how to change text in bar chart
List<_SalesData> data = [
_SalesData(' 1', 3.1),
_SalesData(' 2', 3.23),
_SalesData(' 3', 3.39),
_SalesData(' 4', 2.90),
_SalesData(' 5', 3.80),
_SalesData(' 6', 3.11),
_SalesData(' 7', 3.81),
_SalesData(' 8', 0)
how do I change the text in the barchart because the widget doesn't have text to change.
I don't know where to change this because I'm new to using charts, maybe someone here knows how to change it.
Thank you.
child: SfCartesianChart(
primaryXAxis: CategoryAxis(),
// Chart title
title: ChartTitle(
text: 'IPK Mahasiswa',
textStyle: bold6,
tooltipBehavior: TooltipBehavior(enable: true),
series: <ChartSeries<_SalesData, String>>[
color: primaryColor,
dataSource: data,
xValueMapper: (_SalesData sales, _) => sales.year,
yValueMapper: (_SalesData sales, _) => sales.sales,
dataLabelSettings: const DataLabelSettings(isVisible: true),
based on documentation:
you can customize the tooltip
_tooltipBehavior = TooltipBehavior(
enable: true,
// Formatting the tooltip text
// customize here as you need
format: 'point.y%'
there is some label format property:
X value - point.x
Y value - point.y
Bubble size - point.size
Name of the series - <- maybe this is what you need
you can expolore more about it.
also you can use builder for custom widget :
builder: (dynamic data, dynamic point, dynamic series,
int pointIndex, int seriesIndex) {
return Container(
child: Text(
'PointIndex : ${pointIndex.toString()}'
So I am stuck into trying to paint the different value for a selected line in a time series chart. soo basically what I am trying to achieve is show the comparison on the values inside the series of the chart. I will upload some code and embed the deployed link for the sample program. this was done using dart and flutter
This is the code that is responsible for the series inside the chart:
List<charts.Series<StockSeries, DateTime>> series = [
id: "strategyReturns",
data: chartData,
domainFn: (StockSeries series, _) =>,
measureFn: (StockSeries series, _) => series.strategyReturns,
colorFn: (StockSeries series, _) => series.strategyReturnsColor),
id: "pSEiReturns",
data: chartData,
domainFn: (StockSeries series, _) =>,
measureFn: (StockSeries series, _) => series.pSEiReturns,
colorFn: (StockSeries series, _) => series.pSEiReturnsColor),
this is the code that is responsible for drawing the chart and here also is where I think the problem is:
return Container(
height: 500,
padding: const EdgeInsets.all(25),
child: Card(
child: Padding(
padding: const EdgeInsets.all(9.0),
child: Column(children: <Widget>[
style: Theme.of(context).textTheme.bodyText2,
child: charts.TimeSeriesChart(
animate: true,
defaultRenderer: charts.LineRendererConfig(),
dateTimeFactory: const charts.LocalDateTimeFactory(),
behaviors: [
symbolRenderer: CustomCircleSymbolRenderer(),
selectionModels: [
changedListener: (charts.SelectionModel model) {
if (model.hasDatumSelection) {
final value = model.selectedSeries[0]
CustomCircleSymbolRenderer.value =
value.toString(); // paints the tapped value
domainAxis: charts.DateTimeAxisSpec(
tickProviderSpec: const charts.DayTickProviderSpec(
increments: [15]), // View in increments of 30 days
viewport: charts.DateTimeExtents(
start: DateTime(, - 3,
.day), // Start Date 6 months before current date
end: DateTime(, + 1,,
primaryMeasureAxis: charts.NumericAxisSpec(
viewport: const charts.NumericExtents(-30, 30),
tickProviderSpec: const charts.BasicNumericTickProviderSpec(
zeroBound: false, dataIsInWholeNumbers: false)),
I pasted the whole part of the chart code. But the one responsible for painting the values are this part of the code
symbolRenderer: CustomCircleSymbolRenderer(),
selectionModels: [
changedListener: (charts.SelectionModel model) {
if (model.hasDatumSelection) {
final value = model.selectedSeries[0]
CustomCircleSymbolRenderer.value =
value.toString(); // paints the tapped value
and this part is responsible on painting a rectangle when you click a part of the graph and this is where the value comes from:
void paint(charts.ChartCanvas canvas, Rectangle<num> bounds,
{List<int>? dashPattern,
charts.Color? fillColor,
charts.FillPatternType? fillPattern,
charts.Color? strokeColor,
double? strokeWidthPx}) {
super.paint(canvas, bounds,
dashPattern: dashPattern,
fillColor: fillColor,
fillPattern: fillPattern,
strokeColor: strokeColor,
strokeWidthPx: strokeWidthPx);
Rectangle(bounds.left - 5, - 30, bounds.width + 10,
bounds.height + 10),
fill: charts.Color.white);
var textStyle = style.TextStyle();
textStyle.color =;
textStyle.fontSize = 15;
canvas.drawText(charts_text.TextElement("$value", style: textStyle),
(bounds.left).round(), ( - 28).round());
here is the sample of the problem. in the chart it paints -7.317 which is the value of the red dot, what I want to achieve is if I tap on the red dot it will show -7.317 and also show the value of the green dot which should be -1.46 and vice versa
if you are willing to help I can explain it more in depth through meeting. I will also post the deployed version for you to try out the graph. link:
Syncfuction Hilo Series has high and low values and it automatically shows values as high and low label names. I want to change these label names to another language. Here is part of code of my work and how it looks like tooltip.
title: ChartTitle(
text: 'En düşük ve en yüksek oranlar',
alignment: ChartAlignment.near,
textStyle: TextStyle(
color: blueLogo,
fontSize: 12.sp,
legend: Legend(
isVisible: true,
overflowMode: LegendItemOverflowMode.wrap),
tooltipBehavior: TooltipBehavior(enable: true),
primaryXAxis: CategoryAxis(
primaryYAxis: NumericAxis(maximum: 150, plotBands: [
start: 80,
end: 80,
borderWidth: 1,
start: 120,
end: 120,
borderWidth: 1,
series: <ChartSeries>[
HiloSeries<ChartData, String>(
markerSettings: const MarkerSettings(isVisible: true),
name: 'Oranlar',
enableTooltip: true,
dataSource: chartData,
xValueMapper: (ChartData data, _) => data.unit,
lowValueMapper: (ChartData data, _) => data.low,
highValueMapper: (ChartData data, _) => data.high)
Output of this code sample
How can I change these high and low label names?
You can change the TooltipBehaviour of the chart and construct the tooltip widget yourself. Official syncfusion documentation is here.
how to flutter syncfusion bar chart background grid line delete?
use // syncfusion_flutter_charts 19.4.56
< image grid line (grey color line) >
my code
return SfCartesianChart(
title: ChartTitle(text: totalTaxString, textStyle: const TextStyle(fontWeight: FontWeight.bold)),
primaryXAxis: CategoryAxis(
maximumLabelWidth: MediaQuery.of(context).size.width > 480 ? MediaQuery.of(context).size.width * 0.3 : 100,
labelStyle: const TextStyle(overflow: TextOverflow.ellipsis)
// isVisible: false
primaryYAxis: CategoryAxis(
isVisible: false
series: <BarSeries>[
BarSeries<ModelPioChartData, String>(
dataSource: listPioChartData,
pointColorMapper:(ModelPioChartData data, _) => data.color,
xValueMapper: (ModelPioChartData data, _) => data.x,
yValueMapper: (ModelPioChartData data, _) => data.y,
dataLabelMapper: (ModelPioChartData data, _) {
if(data.y.toStringAsFixed(0).length > 4) {
return "${data.y/10000}조 원";
} else {
return "${data.y.toStringAsFixed(0)}억 원";
dataLabelSettings: const DataLabelSettings(
isVisible: true
enableTooltip: true,
I suggest you use the majorGridLines property in the axis, you can customize the width, color, and size of the major grid line. We have attached the code snippet and UG below for your reference.
majorGridLines: const MajorGridLines(width: 0)
Now: My goal:
I am using the syncfusion_flutter_charts package to display the chart and that table view is so annoying. How to remove that? or how to do this kind of chart using custom widgets?
// child of some widgets like container
child: SfCartesianChart(
primaryXAxis: CategoryAxis(),
legend: Legend(isVisible: false),
tooltipBehavior: TooltipBehavior(enable: true),
series: <ChartSeries<_SalesData, String>>[
LineSeries<_SalesData, String>(
dataSource: data,
xValueMapper: (_SalesData sales, _) =>sales.year.toString(),
yValueMapper: (_SalesData sales, _) =>sales.value,
You can customize you chart, You can use this. I use map for test and date for example ({"val": 100, "year": 2000}), so you can use your favorite type, Set or anything else.
primaryXAxis: CategoryAxis(
isVisible: false,
primaryYAxis: CategoryAxis(
isVisible: false,
plotAreaBorderWidth: 0,
backgroundColor: Colors.grey[200],
legend: Legend(isVisible: false),
tooltipBehavior: TooltipBehavior(enable: true),
series: <ChartSeries<Map, String>>[
FastLineSeries<Map, String>(
width: 2,
dataSource: [{"val": 100, "year": 2000}, ...],
yValueMapper: (Map sales, _) => sales['val'],
xValueMapper: (Map sales, _) => sales['year'].toString(),
I am using the syncfusion library for Flutter and I can build a line chart when I have data. However, if the list is empty, it simply draws axes and that is all. Even though this is expected, I want to write a "No Data" message in the center of the chart.
Here is my chart widget:
margin: EdgeInsets.all(0),
borderWidth: 0,
plotAreaBorderWidth: 0,
title: ChartTitle(text: 'Mood Tracks', textStyle: TextStyle(fontWeight: FontWeight.bold)),
tooltipBehavior: _tooltipBehavior,
series: <ChartSeries>[
LineSeries<MoodRecord, dynamic>(
name: 'Moods',
dataSource: [],
xValueMapper: (MoodRecord record, _) =>,
yValueMapper: (MoodRecord record, _) => record.mood.toInt(),
dataLabelSettings: DataLabelSettings(isVisible: true),
enableTooltip: true)
primaryXAxis: CategoryAxis(
labelPlacement: LabelPlacement.onTicks,
labelStyle: TextStyle(fontWeight: FontWeight.bold)
primaryYAxis: NumericAxis(
labelFormat: '{value}%',
labelStyle: TextStyle(fontWeight: FontWeight.bold)
Is there any way to show such message?
We have looked through the question and like to tell you that we can meet the requirement by using the chart's annotations property. We can position the Text Widget with ‘No Data' if the data source is empty, otherwise, we can allocate the empty container to the annotations. Using these annotations, we can place the necessary widget in the required position in the map, and for more detail, see the support document and we have attached the sample as a reference.