Approach for extracting relevant text using Azure Cognitive Search - text-processing

I have a set of documents in SharePoint. I have set up Azure Cognitive Search (Standard tier) with data sources (SharePoint), index and indexers. I have also added a semantic configuration.
Ask a question, and have the search find and return relevant sections from the documents. I will use these sections to feed into OpenAI to construct a cohesive result.
I would like to replicate this Microsoft demo: It seems to me to create this 'demo' each document content is very small and they could easily be combined to pass into OpenAI.
My experience so far:
The results return the documents and rank them, which seems OK - however it returns a short 'caption' and the full text. The caption is not necessarily related to my question - and can therefore not be used for the next step. The full document is far too big to be used in OpenAI.
I have managed to get Semantic answers - however the question has to be so precise to get a result, and the associated text is limited.
What I would like:
I would like the search to return sub-sections of the document, where the results of my question may be. If that is not supported, I feel I need an entirely new approach.
Any ideas? Thanks in advance for your time.

The demo you refer to works by feeding documents to Azure Cognitive Search. A query is then formulated as a question that uses the Semantic Search functionality to return a set of potential semantic answers extracted from the content in the index.
These potential semantic answers are then fed as a prompt to OpenAI's text completion service:
First, you must ensure you can get good semantic answers. Inspect the content you have indexed and verify that it contains content that could semantically be an answer to the questions you test with. Good content should have declarations of facts. I.e., statements that could be used verbatim as an answer to a question. Examples:
The capital of France is Paris.
Forecast for 2022 is expected to be 22%.
The semantic functionality in Azure Search will only respond with a text section containing a potential answer to your question. If you can't get this step to work, you have to work on improving that. Either via semantic configuration, choice of content, or by making sure you process your content so that the items in your index contain the relevant content in the correct properties.
Ensure your content is indexed and mapped to properties in a sensible way
Work with the semantic configuration until you get sensible results
Once the previous two steps are ok, submit to OpenAI
I have tested the semantic text on two different data sets. Both were a combination of website content, PDF- and Word documents, etc. The topic and volume of content were essentially the same. From one data set, I could get excellent semantic answers. But, the other data set was disappointing.
My conclusion was that the content in the good data set was formulated and structured in a way that fits a semantic scenario. The other data set would often have logic and meaning presented in tables and layouts. As a human reading the content on paper, you would understand it. But, semantically, it would not make as much sense.


How can I perform automated tests against MS Word documents using PowerShell?

We regularly need to perform a handful of relatively simple tests against a bunch of MS Word documents. As these checks are currently done manually, I am striving for a way to automate this. For example:
Check if every page actually has a page number and verify that it is correct.
Verify that a version identifier in the page header is identical across all pages.
Check if the document has a table of contents.
Check if the document has a table of figures.
Check if every figure has a caption.
et cetera. Is this reasonably feasible using PowerShell in conjunction with a Word API?
Powershell can access Word via its object model/Interop (on Windows, at any rate) and AIUI can also work with the Office Open XML OOXML) API, so really you should be able to write any checks you want on the document content. What is slightly less obvious is how you verify that the document content will result in a particular "printed appearance". I'm going to start with some comments on the details first.
Just bear in mind that in the following notes I'm just pointing out a few things that you might have to deal with. If you're examining documents produced by an organisation where people are already broadly speaking following the same standards, it may be easier.
Of the 5 examples you give, without checking the details I couldn't say exactly how you would do them, and there could be difficulties with all of them, but for example
Check if every page actually has a page number and verify that it is correct.
Difficult using either OOXML or the object model, because what you would really be checking is that the header for a particular section had a visible { PAGE } field code. Because that field code might be nested inside other fields that say "if don't display this field code", it's not so easy to be sure that there would be a page number.
Which is what I mean by checking the document's "printed appearance" - if, for example, you can use the object model to print to PDF and have some mechanism that lets PS inspect the PDF's content, that might be a better approach.
Verify that a version identifier in the page header is identical across all pages.
Similar problem to the above, IMO. It depends partly on how the version identifier might be inserted. Is it just a piece of text? Could it be constructed from a number of fields? Might it reference Document Properties or Variables, or Custom XML content?
Check if the document has a table of contents.
Perhaps enough to look for a TOC field that does not have certain options, such as a \c option that a Table of Figures would contain.
Check if the document has a table of figures.
Perhaps enough to check for a TOC field that does have a \c option, perhaps with a specific parameter such as "Figure"
Check if every figure has a caption.
Not sure that you can tell whether a particular image is "a Figure". But if you mean "verify that every graphic object has a caption", you could probably iterate through the inline and floating graphics in the document and verify that there was something that looked like a Word standard caption paragraph within a certain distance of that object. Word has two standard field code patterns for captions AFAIK (one where the chapter number is included and one where it isn't), so you could look for those. You could measure a distance between the image and the caption by ensuring that they were no more than a predefined number of paragraphs apart, or in the case of a floating image, perhaps that the paragraph anchoring the image was no more than so many paragraphs away from the caption.
A couple of more general problems that you might have to deal with:
- just because a document contains a certain feature, such as a ToC field, does not mean that it is visible. A TOC field might have been formatted as not visible. Even harder to detect, it could have been formatted as colored white.
- change tracking. You might have to use the Word object model to "accept changes" before checking whether any given feature is actually there or not. Unless you can find existing code that would help you do that using the OOXML representation of the document, that's probably a strong case for doing checks via the object model.
Some final observations
for future checks, perhaps worth noting that in principle you could create a "DocumentInspector" that users could call from Word BackStage to perform checks on a document. Not sure you can force users to run it, or that you could create it in PS, but perhaps a useful tool.
longer term, if you are doing a very large number of checks, perhaps worth considering whether you could train a ML model to try to detect problems.

How to break up large document into smaller answer units on Retrieve and Rank?

I am still very new to Retrieve and Rank, and Document Conversion services, so I have been playing around with that lately.
I encountered a problem where when I upload a large document (100+ pages) - Retrieve and Rank would help me automatically break it up into answer units, which is great and helpful.
However, some questions only require ONE small line in the big chunks of answer units, is there a way that I can manually break further down the answer units that Retrieve and Rank service has provided me?
I heard that you can do it through JavaScript, but is there a way to do it through the UI?
I am contemplating to manually break up the huge doc into multiple smaller documents, but that could potentially lead to 100s of them - which is probably the last option that I'd resort to.
Any help or suggestions is greatly appreciated!
Thank you all!
First off, one clarification:
Retrieve and Rank does not break up your documents into answer units. That is something that the Document Conversion Service does when your conversion target is ANSWER_UNITS.
Regarding your question:
I don't fully understand exactly what you're trying to do, but if the answer units that are produced by default don't meet your requirements, you can customize different steps of the conversion process to adjust the produced answer units. Take a look at the documentation here.
Specifically, you want to make sure that the heading levels (for Word, PDF or HTML, depending on your document type) are defined in a way that
they detect the start of each answer unit. Then, make sure that the heading levels that you defined (h1, h2, h3, etc.) are included in the selector_tags list within the answer_units section.
Once your custom Document Conversion Service configuration produces the answer units you are looking for, you will be ready to send them to Retrieve and Rank to be indexed.

Which features should be added for NER in search result snippets

I want to cluster queries by help of the snippets of the search engine results they are currently returning. While using the noun phrases in the snippet worked well for Google results I felt that I should try a different approach for bing snippets and hence was going for Named Entity Extraction.
I have identified the following entities that can be extracted as of now using standard tools:
Person Names
Organisation Names
But I think I should be extracting more entities. Could anyone help me out here to identify more entities that may be useful?
This is an endless list, once you get to real data problems.
For example, dates are a common thing to extract. But for example booking codes such as airline tickets, or tracking codes such as parcels are something Google Mail already recognizes and extracts.
I don't think this is a very good question for a Q/A site. Plus, you may want to read more literature, and see what kind of data you can get - it clearly is data-driven what entities you want to extract. When analyzing log files, you might be interested in extracting host names, IPs, usernames and daemon/serivce names, for example.

Complex URL handling conception

I'm currently struggling at a complex URL handling concept question. The application have a product property database table/collection with all the different product types (i.e. categories, colors, manufacturers, materials, etc.).
Now the mission is to handle URL requests in the style below in every(!) possible order to retrieve the included product properties. The only allowed character is the dash (settled SEO requirement, some properties also can include dashes by themselve - i think also an important point - i.e. the category "suv-cars" or the manufacturer "mercedes-benz"):
... every order of the properties should be allowed! The result have to be the information about the used properties per URL-Request (BTW yes, the duplicate content will be fixed by redirects and a predefined schema). The "nonexistingproperties"/"crap" are possible and just should be ignored.
Idea 1: One way i'm thinking about the question is to split the query string by dashes and analyze them value by value, the problem: At the two or three or more word combinations at some properties there are too many different combinations and variations so a loooot of queries which kills this idea i think..
Idea 2: The other way is to build a (in my opinion) too large Alias/URL-Table with all of the different combinations, but i think that's just an ugly workaround. There are about 15.000 of different properties so the count of the aliases in the different sort orders is killing this idea.
Idea 3: It's your turn! Thanks for your mind and your time.
While your question is a bit broad, below are some ideas. There isn't a single awesome answer unless you find a free or commercial engine for this that works exactly the way you want.
The way I thought about your problem was to consider the URL as a list of keywords.
use Lucene as a keyword/tag system. It's good at the types of searches you suggest you want, including phrases, stems, etc.
store and index the data in DB of choice, but pull the keywords into memory and build a bit index of all keywords vs items. Iterate through the keyword table producing weighted results. If order of keywords matters, you'll also need make a pass through the result set to weight based on word order. These types of searches always need to cap their result set quickly in order to return results quickly.
cache the results like crazy from working matches, and give precedence to results that users seem to click on the most for a given URL.
attack the database by using tag indexes in MongoDB. You'd still need to merge and weight results. Very intensive and not likely a good use of DB resources.
read some of the academic papers on keyword searches. It's a popular topic.
build a table of words that have dashes in them, and normalize/convert those before running your queries
always check for full exact matches first
The only way this may work, if you restrict all property values to be unique. So, you make a set of categories+colors+manufacturers, etc. All values have to be unique. This will allow you to find to what property the value belongs.
The data structure for this should be fairly simple:
{_id:ValueOfTheProperty, Property:TypeOfProperty}
Here are some possible samples:
{ _id: Red, Property: Color }
{ _id: Green, Property: Color }
{ _id: Boots, Property: Category }
{ _id: Shoes, Property: Category }
This way, the order does not matter, and you are able to convert them in a single pass to a map:
{ Color: Red, Category: Boots }
Though, I predict some problems with ambigous names here.

REST best practice for getting a subset list

I read the article at REST - complex applications and it answers some of my questions, but not all.
I am designing my first REST application and need to return "subset" lists to GET requests. Which of the following is more "RESTful"?
or even
There will be about a dozen different lists that I need to return. In some of these, there will be several filtering parameters and I don't want to have big 'if' statements in my server code to select the subsets based on which parameters are present. For example, I might need all patients for a specific doctor where the covering doctor is another and the primary doctor is yet another. I could select with
but that would require complicated branching logic to get the right list, where asking for a specific subset (rounds-list) will achieve that same thing.
Note that I need to use matrix parameters instead of query parameters because I need to do filtering at several levels of the URL. The framework I am using (RestEasy), fully supports matrix parameters.
the particular URI patterns are orthogonal to the question how RESTful your application will be.
What matters with regard to RESTfulness is that the client discovers how to construct the URIs at runtime. This can be achieved either with forms or URI templates. Both hypermedia controls tell the client what parameters can be used and where to put them in the URI.
For this to work RESTfully, client and server must know the possible parameters at design time. This is usually achieved by making them part of the specification of the link relationship.
You might for example define a 'my-subset' link relation to have the meaning of linking to subsets of collections and with it you would define the following parameters:
listType, date, userID.
In a link template that spec could be used as
<link rel="my-subset' template="/{listType}/{date}/patients;user_id={userID}"/>
Note how the actual parameter name in the URI is decoupled from the specified parameter name. The value for userID is late-bound to the URI parameter user_id.
This makes it possible for the URI parameter name to change without affecting the client.
You can look at OpenSearch description documents ( to see how this is done in practice.
Actually, you should be able to leverage OpenSearch quite a bit for your use case. Especially the ability to predefine queries would allow you to describe particular subsets in your 'forms'.
But see for yourself and then ask back again :-)
I would recommend that you use this URL structure:
Why? I chose /appointments because it is simple and clear. (If you have more than one kind of appointment, let me know in the comments and I can adjust my answer.) I chose the semicolons because they don't imply hierarchy between user_id and date.
One more thing, there is no reason why you should limit yourself to just one URL. It is just fine to have multiple URL structures that refer to the same resource. So you might also use:
To return a similar result.
That said, I would not recommend using /dates/2010-02-22/appointments;user_id=1234. Why? I don't think, in practice, that /dates refers to a resource. Date is an attribute of an appointment but is not a noun on its own (i.e. it is not a first-class kind of thing).
I can relate to what David James answered.
The format of your URIs can be like he suggested:
and / or
while still maintaining the discoverability (at runtime) of your resource's URIs (like Jan Algermissen suggested).