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There is a substantial Perl to Raku guide.
What about Raku to Perl guide? Anything in existence? Or maybe it is currently being written? Or planned?
My wishlist would be:
With an epigraph like "Perl elegance on a par"
Examples involving core and non-core modules whenever they help elegance
Examples with fallbacks to no-modules or core-only modules
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Closed 4 years ago.
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The only library I've found that could do that is "Image::OCR::Tesseract", but it doesn't support windows.
Is there any alternative to to that?
Looking at CPAN, Tesseract seems to be the extent of serious OCR systems with Perl wrappers.
You might want to check out:
Perl Image::OCR::Tesseract module on Windows
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Closed 5 years ago.
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Other than POD, what are the tools available to document my Perl and Mason code? What do you use and what tools are available to help me?
For the documentation in Mason, there is the <%doc> tag. Use it like so:
some text
The doc tag is treated as a comment. see Mason::Manual::Syntax
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Closed 4 years ago.
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I searched github and but did not find a module to parse emails.
If there is no perl6 module yet a parrot module would be fine too.
Seems that there isn't one. The parrot runtime library doesn't seem to contain anything related either. You may want to add it to a list of most wanted modules
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Closed 2 years ago.
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I was just wondering where I could find a article on sockets. I don't want any indepth code. I just want to understand the structures and other stuff like the how the buffers work.
I found Beej's Guide to Network Programming pretty informative.
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Closed 2 years ago.
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I was on Perlmonks and found this great listing:
But it was missing "which", the function that searches for an executable in all the directories in your PATH. (I am porting a Perl script to Windows.)
Is there a Perl module that simulates this?
File::Which. Always check CPAN! :)
Have you seen this Snippet?
which (for Windows) in pure perl
The follow-up points to the module File::Which on CPAN.