How to get the marker’s id when it is pressed in flutter - flutter

I am using flutter. I want to get the clicked marker id when a marker is clicked on Google Maps. Or I would like to know if I clicked a marker or a map area. How can I do it?
I want to retrieve the ids dynamically and i have not been able to


How do you auto zoom maps marker on Thingsboard?

So I have 2 Table widgets and a Maps Widget on the Thingsboard, when I click an item in the list table, I want the maps to auto zoom to the marker in the second Maps Widget on the Thingsboard?
How to auto zoom on Maps Thingsboard with type openstreetmaps?
I would make two dashboards.
First one is the one you already have, so the map of all Devices/Assets and Table. On click of some table row set and action to navigate to new dashboard state.
Second dashboard is the one that opens up upon that previous action, and also has alias that will take dashboard state and point to clicked Device/Asset. With that, you can have a map that will show only that clicked Device/Asset and therefor zoom onto it.

Adding layer id data attribute to leaflet marker

leaflet stores popups and markers in different divs.
Is there any way to add lets say the layer ID as a data attribute to a marker / the corresponding popup to allow me to save this to url params so I can set a view when someone opens the map using an URL with the id of that marker?
I mean I need some way to add the data to the popup so I can copy the url to the clipboard to make this work.
Any advice?

Can code distinguish between click on info item and pin icon in MapKit?

Is it possible to create different actions for the info item (e.g. label / URL) and the pin icon in a map view? When the info item is clicked I want the app to visit the website, and when the pin icon is clicked I want the app to do something else. However I can only get one kind of action triggered whichever is clicked on.

How to Refresh the Google Map in my application using Swift?

I have made a tab bar application, in which one tab(MapTab) consist of an GoogleMap and in another one(ImageTab) all the images are saved. now, when the image get saved in ImageTab it get displayed on a MapTab in the form of Marker.
Now my question is, when i delete the image from ImageTab it gets deleted but how to remove it from MapTab i.e. GoogleMap.
First clear the all the mapView's previous markers with:
And then refresh your image array. Now again draw the markers for the refreshed array of images.

Get Address when click on map view

I am making an application for iphone. In that i want to add event like as when user click on map then that address save in text field of view. I have am showing map in view and user zoom in map and click on any location.When click on map then i want use that location. I want to save that location in string or text field. Can u tell me any api which provide this facility?
So can you tell me how can i do that?
Read this Location awareness and come back if you still need help.