DataGrip Cannot Connect to Local PostgreSQL Running in Docker Desktop for Windows with WSL2 Backend - postgresql

I have Docker Desktop installed on windows 10. It uses WSL2 back-end. I have 3 databases running on docker. One Mongo, One Clickhouse, and one PostgreSQL. DataGrip can easily connect to the Clickhouse on localhost:8123, and also to the Mongo on localhost:27017 but for some reason it cannot connect to the PostgreSQL running on 5432.
The peculiar thing about this is that pgAdmin can connect to the PostgreSQL on localhost:5432.
DataGrip can easily connect to the two other containers in this docker-compose file.
This is my docker compose, which I use to run the three containers:
version: "3.9"
image: postgres:15.1-alpine
restart: on-failure
- "5432:5432"
- fpm_pg:/var/lib/postgresql/data
- POSTGRES_USER=postgres
image: "mongo:latest"
- "27017:27017"
- .env
restart: "no"
image: "clickhouse/clickhouse-server"
- "8123:8123"
- "9000:9000"
- "9004:9004"
- postgres
- .env
restart: "no"
driver: local
DBMS: Case sensitivity: plain=mixed,
Driver: (ver. , JDBC)
Effective version: PostgreSQL (ver. 0.0)
The connection attempt failed.
Has anyone encountered this?
I also cannot establish this connection from within "Goland", which was the first thing I tried.
I did read this: DataGrip [08001] The connection attempt failed. The connection attempt failed, but it does not help.

OK. I solved it. After reading the log file myself, I noticed that it's a socket exception which led me to believe that there's something wrong with the port 5432. I still maintain that because pgAdmin could connect to that DB, DataGrip should have been able to do the same, but let's go down the rabbit hole shall we?
I used this video to inspect my ports:
How to find which application is using your TCP ports
I inspected the ports using:
netstat -an | findstr 5432
which showed me that even when the DB container is not running and even Docker itself is closed, something is listening on 5432.
I used:
netstat -aon | findstr 5432
I found out that a PID:4846 is running on 5432. Going into TaskManager>Details, finding PID 4846 led me to find out that "Windows IP Helper service" is listening on this port. A quick search led me to this answer:
Windows IP Helper Service (iphlpsvc) - is it possible to change port?
And I also remembered that for a previous project on an older version of docker in WSL2 which had a lot of problems forwarding ports, I had used port forwarding on this port. So, a quick:
netsh interface portproxy show all
netsh interface portproxy delete v4tov4 listenport=5432 listenaddress=
netsh interface portproxy delete v4tov4 listenport=5432 listenaddress=
solved the issue.
Now, I should again stress, that for some reason, pgAdmin didn't ahve any problem with the port forwarding and could connect to the DB with no problem, which led me to believe the port and connection should be fine. Hope this helps someone in the future.


How are these Docker setups different? One works and the other not

I'm running Postgres image in Docker on an M1 Mac with mapped ports "5432:5432". My app can connect to the DB from the host machine by calling localhost:5432. I'm now trying to run the app within Docker and I'm puzzled by the behavior I see.
This command works:
docker run --name api --add-host host.docker.internal:host-gateway -e DB_HOST=host.docker.internal -p 8000:8000
But when I try to replicate the same by putting the api within the docker-compose like this, it doesn't work:
image: postgres:14.2
- "5432:5432"
- my-network
image: api
DB_HOST: host.docker.internal
- "host.docker.internal:host-gateway"
Connecting to the DB fails:
failed to connect to host=host.docker.internal user=postgres database=postgres: failed to receive message (unexpected EOF)
I've also tried to put the api container on the same my-network network as postgres, and changing the DB host to be the DB container:
image: api
DB_HOST: postgres
- my-network
but that gives me a different error:
failed to connect to host=postgres user=postgres database=postgres: dial error (dial tcp connect: connection refused)
The DB is listening at IPv4 address "", port 5432 and IPv6 address "::", port 5432. Why would the docker run command work but the other two not work?
As David figured out the issue in the comments, I would like to suggest wait-for-it for such an issue, Instant of waiting a bit then start manually again. usually located at like this
# Wait fot the cassandra db to be ready
./ cassandra:9042 --timeout=0
--timeout=0 , will keep on waiting till cassandra is up and running.
And can be used directly in docker-compose.yaml like the following example :
version: "2"
build: .
- "80:8000"
- "cassandra"
command: ["./", "cassandra:9042"]
image: cassandra
For more information, You can check Control startup and shutdown order in Compose
Wait-for-it github

How to connect to a MongoDb of a docker container

I've created the following docker-compose.yml:
version: "3"
image: mongo:latest
- '27017:27017'
I then start my containers:
docker-compose up
then I try to connect into MongoDb Compass(also tried through c# code), with the following:
But I always get a "Authentication failed" message:
I really don't understand what is going on. What am I missing.
Sorry for the dumb question...
The behavior you're seeing suggests that there is already another mongodb instance running on your system (with different authentication credentials). Stop the Docker container and check to see if there is still a mongodb service listening on port 27017.
I think it might be better to set ports to
- '27012:27017'
So you don't need to delete anything from your system.
Now you can connect as ussual, just change port to 27012 instead of 27017
Also this way you can run multiple monogdb's using more ports wthout any issues. In my case I still needed local mongodb running and because of that port 27017 was automatically connecting to it.

Can only connect pgadmin to postgres docker container on port 5432, but not any other port?

I'm attempting to connect PGAdmin to a docker container and found this post ( very helpful in doing so. But I've tried testing using a port other than 5432 and am not having any luck.
For example, I tried using 5434 in my docker-compose file, and tried using that port in pgadmin but got the below error (This is the IP address found from using docker inspect)
This is what my docker-compose file looks like (I am using different ports for 'expose' and 'ports' on purpose, to try and narrow down which one will allow me to connect through PGAdmin, but am having no luck
image: postgres:10.4-alpine
container_name: kafka-nodejs-example-database
- "5435"
- 8000:5434
image: dpage/pgadmin4
- 5454:5454/tcp
Why is is that pgadmin has no issues with 5432 but when I ask it to use another port it throws this error?
I should note, the error in the screenshot above is from attempting to connect postgres container to a pgadmin container. I also tried connecting to the postgres container in my local application of pgadmin, and get a different timeout error below. I even get this same error for port 5432 when trying to connect using my local copy of pgadmin.
You exposed port 5434 of your container, but PostgreSQL itself is still configured to listen on port 5432. That is why you don't reach the database.
After running initdb and before starting PostgreSQL, configure the cluster, for example with
echo 'port = 5434' >> datadir/
But there should not be any need to start PostgreSQL on a different port. Just map port 5432 to 5434.
The PostgreSQL server listens on port 5432. Just changing things in Docker-level configuration doesn't change where the server process itself listens. That means:
The second number in ports: must be 5432. (The first number can be any number you want.)
Connections from other Docker containers must connect to port 5432. (ports: are ignored and aren't required.)
If you expose: a port, it must also be 5432. (This has no practical effect and duplicates EXPOSE 5432 in the Dockerfile.)
Since each container runs in an isolated network namespace, there's no particular reason to want to change this. You can run multiple database containers, and each will have its own separate container port 5432; they will not conflict.

Connecting to Postgresql in a docker container with a GUI

I just started learning docker and I decided to create a postgresql container, and I want to use it as my database.
But the thing is, every time I tried to connect to my postgresql container with my Gui (PostBird), I get an error that says "Connection terminated unexpectedly".
My config file:
image: postgres:alpine
restart: always
- '3000:3000'
POSTGRES_DB: adonisvue
- ./init:/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/
The command I used:
sudo docker-compose up
When my postgres container is running it says "database system is ready to accept connections" but I can't connect with my gui, even using connect url.
I had to change my port to 3000 because docker says that the port 5432 is already in use, but I don't have any container running in it. Is it because of psql?
Sorry, I'm really new to this and I just have a bunch of questions xD
I had to change my port to 3000 because docker says that the port 5432 is already in use, but I don't have any container running in it. Is it because of psql?
Yes, this is most probably because you have an other postgresql using this port on the local machine. Meanwhile, the postgres instance running inside your container is still using port 5432 (unless you also changed the port inside your container but I'm 99.9% sure you didn't). So the following port setting is wrong.
- '3000:3000'
This is mapping port 3000 for any IP configured on your host to port 3000 of your container... with no service running on that one. Try:
- '3000:5432'
You can then connect to postgres on port 3000 on your local machine which will forward packets to port 5432 inside the container.

How to set up a Postgres SQL database locally in my computer?

I have configured a production postgres sql database.
If I need to do debugging work, I don't want to be interacting with the production database or else that will affect the user base. Instead, I need to create a local environment such that nothing will be changed in the production database during debugging.
I am using Postgres SQL 10 and PGAdmin 4
How can I achieve that?
You could set up a test environment with docker.
first a docker-compose.yml file:
version: "3"
image: postgres:10-alpine
- ./local_path:/var/lib/postgresql/data
- "8000:5432"
- "5432"
image: dpage/pgadmin4
- "8080:80"
See the documentation for the docker postgres image on how to set environment variables to define user/password/db name.
I'm not too familiar with pgadmin but container has minimal setup options:
Then you start the containers with sudo docker-compose up.
The db container is publishing its port on 8000 on your host machine, so there should be no conflict with the postgres server running on the host.
To connect:
psql -h localhost -p 8000 -U postgres
The admin page should be available at port 8080 on your host machine.
When you connect the admin to the database in the UI, the hostname is db and the port is 5432
Now that you have a docker container set up, you might also consider using it for production also :)