Spacing between characters in the VSCode terminal - visual-studio-code

My VSCode terminal text is like this, how can it be fixed?

Try this first:
Use split screen in the terminal window i.e. 2 terminals visible.
Restart VS Code and it boots with one terminal visible only and with crazy letter spacing.
to fix i just click split screen again and all is fine.
If it doesn't work you can edit "editor.letterSpacing" setting.
for example:
"editor.letterSpacing": -0.15


Vertical line spacing in Visual Studio Code's embedded terminal

I've set up Powerlevel10k on ZSH for WSL2 on VSCode, and have gone through the normal configuration procedures, such that the terminal prompt currently looks like this:
However, if possible I would like to increase the vertical line spacing between the first and second line of the prompt to avoid having the cursor touch the coloured segments. Is there a way to do this? Or if possible can I decrease the size of the cursor?
In Visual Studio code:
Press ctrl, to open Settings.
Type integrated line height.
Change the value to something larger than 1, for example, 1.4.

VS Code Ctrl+C has a wrong behaviour

In Visual Studio Code, when i try to use Ctrl+C to copy something, it changes the insert mode instead. There is a blue bar at the bottom of the screen, with all the informations about the file (python interpreter, number of line and column of the cursor, ...) and -INSERT- . When I press Ctrl+C, the -INSERT- switches to -NORMAL- and I can't copy what I highlighted.
I too had this issue. Resolved was by disabling the VIM extension or you can uninstall it too.

How to expand VSCode's Interactive Terminal's text font

I've been working on a bunch of different projects in VSCode and just to clear up some space on my desktop I decided to quit all VSCode applications. Upon reopening it, the Interactive Terminal's text too small to read. I know you can just launch terminal and execute the same command but out of convince's sake I want to be able to increase the size of it again. Example of my issue
You can change the terminal display settings with this configuration in your settings.json.
I saw your photo, and it looks like there is some minor problem. Just reload your window - Command + R on macOS, or select Developer: Reload Window after opening the command palette. That should work.

How to create a terminal with a horizontal split in visual studio code

This seems quite basic, but I can only seem to create vertical splits in vs code, and would like to be able to create horizontal but don't know what the command is to do so.
I have tried looking through the commands prefixed with Terminal: , but don't seem to have anything that will create a new terminal in a horizontal split. The command that I'm using to create a new terminal is Terminal: Create New Integrated Terminal
open a first terminal, then a second one, then right click a terminal: "move to editor area".
Configure default terminal location
In theory you can configure the terminal location, using Workbench > Panel: Default Location:
The setting ID is workbench.panel.defaultLocation
The JSON is:
"workbench.panel.defaultLocation": "left"
That doesn't work for me. Sounds like a bug.
To work around this you can:
Pull up a terminal with Ctrl'
Right click on the TERMINAL tab
Select either "Move panel left" or "Move panel right"
Click into the panel
Hit CtrlShift5 to split the terminal
You now have two terminals, one above the other
I have also found that changing the alignment of the terminal panel can give some more width and prevent crammed text in a narrow terminal column. To do this go into the VSCode menu...
View -> Appearance -> Align Panel -> Justify
This will place the terminal below everything and give extra width because it is no longer crowded by the Primary Side Bar.
On the terminal panel click on Configure Terminal Settings
On the next screen change Default Location to editor
Now if you create terminals it will create it in editor window
Use tmux and use in your configuration
If you're like me and your cat walked on your keyboard and opened a split terminal somehow, you can close it by right clicking the split piece and select Kill Terminal.

VSCode: Not enough space to split terminal

In Visual Studio Code, there is a thing similar to command prompt in windows. It is called Terminal. In the past, I normally opened more than 3 tabs of this Terminal. However, in recent updates it displays this error when I try to open more than 3 tabs.
Not enough space to split terminal.
Is there a solution or a workaround for this?
Menu: View -> Appearance -> Toggle Panel Position (it moves terminals to the bottom) or right-click the "TERMINAL" or other tab and select "Move Panel to Bottom".
You can now open an additional terminal (or more) and then use the same menu option to move them back to the right and it will keep the additional terminals open.
There is a workaround - at least when You're using Ubuntu. You just have to unmaximize the window and resize it to make it bigger then Your screen size. Then You can split the terminal and can freely go back to initial window size.
Unfortunately, as far as I know, Windows won't allow You to have a window bigger that Your screen size. I don't know about Mac though.