage xmlns=""
<VerticalStackLayout BackgroundColor="White" HorizontalOptions="Center" VerticalOptions="Center" HeightRequest="100" WidthRequest="100">
Text="{Binding Message}"
HorizontalOptions="Center" />
I use this to navigate from my page viewmodel
await _popupNavigation.PushAsync(new MessagePopup(string text = "tex"));
If I try to set a parameter, shows this error, even that in my PopupPage constructor I have setted a parameter
"MessagePopup does not contain a a constructor that contains 1 argument"
**MessagePopupViewModel **
public partial class MessagePopupViewModel : ObservableObject
#region AnP
private string message;
private readonly IApiService _apiService;
public MessagePopupViewModel(string tex)
Message = tex;

you are navigating using this code
await _popupNavigation.PushAsync(new MessagePopup(string text = "tex"));
so MessagePopup MUST have a constructor that accepts a parameter
public MessagePopup(string somevalue)
if you also want to pass that value to your VM, then you can add
BindingContext = new MessagePopupViewModel(somevalue);
if you do this, then you should remove the BindingContext property from the XAML


Should ItemSource and BindingContext both be set when using MVVM (Xamarin.Froms ListView)?

public class Question : INotifyPropertyChanged
private float? _answer;
public float? Answer
get => _answer;
_answer = value;
protected void NotifyPropertyChanged([CallerMemberName] string propertyName = "")
PropertyChanged?.Invoke(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(propertyName));
public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;
View model:
public class QuestionViewModel
private ObservableCollection<Question> _questions;
public ObservableCollection<Question> Questions
get => _questions;
if (_questions != value)
_questions = value;
<ListView x:Name="ListViewQuestions" SelectionMode="Single" HasUnevenRows="True" HeightRequest="250" VerticalOptions="FillAndExpand">
<Entry x:Name="EntryAnswer" Text="{Binding Answer,Mode=TwoWay}" Keyboard="Numeric" FontSize="Medium" VerticalOptions="End"
HorizontalOptions="FillAndExpand" Grid.Row="0" Grid.Column="1" >
<behaviors:EntryMaxValueBehavior MaxValue="{Binding MaxVal}" BindingContext="{Binding BindingContext, Source={x:Reference EntryAnswer}}" />
<behaviors:EntryMinValueBehavior MinValue="{Binding MinVal}" BindingContext="{Binding BindingContext, Source={x:Reference EntryAnswer}}" />
In my page OnAppearing method, I set the ListViewQuestions like this:
var questions = await DataStore.GetQuestions(_inspection.Id);
var questionsViewModel = new QuestionViewModel { Questions = new ObservableCollection<Question>(questions) };
ListViewQuestions.ItemsSource = null;
ListViewQuestions.ItemsSource = questionsViewModel.Questions;
However, when values are entered into EntryAnswer, the setter in the Question model is not called, as I would expect. I thought that maybe this was because the BindingContext for the ListView needed to be set, so I set it like this:
ListViewQuestions.BindingContext = questionsViewModel;
However, the setter in the Question model is still not called. I also tried implementing INotifyPropertyChanged in the QuestionViewModel, but still no joy. I checked that the ObservableCollection in the View Model is set correctly, with actual data, and it is. Can anyone spot what might be going wrong here?
Edit 1: I also tried not setting the ItemSource, but only setting the ListViewQuestions.BindingContext to the view model, but then the ListView was not being populated with any data.
Here is how this works together.
The BindingContext is the object that will be the scope for whatever bindings that are in the page or it's children, unless you specify a different context for a certain child object, but let's not overcomplicate things for now.
This means, that when you have set the BindingContext, all Bindings will now start looking into the object referenced in the BindingContext. In your case, you set the BindingContext to an instance of QuestionViewModel.
You want your ListView, to get its items from the QuestionViewModel.Questions property. So, you set a binding like this:
<ListView x:Name="ListViewQuestions" ItemsSource="{Binding Questions}" ...>.
Questions needs to be a public property in the BindingContext, in our case QuestionViewModel. You got this right already.
Now, whenever you assign something to Questions this should also propagate to your ListView because of the binding.
Inside your ListView you are using a ViewCell, now note, that the scope does change here. Each cell represents an instance of an object inside the ItemsSource. In our case, each cell will hold a Question. You are using this:
<Entry x:Name="EntryAnswer" Text="{Binding Answer,Mode=TwoWay}" ...>
This means Answer needs to be a public property inside Question. You got this right already.
When you implement it like this, basically the only thing you do is fill your view model and assign that to the BindingContext of your page. If you are using an MVVM framework, this might happen automatically.
At some point, you might run into some trouble that the UI doesn't update and you will have to implement the INotifyPropertyChanged interface. Have a close look at what object doesn't update on screen and implement the interface on that object along with the needed plumbing, but from what I can see in this code, this isn't needed right now. And besides, you have implemented it the right way in your Question right now.
I hope this makes sense! It's a bit hard to wrap your head around the first time, but once you get the swing of it, it is pretty easy!
In your Answer Setter try:
float? temp = null;
if(float.TryParse(value, out temp)
_answer = temp;
It seems like for this to work though your setter would have to be called, and you indicate that it is not, so I think it must be the min, max binding where this is kicking out the error. For now perhaps get rid of that and see if the setter will get called.
In WPF using a converter is typical and I think will work with the Xamarin as well. See this for a good example of how to implement IValueConverter.

Xamarin Forms Controls values not visible

I have created a page that passes a value to a new page that will allow users to update the data. When the users selects the record to be updated the edit form opens but the data is not visible. If the value is changed and the edit button clicked it will update the value, but it is never visible. How can I show the data that is to be edited?
View Model
namespace QiApp.ViewModels
public class EditTodayCasesViewModel
private SxCaseDataService _sxCaseDataService = new SxCaseDataService();
public SxCase SelectedSxCase { get; set; }
public ICommand EditSxCaseCommand => new Command(async () =>
await _sxCaseDataService.PutSxCase(SelectedSxCase.SxCaseId, SelectedSxCase);
Edit Page xaml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<ContentPage xmlns=""
<Label Text="Surgery Case"/>
<Label Text="{Binding SelectedSxCase.SxCaseId}"/>
<Entry Text="{Binding SelectedSxCase.Record}"/>
<Switch IsToggled="{Binding SelectedSxCase.Complete}"/>
<Button Text="Edit Surgery Case"
Command="{Binding EditSxCaseCommand}"/>
Code behind
namespace QiApp.Views
public partial class EditTodayCasePage : ContentPage
public EditTodayCasePage(SxCase sxCase)
var editTodayCasesViewModel = BindingContext as EditTodayCasesViewModel;
editTodayCasesViewModel.SelectedSxCase = sxCase;
Everything is alright except that your view gets bound to a view model which stays silent if properties are changed. Your view cannot get any information on when it should update itself and hence the UI as soon as the property SelectedSxCase gets changed.
Thankfully this can be done very easily by simply implementing the common interface INotifyPropertyChanged and extending your bound properties with a code line raising the event the interface provides.
Basically it goes like this ...
private SxCase _case;
public SxCase SelectedSxCase
get => _case;
_case = value;
PropertyChanged?.Invoke(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(nameof(SelectedSxCase)));
... but there are several implementations to do that more elegant like using the CallerMemberName or even weaving the getter and setter automatically with Fody.

UWP Data-Binding not working with ViewModel

Fairly new to UWP and MVVM I came across a problem which might seem obvious to many of you.
In my project I have 3 folders named Views, ViewModels and Models which include some files as seen in the image bellow:
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The problem:
I am trying to implement MVVM. I have searched hours for articles and videos but it seems I am always missing something. I have some bindings in the LoginPage.xaml which I then modify in a class inside Models/LoginPageModel.cs. I have an INotifyPropertyChanged class in my LoginPageViewModel.cs where every time a property changes in my LoginPageModel.cs I want the INotifyPropertyChanged class to trigger which will then change the property in the LoginPage.xaml View. Below I have the content of those files.
This is a sample of my LoginPageModel.cs code:
using System;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Windows.UI.Xaml;
using Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls;
namespace App_Name.Models
class LoginPageModel
private NotifyChanges notify;
public async void LogIn()
if (something is true)
notify.LoginUIVisibility = Visibility.Visible;
This is my LoginPageViewModel.cs:
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using Windows.UI.Xaml;
namespace App_Name.ViewModels
public class NotifyChanges : INotifyPropertyChanged
public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;
private void NotifyPropertyChanged([CallerMemberName] string propertyName = "")
PropertyChanged?.Invoke(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(propertyName));
private Visibility loginUIVisibility = Visibility.Collapsed;
public Visibility LoginUIVisibility
return loginUIVisibility;
if (value != loginUIVisibility)
loginUIVisibility = value;
Here is an example of LoginPage.xaml:
<StackPanel Visibility="{Binding LoginUIVisibility}">
Here is my LoginPage.xaml.cs:
namespace App_Name
public sealed partial class LoginPage : Page
private LoginPageModel login;
public LoginPage()
I don't know why this is not working. Bindings used not to work, but now at runtime it gives me an unhandled exception and I think it has to do with not assigning any value to the private NotifyChanges notify and private LoginPageModel login objects, but I don't know what. Thanks everyone for your time in advance!
Please if you need clarifications for my question just write a comment. Thank you!
I am trying to implement MVVM.
And you're not getting it right yet. Forget about the Bindings for a moment, let's focus on the architecture.
Going down the acronym, you need
a Model. It supports your business logic and usually is defined by your backend (database). It should not depend on (be aware of) the Views or ViewModels. A lightweight UWP app could do without a Model layer.
a View. This is the XAML part that we like to keep as simple as possible, a.o. reasons because it's hardest to test.
a ViewModel. It's purpose is to serve the View. It should contain properties and commands the View can directly bind to. It does as much conversion and aggregation as possible to keep the View light. It usually relies on (0 or more) Models or Services.
Given this, it is not the case that you should always have 1 Model for 1 ViewModel. A ViewModel could use multiple Models, or none.
It is clear that your LoginPageModel.Login() is in the wrong place. Login() should be a method (Command) on your ViewModel.
Your story should go like this:
I want a LoginView
So I need to support it with a LoginViewModel, implementing INPC
The ViewModel probably needs to use a LoginService or a UserModel. But it would only need a Model instance after a successful login. A LoginModel doesn't sound right.
Have a look at Template10 to get started with View, ViewModel and a thread-safe BindableBase.
You could also look a the picture over here for a full (over the top maybe) layout of MVVM.
And here is the call for change in the main class:
NotifyChanges notifyChanges = new NotifyChanges();
notifyChanges.LoginUIVisibility = Visibility.Visible;
You have instantiated notifyChanges in the XAML file by adding <vm:NotifyChanges/>. And add a binding to StackPanel by using <StackPanel Visibility="{Binding LoginUIVisibility}">. But you created a new notifyChanges, and you did not bind the new notifyChanges to StackPanel. So it won't work. You could initialize viewModel just like following code.
private LoginViewModel viewModel;
public MainPage()
viewModel = this.DataContext as LoginViewModel;
private void showDetail_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
viewModel.LoginUIVisibility = Visibility.Visible;
<vm:LoginViewModel />
<StackPanel Background="{ThemeResource ApplicationPageBackgroundThemeBrush}">
<Button x:Name="loginButon" Content="Login" Visibility="{Binding LoginUIVisibility}" />
<Button x:Name="showDetail" Content="Show" Click="showDetail_Click" />

Silverlight DataForm+ChildWindows+MVVM: ComboBox's DataField dont get populated

i have my View Page with a GridView control. Items in the Grid are edited using a popup Childwindows with the following xaml:
<toolkit:DataField Label="Avisar a: ">
<ComboBox ItemsSource="{Binding Path=Sucursales}"/>
<toolkit:DataField Label="Mensaje:">
<TextBox Text="{Binding mensaje, Mode=TwoWay}"/>
<toolkit:DataField Label="Estado: ">
<ComboBox ItemsSource="{Binding Path=EstadosMensaje}"/>
DataContext to this popup is injected view constructor from the parent view as follow:
AlertaForm frm = new AlertaForm(DataContext as AlertasViewModel);
//ChildWindows constructor
public AlertaForm(AlertasViewModel viewModel){
DataContext = viewModel;
As you can see, ChildWindows and parent view share the same ViewModel.
The problem is that ComboBox controls dont get populated. TextBox field are binded correctly,they display values from DataContext property, that is confusing because that prove that the DataForm recognize the ViewModel passed to the ChildWindows AlertaForm.
Obviously i'm missing something here but cannot figure out what is.
I end up throwing away the User control with the DataForm together
sticking in ChildWindows with common controls. It seems that DataForm is not sweet to
complex scenarios

How to set different localized string in different visual states in WP7 using Blend?

How do I set different localized strings in different visual states in WP7 using Blend without any code behind?
I can set different non-localized strings in different visual states (although it flickers). That works, but how about localized strings?
If I change the string using data binding in Blend, Blend just overrides the data binding in Base state and not the actual state where I'm recording.
This is how I localize my strings:
I have a resources file named AppPresources.resx. Then I would do this in code:
// setting localized button title
mainButton.Content = AppResources.MainButtonText;
Then I have a GlobalViewModelLocator from MVVM Light Toolkit with the following Property for Databinding.
private static AppResources _localizedStrings;
public AppResources LocalizedStrings
if (_localizedStrings == null)
_localizedStrings = new AppResources();
return _localizedStrings;
And in xaml file:
<Button x:Name="mainButton" Content="{Binding LocalizedStrings.MainButtonText, Mode=OneWay, Source={StaticResource Locator}}" ... />
What you need to do, is very close to what you're already doing. First, define a class named Resources.cs with following content
public class Resources
private static AppResources resources = new AppResources();
public AppResources LocalizedStrings
return resources;
This allows us to create a instance of your Resource File in XAML. To do this, open App.xaml and add following
<local:Resources x:Key="Resources" />
Now when you need to do bindings in your XAML, you do it like this:
<Button Content="{Binding LocalizedStrings.MainButtonText,
Source={StaticResource Resources}}" />
What you'll notice is that it doesn't work in Blend, yet. To make it work in Expression Blend,
add the following file: DesignTimeResources.xaml in the Properties Folder, and add following content
<ResourceDictionary xmlns=""
<local:Resources x:Key="Resources" />
Now, you press F6 in Visual Studio to recompile, and voila, your localized strings are available in Expression Blend!
A real-world example from one of my projects: