Unexpected unity HorizontalLayout behavior when using spacings and/or paddings - unity3d

I've build simple chat UI where instead of text input you have options for my game. And it works. Kind of. The problem is when adding elements instead of just shrinking already existing elements to keep spacing and padding HorizontalLayout additionaly expands itself.
With 1 Element
With 2 Element
Sidebar's width with 1 element
Sidebar's width with 2 elements
Chat UI Inspector
Main Section Inspector
Sidebar Inspector
Responses Box Inspector
i.stack.imgur.com/AQSLW.png (Can't upload > 8 links)
As you can see width of sidebar decreased on the second screenshot.
The question: How do i keep HorizontalLayout's width without disabling paddings and spacing?
I have already tried: Messing around with other layout elements, but it seems that problem exists only when paddings and/or spacings are set.


Why does the same exact material-ui text field's height shrink in one spot and not another?

I am using the Material UI Text Field component as a search bar in my app. On one of the pages, I have it in 2 spots, one on the outside of the page, and another inside my DevExtreme Data Grid.
See here
For whatever reason, this shrinks the search bar, despite it being the exact same component being used in 2 spots.
My question is, what causes MUI to shrink the height of their text input field so that I can fix it accordingly inside of my data grid?
I've tried adjusting line-height, padding, margin's, etc all inside the data grid, unfortunately to no avail. The only thing I've noticed is that deep in the inspector tool, the shrunken search bar has a height of 1.435em, and checking that off will cause the search bar to correct itself to the standard height.

CodeMirror: auto-resize horizontally, without scrollbar

I need a CodeMirror editor which starts with a certain width and then grows automatically to the right to match the maximum line length. I.e. roughly what CodeMirror does when height is set to auto, but with width.
Here's a self-contained example. The editor grows automatically along the y-axis fine, but not along the x-axis. By tweaking the CSS, I can either have a fixed width editor with a scrollbar, or one which fills the entire width of the browser, but not one which grows as you type. I assume overflow-x is relevant, but I don't understand how it interacts with other CSS size properties set on parent elements. I also tried setting that property on CodeMirror-scroll, but it didn't help.
I believe this can be done using CSS properties alone. In fact I have this behaviour in my application already, but growing to the left, rather than the right, but I don't understand why it happens, or how to reproduce it in a small example.
This question is essentially the same, but for the vertical scrollbar.
Simply add float:left to the CodeMirror div.
<div id="here" style="float:left"></div>
This is not something CodeMirror supports. You may be able to get something working by setting .CodeMirror's width to (-webkit-)fit-content, but there will likely be corner cases where this breaks the scrollbars or cursor placement.

Dynamic Width Slides?

I'm using a JSSOR slider that scrolls content horizontally. My issue is that the slide content is dynamic. An admin has the ability to add and remove images & text from the slider, however not all the divs are the same width. This creates gaps and/or overlapping.
I can create a code to get the width of each slide prior to the initialization of jssor, however I'm wondering if there's a way to apply $SlideWidth to individual slides by index?

Adjusting height of GWT Panels based on content

We have many screens where different types of GWT panels are used.
One common problem across many screens is that, content size is derived at runtime. So, if I define a height for a panel(Vertical/Horizontal/DockPanel) and when any new components are getting added within panel or content is more, panel height remains the same. So we are not able to see the contents. UI look and feel becomes worst.
How do we handle the height problems? Do we have to manually code to adjust every panel/widget height when something gets changed in screen. Is it not a very bad way of coding?
Also, now we have datagrids at some places, if no of records are very less, we see a huge space left out below datagrid, not sure how do we handle these cases?
Updated below with few examples as per the comment:
Do you mean to say that whenever we know that content grows vertically, we can always choose FlowPanel. Because, some of the screens we have used Vertical panel/Horizontal Panel and inside that when user clicks something a new fields getting added and shown. So Vertical Panel/Horizontal Panel height automatically not getting adjusted. One more example is that we have main Vertical Panel within a Dock Layout Panel content area and inside that there are some widgets whose content may vary. So now if I use a FlowPanel to the content which varies in size, what about outer panels? Will get it adjusted? Again to say the kind of panels we have used - Dock Layout Panel is used with fixed header, footer, left menu and Content area. A scroll panel is used within Content area. All our different widgets go inside this which is mix and match of horizontal/vertical/datagrids..etc.
In GWT (and HTML) you can either set the height of a panel or let it expand naturally. In general, once you set the height of something, you lose the ability to let it expand naturally.
Some Panels in GWT implicitly set their own height (or require that you set their height) and so are never good choices for dynamically sized content. LayoutPanels and ScrollPanels, for example, can never adjust dynamically, and expect you to provide size information programmatically. FlowPanels and HTMLPanels, on the other hand, are great for dynamic heights and would rather you not set their height explicitly.
If you want a scrolling panel, of course you have to define how high it should be - how else could it know when to scroll and when to just get bigger? But, you can put a FlowPanel (which expands automatically) inside a ScrollPanel (which you have set at 800px or whatever). Then, as you add content to the FlowPanel, it will expand inside the ScrollPanel. Users can then scroll to see different parts of the FlowPanel.
Trouble-shooting tips:
Make sure you aren't setting the height on panels that you want to expand naturally
Make sure you ARE setting the height on panels that should always be the same size
Try using FlowPanels instead of Horizontal/VerticalPanels
*LayoutPanels and AbsolutePanels always need explicit sizes and can never grow dynamically as you add more content. Anything you want to grow with content should probably be a FlowPanel or HTMLPanel.

How to set initial size of a TreeViewer?

I'm using a TreeViewer within a jface WizardPage and the initial input into the tree causes the WizardPage to grow vertically so that it can show all of the tree's values. When expanding one of the tree's values, then the vertical scrollbar works as expected. I'd like to be able to set the tree's size initially so that it is fixed and the scrollbar is already shown when the WizardPage is first drawn, but doing this isn't particularly obvious to me - the setSize method on the TreeViewer's Tree doesn't seem to do anything.
Any help would be appreciated!
Just for the records for this old question:
We solve this problem in our applications by using an own layout manager which we can set fixed sizes for certain controls (with Swing we had done that by using component.setPreferredSize(size)). If no such fixed size is used, we calculate the preferred size of the control while performing the layout. This prevents making controls getting more and more space depending on the control's content when the user resizes the application window or dialog.