In CLI , options/arguments get value without "=" symbol as well, what happens behind the scenes when equals symbol is not written? - command-line

kubectl -n <some-namespace-name> get pod <some-pod-name> -o=yaml
kubectl -n <some-namespace-name> get pod <some-pod-name> -o yaml
both work, but in official documentations I see only the first one being mention,
I have seen this at multiple other places as well (unrelated to kubectl), how is the second working behind the scenes when I don't write equal to sign ?


How to get the full name of a pod by both its creation date and part of its name?

In my namespace, I have several pods named with the same prefix, followed by the random string. There are also other pods, named differently. The result of kubectl get pods would look something like this:
I need to find the nameof the most recently created pod starting with "service-job-".
I found this thread, which helps getting the name of the most recent pod in general. This one gets me the complete names of pods starting with a specific prefix.
What I struggle with is combining these two methods. With each one, I seem to lose the information I need to perform the other one.
Note: I am not an administrator of the cluster, so I cannot change anything about the naming etc. of the pods. The pods could also be in any possible state.
This works as you expect:
kubectl get pods --sort-by=.metadata.creationTimestamp --template '{{range .items}}{{}}{{"\n"}}{{end}}' | grep service-job- | head -1

Argocd application resource stuck at deletion

I've started experimenting with Argocd as part of my cluster setup and set it up to watch a test repo containing some yaml files for a small application I wanted to use for the experiment. While getting to know the system a bit, I broke the repo connection and instead of fixing it I decided that I had what I wanted, and decided to do a clean install with the intention of configuring it towards my actual project.
I pressed the button in the web UI for deleting the application, which got stuck. After which I read that adding spec.syncPolicy.allowEmpty: true and removing the metadata.finalizers declaration from the application yaml file. This did not allow me to remove the application resource.
I then ran an uninstall command with the official manifests/install.yaml as an argument, which cleaned up most resources installed, but left the application resource and the namespace. Command: kubectl delete -n argocd -f
Have tried to use the kubectl delete application NAME --force flag and the --cascade=orphans flag on the application resource as well as on the argocd namespace itself. Now I have both of them stuck at terminating without getting any further.
Now I'm proper stuck as I can't reinstall the argocd in any way I know due to the resources and namespace being marked for deletion, and I'm at my wits end as to what else I can try in order to get rid of the dangling application resource.
Any and all suggestions as to what to look into is much appreciated.
If your problem is that the namespace cannot be deleted, the following two solutions may help you:
Check what resources are stuck in the deletion process, delete these resources, and then delete ns
Edit the namespace of argocd, check if there is a finalizer field in the spec, delete that field and the content of the field
Hopefully it helped you.
I've found that using the following commands help greatly...
kubectl api-resources --verbs=list --namespaced -o name | \
xargs -n 1 kubectl get --show-kind \
--ignore-not-found -n <namespace>
kubectl api-resources -n <namespace> | grep argo | grep ... greatly to identify the resources that are "stuck".
Then you have to either use some awk to generate delete or delete --all to "prune" the resources. If some get stuck, then you have to resort to editing them to remove the finalisers so that they can then be deleted.
It can get ugly, but awk and printf combinations can help

How to `kubectl get all` in k9s?

Instead of navigating a namespace via e.g. :service, then :pod etc, I would like to see everything that's in the namespace in a single view. As if you would type kubectl -n argocd get all.
Can't find the info in the docs. Is this even possible?
Thanks for any suggestion!
Posting community wiki answer based on GitHub topic - Show multiple resource types without having to switch. Feel free to expand it.
That's true, there is no information about this in the documentation because simply there is no such possibility. There is open issue with this request on the GitHub page of k9s:
Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.
Oftentimes I'm watching/working on multiple resource types at the same time and it's very helpful to not have to switch from one to another. This is something very like kubectl get pod,deploy,... or kubectl get-all commands allows
Describe the solution you'd like
Being able to see multiple or all resources in the same screen without having to switch between resource types like:
:pod,configmap shows all pods & configmaps in the current namespace
:all shows all resources in the current namespace (get-all like)
Last pinged November 4 2021.
You can try
kubectl get all -n argocd -o yaml
kubectl get all -n argocd -o json
to list all common resources in a particular namespace
Note: It will not list the CRD or other custom resources like helm

Get names of all deployment configs with no running pods

Is there a simple method (that won't require googling at every use) to get names of all deployment configs with no running pods (scaled to 0) in Kubernetes / Openshift? Methods without JSON tokens and awk please.
The docs of oc get dc --help are way too long to decipher for the occasional need.
The only CLI arg for advanced filtering without working with JSON is a --field-selector, but it has a limited scope which not include spec.replicas field.
So, there will be some magic around JSON with other flag - jsonpath.
Here is a command to filter and print names of all deployments which are scaled to 0:
kubectl get deployments --all-namespaces -o=jsonpath='{range .items[?(#.spec.replicas==0)]}{}{"\n"}{end}'
Jsonpath reference is here.

How can I see all Jobs, both successful and failed?

Here is a transcript:
LANELSON$ kubectl --kubeconfig foo get -a jobs
No resources found.
OK, fine; even with the -a option, no jobs exist. Cool! Oh, let's just be paranoid and check for one that we know was created. Who knows? Maybe we'll learn something:
LANELSON$ kubectl --kubeconfig foo get -a job emcc-poc-emcc-broker-mp-populator
emcc-poc-emcc-broker-mp-populator 1 0 36m
Er, um, what?
In this second case, I just happen to know the name of a job that was created, so I ask for it directly. I would have thought that kubectl get -a jobs would have returned it in its output. Why doesn't it?
Of course what I'd really like to do is get the logs of one of the pods that the job created, but kubectl get -a pods doesn't show any of that job's terminated pods either, and of course I don't know the name of any of the pods that the job would have spawned.
What is going on here?
Kubernetes 1.7.4 if it matters.
The answer is that Istio automatic sidecar injection happened to be "on" in the environment (I had no idea, nor should I have). When this happens, you can opt out of it, but otherwise all workloads are affected by default (!). If you don't opt out of it, and Istio's presence causes your Job not to be created for any reason, then your Job is technically uninitialized. If a resource is uninitialized, then it does not show up in kubectl get lists. To make an uninitialized resource show up in kubectl get lists, you need to include the --include-uninitialized option to get. So once I issued kubectl --kubeconfig foo get -a --include-uninitialized jobs, I could see the failed jobs.
My higher-level takeaway is that the initializer portion of Kubernetes, currently in alpha, is not at all ready for prime time yet.