Getting empty response body from a http post request to an api - flutter

This is my code. The goal is to get the link with file id.
// body parameter
Map<String, dynamic> body = {'file_id': 123};
String jsonBody = json.encode(body);
// response request
var download_response = await
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
'Api-Key': 'yCTZwGASncUthpMkMkbQDjcUdrrM2r8v'
body: jsonBody,
// print
I think I should be getting a JSON data response which I'm getting properly with postman but in flutter I'm getting empty response.
Things I tried:
encoding the body with jsonencode
correct syntax formatting
writing the body in plain json string

var headers = {
'Api-Key': 'yCTZwGASncUthpMkMkbQDjcUdrrM2r8v',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
var request = http.MultipartRequest('POST', Uri.parse(''));
'file_id': '123'
http.StreamedResponse response = await request.send();
if (response.statusCode == 200) {
else {


How to send raw data in flutter http

I wanted to send raw data in flutter http and the data doesn't look like JSON
Here's how I done that in Postman
and tried this in flutter using http,
Response res = await post(
Uri.parse(baseUrl + endPoint),
headers: {'Client-ID': clientId, 'Authorization': 'Bearer $accessToken'},
body: jsonEncode('fields *'),
and got this in console,
Error: XMLHttpRequest error.
Add it as this
var headers = {
'Accept': 'application/json',
'Content-Type': 'text/plain',
var request = http.Request('POST', Uri.parse('Your url'));
request.body = '''fields *''';
http.StreamedResponse response = await request.send();
if (response.statusCode == 200) {
else {
Or you can easily see it being implemented in Postman's code request to the right just select the code icon and choose http-Dart

POST call works on Postman but not on Flutter

Future<String> loginUser(User user) async {
var body = jsonEncode({
Response response = await post(SeguriSignAPIURL.loginUser,
headers: headers,
body: body);
if (response.statusCode == 200) {
var decode = jsonDecode(response.body);
return decode['token'];
} else {
return '';
Hey! When I make this Post call on Postman I get a result, however when I run this code on flutter I get a 400 error. My headers:
final headers = {
'Content-Type': 'application/json; charset=UTF-8',
"Accept": "application/json",
In Postman you do the request using form-data, but in your Flutter code, you pass json-encoded body.
You either need to use form-data in Flutter or update your server code to accept json content type.

Google Drive API: Uploading and creating folders with http requests, for example in DIO with Flutter

I'm trying to create a simple Flutter app which interacts with the Google Drive API.
Authentication works great via the Google Sign In package, so I have access to the correct headers and auth tokens.
What I don't understand however, despite trying different approaches and reading the Drive Documentation up and down - how can I interact with the API via http requests, for example via Dio or via the "standard" way in dart/flutter?
To state one example: I want to upload an an image the user picked. I have everything figured out (the file path, the auth token, etc.), but how does a http request look like?
Here is the "bare" http request:
Map headers = await user.currentUser.authHeaders;
var formData = FormData.fromMap({
'name': filePath,
'file': MultipartFile.fromBytes(fileData, filename: filePath)
var response = await Dio().post(
data: formData,
options: Options(headers: headers));
It's probably a very mundane/trivial question, but I just can't figure it out ..
Thanks in advance for your help!
You need to create the File first then upload the file data into it.
I'll using the http plugin and not DIO. But the same process should work for dio.
Step one: Create the file metadata in a folder
Future<String> createFile({File image, String folderId}) async {
String accessToken = await Prefs.getToken();
Map body = {
'name': 'name.jpg',
'description': 'Newly created file',
'mimeType': 'application/octet-stream',
'parents': ['$folderId']
var res = await
headers: {
'Authorization': 'Bearer $accessToken',
'Content-Type': 'application/json; charset=UTF-8'
body: jsonEncode(body),
if (res.statusCode == 200) {
// Extract the ID of the file we just created so we
// can upload file data into it
String fileId = jsonDecode(res.body)['id'];
// Upload the content into the empty file
await uploadImageToFile(image, fileId);
// Get file (downloadable) link and use it for anything
String link = await getFileLink(fileId);
return link;
} else {
Map json = jsonDecode(res.body);
throw ('${json['error']['message']}');
Step two: Upload image data into empty file
Future uploadImageToFile(File image, String id) async {
String accessToken = await Prefs.getToken();
String mimeType = mime(basename(image.path).toLowerCase());
var res = await http.patch(
body: image.readAsBytesSync(),
headers: {
'Authorization': 'Bearer $accessToken',
'Content-Type': '$mimeType'
if (res.statusCode == 200) {
return res.body;
} else {
Map json = jsonDecode(res.body);
throw ('${json['error']['message']}');
Step three: Get downloadable file link(to store in database or use for anything)
Future getFileLink(String id) async {
String accessToken = await Prefs.getToken();
var res = await http.get(
headers: {
'Authorization': 'Bearer $accessToken',
'Content-Type': 'application/json; charset=UTF-8'
if (res.statusCode == 200) {
Map json = jsonDecode(res.body);
String link = json['webContentLink'];
return link.split('&')[0];
} else {
Map json = jsonDecode(res.body);
throw ('${json['error']['message']}');

How to format body for form-data header

This might be probably already answered question but I can not find one. How do we format data body for form-data http response? I tried to encode it to json but that didn't work with error
Unhandled Exception: Multipart: Boundary not found
Future<void> createProfile() async {
final body = {
"firstName": "first",
"lastName": "last",
"image": "path-to-image"
try {
final http.Response response = await,
headers: {"Authorization": "Bearer $token","Content-Type": "multipart/form-data"},
body: json.encode(body)); //<-- this doesn't work
final jsonResponse = json.decode(response.body);
if (response.statusCode != 201) {
throw HttpException(jsonResponse["error"]);
} catch (error) {
throw error;
Flutter Documentation
var uri = Uri.parse('');
var request = http.MultipartRequest('POST', uri)
..headers['authorization'] = 'auth header value'
..fields['user'] = ''
..files.add(await http.MultipartFile.fromPath(
'package', 'build/image.png',
contentType: MediaType('image', '*')));
var response = await request.send();
if (response.statusCode == 200) print('Uploaded!');

Http Post in Flutter not Sending Headers

I am trying to do a post request in Flutter
Below is the code
final String url = Urls.HOME_URL;
String p = 'Bearer $vAuthToken';
final Map<String, String> tokenData = {
"Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
'Vauthtoken': p
final Map<String, String> data = {
'classId': '4',
'studentId': '5'
final response = await,
headers: tokenData,
body: jsonEncode(data),
encoding: Encoding.getByName("utf-8"));
if (response.statusCode == 200) {
} else {
However the header data is not working. I have the correct data and everything. This request works perfectly when done in Postman Client.
Any one has any idea what is wrong?
Any suggestion is appreciated.