I can't list database data in Flutter - flutter

I have a problem, my database has data, but I can't list this data in the application, can you see where the problem is?
Here the database query is being implemented
Stream<Either<TodoFailures, List<Todo>>> watchAll() async* {
//yield left(const InsufficientPermissions());
// users/{user ID}/notes/{todo ID}
final userDoc = await firestore.userDocument();
yield* userDoc.todoCollection
.map((snapshot) => right<TodoFailures, List<Todo>>(snapshot.docs
.map((doc) => TodoModel.fromFirestore(doc).toDomain()).toList()))
.handleError((e) {
if (e is FirebaseException) {
if (e.code.contains('permission-denied') || e.code.contains("PERMISSION_DENIED")) {
return left(InsufficientPermisssons());
} else {
return left(UnexpectedFailure());
} else {
// ? check for the unauthenticated error
// ! log.e(e.toString()); // we can log unexpected exceptions
return left(UnexpectedFailure());
Below is where I capture the integrated query through the BloC
class ObserverBloc extends Bloc<ObserverEvent, ObserverState> {
final TodoRepository todoRepository;
StreamSubscription<Either<TodoFailures, List<Todo>>>? todoStreamSubscription;
ObserverBloc({required this.todoRepository}) : super(ObserverInitial()) {
on<ObserverEvent>((event, emit) async {
await todoStreamSubscription?.cancel();
todoStreamSubscription = todoRepository
.listen((failureOrTodos) => add(TodosUpdatedEvent(failureOrTodos: failureOrTodos)));
on<TodosUpdatedEvent>((event, emit) {
event.failureOrTodos.fold((failures) => emit(ObserverFailure(todoFailure: failures)),
(todos) => emit(ObserverSuccess(todos: todos)));
Future<void> close() async {
await todoStreamSubscription?.cancel();
return super.close();
Even containing data in the database it comes empty, I need help to know where the problem is.


how to mock the state of a StateNotifierProvider flutter

my test is throwing an exception because there is a StateNotifierProvider inside which is not overridden. for a regular Provider, i can override it using providerContainer, but for the state of a stateNotifierProvider, I don't know how to do it. I tried my best but I reached the limit of my best. I already saw this and this but it didn't help.
Appreciate much if someone could help me out of this. Thanks
My service File
class ReportService {
final Ref ref;
required this.ref,
Future<void> testReport() async {
//* How can i override this provider ?
final connection = ref.read(connectivityServiceProvider);
if (connection) {
try {
await ref.read(reportRepositoryProvider).testFunction();
} on FirebaseException catch (e, st) {
ref.read(errorLoggerProvider).logError(e, st);
throw Exception(e.message);
} else {
throw Exception('Check internet connection...');
final reportServiceProvider = Provider<ReportService>((ref) => ReportService(
ref: ref,
My test file
void main() {
final reportRepository = MockReportRepository();
ReportService makeReportService() {
final container = ProviderContainer(overrides: [
return container.read(reportServiceProvider);
test('test test', () async {
//How to stub the connectivityServiceProvider here ?
.thenAnswer((invocation) => Future.value());
final service = makeReportService();
await service.testReport();
My StateNotifierProvider
class ConnectivityService extends StateNotifier<bool> {
ConnectivityService() : super(false);
final connectivityServiceProvider =
StateNotifierProvider<ConnectivityService, bool>(
(ref) => ConnectivityService());

Unhandled Exception: type 'List<dynamic>'

I'm trying to recieve a list from a Sql Api. The catch is that i need to give an id with the query. the Widget.klant.klantId has the value i need. i know it has somthing to do with the as List<Machine> in accountpage.dart. Hope you can help me with this problem. thanks in advance.
The hole error:
class Accountpage extends StatefulWidget {
const Accountpage(this.klant);
final Klant klant;
_AccountpageState createState() => _AccountpageState();
class _AccountpageState extends State<Accountpage> {
final ApiService api = ApiService();
late List<Machine> machineList;
#override initState(){
machineList = [];
void _getMachine() async{
machineList = (await ApiService().getMoreMachine(widget.klant.klantId.toString())) as List<Machine>;
Future.delayed(const Duration(seconds: 1)).then((value) => setState(() {}));
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
//Here starts the body
Future<Machine> getMoreMachine(String klantId) async {
final response = await get(Uri.parse('$apiUrl/Select/$klantId'));
if (response.statusCode == 200) {
return Machine.fromJson(json.decode(response.body));
} else {
throw Exception('Failed to load a case');
List<Machine> welcomeFromJson(String str) => List<Machine>.from(json.decode(str).map((x) => Machine.fromJson(x)));
String welcomeToJson(List<Machine> data) => json.encode(List<dynamic>.from(data.map((x) => x.toJson())));
class Machine {
int? serienummerId;
String? serienummer;
String? bouwjaar;
String? urenstand;
String? locatie;
String? klantId;
factory Machine.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) => Machine(
serienummerId: json["SerienummerId"],
serienummer: json["Serienummer"],
bouwjaar: json["Bouwjaar"],
urenstand: json["Urenstand"],
locatie: json["Locatie"],
klantId: json["KlantId"],
Map<String, dynamic> toJson() => {
"SerienummerId": serienummerId,
"Serienummer": serienummer,
"Bouwjaar": bouwjaar,
"Urenstand": urenstand,
"Locatie": locatie,
"KlantId": klantId,
json result
"SerienummerId": 1,
"Serienummer": "-----",
"Bouwjaar": "2020",
"Urenstand": "10",
"Locatie": "---",
"KlantId": "1"
"SerienummerId": 2,
"Serienummer": "-----",
"Bouwjaar": "1998",
"Urenstand": "5010",
"Locatie": "----",
"KlantId": "1"
You are parsing the result as if it's a single Machine while it in fact is a list of machines. Process it as a list and also use the correct return type accordingly. Like
Future<List<Machine>> getMoreMachine(String klantId) async {
final response = await get(Uri.parse('$apiUrl/Select/$klantId'));
if (response.statusCode == 200) {
return List<Machine>.from(json.decode(response.body).map((x) => Machine.fromJson(x)));
} else {
throw Exception('Failed to load a case');
the return type of the method is Machine:
Future<Machine> getMoreMachine(String klantId) async {
final response = await get(Uri.parse('$apiUrl/Select/$klantId'));
if (response.statusCode == 200) {
return Machine.fromJson(json.decode(response.body));
} else {
throw Exception('Failed to load a case');
and then you cast a Machine to List :
machineList = (await ApiService()
.getMoreMachine(widget.klant.klantId.toString())) as List<Machine>;
I don't know what the JSON looks like... but if there is only one machine you could for example add it to a list like this:
machineList.add((await ApiService()
Try this:
Future<List<Machine>> getMoreMachine(String klantId) async {
final response = await get(Uri.parse('$apiUrl/Select/$klantId'));
if (response.statusCode == 200) {
final jsonMachines = Machine.fromJson(json.decode(response.body));
return jsonMachines.map((item) => Machine.fromJson(item)).toList();
} else {
throw Exception('Failed to load a case');
I think this is because of in getMoreMachine you used return type as Machine actually you are assigning that value as List so make that change like this :
Future<List<Machine>> getMoreMachine(String klantId) async {
final response = await get(Uri.parse('$apiUrl/Select/$klantId'));
if (response.statusCode == 200) {
return welcomeFromJson(response.body);
} else {
throw Exception('Failed to load a case');
might be other think is you can check your API response that is not returning List of machines.

Flutter Firestore Query snapshot- result is always null

I have a simple flutter code to retrieve some data from Firestore. the data is retireved correctly, however passing the data from the future function making the result always null. can you advise how to adapt the code to return the list?
that is the class where the actual query is happening:
class DatabaseManager {
final CollectionReference BusinessProfilesCollection =
Future GetBusinessProfilesCollection() async {
List businessprofileslist = [];
try {
await BusinessProfilesCollection.get().then((QuerySnapshot) {
QuerySnapshot.docs.forEach((element) {
} catch (e) {
return null;
here is the page where I am calling the function: (however the result is always null)
class _ProfilesListPageState extends State<ProfilesListPage> {
List businessprofileslist = [];
void initState() {
fetchBusinessProfilesList() async {
dynamic result = await DatabaseManager().GetBusinessProfilesCollection();
if (result == null) {
print('enable to retieve');
} else {
setState(() {
businessprofileslist = result;
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Scaffold();
You're not returning anything from GetBusinessProfilesCollection but null, so the result seems somewhat expected.
I guess you want to do:
class DatabaseManager {
final CollectionReference BusinessProfilesCollection =
Future GetBusinessProfilesCollection() async {
List businessprofileslist = [];
try {
var QuerySnapshot = await BusinessProfilesCollection.get();
querySnapshot.docs.forEach((element) {
return businessprofileslist;
} catch (e) {
return null;
Btw: returning null when the load fails, is just going to lead to a null pointer exception when you then do print(result.toString());. So I recommend not catching the error and just letting it bubble up. With that your code can be simplified to:
class DatabaseManager {
final CollectionReference BusinessProfilesCollection =
Future GetBusinessProfilesCollection() async {
var QuerySnapshot = await BusinessProfilesCollection.get();
return querySnapshot.docs.map((element) => element.data());
You just need to return the list
return businessprofileslist;
class DatabaseManager {
final CollectionReference BusinessProfilesCollection =
Future GetBusinessProfilesCollection() async {
List businessprofileslist = [];
try {
await BusinessProfilesCollection.get().then((QuerySnapshot) {
QuerySnapshot.docs.forEach((element) {
// you just need to return the list here after filling it up
return businessprofileslist;
} catch (e) {
return null;
Code with a little improvement:
class DatabaseManager {
final CollectionReference BusinessProfilesCollection =
Future GetBusinessProfilesCollection() async {
await BusinessProfilesCollection.get().then((QuerySnapshot) {
QuerySnapshot.docs.map((doc) => doc.data()).toList();
Try that with calling the function in feching
async {
dynamic result ;
await DatabaseManager().GetBusinessProfilesCollection().then((value){
if (result == null) {
print('enable to retieve');
} else {
setState(() {
businessprofileslist = result;

Succeeding Bloc are not working after latest Bloc migration

I am using a MultiBlocProvider which is working for all Bloc before I migrate it to v8.0.1. Now, only the first Bloc (SignInBloc) is working.
This is on my main.dart
return MultiBlocProvider(
providers: [
create: (context) => SignInBloc(
authenticationRepository: authenticationRepository,
userDataRepository: userDataRepository,
create: (context) => SignUpBloc(
authenticationRepository: authenticationRepository,
userDataRepository: userDataRepository,
Edit: here is my SignInBloc
{required this.authenticationRepository,
required this.userDataRepository})
: super(SignInInitialState()) {
Future<void> mapCheckIfSignedInEventToState(
CheckIfSignedInEvent event,
Emitter<SignInState> emit,
) async {
try {
bool isSignedIn = await authenticationRepository.checkIfSignedIn();
if (isSignedIn) {
} else {
} catch (e) {
I am not sure what to show but here is my SignUpBloc which is similar to my SignInBloc
{required this.authenticationRepository,
required this.userDataRepository})
: super(SignUpInitialState()) {
Stream<SignUpState> mapSignUpWithGoogleEventToState(
SignUpWithGoogle event,
Emitter<SignUpState> emit,
) async* {
try {
User? checkUser = await authenticationRepository.checkIfUserExists();
if (checkUser != null) {
} else {
bool checkDup =
await authenticationRepository.checkIfUserDup(event.name);
if (checkDup == true) {
} else {
User firebaseUser = await authenticationRepository.signUpWithGoogle();
} catch (e) {
My main.dart will call the splash screen which has the declaration of the bloc
late SignInBloc signInBloc;
late SignUpBloc signupBloc;
class _SplashScreenState extends State<SplashScreen> {
void initState() {
signInBloc = BlocProvider.of<SignInBloc>(context);
signupBloc = BlocProvider.of<SignUpBloc>(context);
What I tried to do it to put alot of Print statement in order to check which part is getting called but I don't get why the SignUpBloc is not getting called anymore. Please help. Thanks!
Edit: I tried to debug.
This will trigger my SignInBloc. I'm able to listen to my SignInBloc.
This should trigger my SignUpBloc. But it doesn't do anything similar to my SignInBloc.
signupBloc.add(SignUpWithGoogle(name: selectedName));
Here's both of my events for comparison:
class CheckIfSignedInEvent extends SignInEvent {
String toString() => 'CheckIfSignedInEvent';
class SignUpWithGoogle extends SignUpEvent {
final String name;
SignUpWithGoogle({required this.name});
String toString() => 'SignUpWithGoogleEvent';
This is the part where I listen to the states which is both in my splash screen. Only signInBloc is able to listen.
signupBloc.stream.listen((state) {
print('BLOC: signupBloc splash screen init : $state');
signInBloc.stream.listen((state) {
print('BLOC: signinBloc splash screen init : $state');
It turns out that changing the Stream to Future will fix my issue. async* should also be changed to async
Future<void> mapSignUpWithGoogleEventToState(
SignUpWithGoogle event,
Emitter<SignUpState> emit,
) async {
try {
User? checkUser = await authenticationRepository.checkIfUserExists();
if (checkUser != null) {
} else {
bool checkDup =
await authenticationRepository.checkIfUserDup(event.name);
if (checkDup == true) {
} else {
User firebaseUser = await authenticationRepository.signUpWithGoogle();
} catch (e) {

How to pass data to another screen with bloc -Flutter

How to transfer data from one screen to another using bloc and save , I would like to create a user profile where I have two screens, two steps to creating a profile. I created two blocs for each class, in one I have an avatar, city and name, in the other only description. I used an amplify and when I save the first screen and when I go to the second one, delete the data from the first screen. How do I save everything? without delete? after save second screen.
First screen:
class ProfileBloc extends Bloc<ProfileEvent, ProfileState> {
final DataRepository dataRepo;
final StorageRepository storageRepo;
final _picker = ImagePicker();
{User? user,
required bool isCurrentUser,
required this.storageRepo,
required this.dataRepo})
: super(ProfileState(user: user, isCurrentUser: isCurrentUser)) {
// storageRepo
// .getUrlForFile(user!.avatarKey)
// .then((url) => add(ProvideImagePath(avatarPath: url)));
.then((url) => add(ProvideImagePath(avatarPath: url)));
Stream<ProfileState> mapEventToState(ProfileEvent event) async* {
if (event is ChangeAvatarRequest) {
yield state.copyWith(isImageSourceActionSheetVisible: true);
} else if (event is OpenImagePicker) {
yield state.copyWith(isImageSourceActionSheetVisible: false);
try {
final selectedImage =
await _picker.pickImage(source: event.imageSource);
if (selectedImage == null) return;
final imageKey = await storageRepo.uploadFile(File(selectedImage.path));
final user = state.user!.copyWith(avatarKey: imageKey);
String? imageUrl;
await Future.wait<void>([
storageRepo.getUrlForFile(imageKey).then((value) => imageUrl = value)
yield state.copyWith(avatarPath: imageUrl);
} catch (e) {
throw e;
} else if (event is ProvideImagePath) {
if (event.avatarPath != null)
yield state.copyWith(avatarPath: event.avatarPath);
} else if (event is ProfileCityChanged) {
yield state.copyWith(userCity: event.city);
} else if (event is ProfileNameChanged) {
yield state.copyWith(userName1: event.name);
} else if (event is SaveProfileChanges) {
// handle save changes
yield state.copyWith(formStatus: FormSubmitting());
final updatedUser2 =
state.user!.copyWith(city: state.userCity, name: state.userName1);
try {
await dataRepo.updateUser(updatedUser2);
yield state.copyWith(formStatus: SubmissionSuccess());
} on Exception catch (e) {
yield state.copyWith(formStatus: SubmissionFailed(e));
} catch (e) {
Second screen:
class Profile2Bloc extends Bloc<Profile2Event, Profile2State> {
final DataRepository dataRepo;
// User? user;
// String ?get userCity => user!.city;
// String? get userName1 => user!.name;
{User? user, required bool isCurrentUser, required this.dataRepo})
: super(Profile2State(user: user, isCurrentUser: isCurrentUser));
Stream<Profile2State> mapEventToState(Profile2Event event) async* {
if (event is ProfileDescriptionChanged) {
yield state.copyWith(userDescription: event.description);
} else if (event is SaveProfile2Changes) {
yield state.copyWith(formStatus: FormSubmitting());
final updatedUser =
state.user!.copyWith(description: state.userDescription);
try {
await dataRepo.updateUser(updatedUser);
// print(userDescribe);
yield state.copyWith(formStatus: SubmissionSuccess());
} on Exception catch (e) {
yield state.copyWith(formStatus: SubmissionFailed(e));
} catch (e) {
Data Repo:
Future<User> updateUser(User updatedUser) async {
try {
await Amplify.DataStore.save(updatedUser);
return updatedUser;
} catch (e) {
throw e;