Linear Congruential generator graph - matlab

I implemented a simple code for a linear congruential generator
clear all; clc
% Input
m = 59; % module
a = 17; % multiplier
c = 43; % increase
X0 = 27; % seed
n = 100; % sample length
y = [X0 zeros(1,n-1)];
% recursive formula
% X(n+1) = (a*X(n) + c) mod m
for i = 2:n
y(i) = mod(a*y(i-1)+c,m);
x = 0:1:n-1;
%for i = 1:n
% plot(x,y);
What I would like to do is a plot where each time the period repeats it draws a vertical line upward as in this graph
I think I have to use the plot function inside a FOR loop and an IF-ELSE to see if the value of the subsequence X(n) is equal to the seed X(0) but I have no idea how to implement it
I think I have to use the plot function inside a FOR loop and an IF-ELSE to see if the value of the subsequence X(n) is equal to the seed X(0) but I have no idea how to implement it


Why is my third MATLAB function outputing only zeros when using ode45?

I need to model negative, positive and simple regulation of a gene for my systems biology class using MATLAB. The problem is that the functions for negative and simple regulation work but the positive regulation function is only outputting zeros.
My script is as follows:
% Simulation of simple regulation, negative autoregulation and positive
% autoregulation
% Define constants
global a b K n
a = 1;
b = 1;
K = 0.5;
n = 2; % Hill coefficient
% Simulation time
tspan = [0,10];
% Initial condition
X0 = 0;
% Run simulations
[t1,X1] = ode45(#autoregulation_f0,tspan,X0); % Simple regulation
[t2,X2] = ode45(#autoregulation_f1,tspan,X0); % Negative autoregulation
[t3,X3] = ode23(#autoregulation_f2,tspan,X0); % Positive autoregulation
% Plot results
And my functions are:
function dxdt = autoregulation_f0(t,X)
global a b
dxdt = b - a*X;
function dxdt = autoregulation_f1(t,X)
global a b K n
dxdt = b/(1+(X^n)/(K^n)) - a*X;
function dxdt = autoregulation_f2(t,X)
global a b K n
dxdt = b*X.^n./(K.^n+X.^n) + a*X;
The third function "autoregulation_f2(t,X)" is the one that outputs zeros and therefore when plotting the graph I just get a straight line.
Does anyone know what could be causing this?
Thanks in advance!
It looks to be the correct result for the given function. Your provided dxdt has an X in every term. The initial X0=0 will result in dxdt=0, giving you no change in X. As a result you just end up with a flat line.

Plotting 2D equation with infinite sum

I'm trying to plot the following equation (let's call it "Equation 1"):
This is the code I'm testing:
clear all;
xl=0; xr=1; % x domain [xl,xr]
J = 10; % J: number of division for x
dx = (xr-xl) / J; % dx: mesh size
tf = 0.1; % final simulation time
Nt = 60; % Nt: number of time steps
dt = tf/Nt/4;
x = xl : dx : xr; % generate the grid point
u_ex = zeros(J+1,Nt);
for n = 1:Nt
t = n*dt; % current time
for j=1:J+1
xj = xl + (j-1)*dx;
suma = zeros(100 , 1);
for k= 1:100
suma(k) = 4/(((2*k-1)^2) *pi*pi);
suma(k) = suma(k) * exp(-((2*k-1)^2) *pi*pi*t) * cos(2*k-1)*pi*xj;
m = sum(suma);
u_ex(j, n)= 0.5 - m;
tt = dt : dt : Nt*dt;
surf(x,tt, u_ex'); % 3-D surface plot
The problem is that all I get is a flat surface:
Equation 1 is suppossed to be the solution of the following parabolic partial differential equation with boundary values:
And after getting the numerical solution, it should look like this:
This plot gets the right values at the boundaries x = 0 and x = 1. The plot of Equation 1 doesn't have those values at the boundaries.
My complete .m code (that plots both the numerical solution and Equation 1) is:
clear all; % clear all variables in memory
xl=0; xr=1; % x domain [xl,xr]
J = 10; % J: number of division for x
dx = (xr-xl) / J; % dx: mesh size
tf = 0.1; % final simulation time
Nt = 60; % Nt: number of time steps
dt = tf/Nt/4;
mu = dt/(dx)^2;
if mu > 0.5 % make sure dt satisy stability condition
error('mu should < 0.5!')
% Evaluate the initial conditions
x = xl : dx : xr; % generate the grid point
% store the solution at all grid points for all time steps
u = zeros(J+1,Nt);
u_ex = zeros(J+1,Nt);
% Find the approximate solution at each time step
for n = 1:Nt
t = n*dt; % current time
% boundary condition at left side
gl = 0;
% boundary condition at right side
gr = 0;
for j=2:J
if n==1 % first time step
u(j,n) = j;
else % interior nodes
u(j,n)=u(j,n-1) + mu*(u(j+1,n-1) - 2*u(j,n-1) + u(j-1,n-1));
u(1,n) = gl; % the left-end point
u(J+1,n) = gr; % the right-end point
% calculate the analytic solution
for j=1:J+1
xj = xl + (j-1)*dx;
suma = zeros(100 , 1);
for k= 1:100
suma(k) = 4/(((2*k-1)^2) *pi*pi);
suma(k) = suma(k) * exp(-((2*k-1)^2) *pi*pi*t) * cos(2*k-1)*pi*xj;
m = sum(suma);
u_ex(j, n)= 0.5 - m;
% Plot the results
tt = dt : dt : Nt*dt;
colormap(gray); % draw gray figure
surf(x,tt, u'); % 3-D surface plot
title('Numerical solution of 1-D parabolic equation')
surf(x,tt, u_ex'); % 3-D surface plot
title('Analytic solution of 1-D parabolic equation')
The code is taken from the book "Computational Partial Differential Equations Using MATLAB" by Yi-Tung Chen, Jichun Li, chapter 2, exercise 3.
In short: I'm not asking about the differential equation or the boundary problem, I want to know is: Why am I getting a flat surface when plotting Equation 1? Am I missing a parenthesis?
I do not want to use the symsum function because it never stop the script execution and I want to learn how to plot Equation 1 with no using symsum.
I've tested this code with Matlab R2008b and Octave 4.2.1. I got the same results (even with sums of 1000, 10000 and 50000 terms in the for loop with the k variable).
Thanks, Steve!
I was missing a couple of parenthesis near the cosine, the right code is:
clear all; % clear all variables in memory
xl=0; xr=1; % x domain [xl,xr]
J = 10; % J: number of division for x
dx = (xr-xl) / J; % dx: mesh size
tf = 0.1; % final simulation time
Nt = 60; % Nt: number of time steps
dt = tf/Nt/4;
mu = dt/(dx)^2;
if mu > 0.5 % make sure dt satisy stability condition
error('mu should < 0.5!')
% Evaluate the initial conditions
x = xl : dx : xr; % generate the grid point
% store the solution at all grid points for all time steps
u = zeros(J+1,Nt);
u_ex = zeros(J+1,Nt);
% Find the approximate solution at each time step
for n = 1:Nt
t = n*dt; % current time
% boundary condition at left side
gl = 0;
% boundary condition at right side
gr = 0;
for j=2:J
if n==1 % first time step
u(j,n) = j;
else % interior nodes
u(j,n)=u(j,n-1) + mu*(u(j+1,n-1) - 2*u(j,n-1) + u(j-1,n-1));
u(1,n) = gl; % the left-end point
u(J+1,n) = gr; % the right-end point
% calculate the analytic solution
for j=1:J+1
xj = xl + (j-1)*dx;
suma = zeros(1000 , 1);
for k= 1:1000
suma(k) = 4/(((2*k-1)^2) *pi*pi);
suma(k) *= exp(-((2*k-1)^2) *pi*pi*t) * cos((2*k-1)*pi*xj);
m = sum(suma);
u_ex(j, n)= 0.5 - m;
% Plot the results
tt = dt : dt : Nt*dt;
colormap(gray); % draw gray figure
surf(x,tt, u'); % 3-D surface plot
title('Numerical solution of 1-D parabolic equation')
surf(x,tt, u_ex'); % 3-D surface plot
title('Analytic solution of 1-D parabolic equation')
Now my Equation 1 looks much better:
Also Steve was right when pointing out that my numerical solution may be wrong. I didn't notice that the boundary values are for the derivatives of my function, not the actual values of the function. I'll ask my teacher about this.
Ok, I got it. To calculate the derivatives at the boundaries you have to use hint 2.21 in the same book:
% hint 2.21 given by the book
% it is better to calculate the boundary values after calculating the inner points inside the for j = 1:m loop because you will need them:
u(1, n) = u(2, n) - dx * gl; % the left-end point
u(J+1,n) = u(J, n) + dx * gr; % the right-end point
Now my numerical solution looks like my analytic solution :D
Matlab R2008b can't recognize the *= operator that Octave does. I'm not tested this operator in other versions of Matlab because I'm too poor.
Yvon: I think the analytical solution formula comes from the real part of a Fourier expansion, but authors don't tell how they got it.

Multiplying a vector times the inverse of a matrix in Matlab

I have a problem multiplying a vector times the inverse of a matrix in Matlab. The code I am using is the following:
% Final Time
T = 0.1;
% Number of grid cells
% Delta x
% define cell centers
%x = 0+dx*0.5:dx:1-0.5*dx;
x = linspace(-L/2, L/2, N)';
%define number of time steps
NTime = 100; %NB! Stability conditions-dersom NTime var 50 ville en fått helt feil svar pga lambda>0,5
%NTime = 30;
%NTime = 10;
%NTime = 20;
%NTime = 4*21;
%NTime = 4*19;
% Time step dt
dt = T/NTime
% Define a vector that is useful for handling teh different cells
J = 1:N; % number the cells of the domain
J1 = 2:N-1; % the interior cells
J2 = 1:N-1; % numbering of the cell interfaces
%define vector for initial data
u0 = zeros(1,N);
L = x<0.5;
u0(L) = 0;
u0(~L) = 1;
grid on
hold on
% define vector for solution
u = zeros(1,N);
u_old = zeros(1,N);
% useful quantity for the discrete scheme
r = dt/dx^2
mu = dt/dx;
% calculate the numerical solution u by going through a loop of NTime number
% of time steps
% initial state
u_old = u0;
for j = 2:NTime
% plotting
hold on
grid on
% update "u_old" before you move forward to the next time level
u_old = u;
hold off
The error message I get is:
Matrix dimensions must agree.
Error in Implicit_new (line 72)
My question is therefore how it is possible to perform u=u_old*[A^(-1)] in Matlab?
As knedlsepp said, v./A is the elementwise division, which is not what you wanted. You can use either
v/A provided that v is a row vector and its length is equal to the number of columns in A. The result is a row vector.
A\v provided that v is a column vector and its length is equal to the number of rows in A
The results differ only in shape: v/A is the transpose of A'\v'

Finite difference - wave equation - boundary conditions and setting things up

I am working on a project that has to do with solving the wave equation in 2D (x, y, t) numericaly using the central difference approximation in MATLAB with the following boundary conditions:
The general assembly formula is:
I understand some of the boundary conditions (BC), like
du/dy=0 at j=m,
but I am not sure how to implement these boundary conditions in MATLAB.
A friend has given me these equations:
Here is my try with the MATLAB code,
but I am not able to progress any further:
% The wave function
% Explicit
% Universal boundary conditions for all 3 cases:
% u=0 at t=0
% du/dt=0 at t=0
% Case 1 boundary conditions
% At x=0, u=2sin(2*pi*t/5);
% At y=0, du/dy=0;
% At y=2, du/dy=0;
% At x=5, du/dx=0;
% u=0 and du/dt=0 at t=0;
% Setting up
clc; clear all; close all;
% length, time, height
L = 5; % [m]
h = 2; % [m]
T = 10; % [s]
% Constants
c_x = 1; % arbitrary
c_y = 1; % arbitrary
dx = 0.1; % <x> increment
dy = 0.1; % <y> increment
dt = 0.1; % time increment
nx = L/dx + 1; % number of <x> samples
ny = h/dy + 1; % number of <y> samples
nt = T/dt + 1; % number of time samples
t(:,1) = linspace(0, T, nt);
theta_x = c_x*(dt^2)/(dx^2);
theta_y = c_y*(dt^2)/(dy^2);
% theta_x = theta_y
theta = theta_x;
% The matrix
U = zeros(nt, nx, ny);
% Setting up the <U> matrix with the boundary conditions - case 1
U(1, :, :) = 0; % U=0 at t=0
for tt=1:nt % U=2sin(2pi/5*t) at x=0
for jj=1:ny
U(tt, 1, jj)=2*sin(2*pi/5.*t(tt));
for it=2:t
for ix=2:nx-1
for iy=2:ny-1
% Boundary conditions
% General case (internal):
U1 = -U(it-1, ix, iy);
U2 = 2*(1-2*theta)*u(it, ix, iy);
U3 = theta*U(it, ix-1, iy);
U4 = theta*U(it, ix+1, iy);
U5 = theta*U(it, ix, iy-1);
U6 = theta*U(it, ix, iy+1);
The general assembly formula you have kind of applies to the boundaries as well.
The complication is that when you apply the formula when j = 1 and j = m, you have j = 0 and j = m+1 term that are off of your grid.
To ameliorate this problem, boundary conditions give you a relationship between the points off the grid and on the grid.
As you have indicated, the dudy = 0 condition has given you the relation that u(i,m-1) == u(u,m+1) on the boundary. So you use the general assembly formula and replace all of the m+1 terms with m-1 on the boundary. You'll have a similar relation for the lower boundary as well.

Revised Simplex Method - Matlab Script

I've been asked to write down a Matlab program in order to solve LPs using the Revised Simplex Method.
The code I wrote runs without problems with input data although I've realised it doesn't solve the problem properly, as it does not update the inverse of the basis B (the real core idea of the abovementioned method).
The problem is only related to a part of the code, the one in the bottom of the script aiming at:
Computing the new inverse basis B^-1 by performing elementary row operations on [B^-1 u] (pivot row index is l_out). The vector u is transformed into a unit vector with u(l_out) = 1 and u(i) = 0 for other i.
Here's the code I wrote:
%% Implementation of the revised Simplex. Solves a linear
% programming problem of the form
% min c'*x
% s.t. Ax = b
% x >= 0
% The function input parameters are the following:
% A: The constraint matrix
% b: The rhs vector
% c: The vector of cost coefficients
% C: The indices of the basic variables corresponding to an
% initial basic feasible solution
% The function returns:
% x_opt: Decision variable values at the optimal solution
% f_opt: Objective function value at the optimal solution
% Usage: [x_opt, f_opt] = S12345X(A,b,c,C)
% NOTE: Replace 12345X with your own student number
% and rename the file accordingly
function [x_opt, f_opt] = SXXXXX(A,b,c,C)
%% Initialization phase
% Initialize the vector of decision variables
x = zeros(length(c),1);
% Create the initial Basis matrix, compute its inverse and
% compute the inital basic feasible solution
invB = inv(B);
x(C) = invB*b;
%% Iteration phase
n_max = 10; % At most n_max iterations
for n = 1:n_max % Main loop
% Compute the vector of reduced costs c_r
c_B = c(C); % Basic variable costs
p = (c_B'*invB)'; % Dual variables
c_r = c' - p'*A; % Vector of reduced costs
% Check if the solution is optimal. If optimal, use
% 'return' to break from the function, e.g.
J = find(c_r < 0); % Find indices with negative reduced costs
if (isempty(J))
f_opt = c'*x;
x_opt = x;
% Choose the entering variable
j_in = J(1);
% Compute the vector u (i.e., the reverse of the basic directions)
u = invB*A(:,j_in);
I = find(u > 0);
if (isempty(I))
f_opt = -inf; % Optimal objective function cost = -inf
x_opt = []; % Produce empty vector []
return % Break from the function
% Compute the optimal step length theta
theta = min(x(C(I))./u(I));
L = find(x(C)./u == theta); % Find all indices with ratio theta
% Select the exiting variable
l_out = L(1);
% Move to the adjacent solution
x(C) = x(C) - theta*u;
% Value of the entering variable is theta
x(j_in) = theta;
% Update the set of basic indices C
C(l_out) = j_in;
% Compute the new inverse basis B^-1 by performing elementary row
% operations on [B^-1 u] (pivot row index is l_out). The vector u is trans-
% formed into a unit vector with u(l_out) = 1 and u(i) = 0 for
% other i.
[f g]=size(M);
R(l_out,:)=M(l_out,:)/M(l_out,j_in); % Copy row l_out, normalizing M(l_out,j_in) to 1
for k = 1:f % For all matrix rows
if (k ~= l_out) % Other then l_out
R(k,:)=M(k,:)-M(k,j_in)*R(l_out,:); % Set them equal to the original matrix Minus a multiple of normalized row l_out, making R(k,j_in)=0
% Check if too many iterations are performed (increase n_max to
% allow more iterations)
if(n == n_max)
fprintf('Max number of iterations performed!\n\n');
end % End for (the main iteration loop)
end % End function
%% Example 3.5 from the book (A small test problem)
% Data in standard form:
% A = [1 2 2 1 0 0;
% 2 1 2 0 1 0;
% 2 2 1 0 0 1];
% b = [20 20 20]';
% c = [-10 -12 -12 0 0 0]';
% C = [4 5 6]; % Indices of the basic variables of
% % the initial basic feasible solution
% The optimal solution
% x_opt = [4 4 4 0 0 0]' % Optimal decision variable values
% f_opt = -136 % Optimal objective function cost
Ok, after a lot of hrs spent on the intensive use of printmat and disp to understand what was happening inside the code from a mathematical point of view I realized it was a problem with the index j_in and normalization in case of dividing by zero therefore I managed to solve the issue as follows.
Now it runs perfectly. Cheers.
%% Implementation of the revised Simplex. Solves a linear
% programming problem of the form
% min c'*x
% s.t. Ax = b
% x >= 0
% The function input parameters are the following:
% A: The constraint matrix
% b: The rhs vector
% c: The vector of cost coefficients
% C: The indices of the basic variables corresponding to an
% initial basic feasible solution
% The function returns:
% x_opt: Decision variable values at the optimal solution
% f_opt: Objective function value at the optimal solution
% Usage: [x_opt, f_opt] = S12345X(A,b,c,C)
% NOTE: Replace 12345X with your own student number
% and rename the file accordingly
function [x_opt, f_opt] = S472366(A,b,c,C)
%% Initialization phase
% Initialize the vector of decision variables
x = zeros(length(c),1);
% Create the initial Basis matrix, compute its inverse and
% compute the inital basic feasible solution
invB = inv(B);
x(C) = invB*b;
%% Iteration phase
n_max = 10; % At most n_max iterations
for n = 1:n_max % Main loop
% Compute the vector of reduced costs c_r
c_B = c(C); % Basic variable costs
p = (c_B'*invB)'; % Dual variables
c_r = c' - p'*A; % Vector of reduced costs
% Check if the solution is optimal. If optimal, use
% 'return' to break from the function, e.g.
J = find(c_r < 0); % Find indices with negative reduced costs
if (isempty(J))
f_opt = c'*x;
x_opt = x;
% Choose the entering variable
j_in = J(1);
% Compute the vector u (i.e., the reverse of the basic directions)
u = invB*A(:,j_in);
I = find(u > 0);
if (isempty(I))
f_opt = -inf; % Optimal objective function cost = -inf
x_opt = []; % Produce empty vector []
return % Break from the function
% Compute the optimal step length theta
theta = min(x(C(I))./u(I));
L = find(x(C)./u == theta); % Find all indices with ratio theta
% Select the exiting variable
l_out = L(1);
% Move to the adjacent solution
x(C) = x(C) - theta*u;
% Value of the entering variable is theta
x(j_in) = theta;
% Update the set of basic indices C
C(l_out) = j_in;
% Compute the new inverse basis B^-1 by performing elementary row
% operations on [B^-1 u] (pivot row index is l_out). The vector u is trans-
% formed into a unit vector with u(l_out) = 1 and u(i) = 0 for
% other i.
M=horzcat(u, invB);
[f g]=size(M);
if (theta~=0)
M(l_out,:)=M(l_out,:)/M(l_out,1); % Copy row l_out, normalizing M(l_out,1) to 1
for k = 1:f % For all matrix rows
if (k ~= l_out) % Other then l_out
M(k,:)=M(k,:)-M(k,1)*M(l_out,:); % Set them equal to the original matrix Minus a multiple of normalized row l_out, making R(k,j_in)=0
% Check if too many iterations are performed (increase n_max to
% allow more iterations)
if(n == n_max)
fprintf('Max number of iterations performed!\n\n');
end % End for (the main iteration loop)
end % End function
%% Example 3.5 from the book (A small test problem)
% Data in standard form:
% A = [1 2 2 1 0 0;
% 2 1 2 0 1 0;
% 2 2 1 0 0 1];
% b = [20 20 20]';
% c = [-10 -12 -12 0 0 0]';
% C = [4 5 6]; % Indices of the basic variables of
% % the initial basic feasible solution
% The optimal solution
% x_opt = [4 4 4 0 0 0]' % Optimal decision variable values
% f_opt = -136 % Optimal objective function cost