TIA Portal Openness - modify project library types - siemens

In TIA Portal Openness (API version 16, 17 or 18) - is there a way to edit library types? That is, to modify a library type and release the change as a new version?
Specifically, I wish to modify PLC User Defined Types (UDTs).
using Openness, I have managed to:
Instantiate a library UDT type in a PLC
Export it as XML (no library type information was included in the export)
Modify the XML file
Import the XML file, but only when the UDT type is not being edited
The PLC UDT is updated according to the changes in the XML file, but it is no longer linked to a library type. However, I wish to make versioned changes as above. Is this possible? If yes, how?


Unable to select pre-registered files types using UIDocumentPickerViewController with with pre-iOS 14 target

I'm using a document picker to import data into an app. One of the files to import is a .GPX (it's actually an XML file of GPS data, but that's not relevant). I define a custom file type (as it's not covered by the standard file types covered within UniformTypeIdentifiers)
let documentsPicker = UIDocumentPickerViewController(documentTypes: ["com.sourceapp.gpx"], in: .open)
and register it in info.plist as a Document type, and include this in Exported type identifiers and, seeing as it is not a bespoke file type, in Imported type identifiers. These are all still required as the app target is pre-iOS 14 (for 14+ it's not necessary to add the items to info.plist).
This works fine in the simulator where it's a clean environment without any other apps installed. On a device however it doesn't work, and the file is greyed out and not selectable. I'm reasonably certain this is because a custom file type with the same extension is already registered by another app.
So how do I go about using a file type that has already been registered? There must be a "correct" way to go about this as it must be a common scenario.
My understanding was that this is what the Imported type identifiers was for, but I can't seem to get this to work. This may be because I'm not defining the imported type in exactly the same way as the first app to register it.
If so, how do I see what has already been registered, and reuse it? This would need to be a generic apprach as a scenario where a different app has already regsitered the file type but in a different way is highly likely for a common file type such as .gpx
As background, when using a pre-defined file type such as "public.comma-separated-values-text" for a CSV file all works fine.
I've since seen as the bottom line of documentation that the exported type identifiers overrides imported type identifiers, so have tried deleting the exported one, butit makes no difference.

iTunesLibrary Swift 5.3 macOS

After reading the documentation and looking through the header files of the iTunesLibrary frameworks I am unable to determine how, or if it's even possible, to manually specify the iTunes/Music library file to read?
The documentation within the header files indicate the system dynamic library loads the 'Default' library. The only way I have found so far to load another library is to use the +click method to manually choose the library to be used, then quit the Music app and the last chosen library become the default.
Is there not a way to specify a file? The mediaFolderLocation and musicFolderLocation methods are defined as 'get only' methods.
After lots and lots of research I have determined there is not a way to specify the particular library you want to open. It automatically refers to the system 'default' library.

GWT Properties file configuration

I am new to GWT, and facing one problem.
How we have .properties file for initial configuration at startup.
I want to create one in GWT App.
Also, GWT has client and server package.
I want to setup the configuration at client package because all configuration belongs to client side.
My actual need,
I have one textArea which takes up only fixed number of characters and length is defined in my properties file like below.
So I have to read a properties file for validation.
I found few link but all are talking about properties file regarding Locale, I don't have any need on Locale side but need simple key-value configuration.
I want this file to be loaded at startup or at Entry point itself and then I can use it at any client package classes for my validation.
Thanks in advance.
Use a Constants interface. It's built with I18N in mind but will work just as well in this case, where you provide the constant values for a single locale, the default one (therefore used for every locale you'll compile your app with).
That however means the file is read at compile-time, not runtime (i.e. you'll have to recompile your app each time you change the properties file).
If you want something more dynamic, then read the file on the server-side and pass the information to the client-side. Easiest, and with minimal overhead, is to use a dynamic host page. To read the values in your client code, then either use a Dictionary (and Integer.parseInt et al.) or use JSNI (possibly with an overlay type).


I am trying to use the GWT-VL framework to validate my client side form.So as the first step i downloaded the .jar file from sourceforge.net and imported it into my projects libraries.
Then i write a class which tries to use the validations.
The error which i get is "No source code is available for type eu.maydu.gwt.validation.client.ValidationProcessor; did you forget to inherit a required module?"
So my question is does my class which uses the validation framework need to extend any class?
Or is there any problem with my importing the .jar file?
I think it should be not because i have added this .jar files to my libraries.
Or is there any other modification in need to make?
Also please suggest any other frameworks for validation of GWT-forms.I am just trying to integrate GWT-VL to play around with it and see if its convenient for usage.
You have to add the following line in your module.gwt.xml file:
<inherits name='eu.maydu.gwt.validation.ValidationLibrary' />
The class that uses the validation library does not have to extend a special class.
You should update your module XML file, (modulename.gwt.xml) and add a reference to the framework you are using.. The required modification should be in the readme file of the downloads 90% of the time.

Whic file of my C# project i wll give to a user for just use my software but they cant modified it

im making a software using C#.net ..and want to give it to users
Which file of my C# project i should give to a user for just use my software but they cant modified it.....how i make that type of file?
Which file of my C# project i should
give to a user
You should give none of the files that are part of your C# project. Provide only the compiled assemblies or if you already have a setup project that generates a deployment package such as an MSI, provide the resulting MSI.
You must create setup file and provide that much only.And your set up must contains serial key.If you dont know how to create serial key during setup creation then click here