Publicly available Rest API End points - rest

I have a scenario where I want to push a file from UNIX server to Rest API end point. I am planning to use HTTP transformation in Informatica for that. But I would like test the possibility of pushing a file to publicly available Rest API End point. But I couldn't find any publicly available Rest API end points which accepts a file. Can someone help me. Appreciate your help!!
I tried to search for publicly available Rest API end point to push a file. But I couldn't find it anywhere.

Give those two a try:
I love the latter - it's great! I have not tried uploading files, though, and I'm not sure what is it you need or try to achieve.


In openbmc what is the difference between the xyz path and the /redfish/v1 path

I am new to openbmc and trying to understand the basic details.
As I am checking docs, I found two docs, &
They both are using the curl to get and set the entries in openbmc.
But, the path used is different. uses, xyz/openbmc_project as path but uses redfish/v1/ as path to get details.
If we get same details with both what exactly is the difference??
ALso I need to populate the /redfish/v1 details, how to do that??
Thank you in advance.
When OpenBMC first started, Redfish had fairly minimal industry buy-in so OpenBMC made a dection to make a custom REST API to manage itself. This is the "REST-cheatsheet". After a few years, Redfish via the DMTF began to mature and get a lot more industry buy-in. The decision was made within the OpenBMC community to deprecate the REST interfaces and move to being a Redfish managed system.
There's actually a commit up for review that would disable the REST based interface by default (
Try and utilize Redfish for any work you're doing, it's the direction of OpenBMC from an out of band management perspective.
Redfish is defined and secure.
The REST API is deprecated, mostly; just go with the future and that is Redfish.

How to add devices using openHAB REST API

I am looking for a way to discover a USB zstick "/dev/ttyACM0" using OpenHab command line interface as I am not going to be using a GUI and I need to create a script to automate few things.
In their website here and here OpenHab have some documentation, and that's what I found for discovery:
GET /discovery
POST /discovery/bindings/{bindingId}/scan
however I was unable to make that into a useful curl command. any idea on where to start?
I would suggest to try out the REST Documentation, for finding the right endpoint/expression.
You can install it through paper ui:
It will then be available through <YOUR_OH_IP>:<PORT>/doc/index.html.
It provides some ui with explanations and examples for the endpoints and you can test them live through it.
This should help you find the correct rest call to use with curl afterwards.
I don't know if adding devies through REST is possible. If so you can find it in the REST Documentation.
If it doesn't work though the REST API you might want to write a small bash script which adds the things you want. Then you can call your script with
executeCommandLine in a rule

Cakephp 3.1 REST - Filtering data

I have setup my application for REST access as per documentation. The default routes are working well. I am able to retrieve, update and delete records, however, I am not sure how I could filter data sending parameters to the controller. I wonder if I can do that using querystring or if there is a better way to accomplish that. Please can someone give me directions?
Reads about the Request object in the manual. And use the Search Plugin for filtering.
The search plugin comes with a lot of documentation that explains how to use it as well.
Your question is so generic that a proper answer would end up in a whole article - which I'm obviously not going to write, there is enough information available on HTTP requests and query params. Use Google or read these links:

In Tableau server, how can we get measures and dimensions of a data set using REST API?

I looked at their REST API but I haven't found anything which gives me the measures and dimensions of the dataset/data source. I need to expose what measures and dimensions are there so that user knows what workbooks or visualizations he can create. Any ideas or help is greatly appreciated.
Fields in a datasource are not something that you can query directly via the REST API. My best suggestion, while not perfect, would be to add a tag for each field that you want to be queryable in the datasource, and then use the REST API to query your datasources show what is available to the user.
This shows you how to tag a datasource
Here is the specific REST API command that will return the tags
I want to stress that this isn't a perfect solution, but the REST API has a very WIP feel to it to begin with (REST should be able to do everything that tabcmd can do, but sadly, it can't).
There is also the undocumented REST API that has some additional functionality. That may have more of what you are looking for. I'm not 100% sure that this will solve your problem, but it does provide a lot of additional functionality to the base API.
Undocumented Tableau REST API

Unable to get Requirements coverage information from QC 12 via REST api?

Unable to get Requirements coverage information from QC 12 via REST api?
I am using QC 12 in my project. Can anyone tell me is it possible to get test coverage information from requirements via QC 12 using REST api?
Rest api is preview version and not fully available as OTAClient api. Many functions are not available. Few enhancements are made in 11.5 and 12.0/2 but still it lacks many of the function. Better you use OTAClient which is full fledged api to communicate with HP.
Only requirement traceability links are added in rest version of 12.0/2
there is a possible workaround for that. First point should be the usage of a QC version higher than 11.
Having said that, it is possible to use a call to "requirement-coverages" and check for the required "required-id", for instance:
GET https://SERVER/qcbin/rest/domains/DOMAIN/projects/PROJECT/requirement-coverages?query={requirement-id[10];}
This will give you back an xml file (in case requirement exist) with a list of "test-ids" linked to that requirement.
Already at this point you have the knowledge of "test-coverage"--> each test cases will have his own "pass or fail".
2) If you are looking for a specific test-id, then you can check if in those test-ids is available the test-id you are looking for.
Hopefully the command above solve your query. I know that this is quite late reply, but hope to help somebody else! Have a nice day.
Try this api. You will get all the requirement to requirement mappings.
Also if you need a list of all the api's exposed in REST, use the below link:
http://SERVER/qcbin/rest/resource-list .