Flutter record live broadcast sound without microphone - flutter

I want to record live broadcast (podcast,m3u8 etc.) audio with Flutter without needing a microphone.
The recordings are not successful because the microphone is constantly recording external sounds.
I tried recording with ffmpeg. But I couldn't get good results.


How to mute local audio playback while still receiving raw audio data with Agora API?

I'm trying to play back raw audio data from an Agora remote stream through an AudioSource in Unity. For this, I have to first disable the default playback method used by the Agora SDK. I have tried MuteAllRemoteAudioStreams but this stops the API from receiving remote audio data altogether.
I have also tried AdjustPlaybackSignalVolume and AdjustAudioMixingVolume, which successfully mute the audio playback but this also makes the OnPlaybackAudioFrameHandler callback receive empty audio frames, stopping me from accessing raw audio data.
SetAudioPlaybackDeviceMute simply mutes the playback device, which is not what I am looking for.
Is there a way to only mute the playback of remote streams while also being able to access raw audio data?
Try mRtcEngine.AdjustPlaybackSignalVolume(0);
This will turn the playback volume from the channel, but your AudioSource volume is not affected.
If you have other issues, please come chat with us and search for answers in our slack group:

Synchronized Audio Streaming over Bluetooth

I am working on an iPhone app that needs to stream audio file to multiple devices (iPhone) connected via Bluetooth and play it in the Synchronized way, that is, all the devices starts playing the audio file simultaneously.
I am able to make a connection and stream the audio packet and even play the audio file, but the only issue that I am facing is the Latency. All the devices starts playing the audio file at different time, I want all of them to play the same audio packet together. Is there any way I can make them play audio file synchronously?
I remember glancing over audio broadcast option in the bluetooth spec. Not sure whether iphone supports it..

Recording audio output only from speaker of iphone excluding microphone

I am trying to record the sound from iPhone speaker. I am able to do that, but I am unable to avoid mic input in the recorded output. Tried with sample code available in different websites with no luck.
The sample which I used does the recording with audio units. I need to know if there is any property for audio unit to set the mic input volume to zero. Above that I came to from other posts that Audio Queue services can do the thing for me. Can any one redirect me with sample code for the audio queue services implementation. I need to know whether there is a way of writing the data to an separate audio file before sending it as input to speaker.
Thanks in advance
There is no public iOS API or property for recording generic audio sent to the iPhone speaker. Only mic input can be recorded.
But if you are playing audio in your app using only uncompressed samples with Audio Queues or the RemoteIO Audio Unit, you can just copy those samples to a file before you write them to the audio callback buffers. Those saved samples can be used to construct a recording.

Record iphone System or audio player sound

I am developing an app module in which i am doing audio recording with also video recording.
but i want to record only device intrnal playing sound , not the device external voice.
If any advise or suggestion to got it..!!
I'm not sure but maybe you can use buffers to write them into a file Audio units or Audio Queues without using mic

Is there any issue if two avaudiorecorder recording-iphone

I want to record audio from user and play it back.
This I have implemented.
My need is to capture the audio that app produces. Can I record the audio using avAudiorecorder.
Is there is any problem for recording audio using two simultaneous recorders