How to ask for administrative privilege only once in OSX? - swift

So I have an app that runs shell command twice, once to disable sleep and then a few moments later to enable sleep. The code looks as follows:
NSAppleScript(source: "do shell script \"sudo pmset -a disablesleep 1\" with administrator " +
// and then same code with with '0' instead of 1 to disable it
However the issue is I don't want the user to enter their password EVERYTIME they call these commands. It's making for a poor user experience. Is there a way I can grant the entire app admin privilege and run shell commands however I want? Or is there a way to run this shell command without the user authorization?


Automating Database Connection

For a homework, I have a few steps I have to go through every single time I want to connect to the database and it's becoming a really annoying and time-wasting act.
I've already automated part of it. However, my latest attempt at automating the last few commands hasn't been successful.
Initially, I've set up a shortcut to a PuTTy terminal:
Create new Shortcut
Select "C:\Program Files\PuTTY" as the entry point (Start in)
Enter "C:\Program Files\PuTTY\putty.exe" <MY_USERNAME> -pw <MY_PASSWORD> as the Target
Then after double-clicking this shortcut, I entered these two lines (to create and then execute a bash script):
echo "psql -h postgres && \c ift2935 && set search_path to inscriptions_devoir;" >
Eventually, my goal would be to simply be able to write . after opening my shortcut to be all set up and ready to go (and actually, maybe even that can be automatized somehow with the shortcut?). However, as it is, my shell script only runs the psql -h postgres command, which successfully launches PostGreSQL.
My question is:
How do I get the two other commands (\c ift2935 and set search_path to inscriptions_devoir;) to automatically run inside PostGreSQL?
Forgot to mention: after the first command of my script executes, I can then type \q to leave PostGreSQL and then the terminal outputs this:
-bash: c: command not found
Which, I think, indicates that the terminal interrupts its current process to actually run PostGreSQL and, on exit, it resumes the script, moving onto the second command, which fails because \c means nothing as a shell command.
While connected to the database, run:
ift2935=> ALTER ROLE <MY_USERNAME> SET search_path TO inscriptions_devoir;
This is your database user. Unless PGUSER is set, this should be the same as your operating system user, but you can always find it with SELECT current_user;.
Then the setting will automatically be active the next time you connect.
In your shell script, change the call to
psql -h postgres -d ift2935
Alternatively, and slightly better in my opinion, is the following, more complicated procedure:
Edit the file .bash_profile in your home directory and add
export PGHOST=postgres
export PGDATABASE=ift2935
Then disconnect and reconnect (this file is executed when you start a login shell).
Instead of running ., simply type psql, which is less cumbersome.
Off topic: It is widely held that industriousness is the motor of progress. Nothing could be farther from the truth. Laziness is the mother of invention, specifically laziness paired with curiosity. If you plan to go into the computer engineering business, I promise you a bright future.
I think you should try using the pgpass file.

Setting custom shell with admin privileges

I am able to set an application to launch on boot-up using custom shell in Windows 10(Powershell script) to achieve Kiosk mode.
I want it to run as 'Admin', for that I disabled UAC and made it elevated in application manifest file. When I start the system a black screen pops up and the application is not visible in task manager as well(it seems application not started).
If I set it not to run as 'Admin' then it is working fine but it will not be running as elevated.
Does anybody have any idea how to launch application in admin mode using custom shell?
I've had the same problem with ShellLauncher on Windows 10. The solution however is the same. Turn off User Account Control (UAC). Then, create a VBScript file with the following content, named as, say, 'launcher.vbs':
set shell = CreateObject("")
cmd = "{Path to your Exe}\App.exe" cmd,,true
And set the shell as "wscript.exe {path to your launcher}.vbs"

Psexec executed cmd to run further programs which require user input

I have a small problem with my Powershell script.
What do i want:
open CMD via PSEXEC on a remote machine, and work in this "remoteshell" as if i am in front of this machine. There is a commandline tool which i'd like to run, which requires user input after its started (it runs a own "shell")
What the problem is:
i utilize PSEXEC 2.11 with the following command
.\PSEXEC \\$Global:Endpoint -s -accepteula cmd
Cmd gets started as expected.
When i enter the name of the tool (lets call it tool.exe) the inital screen is loaded. But when the shell appears, nothing happens. I can enter commands but there will be no feedback...
Testing Tool V1.0
Command? >
Then nothing can be entered anymore...
I even cannot stop it by pressing CTRL+C. I need to close the application window to force it to close. :(
Any ideas? Are there programs which cannot run in "user interaction" mode?
For reasons, it cannot run as a window visible on the remote endpoint. It needs to run silent.

PuTTY scripting to log onto host

I'm using PuTTY to remotely log onto my school's host. Upon logging in, we are required to do these steps:
enter username
enter password
command "add oracle"
command "sqlplus"
enter username
enter password
I will be logging into this host a lot over the course of this semester and I was hoping to create a script that would eliminate the redundancy of the above steps. Ignoring the obvious security oversights of having my password in the script, how would I achieve this? I have zero experience with scripting, so your feedback is greatly appreciated. Thanks!
Edit: I played around with the command-line options for Putty and I was able to bypass steps 1-2 using:
putty -load "host" -l username -pw password
I've also created a shell file that looks like so:
add oracle10g
sqlplus username password
When I try to add this option to the command-line using the -m option, it looks like PuTTY logs into the host and then immediately exits. Is there a way to keep my session open after running the shell file or am I using the -m option wrongly? Here is a link to a PuTTY guide that I have been following:
Here is the total command that I am trying to run from the command-line:
putty -load "host" -l username -pw password -m c:\
Figured this out with the help of a friend. The -m PuTTY option will end your session immediately after it executes the shell file. What I've done instead is I've created a batch script called putty.bat with these contents on my Windows machine:
#echo off
putty -load "host" -l username -pw password
This logs me in remotely to the Linux host. On the host side, I created a shell file called sql with these contents:
add oracle10g
sqlplus username password
My host's Linux build used tcsh. Other Linux builds might use bash, so simply replace tcsh with bash and you should be fine.
To summarize, automating these steps are now done in two easy steps:
Double-click putty.bat. This opens PuTTY and logs me into the host.
Run command tcsh sql. This adds the oracle tool to my host, and logs me into the sql database.
I'm not sure why previous answers haven't suggested that the original poster set up a shell profile (bashrc, .tcshrc, etc.) that executed their commands automatically every time they log in on the server side.
The quest that brought me to this page for help was a bit different -- I wanted multiple PuTTY shortcuts for the same host that would execute different startup commands.
I came up with two solutions, both of which worked:
(background) I have a folder with a variety of PuTTY shortcuts, each with the "target" property in the shortcut tab looking something like:
"C:\Program Files (x86)\PuTTY\putty.exe" -load host01
with each load corresponding to a PuTTY profile I'd saved (with different hosts in the "Session" tab). (Mostly they only differ in color schemes -- I like to have each group of related tasks share a color scheme in the terminal window, with critical tasks, like logging in as root on a production system, performed only in distinctly colored windows.)
The folder's Windows properties are set to very clean and stripped down -- it functions as a small console with shortcut icons for each of my frequent remote PuTTY and RDP connections.
(solution 1)
As mentioned in other answers the -m switch is used to configure a script on the Windows side to run, the -t switch is used to stay connected, but I found that it was order-sensitive if I wanted to get it to run without exiting
What I finally got to work after a lot of trial and error was:
(shortcut target field):
"C:\Program Files (x86)\PuTTY\putty.exe" -t -load "SSH Proxy" -m "C:\Users\[me]\Documents\hello-world-bash.txt"
where the file being executed looked like
echo "Hello, World!"
echo ""
(no semicolons needed)
This runs the scripted command (in my case just printing "Hello, world" on the terminal) and sets a variable that my remote session can interact with.
Note for debugging: when you run PuTTY it loads the -m script, if you edit the script you need to re-launch PuTTY instead of just restarting the session.
(solution 2)
This method feels a lot cleaner, as the brains are on the remote Unix side instead of the local Windows side:
From Putty master session (not "edit settings" from existing session) load a saved config and in the SSH tab set remote command to:
export PUTTYVAR=GREEN; bash -l
Then, in my .bashrc, I have a section that performs different actions based on that variable:
case ${PUTTYVAR} in
echo ""
# this is the session config with all the SSH tunnels defined in it
echo "";
echo "Special window just for holding tunnels open." ;
echo "";
PROMPT_COMMAND='echo -ne "\033]0;Proxy Session #master01\$\007"'
alias temppass="ssh makeonetimepassword"
alias | grep temppass
echo "";
echo "It's not easy being green"
echo ""
echo "The gray ghost"
echo "";
echo "Unknown PUTTYVAR setting ${PUTTYVAR}"
(solution 3, untried)
It should also be possible to have bash skip my .bashrc and execute a different startup script, by putting this in the PuTTY SSH command field:
bash --rcfile .bashrc_variant -l
When you use the -m option putty does not allocate a tty, it runs the command and quits. If you want to run an interactive script (such as a sql client), you need to tell it to allocate a tty with -t, see -t and -T: control pseudo-terminal allocation. You'll avoid keeping a script on the server, as well as having to invoke it once you're connected.
Here's what I'm using to connect to mysql from a batch file:
start putty -t -load "sessionname" -l username -pw password -m c:\
mysql -h localhost -u username --password="foo" mydb
I want to suggest a common solution for those requirements, maybe it is a use for you: AutoIt. With that program, you can write scripts on top of any window like Putty and execute all commands you want to (like button pressing or mouse clicking in textboxes or buttons).
This way you can emulate all steps you are always doing with Putty.
entering a command after you logged in can be done by going through SSH section at the bottom of putty and you should have an option Remote command (data to send to the server) separate the two commands with ;
mputty can do that but it does not seem to work always. (if that wait period is too slow)
mputty uses putty and it extends putty.
There is an option to run a script.
If it does not work, make sure that wait period before typing is a high value or increase that value. See putty sessions , then name of session, right mouse button,properties/script page.
For me it works this way:
putty -ssh root# 22 -pw password
putty, protocol, user name # ip address port and password. To connect in less than a second.
You can use the -i privatekeyfilelocation in case you are using a private key instead of password based.

write a batch script for managing password required on login

I want to write a batch script that toggles between requiring password on login and NOT requiring password on login for my personal laptop computer.
When I'm at home I want to be able to access the machine if it goes to standby, etc. WITHOUT the password.
Before I leave for school or work I want to be able to run a batch script that re-enables "require password on login"
Does anybody know what kind of command I would need for that?
To configure your system to not prompt when it wakes from sleep/standby you can use these PowerShell functions. If you are new to PowerShell and don't know what to do with them let me know in the comments...
For XP:
function Enable-PasswordProtectedWakeup {
function Disable-PasswordProtectedWakeup {
For Windows 7:
function Set-PasswordProtectedWakeup {
param ([switch] $Enabled)
& powercfg -setactive SCHEME_CURRENT
# Enable Password On Wake.
Set-PasswordProtectedWakeup -Enabled:$True
# Disable Password On Wake.
Set-PasswordProtectedWakeup -Enabled:$False
If you want to configure your machine to not prompt for a password when it boots up and have it auto log you in you can use this PowerShell function to enable auto logon securely. This calls the same Win32 API to store your credentials as the auto logon utility from Sysinternals :
Check out AutoLogon from Sysinternals.