Conditionally enabling one of two connectors in modelica - modelica

I am trying to build a component which can be connected through one of two connectors based on a parameter. In the following example, depending on the boolean value, only one connector will be used at a time.
model component_2_connectors
parameter Boolean isRotational = true;
Real flux;
Real potential;
Modelica.Mechanics.Rotational.Interfaces.Flange_a flange_a if isRotational annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-110,30},{-90,50}})));
Modelica.Mechanics.Translational.Interfaces.Flange_a flange_a1 if not(isRotational) annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-110,-50},{-90,-30}})));
if isRotational then
flux = flange_a.tau;
potential = flange_a.phi;
flux = flange_a1.f;
potential = flange_a1.s;
end if;
annotation ();
end component_2_connectors;
So I have read several threads regarding conditional declaration (especially this one #14668468).
I thought of extending two partial models containing each a connector and the associated equations, but I did not find a way to conditionnaly extend a partial model.
I don't mind having both connectors enabled at all time, as long as only one is visible in the icon view (see below). But did not work either.
model component_2_connectors
parameter Boolean isRotational = true;
Real flux;
Real potential;
Modelica.Mechanics.Rotational.Interfaces.Flange_a flange_a annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-110,30},{-90,50}}), **visible= isRotational**));
Modelica.Mechanics.Translational.Interfaces.Flange_a flange_a1 annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-110,-50},{-90,-30}}), **visible= not(isRotational)**));
if (cardinality(flange_a) == 0) then
flange_a.tau = 0;
flange_a.phi = 0;
end if;
if (cardinality(flange_a1) == 0) then
flange_a1.f = 0;
flange_a1.s = 0;
end if;
if isRotational then
flux = flange_a.tau;
potential = flange_a.phi;
flux = flange_a1.f;
potential = flange_a1.s;
end if;
annotation ();
end component_2_connectors;
Do you have any suggestion?

One problem when dealing with conditional components is that they can only be used in connect statements (at least in pedantic mode).
To work around this problem, internal connectors are used often, which are always present. Originally, in this answer they came to use aswell, but this made the model rather complicated and, for reasons I have not fully understood, it was not possible to add an equation for flux or potential.
Here is my third solution attempt:
Instead of using internal connectors we make use of the fact that we can add a binding equation when a conditional component is declared. This way we come around the issue that they cannot be used in equations.
model component_2_connectors
parameter Boolean isRotational = true;
Real flux;
Real potential;
Modelica.Mechanics.Rotational.Interfaces.Flange_a flange_a(tau=flux, phi=potential) if isRotational annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-110,30},{-90,50}})));
Modelica.Mechanics.Translational.Interfaces.Flange_a flange_a1(f=flux, s=potential) if not(isRotational) annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-110,-50},{-90,-30}})));
flux = 1;
end component_2_connectors;
Regarding your solution attempt: keep in mind that cardinality is deprecated and should not be used any more.


Visualizing an AutoDiff MultibodyPlant in PyDrake

I am trying to build a simple multibody plant system in Drake using the basic DrakeVisualizer. However, for my use case, I also want to be able to automatically track the derivatives through the physics simulation, so am using the AutoDiffXd version of system:
timestep = 1e-3
builder = DiagramBuilder_[AutoDiffXd]()
plant = MultibodyPlant(timestep)
scene_graph = SceneGraph_[AutoDiffXd]()
brick_file = FindResourceOrThrow("drake/examples/manipulation_station/models/061_foam_brick.sdf")
parser = Parser(plant)
brick = parser.AddModelFromFile(brick_file, model_name="brick")
plant_ad = plant.ToAutoDiffXd()
scene_graph.AddRenderer("renderer", MakeRenderEngineVtk(RenderEngineVtkParams()))
DrakeVisualizer.AddToBuilder(builder, scene_graph)
builder.Connect(plant_ad.get_geometry_poses_output_port(), scene_graph.get_source_pose_port(plant_ad.get_source_id()))
builder.Connect(scene_graph.get_query_output_port(), plant_ad.get_geometry_query_input_port())
diagram = builder.Build()
context = diagram.CreateDefaultContext()
simulator = Simulator_[AutoDiffXd](diagram, context)
However, when I run this, I get the following error:
File "/home/craig/Repos/drake-exps/", line 102, in auto_phys
DrakeVisualizer.AddToBuilder(builder, scene_graph)
TypeError: AddToBuilder(): incompatible function arguments. The following argument types are supported:
1. (builder:[float], scene_graph: drake::geometry::SceneGraph<double>, lcm: pydrake.lcm.DrakeLcmInterface = None, params: pydrake.geometry.DrakeVisualizerParams = <pydrake.geometry.DrakeVisualizerParams object at 0x7ff6274e14b0>) -> pydrake.geometry.DrakeVisualizer
2. (builder:[float], query_object_port:[float], lcm: pydrake.lcm.DrakeLcmInterface = None, params: pydrake.geometry.DrakeVisualizerParams = <pydrake.geometry.DrakeVisualizerParams object at 0x7ff627736730>) -> pydrake.geometry.DrakeVisualizer
Invoked with: <[AutoDiffXd] object at 0x7ff65654f8f0>, <pydrake.geometry.SceneGraph_[AutoDiffXd] object at 0x7ff656562130>
From this error, it appears the DrakeVisualizer class only accepts systems which use float scalars exlusively. So I am stuck --- either I can go back to floats (but lose the autodiff differentiable simulation functionality I was after in the first place), or continue to use autodiffxd systems (but be completely unable to visualize what is going on in my simulation).
Is there a way to get both that I am missing?
Sorry for the pain and inconvenience. Your description and assessment are all spot on. Most of the visualization mechanisms are float only and, in its current state, attempts to visualizing an AutoDiff diagram will fail.
You have a couple of options (neither of which is appealing):
Go with one of the outcomes you've described above (no vis or no derivatives).
Put in a Drake feature request to be able to attach a visualizer to an AutoDiff diagram.
I can come up with some hacky workarounds (that aren't immediately clear would even work). So, if you're desperate for derivatives and visualization, they could be explored. But, ultimately, the feature request and a formal Drake solution would be the best long-term resolution.
Big update. As of #14569, the DrakeVisualizer class is now templated on the scalar type (item 2 in the list above). That has two implications:
You can build an AutoDiffXd-valued diagram with a visualizer in it (as in your example), or
You can create a double-valued diagram and scalar convert it (i.e., diagram.ToAutoDiffXd() into an AutoDiffXd-valued diagram.

How do I create arbitrary parameterized layers in DiffEqFlux.lj neuralODE? Julia Julialang Flux.jl

I am able to create and optimize neuralODEs in julia(1.3 and 1.2) using Flux.jl and DiffEqFlux.jl but it fails under a crucial important general case.
what works:
I can train the Neural net parameters if it is built out of the
provided Flux.jl layers like Dense().
I can include an arbitrary function as a layer in the network chain, e.g. x -> x.*x
What fails:
However if the arbitrary function has parameters I want to train then Flux. Train will not adjust these parameters causing it to fail.
I have tried making these added parameters Tracked and included in the list of parameters given to the training system but it ignores them and they remain unvaried.
The documentation says very cryptically that one can use Flux.#functor on a layer to make sure it's parameters get tracked. However functor was not included in Flux till version 0.10.0 and the only version of Flux compatible with NeuralODEs in DiffEqFlux is 0.9.0
So here's an toy example of a 2 layer neural net I want to use
p = param([1.0])
dudt = chain( x -> p[1]*x.*x, Dense(2,2) )
ps = Flux.params(dudt)
then I use the flux train on this. when I do this the parameter p is not varied, but the parameters in the Dense layer are.
I have tried explicitly including like this
ps = Flux.Params([p,dudt])
but that has the same result and the same problem
I think what I need to do is build a struct with an associted function that implements the
then call #functor on this. That struct can then be used in the chain.
But as I noted the version of Flux with #functor is not compatible with DiffEqFlux of any version.
So I need a way to make flux pay attention to my custom parameters, not just the ones in Dense()
I think I get what your question is, but please clarify if I am answering the wrong question here. The issue is that the p is only grabbing from a global reference and thus not differentiated during adjoints. A much better way to handle this in 2020 is to use FastChain. The FastChan interface lets you define layer functions and their parameter dependencies, so this is a nice way to make your neural network incorporate arbitrary functions with parameters. Here's what that looks like:
using DifferentialEquations
using Flux, Zygote
using DiffEqFlux
x = Float32[2.; 0.]
p = Float32[2.0]
tspan = (0.0f0,1.0f0)
mylayer(x,p) = p[1]*x
DiffEqFlux.paramlength(::typeof(mylayer)) = 1
DiffEqFlux.initial_params(::typeof(mylayer)) = rand(Float32,1)
dudt = FastChain(FastDense(2,50,tanh),FastDense(50,2),mylayer)
p = DiffEqFlux.initial_params(dudt)
function f(u,p,t)
ex_neural_ode(x,p) = solve(ODEProblem(f,x,tspan,p),Tsit5())
du0,dp = Zygote.gradient((x,p)->sum(ex_neural_ode(x,p)),x,p)
where the last value of p is the one parameter for p in mylayer. Or you can directly use Flux:
using DifferentialEquations
using Flux, Zygote
using DiffEqFlux
x = Float32[2.; 0.]
p2 = Float32[2.0]
tspan = (0.0f0,1.0f0)
dudt = Chain(Dense(2,50,tanh),Dense(50,2))
p,re = Flux.destructure(dudt)
function f(u,p,t)
re(p[1:end-1])(u) |> x-> p[end]*x
ex_neural_ode() = solve(ODEProblem(f,x,tspan,[p;p2]),Tsit5())
grads = Zygote.gradient(()->sum(ex_neural_ode()),Flux.params(x,p,p2))

matlab: check which lines of a path are used - graphshortestpath

The related problem comes from the power Grid in Germany. I have a network of substations, which are connected according to the Lines. The shortest way from point A to B was calculated using the graphshortestpath function. The result is a path with the used substation ID's. I am interested in the Line ID's though, so I have written a sequential code to figure out the used Line_ID's for each path.
This algorithm uses two for loops. The first for-loop to access the path from a cell array, the second for-loop looks at each connection and searches the Line_ID from the array.
Question: Is there a better way of coding this? I am looking for the Line_ID's, graphshortestpath only returns the node ID's.
Here is the main code:
for i = i_entries
path_i = LKzuLK_path{i_entries};
if length(path_i) > 3 %If length <=3 no lines are used.
id_vb = 2:length(path_i) - 2;
for id = id_vb
node_start = path_i(id);
node_end = path_i(id+1);
idx_line = find_line_idx(newlinks_vertices, node_start, ...
Zuordnung_LKzuLK_pathLines(ind2sub(size_path,i),idx_line) = true;
Note: The first and last enrty of path_i are area ID's, so they are not looked upon for the search for the Line_ID's
function idx_line = find_line_idx(newlinks_vertices, v_id_1, v_id_2)
% newlinks_vertices includes the Line_ID, and then the two connecting substations
% Mirror v_id's in newlinks_vertices:
check_links = [newlinks_vertices; newlinks_vertices(:,1), newlinks_vertices(:,3), newlinks_vertices(:,2)];
tmp_dist1 = find(check_links(:,2) == v_id_1);
tmp_dist2 = find(check_links(tmp_dist1,3) == v_id_2,1);
tmp_dist3 = tmp_dist1(tmp_dist2);
idx_line = check_links(tmp_dist3,1);
Note: I have already tried to shorten the first find-search routine, by indexing the links list. This step will return a short list with only relevant entries of the links looked upon. That way the algorithm is reduced of the first and most time consuming find function. The result wasn't much better, the calculation time was still at approximately 7 hours for 401*401 connections, so too long to implement.
I would look into Dijkstra's algorithm to get a faster implementation. This is what Matlab's graphshortestpath uses by default. The linked wiki page probably explains it better than I ever could and even lays it out in pseudocode!

FMU-Export in Dymola: Is it possible to make a Modelica enumeration type variable "tunable" when exported as FMU / FMI

I have implemented three similar publications in one Modelica model, using an enumeration type variable to select the publication. The goal is to switch between calculation methods (i.e. between publications) by changing the value of the enumeration type variable online.
The calculation consists of three steps, each of which has its own enumeration variable. This allows for mixed calculation methods, e.g. by setting step 1 to calculate according to publication 1 and steps 2 and 3 according to publication 2.
Each step reads something like this
model Calculation_step
type pubSelect = enumeration(
// ####### Publication Selection #######
parameter pubSelect selection = pubSelect.Publication_2;
// ##### End Publication Selection #####
Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealInput incoming;
Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealOutput outgoing;
parameter Real factor = 5;
if selection == pubSelect.Publication_1 then
outgoing = factor * sin(incoming);
elseif selection == pubSelect.Publication_2 then
outgoing = factor * sin(incoming)^2;
elseif selection == pubSelect.Publication_3 then
outgoing = factor * sin(incoming)^3;
outgoing = 99999;
end if;
annotation (uses(Publicationica(version="3.2.1"), Modelica(version="3.2.1")));
end Calculation_step;
The model will not be calculated in Dymola. Instead, a functional mock-up unit (FMU) is created using Dymola. This creates an XML file describing the model. In order to enable online changes, a variable has to have the attribute variability="tunable" set in this XML.
However, the variable selection is not tunable, as shown in the following excerpt of the XML:
<!-- Index for next variable = 1 -->
-<ScalarVariable name="selection" variability="constant" valueReference="100663296">
<Enumeration start="2" declaredType="Calculation_step"/>
Using the same code for the declaration of the variable factor yields a tunable FMU variable:
<!-- Index for next variable = 4 -->
-<ScalarVariable name="factor" variability="tunable" valueReference="16777216" causality="parameter">
<Real start="5"/>
Is it possible to make a Modelica enumeration type variable "tunable" when exported as FMU / FMI?
Dymola Version 2015 FD01 (32-bit), 2014-11-04
I tried to add a start value to the selection parameter, and with annotation (Evaluate=false) it became tunable.
parameter pubSelect selection(start=pubSelect.Publication_2) annotation (Evaluate=false);
It will give you a warning about an unassigned parameter tho, I have not really tried if it really works(change the value at events/communication points), please let me know the result if you have a chance to give it a try. Thanks~

How can I do breaks and subtotals in a report?

I need to generate a business report using perl + Template Toookit and LaTeX.
Things are working really well, but I am struggling with the problem of having breaks (for example page breaks, or special headers) and subtotals whenever a field changes.
So, for example, every time the field "category" changes, I'd need to have a total of sales for that category, and a header showing that another category listing is starting; and then do the same when the field "group" - with the added interest that "group" is made up of categories, so the two things should nest.
I guess anyone that has built reports with Microsoft Access (or probably any other business reporting application) should be familiar with the problem.
Ideally this would be solved at a meta-level, so I don't have to rebuild the code every time, but only to specify what fields should generate breaks or subtotals.
I am (voluntarily) constrained to LaTeX and TT: LaTeX because of the control it gives over typography, and the possibility of generating custom graphics, and TT (or anything else that works in perl) because of learning curves.
There's no built-in subtotaling feature in TT, but you could possibly put your data into a Data::Table object, that would give you some ability to handle subtotaling at the 'meta' level, as you say.
Depending on the number of columns involved though, it might be just as simple to create local hashes to maintain running totals: NB: untested, example code only
MACRO printrow(rowtype, line) BLOCK;
# however you print the row as LaTeX
# rowtype is 'row', 'subtotal' or 'grandtotal' for formatting purposes
SET sumcols = [ 'col3', 'col4', 'col5' ]; # cols to be accumulated
SET s_tot = {}; SET g_tot = {};
FOREACH i IN sumcols;
SET s_tot.$i = 0; # initialise
SET g_tot.$i = 0;
FOREACH row IN data;
IF s_tot.col2 AND s_tot.col2 <> row.col2; # start of new group
printrow('subtotal', s_tot);
FOREACH i IN sumcols;
SET s_tot.$i = 0; #re-init
printrow('row', row);
SET s_tot.col2 = row.col2; # keep track of group level
FOREACH i IN sumcols;
SET s_tot.$i = s_tot.$i + row.$i;
SET g_tot.$i = g_tot.$i + row.$i;
printrow('grandtotal', g_tot);
Of course, if you have more than a couple of grouping levels, this can get quite messy. You could make s_tot an array of hashes to manage each level, to avoid hard-coding the levels. That's left as an exercise for the reader, as they say.