How to preselect checkbox in showQuickPick in vscode - visual-studio-code

I am using quickpick to display list of items and allowing user to do multiselect. I am using quickpick like this.
context.subscriptions.push(vscode.commands.registerCommand('command', async () => {
const list = await vscode.window.showQuickPick(filedsList, { ignoreFocusOut: true, canPickMany: true});
I trying to make like if user previously selected some items in the quick pick and next time use opened this quick pick I want to preselect the previously selected values.
Is it feasible to do it in vscode extension development.

There are two options. In both cases you'll have to make QuickPickItems out of your AccurevOperations.cpkFieldsList as you cannot just pass strings as the first argument and use the pre-selection capability. It isn't difficult to do this, just loop through that AccurevOperations.cpkFieldsList array and create objects with the QuickPickItem properties you want, like:
const arr = ["1", "2", "3"];
// const quickPickItems = => ( { label: item, picked: true } ) ); // but this would select them all
const quickPickItems = => {
if (Number(item) % 2 != 0) return { label: item, picked: true };
else return { label: item }
So you would use your logic to set the items you want pre-selected to have the picked:true object property. Then
const options = { canPickMany: true };
const qp = vscode.window.showQuickPick(quickPickItems, options);
should show a QuickPick with your selected items.
The other option is to use the createQuickPick method instead, because with that you can use its selectedItems property. So starting with your array:
const arr = ["1", "2", "3"];
const quickPickItems = => ( { label: item } ) ); // and whatever other properties each item needs, perhaps nothing other than label
const qp = vscode.window.createQuickPick();
qp.canSelectMany = true;
qp.items = quickPickItems;
qp.selectedItems = [quickPickItems[0], quickPickItems[2]]; // your logic here;
You will have to create an array of objects to assign to the selectedItems property. Perhaps by filtering the quickPickItems array (from above) for the labels you want pre-selected:
qp.selectedItems = quickPickItems.filter(item => {
return item.label === "1" || item.label === "3";

the object vscode::QuickPickItem has a property
Optional flag indicating if this item is picked initially.


Hiding DOM elements with a chrome extension without causing a flicker

I am aware that there is a duplicate question out there. I am posting it again because it has no answers (and it's from 4 years ago).
General description of what I want:
I want to be able to hide a DOM-element (adding = "none") before the DOM is loaded into the view.
What I've tried:
Other posts point to using a MutationObserver and running it on the document element.
To ensure that we are able to hide an element before the DOM is loaded, we are to run the script containing the MutationObserver as a content_script with "run_at":"document_start".
I did all of this, and I still see a flicker (the elements appear when I load a page and then quickly disappear).
What I'm trying to do:
There's a ul which contains some li with some text on the page I inject my content_script.js into. I populate my popup.html with <text, checkbox> pairs. If the checkbox is checked, the li containing said text is visible, else it is hidden. I want it to persist between refreshes, hence the use of storage.
Things work - but there's a flicker whenever I refresh the page. The elements are there, then they're gone. I don't want them to show up in the first place!
My code:
When I detect that the DOM elements I may remove have loaded, I generate an Object that indicates whether I should hide or keep visible that specific DOM element.
I then set its to none or block accordingly.
"content_scripts": [
"matches": [
"js": [
"run_at": "document_start"
const mutationObserver = new MutationObserver((mutations) => {
for (const { addedNodes } of mutations) {
for (const node of addedNodes) {
if (node.tagName) {
if (node.querySelector(potentially_hidden_element_selector)) {"courses", ({ courses }) => {{ "courses": generateCourseList(courses) }, () => {
const courseElements = Array.from(node.closest('ul').querySelectorAll('a[data-parent-key="mycourses"]'))
courseElements.forEach(courseElement => {
const courseName = getCourseName(courseElement)
const isVisible = courses[courseName]
updateCourseElementInSidebar(courseElement, isVisible)
// We found what we were looking for so stop searching
mutationObserver.observe(document, { childList: true, subtree: true })
My generateCourseList method depends on the DOM elements I may try to hide - so I can't call the method before the DOM has loaded I think.
When I refresh the page, a list of courses eventually populates the DOM.
I then populate the storage's courses object based on these course elements' innerText properties. I set each of these elements' visibility to true or false based on one of two factors: if this course is already defined in the courses object, keep its visibility status, if it isn't, set it to true (visible by default).
I can't make certain DOM elements visible/hidden if I don't have reference to them though. So if I try to call generateCourseList before those specific DOM elements have loaded, I end up trying to retrieve all the course elements (document.querySelectorAll('a[data-parent-key="mycourses"]')) and get returned nothing. I end up setting courses in to nothing because of this{ "courses": generateCourseList(courses) }....
Here is all of my code. I try to as soon as I can, and I try to not depend on the result of
I try to delete the elements as soon as I can, but I'm having difficulty doing so. This is because I have difficulty knowing when the content I want to access (the course elements) have fully loaded. Previously, I was detecting when one course element was visible, and when it was, I assumed all were. This was a mistake. I was able to access the one courselement the moment it popped up, but sometimes only 4 of the 6 course elements were actually loaded. I can't hardcode this number, because it changes from person to person. I can't just tackle them one by one, because then I wouldn't know when to disconnect the MutationObserver. I used the debugger and tried to find what element is loaded soon after all 6 course elements are loaded, and that is the header#page-header.row element. I still get a flicker, though less noticeable than before.
Anything I can do to make it even less noticeable?
function start_mutation_observer() {{ 'savedCourses': {} }, ({ savedCourses }) => {
const observer = new MutationObserver((mutations) => {
for (const { addedNodes } of mutations) {
for (const node of addedNodes) {
// The page header gets updated AFTER the courseList is updated - so once it's in the page, we know the courseElements are too
if (document.querySelector('header#page-header.row')) {
const generatedCourses = generateCourseList(savedCourses)
const courseElements = getCourseElements()
// Set visibility of course elements
courseElements.forEach(courseElement => {
const courseName = getCourseElementTextContent(courseElement);
const isShown = generatedCourses[courseName];
setCourseElementVisibility(courseElement, isShown);
});{ 'savedCourses': generatedCourses });
observer.observe(document, { childList: true, subtree: true });
// In case the content script has been injected when some of the DOM has already loaded
onMutation([{ addedNodes: [document.documentElement] }]);
function getCourseElements() {
const COURSE_ELEMENT_SELECTOR = 'ul > li > a[data-parent-key="mycourses"]'
return Array.from(document.querySelectorAll(COURSE_ELEMENT_SELECTOR))
function getCourseElementTextContent(courseElement) {
const COURSE_ELEMENT_TEXT_CONTAINER_SELECTOR = 'a[data-parent-key="mycourses"] > div > div >'
return courseElement.querySelector(COURSE_ELEMENT_TEXT_CONTAINER_SELECTOR).textContent
function generateCourseList(savedCourses) {
// Turns [[a, b], [b,c]] into {a:b, b:c}
return Object.fromEntries(getCourseElements().map(courseElement => {
const courseName = getCourseElementTextContent(courseElement)
const isShown = savedCourses[courseName] ?? true
return [courseName, isShown]
function setCourseElementVisibility(courseElement, isShown) {
if (isShown) { = "block"
} else { = "none"
I think it's as good as can be now. I only refresh the visibility of the course elements that were just loaded into the DOM. There's essentially no flicker now (there is a slight one, but its' the same amount of flickering without my extension).
Here is the code for the MutationObserver
function start_mutation_observer() {
let handledCourseElements = new Set(){ 'savedCourses': {} }, ({ savedCourses }) => {
const observer = new MutationObserver((mutations) => {
for (const { addedNodes } of mutations) {
for (const node of addedNodes) {
const courseElements = getCourseElements()
const courseElementsAdded = courseElements.length > handledCourseElements.size
// If a courseElement was added, update visibility of those that weren't already processed
if (courseElementsAdded) {
const generatedCourses = generateCourseList(savedCourses)
.filter(courseElement => !handledCourseElements.has(courseElement))
.forEach(courseElement => {
const courseName = getCourseElementTextContent(courseElement)
const courseShouldBeVisible = generatedCourses[courseName];
setCourseElementVisibility(courseElement, courseShouldBeVisible);
// The page header gets updated AFTER the courseList is updated - so once it's in the page, we know the courseElements are too
if (document.querySelector('header#page-header.row')) {
observer.disconnect(){ 'savedCourses': generateCourseList(savedCourses) });
observer.observe(document, { childList: true, subtree: true });
// In case the content script has been injected when some of the DOM has already loaded
onMutation([{ addedNodes: [document.documentElement] }]);
Reading storage is slow and asynchronous, so you need to do it at the beginning:'courses', ({ courses }) => {{ 'courses': generateCourseList(courses) });
const observer = new MutationObserver(onMutation);
observer.observe(document, { childList: true, subtree: true });
onMutation([{addedNodes: [document.documentElement]}]);
function onMutation(mutations) {
for (const { addedNodes } of mutations) {
for (const node of addedNodes) {
if (node.tagName && node.querySelector(potentially_hidden_element_selector)) {
processNode(node, courses);
function processNode(node, courses) {
const courseElements = Array.from(
courseElements.forEach(courseElement => {
const courseName = getCourseName(courseElement);
const isVisible = courses[courseName];
updateCourseElementInSidebar(courseElement, isVisible);

sap.m.table multi checkbox make it READ ONLY - On Condition + SAP UI5

This is my first post to Stack, appreciate the work you guys do, amazing.
I have a sap.m.table sap ui5 and i have 4 records
out of 4, 2 are selected by default, i want to disable the preselected once based on condition.
I have tried below code but its not working, any input please?
/results' }" **mode="MultiSelect"**
Controller logic
//--->disable the selected department checkboxes
var tbl = that.getView().byId('idImpactTable');
var header = tbl.$().find('thead');
var selectAllCb = header.find('.sapMCb');
tbl.getItems().forEach(function(r) {
var obj = r.getBindingContext("impactModel").getObject();
var oStatus = obj.COMPLETED;
var cb = r.$().find('.sapMCb');
var oCb = sap.ui.getCore().byId(cb.attr('id'));
if (oStatus === "X") {
} else {
Multiselect Mode Table - Make selected check box read only
Last time I tried this I found it easiest to use the updateFinished event on the table, and then use an internal property of the column list item, like so:
onTableUpdateFinished: function (oEvent) {
oEvent.getSource().getItems().forEach(function (item) {
var data = item.getBindingContext().getObject();
item._oMultiSelectControl.setEnabled(!data.IsEnabled); //whatever your check is
You'll have to find a way to keep them disabled though when using the Select All checkbox at the top of the table. I ended up extending sap.m.Table to accomplish that, there might be easier ways...
My extension is like this
], function(Control) {
return Control.extend("myapp.controls.MyTable", {
updateSelectAllCheckbox: function(oEvent) {
if (this._selectAllCheckBox && this.getMode() === "MultiSelect") {
var aItems = this.getItems();
var iSelectedItemCount = this.getSelectedItems().length;
var iSelectableItemCount = aItems.filter(function(oItem) {
//standard table does not check if the item is enabled
return oItem.getSelected() || oItem._oMultiSelectControl.getEnabled();
// set state of the checkbox by comparing item length and selected item length
this._selectAllCheckBox.setSelected(aItems.length > 0 && iSelectedItemCount === iSelectableItemCount);
And just the standard renderer
], function(Control) {
return Control.extend("myapp.controls.MyTableRenderer", {
I suppose I could have extended the ColumnListItem but that was more effort than I wanted to put into the table extension
I have managed to find the solution, please find sample code to achieve.
//--->disable the selected department checkboxes
var tbl = that.getView().byId("idImpactTable");
var header = tbl.$().find("thead");
var selectAllCb = header.find(".sapMCb");
var aItems = that.byId("idImpactTable").getItems();
//---> Check individual item property value and select the item
aItems.forEach(function(oItem) {
//---> If using OData Model items Binding, get the item object
var mObject = oItem.getBindingContext().getObject();
var sPath = oItem.getBindingContextPath();
var completed = oItem.oBindingContexts.impactModel.getProperty("COMPLETED");
//--->get the id of Multi Checkbox
var cb = oItem.$().find(".sapMCb");
var oCb = sap.ui.getCore().byId(cb.attr("id"));
if (completed === "X") {
} else {
Thank you,
//--->disable the selected department checkboxes
var tbl = that.getView().byId('idImpactTable');
tbl.getItems().forEach(function(r) {
// this makes the trick --->
var oMultiSelCtrl = r.getMultiSelectControl();
oMultiSelCtrl.setDisplayOnly( true );

Draft.js insert image at dropped position

I'm trying to drop image from outside of draft-js editor but it's always inserted at last position of the cursor/selection in editor (or at end if cursor/selection not set).
This is my wrap around draft-js-drag-n-drop-plugin
const droppableBlockDndPlugin = {
handleDrop: (
{getEditorState, setEditorState}
) => {
const editorState = getEditorState();
const raw ='text');
const data = raw ? raw.split(IMAGE_BLOCK_TYPE_SEPARATOR) : [];
if (data.length > 1 && data[0] === IMAGE_BLOCK_TYPE_PURE) {
const url = data[1];
if (url) {
const newState = imagePlugin.addImage(editorState, url);
return blockDndPlugin.handleDrop(selection, dataTransfer, isInternal, {
Basically I'm just doing extra logic before base handleDrop occurs where I insert image using imagePlugin.addImage. Is there way to drop image to dragged position?
Actually it was quite obvious solution - you should just use passed selection and create new state with it and then add image to that new state:
const newState = imagePlugin.addImage(EditorState.forceSelection(editorState, selection), url);

REACT.js on select disable radio button and check second option

I have been changing a form based on REACT and this is something I am a newb with (been using it already for 4 months but just segments of it, sometimes actual progress with the programming is based on pure luck and every time on advices of good people found here).
Currently I have a task of re-developing a form of this look:
What I need to achieve is Calibration radios' behavior based on Type's selection: if argument calibration is set to 0 (zero) then disable option 'Accredited' and check second option automatically.
Edited: 19 Oct 2017
This creates the drop down, and the DD works great:
createSuggestInput(name) {
const { id, value, labels } = this.props;
const _t = this.props.intl.formatMessage;
var options = [
{ value: 'one', label: 'One', calibration: '0' },
{ value: 'two', label: 'Two ', calibration: '1' },
{ value: 'three', label: 'Three', calibration: '0' },
{ value: 'four', label: 'Four', calibration: '1' },
return <Select.Creatable
name = {`${id}_${name}`}
value = {this.state.brandSelect}
placeholder = {_t(translations.txtSuggest)}
options = {options}
onChange = {this._onChange.bind(this)}
label = {labels[name]}
key = {`${id}_${name}`}
promptTextCreator = { (label) => _t(translations.txtCreate) + ' ' + label + _t(translations.txtCreateEnter) }
When selected option's calibration value is ZERO, I need to update set of Calibration radio buttons, by disabling the option "Accredited" and at the same time checking the second option, "Not Accredited".
createRadioCalibration(name) {
const { id, value, labels } = this.props;
const _t = this.props.intl.formatMessage;
[CALIBRATION_ACCREDITED, _t(messages.calibrationAccredited)],
[CALIBRATION_NOT_ACCREDITED, _t(messages.calibrationNotAccredited)]
return <FormChoiceGroup
type = "radio"
values = {}
key = {`${id}_${name}`}
name = {`${id}_${name}`}
value = {value[name]}
handleChange = {this.handleFieldChangeFn(name)}
These two are rendered as follows:
render () {
const FIELDS = {
[CALIBRATION]: this.createRadioCalibration(CALIBRATION),
[TYPE]: this.createSuggestInput(TYPE),
return (
<div className="repair-form-device repair-form-device-field-row">
<div className="repair-form-device-id">
{id + 1}
<div className="clearfix repair-form-device-content">
<div className="">
<div className="">
And lastly the _onChange function:
_onChange(tool) {
const { id } = this.props;
brandSelect: tool
As I stated previously, I am stuck with the main task, which is manipulating the Calibration radio buttons.
I believe I can update its status inside the _onChange function, but everything I tested so far lead me nowhere.
Your patience is much appreciated!

Handle selected event in autocomplete textbox using bootstrap Typeahead?

I want to run JavaScript function just after user select a value using autocomplete textbox bootstrap Typeahead.
I'm searching for something like selected event.
$('.typeahead').on('typeahead:selected', function(evt, item) {
// do what you want with the item here
updater: function(item) {
// do what you want with the item here
return item;
For an explanation of the way typeahead works for what you want to do here, taking the following code example:
HTML input field:
<input type="text" id="my-input-field" value="" />
JavaScript code block:
source: function (query, process) {
return $.get('json-page.json', { query: query }, function (data) {
return process(data.options);
updater: function(item) {
var $fld = $('#my-input-field');
return item;
Your input field is set as a typeahead field with the first line: $('#my-input-field').typeahead(
When text is entered, it fires the source: option to fetch the JSON list and display it to the user.
If a user clicks an item (or selects it with the cursor keys and enter), it then runs the updater: option. Note that it hasn't yet updated the text field with the selected value.
You can grab the selected item using the item variable and do what you want with it, e.g. myOwnFunction(item).
I've included an example of creating a reference to the input field itself $fld, in case you want to do something with it. Note that you can't reference the field using $(this).
You must then include the line return item; within the updater: option so the input field is actually updated with the item variable.
first time i've posted an answer on here (plenty of times I've found an answer here though), so here's my contribution, hope it helps. You should be able to detect a change - try this:
function bob(result) {
alert('hi bob, you typed: '+ result);
var result = $(this).val()
//call your function here
According to their documentation, the proper way of handling selected event is by using this event handler:
$('#selector').on('typeahead:select', function(evt, item) {
// Your Code Here
What worked for me is below:
source: ['test1', 'test2'],
afterSelect: function (item) {
// do what is needed with item
//and then, for example ,focus on some other control
I created an extension that includes that feature.
source: function (query, process) {
return $.get(
{ query: query },
function (data) {
limit: 10,
data = $.parseJSON(data);
return process(data);
afterSelect: function(item) {
Fully working example with some tricks. Assuming you are searching for trademarks and you want to get the selected trademark Id.
In your view MVC,
#Html.TextBoxFor(model => model.TrademarkName, new { id = "txtTrademarkName", #class = "form-control",
autocomplete = "off", dataprovide = "typeahead" })
#Html.HiddenFor(model => model.TrademarkId, new { id = "hdnTrademarkId" })
<input type="text" id="txtTrademarkName" autocomplete="off" dataprovide="typeahead" class="form-control" value="" maxlength="100" />
<input type="hidden" id="hdnTrademarkId" />
In your JQuery,
$(document).ready(function () {
var trademarksHashMap = {};
var lastTrademarkNameChosen = "";
source: function (queryValue, process) {
// Although you receive queryValue,
// but the value is not accurate in case of cutting (Ctrl + X) the text from the text box.
// So, get the value from the input itself.
queryValue = $("#txtTrademarkName").val();
queryValue = queryValue.trim();// Trim to ignore spaces.
// If no text is entered, set the hidden value of TrademarkId to null and return.
if (queryValue.length === 0) {
return 0;
// If the entered text is the last chosen text, no need to search again.
if (lastTrademarkNameChosen === queryValue) {
return 0;
// Set the trademarkId to null as the entered text, doesn't match anything.
var url = "/areaname/controllername/SearchTrademarks";
var params = { trademarkName: queryValue };
// Your get method should return a limited set (for example: 10 records) that starts with {{queryValue}}.
// Return a list (of length 10) of object {id, text}.
return $.get(url, params, function (data) {
// Keeps the current displayed items in popup.
var trademarks = [];
// Loop through and push to the array.
$.each(data, function (i, item) {
var itemToDisplay = item.text;
trademarksHashMap[itemToDisplay] = item;
// Process the details and the popup will be shown with the limited set of data returned.
updater: function (itemToDisplay) {
// The user selectes a value using the mouse, now get the trademark id by the selected text.
var selectedTrademarkId = parseInt(trademarksHashMap[itemToDisplay].value);
// Save the last chosen text to prevent searching if the text not changed.
lastTrademarkNameChosen = itemToDisplay;
// return the text to be displayed inside the textbox.
return itemToDisplay;