Flink not starting TaskManagers on Kubernetes, job reached global-terminal state - kubernetes

I have deployed a Flink cluster to Kubrnetes and I only see the JobManagers running.
I had Flink running on another Kubernetes cluster where I did a SavePoint using the FlinkDeployment from the Flink Operator. The Savepoint was saved correctly. I then deployed the Flink app to the new Kubernetes cluster and patched the savepointLocationPath in FlinkDeployment.
The Flink pods now log this error
│ WARN org.apache.flink.runtime.dispatcher.StandaloneDispatcher - Ignoring JobGraph submission 'Windchill ESI Post Processing' because the job already reached a globally-terminal state (i.e. FAILED, CANCELED, FINISHED) in a previous execution.
│ io.fabric8.kubernetes.client.extended.leaderelection.resourcelock.LockException: Unable to update ConfigMapLock
│ Caused by: io.fabric8.kubernetes.client.KubernetesClientException: Failure executing: PUT at: │
│ onfig-map. Message: Operation cannot be fulfilled on configmaps "post-processing-cluster-config-map": the object has been modified; please apply your changes to the latest version and tr │
│ y again. Received status: Status(apiVersion=v1, code=409, details=StatusDetails(causes=[], group=null, kind=configmaps, name=post-processing-cluster-config-map, retryAfterSeconds=null, u │
│ id=null, additionalProperties={}), kind=Status, message=Operation cannot be fulfilled on configmaps "post-processing-cluster-config-map": the object has been modified; please apply your │
│ changes to the latest version and try again, metadata=ListMeta(_continue=null, remainingItemCount=null, resourceVersion=null, selfLink=null, additionalProperties={}), reason=Conflict, st │
│ atus=Failure, additionalProperties={}).
The ConfgiMap mentioned in the error is present.
My question is how do I start a new TaskManager now? I have numberOfTaskSlots: 4 set. I tried shelling into a JobManager pod and running bin/taskmanager.sh start but this just started a process in the pod which doesn't seem correct to me. I then stopped it.
I am expecting to see a new TaskManager pod start up. Thank you

The clue was in the first line of the logs
WARN org.apache.flink.runtime.dispatcher.StandaloneDispatcher - Ignoring JobGraph submission 'Windchill ESI Post Processing' because the job already reached a globally-terminal state (i.e. FAILED, CANCELED, FINISHED) in a previous execution
My mistake started with this command
kubectl patch flinkdeployment/<name-of-flink-deployment> --type=merge -p '{"spec": {"job": {"state": "suspended", "upgradeMode": "savepoint"}}}'
The problem was the upgradeMode. That should not have been edited and left as last-state. Last state tells the Flink deployment to start from where it left off using the HA state (which is state stored in Azure Blob Storage in my case). savepoint will put the deployment in a FINISHED state and will not start a new TaskManager upon deployment.
Below is the correct edit
kubectl patch flinkdeployment/<name-of-flink-deployment> --type=merge -p '{"spec": {"job": {"state": "suspended"}}}'


Terraform apply error 'The number of path segments is not divisible by 2' for Azure App Feature Flag

Terraform apply error 'The number of path segments is not divisible by 2' for Azure App Feature Flag
Why am I seeing this error? Hard to find any answer to this anywhere. I am using Terraform v2.93.0
and I also tried 2.90.0 and 2.56.0, and got the same problem. I was adding configs just fine but
as soon as I tried to configure a Feature Flag, it breaks the Terraform project AND
I am forced to rebuild re-init from scratch. Terraform is not able to recover on its own if I remove the config and running plan again.
│ Error: while parsing resource ID: while parsing resource ID:
| The number of path segments is not divisible by 2 in
| "subscriptions/{key}/resourceGroups/my-config-test/providers/Microsoft.AppConfiguration/configurationStores/my-app-configuration/AppConfigurationFeature/.appconfig.featureflag/DEBUG/Label/my-functions-test"
│ while parsing resource ID: while parsing resource ID:
| The number of path segments is not divisible by 2 in
│ "subscriptions/{key}/resourceGroups/my-config-test/providers/Microsoft.AppConfiguration/configurationStores/my-app-configuration/AppConfigurationFeature/.appconfig.featureflag/DEBUG/Label/my-functions-test"
│ Error: obtaining auth token for "https://my-app-configuration.azconfig.io": getting authorization token for endpoint https://my-app-configuration.azconfig.io:
| obtaining Authorization Token from the Azure CLI: parsing json result from the Azure CLI: waiting for the Azure CLI: exit status 1: ERROR: The command failed with an unexpected error. Here is the traceback:
│ ERROR: [Errno 2] No such file or directory
WHY is the slash missing from the front of the ID????
And here is the config that breaks it:
resource "azurerm_app_configuration_feature" "my_functions_test_DEBUG" {
configuration_store_id = azurerm_app_configuration.my_app_configuration.id
description = "Debug Flag"
name = "DEBUG"
label = "my-functions-test"
enabled = false
When it is healthy, the apply on configs works, and looks like this:
Plan: 4 to add, 0 to change, 0 to destroy.
Do you want to perform these actions in workspace "my-app-config-test"?
Terraform will perform the actions described above.
Only 'yes' will be accepted to approve.
Enter a value: yes
azurerm_resource_group.my_config_rg_test: Creating...
azurerm_resource_group.my_config_rg_test: Creation complete after 0s [id=/subscriptions/{key}/resourceGroups/my-config-test]
Ok, I figured it out. There is a bug: when create a azurerm_app_configuration_key resource, the key can be like so key = "/application/config.EXSTREAM_DOMAIN" BUT when you create a azurerm_app_configuration_feature, you will HOSE your terraform config if you try to set the name field to name = .appconfig.featureflag/DEBUG. Instead, just set the name field to DEBUG. If you don't do that, you have to completely reset your terraform and re-initialize all the resources. Had to learn the hard way. There error message was not helpful but could be updated to be helpful in this respect.

Kubernetes DSE Cassandra CommitLogReplayer$CommitLogReplayException

I have installed Cassandra on Kubernetes (9 pods) All the pods are up and running except
for one pod, which shows the below error.
org.apache.cassandra.db.commitlog.CommitLogReplayer$CommitLogReplayException: Encountered bad header at position 47137 of commit log /var/lib/cassandra/commitlog/CommitLog-600-1630582314923.log, with bad position but valid CRC
at org.apache.cassandra.db.commitlog.CommitLogReplayer.shouldSkipSegmentOnError(CommitLogReplayer.java:438)
at org.apache.cassandra.db.commitlog.CommitLogReplayer.handleUnrecoverableError(CommitLogReplayer.java:452)
at org.apache.cassandra.db.commitlog.CommitLogSegmentReader$SegmentIterator.computeNext(CommitLogSegmentReader.java:109)
at org.apache.cassandra.db.commitlog.CommitLogSegmentReader$SegmentIterator.computeNext(CommitLogSegmentReader.java:84)
at com.google.common.collect.AbstractIterator.tryToComputeNext(AbstractIterator.java:143)
at com.google.common.collect.AbstractIterator.hasNext(AbstractIterator.java:138)
at org.apache.cassandra.db.commitlog.CommitLogReader.readCommitLogSegment(CommitLogReader.java:236)
at org.apache.cassandra.db.commitlog.CommitLogReader.readAllFiles(CommitLogReader.java:134)
at org.apache.cassandra.db.commitlog.CommitLogReplayer.replayFiles(CommitLogReplayer.java:154)
at org.apache.cassandra.db.commitlog.CommitLog.recoverFiles(CommitLog.java:213)
at org.apache.cassandra.db.commitlog.CommitLog.recoverSegmentsOnDisk(CommitLog.java:194)
at org.apache.cassandra.service.CassandraDaemon.setup(CassandraDaemon.java:338)
at com.datastax.bdp.server.DseDaemon.setup(DseDaemon.java:527)
at org.apache.cassandra.service.CassandraDaemon.activate(CassandraDaemon.java:702)
at com.datastax.bdp.DseModule.main(DseModule.java:96)
Caused by: org.apache.cassandra.db.commitlog.CommitLogReadHandler$CommitLogReadException: Encountered bad header at position 47137 of commit log /var/lib/cassandra/commitlog/CommitLog-600-1630582314923.log, with bad position but valid CRC
at org.apache.cassandra.db.commitlog.CommitLogSegmentReader$SegmentIterator.computeNext(CommitLogSegmentReader.java:111)
... 12 more
ERROR [main] 2021-09-06 06:19:08,990 JVMStabilityInspector.java:251 - JVM state determined to be unstable. Exiting forcefully due to:
org.apache.cassandra.db.commitlog.CommitLogReplayer$CommitLogReplayException: Encountered bad header at position 47137 of commit log /var/lib/cassandra/commitlog/CommitLog-600-1630582314923.log, with bad position but valid CRC
at org.apache.cassandra.db.commitlog.CommitLogReplayer.shouldSkipSegmentOnError(CommitLogReplayer.java:438)
at org.apache.cassandra.db.commitlog.CommitLogReplayer.handleUnrecoverableError(CommitLogReplayer.java:452)
at org.apache.cassandra.db.commitlog.CommitLogSegmentReader$SegmentIterator.computeNext(CommitLogSegmentReader.java:109)
at org.apache.cassandra.db.commitlog.CommitLogSegmentReader$SegmentIterator.computeNext(CommitLogSegmentReader.java:84)
at com.google.common.collect.AbstractIterator.tryToComputeNext(AbstractIterator.java:143)
at com.google.common.collect.AbstractIterator.hasNext(AbstractIterator.java:138)
at org.apache.cassandra.db.commitlog.CommitLogReader.readCommitLogSegment(CommitLogReader.java:236)
at org.apache.cassandra.db.commitlog.CommitLogReader.readAllFiles(CommitLogReader.java:134)
at org.apache.cassandra.db.commitlog.CommitLogReplayer.replayFiles(CommitLogReplayer.java:154)
at org.apache.cassandra.db.commitlog.CommitLog.recoverFiles(CommitLog.java:213)
at org.apache.cassandra.db.commitlog.CommitLog.recoverSegmentsOnDisk(CommitLog.java:194)
at org.apache.cassandra.service.CassandraDaemon.setup(CassandraDaemon.java:338)
at com.datastax.bdp.server.DseDaemon.setup(DseDaemon.java:527)
at org.apache.cassandra.service.CassandraDaemon.activate(CassandraDaemon.java:702)
at com.datastax.bdp.DseModule.main(DseModule.java:96)
Can someone help me out please
For whatever reason, one of the commit log segments got corrupted on the node.
You can workaround the issue by manually deleting this file on the pod:
Interestingly, that commit log segment was created on September 2 (1630582314923) but the log entry you posted was from September 6. This indicates something happened to the pod which resulted in the corrupted file.
You'll need to review the Cassandra logs on the pod (not the pod logs itself) to determine the root cause and address it. Cheers!

AWS CDK not deploying API Gateway change (EDGE to REGIONAL)

I'm experimenting with AWS CDK by converting a console-developed application (just API Gateway and Lambdas for now). All is well--I can hit the API's resources and methods and the appropriate lambdas get executed.
I'm trying to understand what triggers a deployment (and what doesn't). For example, if I try to change the API's endpoint type from the default (EDGE) to REGIONAL:
const api = new apigateway.RestApi(this, "cy-max-api", {
restApiName: "CY Max Service",
description: "CDK version of Max AWS demo app.",
endpointConfiguration: [EndpointType.REGIONAL] // <-- add only this line and deploy
and deploy (cdk deploy), nothing is deployed (I checked the logs, console says no stack changes). I even tried forcing the deploy (cdk deploy -f)--no joy.
I suspect this is the expected behavior, but would like to understand why this change doesn't trigger a deploy (and what would be necessary to force one).
Update based on response by #balu-vyamajala (thanks for taking the time to test it).
I am using version 1.82.0 of the CDK. Here's the result of cdk diff when the only change is adding the endpointConfiguration line:
Stack CyMaxStack
[-] AWS::ApiGateway::Deployment CyMaxcymaxapiDeploymentD64E3EA0186ed2bffe1dbc3004a8457d0ce5eb28 destroy
[+] AWS::ApiGateway::Deployment CyMax/cy-max-api/Deployment CyMaxcymaxapiDeploymentD64E3EA0cd62c1e6cd1229987f977199cc5906ea
[~] AWS::ApiGateway::RestApi CyMax/cy-max-api CyMaxcymaxapi48ECF39D
└─ [+] EndpointConfiguration
└─ {}
[~] AWS::ApiGateway::Stage CyMax/cy-max-api/DeploymentStage.prod CyMaxcymaxapiDeploymentStageprod5291AAF0
└─ [~] DeploymentId
└─ [~] .Ref:
├─ [-] CyMaxcymaxapiDeploymentD64E3EA0186ed2bffe1dbc3004a8457d0ce5eb28
└─ [+] CyMaxcymaxapiDeploymentD64E3EA0cd62c1e6cd1229987f977199cc5906ea
and here's what cdk deploy says:
CyMaxStack: deploying...
[0%] start: Publishing 6280a7c7fbc87dd62aeb85e098d6de2f0b644eea442dcbfc67063a56c08ce151:current
[100%] success: Published 6280a7c7fbc87dd62aeb85e098d6de2f0b644eea442dcbfc67063a56c08ce151:current
CyMaxStack: creating CloudFormation changeset...
[█████████████████████████████·····························] (5/10)
✅ CyMaxStack
CyMaxStack.CyMaxcymaxapiEndpoint52D905B0 = https://...my URL...
Stack ARN:
arn:aws:cloudformation:us-west-1:...my ARN...
When I check the console the API has not been updated to REGIONAL. Also, endpointConfiguration is either missing, or {} in cdk.out/tree.json. I never see {REGIONAL} in that file.
I am guessing you are asking about update to AWS::ApiGateway::Deployment which doesn't automatically happen and cdk generates a hash of methods and resources to append to resource name to force deployment.
But in your case, EndpointConfiguration is a property of AWS::ApiGateway::RestApi which is directly referred in AWS::ApiGateway::Deployment. Irrespective of any other changes, it must trigger a new Deployment.
which version of cdk you are using?
I just tested it with 1.80.0, it did trigger a change in three resources AWS::ApiGateway::Deployment, AWS::ApiGateway::Stage and AWS::ApiGateway::RestApi.
Please try cdk synth and observe generated CloudFormation for resource AWS::ApiGateway::RestApi before and after compiling your change

Zalenium Readiness probe failed: HTTP probe failed with statuscode: 502

I am trying to deploy the zalenium helm chart in my newly deployed aks Kuberbetes (1.9.6) cluster in Azure. But I don't get it to work. The pod is giving the log below:
[bram#xforce zalenium]$ kubectl logs -f zalenium-zalenium-hub-6bbd86ff78-m25t2 Kubernetes service account found. Copying files for Dashboard... cp: cannot create regular file '/home/seluser/videos/index.html': Permission denied cp: cannot create directory '/home/seluser/videos/css': Permission denied cp: cannot create directory '/home/seluser/videos/js': Permission denied Starting Nginx reverse proxy... Starting Selenium Hub... ..........08:49:14.052 [main] INFO o.o.grid.selenium.GridLauncherV3 - Selenium build info: version: '3.12.0', revision: 'unknown' 08:49:14.120 [main] INFO o.o.grid.selenium.GridLauncherV3 - Launching Selenium Grid hub on port 4445 ...08:49:15.125 [main] INFO d.z.e.z.c.k.KubernetesContainerClient - Initialising Kubernetes support ..08:49:15.650 [main] WARN d.z.e.z.c.k.KubernetesContainerClient - Error initialising Kubernetes support. io.fabric8.kubernetes.client.KubernetesClientException: Operation: [get] for kind: [Pod] with name: [zalenium-zalenium-hub-6bbd86ff78-m25t2] in namespace: [default] failed. at io.fabric8.kubernetes.client.KubernetesClientException.launderThrowable(KubernetesClientException.java:62) at io.fabric8.kubernetes.client.KubernetesClientException.launderThrowable(KubernetesClientException.java:71) at io.fabric8.kubernetes.client.dsl.base.BaseOperation.getMandatory(BaseOperation.java:206) at io.fabric8.kubernetes.client.dsl.base.BaseOperation.get(BaseOperation.java:162) at de.zalando.ep.zalenium.container.kubernetes.KubernetesContainerClient.(KubernetesContainerClient.java:87) at de.zalando.ep.zalenium.container.ContainerFactory.createKubernetesContainerClient(ContainerFactory.java:35) at de.zalando.ep.zalenium.container.ContainerFactory.getContainerClient(ContainerFactory.java:22) at de.zalando.ep.zalenium.proxy.DockeredSeleniumStarter.(DockeredSeleniumStarter.java:59) at de.zalando.ep.zalenium.registry.ZaleniumRegistry.(ZaleniumRegistry.java:74) at de.zalando.ep.zalenium.registry.ZaleniumRegistry.(ZaleniumRegistry.java:62) at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0(Native Method) at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.java:62) at sun.reflect.DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.java:45) at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(Constructor.java:423) at java.lang.Class.newInstance(Class.java:442) at org.openqa.grid.web.Hub.(Hub.java:93) at org.openqa.grid.selenium.GridLauncherV3$2.launch(GridLauncherV3.java:291) at org.openqa.grid.selenium.GridLauncherV3.launch(GridLauncherV3.java:122) at org.openqa.grid.selenium.GridLauncherV3.main(GridLauncherV3.java:82) Caused by: javax.net.ssl.SSLPeerUnverifiedException: Hostname kubernetes.default.svc not verified: certificate: sha256/OyzkRILuc6LAX4YnMAIGrRKLmVnDgLRvCasxGXDhSoc= DN: CN=client, O=system:masters subjectAltNames: [] at okhttp3.internal.connection.RealConnection.connectTls(RealConnection.java:308) at okhttp3.internal.connection.RealConnection.establishProtocol(RealConnection.java:268) at okhttp3.internal.connection.RealConnection.connect(RealConnection.java:160) at okhttp3.internal.connection.StreamAllocation.findConnection(StreamAllocation.java:256) at okhttp3.internal.connection.StreamAllocation.findHealthyConnection(StreamAllocation.java:134) at okhttp3.internal.connection.StreamAllocation.newStream(StreamAllocation.java:113) at okhttp3.internal.connection.ConnectInterceptor.intercept(ConnectInterceptor.java:42) at okhttp3.internal.http.RealInterceptorChain.proceed(RealInterceptorChain.java:147) at okhttp3.internal.http.RealInterceptorChain.proceed(RealInterceptorChain.java:121) at okhttp3.internal.cache.CacheInterceptor.intercept(CacheInterceptor.java:93) at okhttp3.internal.http.RealInterceptorChain.proceed(RealInterceptorChain.java:147) at okhttp3.internal.http.RealInterceptorChain.proceed(RealInterceptorChain.java:121) at okhttp3.internal.http.BridgeInterceptor.intercept(BridgeInterceptor.java:93) at okhttp3.internal.http.RealInterceptorChain.proceed(RealInterceptorChain.java:147) at okhttp3.internal.http.RetryAndFollowUpInterceptor.intercept(RetryAndFollowUpInterceptor.java:125) at okhttp3.internal.http.RealInterceptorChain.proceed(RealInterceptorChain.java:147) at okhttp3.internal.http.RealInterceptorChain.proceed(RealInterceptorChain.java:121) at io.fabric8.kubernetes.client.utils.ImpersonatorInterceptor.intercept(ImpersonatorInterceptor.java:56) at okhttp3.internal.http.RealInterceptorChain.proceed(RealInterceptorChain.java:147) at okhttp3.internal.http.RealInterceptorChain.proceed(RealInterceptorChain.java:121) at io.fabric8.kubernetes.client.utils.HttpClientUtils$2.intercept(HttpClientUtils.java:107) at okhttp3.internal.http.RealInterceptorChain.proceed(RealInterceptorChain.java:147) at okhttp3.internal.http.RealInterceptorChain.proceed(RealInterceptorChain.java:121) at okhttp3.RealCall.getResponseWithInterceptorChain(RealCall.java:200) at okhttp3.RealCall.execute(RealCall.java:77) at io.fabric8.kubernetes.client.dsl.base.OperationSupport.handleResponse(OperationSupport.java:379) at io.fabric8.kubernetes.client.dsl.base.OperationSupport.handleResponse(OperationSupport.java:344) at io.fabric8.kubernetes.client.dsl.base.OperationSupport.handleGet(OperationSupport.java:313) at io.fabric8.kubernetes.client.dsl.base.OperationSupport.handleGet(OperationSupport.java:296) at io.fabric8.kubernetes.client.dsl.base.BaseOperation.handleGet(BaseOperation.java:770) at io.fabric8.kubernetes.client.dsl.base.BaseOperation.getMandatory(BaseOperation.java:195) ... 16 common frames omitted 08:49:15.651 [main] INFO d.z.e.z.c.k.KubernetesContainerClient - About to clean up any left over selenium pods created by Zalenium Usage: [options] Options: --debug, -debug : enables LogLevel.FINE. Default: false --version, -version Displays the version and exits. Default: false -browserTimeout in seconds : number of seconds a browser session is allowed to hang while a WebDriver command is running (example: driver.get(url)). If the timeout is reached while a WebDriver command is still processing, the session will quit. Minimum value is 60. An unspecified, zero, or negative value means wait indefinitely. -matcher, -capabilityMatcher class name : a class implementing the CapabilityMatcher interface. Specifies the logic the hub will follow to define whether a request can be assigned to a node. For example, if you want to have the matching process use regular expressions instead of exact match when specifying browser version. ALL nodes of a grid ecosystem would then use the same capabilityMatcher, as defined here. -cleanUpCycle in ms : specifies how often the hub will poll running proxies for timed-out (i.e. hung) threads. Must also specify "timeout" option -custom : comma separated key=value pairs for custom grid extensions. NOT RECOMMENDED -- may be deprecated in a future revision. Example: -custom myParamA=Value1,myParamB=Value2 -host IP or hostname : usually determined automatically. Most commonly useful in exotic network configurations (e.g. network with VPN) Default: -hubConfig filename: a JSON file (following grid2 format), which defines the hub properties -jettyThreads, -jettyMaxThreads : max number of threads for Jetty. An unspecified, zero, or negative value means the Jetty default value (200) will be used. -log filename : the filename to use for logging. If omitted, will log to STDOUT -maxSession max number of tests that can run at the same time on the node, irrespective of the browser used -newSessionWaitTimeout in ms : The time after which a new test waiting for a node to become available will time out. When that happens, the test will throw an exception before attempting to start a browser. An unspecified, zero, or negative value means wait indefinitely. Default: 600000 -port : the port number the server will use. Default: 4445 -prioritizer class name : a class implementing the Prioritizer interface. Specify a custom Prioritizer if you want to sort the order in which new session requests are processed when there is a queue. Default to null ( no priority = FIFO ) -registry class name : a class implementing the GridRegistry interface. Specifies the registry the hub will use. Default: de.zalando.ep.zalenium.registry.ZaleniumRegistry -role options are [hub], [node], or [standalone]. Default: hub -servlet, -servlets : list of extra servlets the grid (hub or node) will make available. Specify multiple on the command line: -servlet tld.company.ServletA -servlet tld.company.ServletB. The servlet must exist in the path: /grid/admin/ServletA /grid/admin/ServletB -timeout, -sessionTimeout in seconds : Specifies the timeout before the server automatically kills a session that hasn't had any activity in the last X seconds. The test slot will then be released for another test to use. This is typically used to take care of client crashes. For grid hub/node roles, cleanUpCycle must also be set. -throwOnCapabilityNotPresent true or false : If true, the hub will reject all test requests if no compatible proxy is currently registered. If set to false, the request will queue until a node supporting the capability is registered with the grid. -withoutServlet, -withoutServlets : list of default (hub or node) servlets to disable. Advanced use cases only. Not all default servlets can be disabled. Specify multiple on the command line: -withoutServlet tld.company.ServletA -withoutServlet tld.company.ServletB org.openqa.grid.common.exception.GridConfigurationException: Error creating class with de.zalando.ep.zalenium.registry.ZaleniumRegistry : null at org.openqa.grid.web.Hub.(Hub.java:97) at org.openqa.grid.selenium.GridLauncherV3$2.launch(GridLauncherV3.java:291) at org.openqa.grid.selenium.GridLauncherV3.launch(GridLauncherV3.java:122) at org.openqa.grid.selenium.GridLauncherV3.main(GridLauncherV3.java:82) Caused by: java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError at de.zalando.ep.zalenium.registry.ZaleniumRegistry.(ZaleniumRegistry.java:74) at de.zalando.ep.zalenium.registry.ZaleniumRegistry.(ZaleniumRegistry.java:62) at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0(Native Method) at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.java:62) at sun.reflect.DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.java:45) at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(Constructor.java:423) at java.lang.Class.newInstance(Class.java:442) at org.openqa.grid.web.Hub.(Hub.java:93) ... 3 more Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException at java.util.TreeMap.putAll(TreeMap.java:313) at io.fabric8.kubernetes.client.dsl.base.BaseOperation.withLabels(BaseOperation.java:411) at io.fabric8.kubernetes.client.dsl.base.BaseOperation.withLabels(BaseOperation.java:48) at de.zalando.ep.zalenium.container.kubernetes.KubernetesContainerClient.deleteSeleniumPods(KubernetesContainerClient.java:393) at de.zalando.ep.zalenium.container.kubernetes.KubernetesContainerClient.initialiseContainerEnvironment(KubernetesContainerClient.java:339) at de.zalando.ep.zalenium.container.ContainerFactory.createKubernetesContainerClient(ContainerFactory.java:38) at de.zalando.ep.zalenium.container.ContainerFactory.getContainerClient(ContainerFactory.java:22) at de.zalando.ep.zalenium.proxy.DockeredSeleniumStarter.(DockeredSeleniumStarter.java:59) ... 11 more ...........................................................................................................................................................................................GridLauncher failed to start after 1 minute, failing... % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 100 182 100 182 0 0 36103 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 45500
A describe pod gives:
Warning Unhealthy 4m (x12 over 6m) kubelet, aks-agentpool-93668098-0 Readiness probe failed: HTTP probe failed with statuscode: 502
Zalenium Image Version(s):
If using Kubernetes, specify your environment, and if relevant your manifests:
I use the templates as is from https://github.com/zalando/zalenium/tree/master/docs/k8s/helm
I guess it has to do something with rbac because of this part
"Error initialising Kubernetes support. io.fabric8.kubernetes.client.KubernetesClientException: Operation: [get] for kind: [Pod] with name: [zalenium-zalenium-hub-6bbd86ff78-m25t2] in namespace: [default] failed. at "
I created a clusterrole and clusterrolebinding for the service account zalenium-zalenium that is automatically created by the Helm chart.
kubectl create clusterrole zalenium --verb=get,list,watch,update,delete,create,patch --resource=pods,deployments,secrets
kubectl create clusterrolebinding zalenium --clusterrole=zalnium --serviceaccount=zalenium-zalenium --namespace=default
Issue had to do with Azure's AKS and Kubernetes. It has been fixed.
See github issue 399
If the typo, mentioned by Ignacio, is not the case why don't you just do
kubectl create clusterrolebinding zalenium --clusterrole=cluster-admin serviceaccount=zalenium-zalenium
Note: no need to specify a namespace if creating cluster role binding, as it is cluster wide (role binding goes with namespaces).

Kubernetes Replication Controller Integration Test Failure

I am seeing the following kubernetes integration tests fail pretty consistently, about 90% of the time on RHEL 7.2, Fedora 24, and CentOS7.1:
They seem to be due to an etcd failure. My online queries lead me to believe this may also encompass an apiserver issue. My setup is simple, I install/start docker, install go, clone the kubernetes repo from github, use hack/install-etcd.sh from the repo and add it to path, get ginkgo, gomega and go-bindata, then run 'make test-integration'. I don't manually change anything or add any custom files/configs. Has anyone run into these issues and know a solution? The only mention of this issue I have seen online has been deemed a flake and has no listed solution, but I run into this issue almost every single test run. Pieces of the error are below, I can give more if needed:
Garbage Collector:
\*many lines from garbagecollector.go that look good*
I0920 14:42:39.725768 11823 garbagecollector.go:479] create storage for resource { v1 secrets}
I0920 14:42:39.725786 11823 garbagecollector.go:479] create storage for resource { v1 serviceaccounts}
I0920 14:42:39.725803 11823 garbagecollector.go:479] create storage for resource { v1 services}
I0920 14:43:09.565529 11823 trace.go:61] Trace "List *rbac.ClusterRoleList" (started 2016-09-20 14:42:39.565113203 -0400 EDT):
[2.564µs] [2.564µs] About to list etcd node
[30.000353492s] [30.000350928s] Etcd node listed
[30.000361771s] [8.279µs] END
E0920 14:43:09.566770 11823 cacher.go:258] unexpected ListAndWatch error: pkg/storage/cacher.go:198: Failed to list *rbac.RoleBinding: client: etcd cluster is unavailable or misconfigured
\*repeats over and over with different thing failed to list*
Replication Controller:
I0920 14:35:16.907283 10482 replication_controller.go:481] replication controller worker shutting down
I0920 14:35:16.907293 10482 replication_controller.go:481] replication controller worker shutting down
I0920 14:35:16.907298 10482 replication_controller.go:481] replication controller worker shutting down
I0920 14:35:16.907303 10482 replication_controller.go:481] replication controller worker shutting down
I0920 14:35:16.907307 10482 replication_controller.go:481] replication controller worker shutting down
E0920 14:35:16.948417 10482 util.go:45] Metric for replication_controller already registered
--- FAIL: TestUpdateLabelToBeAdopted (30.07s)
replicationcontroller_test.go:270: Failed to create replication controller rc: Timeout: request did not complete within allowed duration
E0920 14:44:06.820506 12053 storage_rbac.go:116] unable to initialize clusterroles: client: etcd cluster is unavailable or misconfigured
There are no files in /var/log that even start with kube.
Thanks in advance!
I increased the limits on the number of file descriptors and haven't seen this issue since. So, gonna go ahead and call this solved