Salesforce DevOps with Github, sfdx & Jenkins - github

I need to implement a salesforce DevOps solution using Jenkins as deployment tool, Github as version control and SFDX as cli to be used as in deployment build steps.
Can anyone list out the step by step procedure once the tool(GitHub, Jenkins, salesforce, SFDX) are ready. I understood to include SFDX script or commands in build steps in Jenkins but have few queries too:
How can I deploy the entire release branch using Jenkins to target org.
How can I deploy specific components based on package.xml to target org.
Also, anyone has SFDX script to be used as reference.
I have setup salesforce, Jenkins, GitHub & SFDX tool on windows currently.
Tried deploying a set of components to target org but was not sure whether we have to create a SFDX project separately that will be committed to GitHub and will have to convert the code to metadata item.
Expectation would be to deploy salesforce components from GitHub release branch to salesforce target or using Jenkins pipeline or job.


Azure DevOps see included commits in build

we are using Azure Pipelines to build and deploy various projects. We are using Enterprise Github service connection as our git repository source which we are using as part of the build pipelines that are running on on-prem AzureDevops build agent. We are then using on-prem hosted DevOps agents to deploy the service on our on-prem servers.
If we trigger a build we then receive an email notification about all the new commits which are included in the build. Is the same information (what commits are part of the build) included somewhere in the Azure DevOps UI? I was not able to find it and it's really difficult to then determine what I'm actually deploying our various environments as I'm not always the one who triggers each build.

How do i automate Databricks notebook from Azure Devops

I am having all my codes in Azure Databricks notebook. I want to automate execution of my notebook using azure devops.
I have linked my Databricks Repos with Azure Repos. Created a build pipeline to create artifact of my code. In release pipeline.
I was able to deploy my code to lower environment(Here same Databricks workspace where I have my code).
But I was not able to execute/Run notebook directly from Azure Devops.
How do I deploy code from my lower environment to higher environment(Prod Server) Databricks workspace.
To deploy code to higher environment Is it same as deploying to lower environment. Just changing details of workspace.
Like Databricks Token, Workspace URL, etc.
You need to create release pipeline and push your code to GIT repo. Follow this Microsoft documentation for details -,Pipelines%20menu%20and%20click%20Releases.
This demo shows how to do that. The steps include:
Update checkout at Databricks workspace - for example, you may have a separate checkout for testing. You can do that via Repos REST API, or via databricks-cli (databricks repos update command)
Triggering execution of tests by using the Nutter library
Reporting testing results to DevOps
If tests are successful, you can push updates to staging/production environment - this could be done via DevOps Release pipelines
You can use the same Repos REST API or databricks-cli to update checkout in staging/production

Dockerize project Azure Devops (microsoft tfs local) without DockerFile or automatic create Dockerfile

Hi I used Microsoft Azure DevOps (version 2021) for CICD
and my project successfully build Image Docker
but one Programmer changed DockerFile and Program Run with Another Library
Now I am looking for a solution that DockerFile can not change Except for
myself or create Automatic on CICD Azure or Build Project Without
Thanks for Help
You can create a branch policy to your target branch, then any change cannot commit to the target branch directly, but only via pull request. You can set approver as yourself, and set it as required, then you can approve/deny changes from others.
Please refer to official doc here for the details.
screenshot as below:

Deploy to Azure Extension - Only Allows Creation of Github Actions Workflow. Wont Allow GitHub + Azure Pipelines Flow Creation

I am following the steps outlined here. I am using the Deploy to Azure Extension
I have done the following steps.
I have managed to create a simple react app and then got the GitHub + GitHub Actions portion to work no problem.
Now, I want to get GitHub Plus Azure Pipeline to work. So, I deleted the GitHub Actions/Workflow files, and starting over with the CICD setup.
Next, I have enabled Use Azure Pipelines for GitHub in the extension.
Then, as per the steps/pictures outlined in the above microsoft documentation link, I have begun the configure CICD option from the command palette.
Selected the Visual Studio Subscription
Selected the target web app
Now, at this point, as per the linked tutorial, it is supposed to ask me to choose a azure devops organization, so that the azure pipeline YAML file can kick in. This step never happens.
instead, VS Code will proceed to generate a GitHub Actions Workflow just as it did before.
What should I do to the GitHub to Azure Pipeline working from this extension?
Update 1
In case anyone is curious, I have raised a issue on the visual studio community forum. You can find that here
As of now, there is an ongoing discussion but no solution yet.
You can try reinstalling Deploy to Azure Extension and enable Use Azure Pipelines for GitHub, and then configure CI/CD option again. If the issue persists, you can report this issue here.
You can create a pipeline directly in your azure devops project. Check out below tutorial
Build, test, and deploy JavaScript and Node.js apps
You will also need to create an Azure Resource Manager service connection to deploy to your azure resource from azure devops pipeline.
Deploy an Azure Web App (Linux)

How to trigger nightly Jenkins pipeline job using a GitHub repository

I have a GitHub repository which contains a Jenkinsfile (with job configuration steps). I want to trigger a Jenkins simple Pipeline (not multibranch) job every night to build a jar from this repo and deploy to Nexus.
The pipeline definition options says read Pipeline script from SCM but then I don't see any option to point to specific SCM i.e. GitHub in my case. I can write the pipeline script in the Job but that is not what I want.
How can I achieve this? Please help.
You can add a build trigger for Build periodically to the jenkins job.
This will build it on a schedule for you.
You will need to install the Git Client Plugin
Then you will get the following option:
Under it you will be able to put the location of the git repo and the credentials.