VS Code Terminal Font Changed after installing firacode extension. Why? - visual-studio-code

My Visual Studio Code terminal font has changed for mysterious reasons yesterday from the default font into courier. I checked the settings.json file but nothing changed. Why did this happen?
It happened when I added the firacode fnt into my vscode using the marketplace.
I tried to edit the settings.json file but no result ... it still the ugly font till now


Prettier not working on VScode tried everything from stackoverflow still nothing happened?

Prettier not working on VSCode
I have been using prettier for java on vs code from very long everything was working smoothly till yesterday and suddenly prettier stopped working for java.
I have tried every available resource on Youtube and Stack Overflow still didn't solve my issue, please help.
I tried from changing default formatter and format on save to settings.json still now working showing error - FormattingExtension 'Prettier - Code formatter' is configured as formatter but it cannot format 'Java'-files
Normally this happens when you have another extension overlapping the prettier settings. Disabling other extensions normally solves the problem. Reinstalling visual studio can be your best option, but you have to remove all remaining settings, or it will just be the same.
You can always install directly in terminal using: https://prettier.io/docs/en/install.html
Confirm on extensions that prettier is enabled. Update Visual Studio and Windows.

Fonts in terminal of the Visual Studio Code (VS) Code

Visual studio code terminal
I cannot read the terminal . I changed the json file for the fonts but still I cannot read the letters in the terminal.
I changed json, terminal settings.
But unfortunately the fonts still cannot be read in the terminal.

VS Code Integrated Terminal Not Displaying Special Characters

My VS Code integrated terminal doesn't recognize the git branch symbols, or the forward arrow character, shown in the first screenshot, which displays correctly in iTerm windows and IntelliJ's integrated terminal.
These characters are coming from iTerm, using the terminal setup steps I went through here: https://medium.com/#Clovis_app/configuration-of-a-beautiful-efficient-terminal-and-prompt-on-osx-in-7-minutes-827c29391961
What I want to see in VS Code integrated terminal:
What I currently see in VS Code integrated terminal:
I did come across a solution to add this to my VS Code settings.json, but this setting has since been deprecated as it has been integrated as the default setting in newer vs updates.
"terminal.integrated.experimentalTextureCachingStrategy": "dynamic"
It's not a pressing issue, but personalizing the VS Code terminal with more git info and aesthetics would be really nice using special characters.
Install a powerline/nerdfont font to your system if you haven't already, and then specify that font in the terminal.integrated.fontFamily setting in your settings.json file.
Quoting from the VS Code docs:
Powerline fonts are special patched fonts that contain additional characters that can be used in the terminal. VS Code's terminal renders some of the Powerline symbols without needing to configure a font, but if more glyphs are desired, configure a Powerline font with the font family setting. Powerline fonts typically end in " for Powerline", the following setting is an example of how to configure a DejaVu Sans Mono that has been patched:
"editor.fontFamily": "'DejaVu Sans Mono for Powerline'"
Nerd Fonts work the same and typically have a " NF" suffix, the following is an example of how to configure Hack's nerd fonts variant:
"terminal.integrated.fontFamily": "'Hack NF'"

Auto format , auto new line with Visual Studio Code (on Mac)

I'm using Flutter with Visual Studio Code (on Mac)
I feel uncomfortable with new lines auto added on save
I want to add new lines by myself, like below
I tried with formatOnSave, but it looks like I got wrong setting to config
"editor.formatOnSave": false
I'm using Prettier as VS-Code default formatter: https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=esbenp.prettier-vscode
And then just configure the maximum line width on the plugin settings:

Visual Studio Code Theming - change editor error indicator

Does the Visual Studio Code Theme Colour Reference have an entry for the red underscore used by the editor to signify, for example, a syntax error?
Yes, this was added in VSCode 1.13 (which is currently the vscode insider build). Try setting editorError.foreground
Here's a preview of some the other error/warning theming options coming in 1.13: https://github.com/Microsoft/vscode-docs/blob/vnext/release-notes/v1_13.md#theming