How to create a deterministic finite automata for the "regular" function where states lead to more than one state depending on the value of an int - minizinc

the manual of Minizinc says that we can pass an array to the "regular" function that represent the transitions between states of a DFA. For this state machine:
It puts this example:
array[STATE,SHIFT] of int: t =
[| 2, 3, 1 % state 1
| 4, 4, 1 % state 2
| 4, 5, 1 % state 3
| 6, 6, 1 % state 4
| 6, 0, 1 % state 5
| 0, 0, 1|]; % state 6
Where the row indicates the state, the first two rows indicate the value of "d" and "n", and the last one is the state that it leads to. However, it doesn't have any examples of how to aproach it if we need to make a state machine where the state can lead to more than one states, or where the variables of excitation aren't boolean. For instance:
I can't find it in the manual or in Google, thanks.

I am not familiar with Minizinc, but your first question does not depend on that: You are dealing with a deterministic automaton, so each input value can only lead to one other state, otherwise it would be non-deterministic.
As to your second question, if the possible values for x are restricted to 0, 1, 2, and 3, then you could re-phrase this as booleans: in analogy to the d/n/o example, the first column would give the state for x = 0, the second one for x = 1, etc. This does become unwieldy when x can have many values, but should work for your example.


How can I select certain rows in a dataset? Mathematica

My question is probably really easy, but I am a mathematica beginner.
I have a dataset, lets say:
Column: Numbers from 1 to 10
Column Signs
Column Other signs.
Now I want to extract all rows for which column 1 provides an odd number. In other words I want to create a new dataset.
I tried to work with Select and OddQ as well as with the IF function, but I have absolutely no clue how to put this orders in the right way!
Taking a stab at what you might be asking..
(table = {{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10} ,
Characters["ABCDEFGHIJ"]}) // MatrixForm
table[[All, 1 ;; -1 ;; 2]] // MatrixForm
or perhaps this:
Select[table, OddQ[#[[1]]] &]
{{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10}}
The convention in Mathematica is the reverse of what you use in your description.
Rows are first level sublists.
Let's take your original data
mytable = {{1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10},{d,t,4,"/",g,t,w,o,p,m},{g,h,j,k,l,s,d,e,w,q}}
Just as you suggested, Select and OddQ can do what you want, but on your table, transposed. So we transpose first and back:
Transpose[Select[Transpose[mytable], OddQ[First[#]]& ]]
Another way:
Mathematica functional command MapThread can work on synchronous lists.
DeleteCases[MapThread[If[OddQ[#1], {##}] &, mytable], Null]
The inner function of MapThread gets all elements of what you call a 'row' as variables (#1, #2, etc.). So it test the first column and outputs all columns or a Null if the test fails. The enclosing DeleteCases suppresses the unmatching "rows".

Challenging Algorithmic Modular Multiples

While practicing coding problems, I ran into this challenging problem:
Say I have a 7-variable equation, (A+B+C+C+D+B)(E+F+B+C)(G+F+F), and a huge list with up to 3500 numbers:
A 1, 2, 3; B 1, 2; C 9, 1; D 1; E 2; F 1; G 1
This list basically gives all the possible values that each variable can have. The question is, how many ways can I choose values of variables such that the resulting number is a multiple of seven?
For example, I could choose from the above list
A = 1, B = 1, C = 1, D = 1, E = 2, F = 1, G = 1. This would make the number (1+2+1+1+1+1)(2+1+1+1)(1+1+1) = 35, which is indeed a multiple of seven.
My solution was to test every possible combination of the seven variables, and check if that sum was a multiple of seven. However, that solution is obviously very slow. Does anyone have a more efficient solution for this problem?
while if the first number is a multiple of 7 than no matter what you times it by it well remain a multiple of 7
so (E+F+B+C)(G+F+F) is completely irrelevant.
if (E+F+B+C) is a multiple of 7 then the total is also a multiple of 7 same with (G+F+F).
If none of them are multiples of 7 than I don't think the answer can be a multiple of 7. At least, I cannot think of a case where this could happen.
ex no amount of 10s will ever be devisible by 7 except say 7 or 14 10s

Tracking the point of intersection of a simulated time series with a specific value over many runs in OpenBUGS

I have an OpenBUGS model that uses observed data (y.values) over time (x.values) to simulate many runs (~100000) with new estimates of y-values (y.est) for each run. The observed data exhibit a pronounced decline from a maximum value.
I want to keep track of the length of time it takes for each run to decline from the maximum abundance (T.max) to 10% of the maximum abundance (T.10%). Because the maximum abundance value changes from run to run, 10% of that maximum will also vary from run to run, and thus T.10% will vary from run to run.
Setting a parameter to store T.max is easy enough, that doesn't vary from run to run because the maximum value is sufficiently greater than any other value.
What I can't figure out, is how to store the intersection of the y-est values and T.10%.
My first attempt was to determine whether each y-est value is above or below T.10% using the step() function:
above.below[i] <- step(T.10% - y.est[i])
This generates a string of ones and zeros for each y.est value (e.g., 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, etc.) If each run simply declined continuously from a maximum to a minimum, I could use the rank() function to determine how many above.below[i] values occur above T.10%:
decline.length <- rank(above.below[1:N], 0)
In this example, decline.length would be equal to the number of '0's in the string above, which is 9. Unfortunately, the y-est values occasionally display periods of growth following their decline below T.10%. So, the vector of above.below values can look like this: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, etc. Thus, decline.length would equal 14 rather than 9, given the subsequent 0s in the vector.
What I want to do, is figure out how to store only the number of '0's in above.below prior to the first '1'; above.below[1:10] rather than above.below[1:N]. Unfortunately, it's not always the 10th time step in which the first '1' occurs, so I need to make the maximum extent of the range of above.below vary from run to run during the simulation.
I'm struggling to accomplish this in OpenBUGS since it's a non-procedural language, but I think it can be done, I just don't know the trick to do it. I'm hoping someone more familiar with the step() and rank() functions can lend some expert advice.
Any guidance is much appreciated!
Two solutions offered to me:
1) Calculate the cumulative sum up to each time step:
for (i in 1:N){
above.below[i] <- step(T.10% - y.est[i])
cum.above.below[i] <- sum(above.below[1:i])
decline.length <- rank(cum.above.below[1:N], 0)
2) Calculate whether each year is above or below the threshold directly, without 1s and 0s:
for(i in 1:N){
above.below[i] <- step(T.10% - y.est[i])
dummy[i] <- above.below[i] * i + (1 - above.below[i]) * (N+1)
decline.length <- ranked(dummy[], 1)
So dummy is i when above.below is 1, and dummy is N+1 when above.below is 0.

How to put numbers into an array and sorted by most frequent number in java

I was given this question on programming in java and was wondering what would be the best way of doing it.
The question was on the lines of:
From the numbers provided, how would you in java display the most frequent number. The numbers was: 0, 3, 4, 1, 1, 3, 7, 9, 1
At first I am thinking well they should be in an array and sorted first then maybe have to go through a for loop. Am I on the right lines. Some examples will help greatly
If the numbers are all fairly small, you can quickly get the most frequent value by creating an array to keep track of the count for each number. The algorithm would be:
Find the maximum value in your list
Create an integer array of size max + 1 (assuming all non-negative values) to store the counts for each value in your list
Loop through your list and increment the count at the index of each value
Scan through the count array and find the index with the highest value
The run-time of this algorithm should be faster than sorting the list and finding the longest string of duplicate values. The tradeoff is that it takes up more memory if the values in your list are very large.
With Java 8, this can be implemented rather smoothly. If you're willing to use a third-party library like jOOλ, it could be done like this:
List<Integer> list = Arrays.asList(0, 3, 4, 1, 1, 3, 7, 9, 1);
.grouped(i -> i, Agg.count())
.sorted(Comparator.comparing(t -> -t.v2))
.map(t -> t.v1)
(disclaimer, I work for the company behind jOOλ)
If you want to stick with the JDK 8 dependency, the following code would be equivalent to the above:
.collect(Collectors.groupingBy(i -> i, Collectors.counting()))
.sorted(Comparator.comparing(e -> -e.getValue()))
.map(e -> e.getKey())
Both solutions yield:
[1, 3, 0, 4, 7, 9]

MATLAB, how to evaluate multiple indices in one line?

I don't know how to explain this better than by giving you an example.
Suppose I have the following array:
a = magic(6)
And then I take a 'slice' of that like this:
It will print:
Now I want the first number, so I want to write:
Instead of:
b = a(:,1)
Also, is there a way to do something like this (assignment and comparison, i.e. set b, then evaluate against it):
(b = a(:,1))(1)
Ok, here's an update with a function where it isn't trivial to use a(1, 1)
come_on = sprintf('%i, ', magic(3));
8, 3, 4, 1, 5, 9, 6, 7, 2
Also, what if I only want the first 4 numbers on magic(3)?
It would be better to write
sprintf('%i, ', magic(3)(1:4))(1:end-2)
instead of tens of lines, MHO.
You cannot concatenate indexing as foo(1)(2)(3). However, you can index multiple dimensions at once. So in this case, a(1,1) will give you what you want.