Invalid operation: plan should not reference subplan's variable - amazon-redshift

does anybody know what happened? i was using sql coding in quicksight to prepare data, but i don't know why i get this bug
my code:
select c.event_time from listing_events_with_counter c
a screenshot here
i just want to simply extract this column, then i just get this error:
Error details
Amazon Invalid operation: plan should not reference subplan's variable;


An error occurred while creating datasets: (table_name) Table could not be found for mixpanel data in redshift

new to superset here. I'm connecting mixpanel data (stored in redshift) to superset, but I do not see tables available when I 'add dataset' in superset. Specifically, I want to connect to mp_master_event, and I wonder if the reason it does not show is because it's stored under "External Tables?"
When I type mp_master_event in the 'table' field, I get this error: An error occurred while creating datasets: (table_name) Table [mp_master_event] could not be found, please double check your database connection, schema, and table name. The database connection is fine and the schema 'mixpanel' I've chosen is right.
Any ideas what I should do?

Postgresql push uuid field to Clickhouse data type error

I am trying to push data from PG-12 to Clickhouse via FDW extension ("clickhouse_fdw") and it gives me error:
SQL Error [HV004]: ERROR: cannot convert constant value to clickhouse
value Hint: Constant value data type: 2950
Sherlocking gave me error in uuid, excepting this field passes on to data transfer. If I cast it to text it gives error, that target field is uuid not text. I am confused. Which data type casting is appropriate here? Please advise DB gurus :) Thanks beforehands.

Does function NTILE exist in JDV

I am trying to work with percentiles in Teiid, but I get the following error
Query execution failed
SQL Error [30068] [50000]: TEIID30068 Remote org.teiid.api.exception.query.QueryResolverException: TEIID30068 The function 'ntile(ALL 100)' is an unknown form. Check that the function name and number of arguments is correct.
The query I am using is:
SELECT id, zip5,
ntile(100) OVER(ORDER BY geopgraphy) as percentile
FROM svi2105_us_zip5.svi2015_us_zip5;
Any ideas how to use this or any other similar functions?
Not currently as of Teiid 11.0, but can log JIRA [1] for NTILE support.

Dash DB support for timestamp with time zone

I want to store timestamp with time zone in dashdb. I see that db2 supports data type TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE for this purpose. But when I am trying to create table in dash db using this type, I am getting below error. Is this because dash db just doesn't support this type, even though db2 does. Or is there something I am doing wrong? Appreciate the help
DDL failed with message
_ Exception. _ state = 42601; error code = -104; error Message = Error for >batch element #1: An unexpected token "time" was found following "COL2" >timestamp with". Expected tokens may include: "REFERENCES".. _CODE=-104, >_STATE=42601, DRIVER=3.66.46

Lesson 3 for MSDN error SQL Server Data Tools

i'm currently following this link and performing the steps
however, after importing in the Transact-SQL query, it tells me that
"Could not create a list of fields for the query. Verify that you connect to the data source and that your query syntax is correct. Query (7,24) Parser: The syntax for 'sp' is incorrect"
What could be the problem? I have tested connection of the database and it is connected. (and yes, the table exists in the database)