WGPU - Rust or С/C++? - webgpu

Please explain about the Wgpu library:https://github.com/gfx-rs/wgpu
The page says:
To use wgpu in C/C++, you need wgpu-native.
I go to the wgpu-native github page, so it says that:
This is a native WebGPU implementation in Rust, based on wgpu-core.
Something I got confused - they write about C/C ++, and when you go to the page - they write again about Rust.

wgpu itself is written in Rust and can be used as a rust crate / library.
However there are C / C++ - Bindings to wgpu, which are published as wgpu-native. wgpu-native itself is also written in rust, but it exposes a C interface which allows this library to be integrated in a variety of other programming languages using FFI.
Additional information about how a rust library can expose C-Bindings is for example given in this article.


How to get the implementations of dart abstract classes in dart-lang github repo?

Since dart is an open source language I was trying to get the implementations of dart abstract classes? for example I would like to see how dart team implemented String abstract class to see "trim()" method implementation, there is similar question here maybe but couldn't help me.
Navigating the Dart SDK repository require some experience before it gets easier. One reason is that it contains different implementation of some methods depending on the target platform (native vs JavaScript). Also, sometimes the native implementation is being done in C++ depending on if that makes more sense.
In your case, I have found the following two implementation of String.trim(). The first is used for native (Dart VM and AOT):
And the second is used when the target is JavaScript (sometimes, we can proxy methods directly to native JavaScript methods but in this case, the trim() in JS does have a different behavior from the String.trim() in Dart. This is documented above the method in the link):
Note about the annotations used in the first link
The internal Dart source code can often look a bit alien compared to the normal Dart code. E.g.:
#pragma("vm:recognized", "asm-intrinsic")
#pragma("vm:external-name", "String_charAt")
external String operator [](int index);
The #pragma is used tell the Dart compiler some additional information. It can e.g. be to enforce inlining of certain methods. Or as here, tell the compiler it should call a C++ method bound to an entry called String_charAt. If we make a search in the GitHub repo. we can find that method here:

Have hidden implementation of functions in Swift like in the documentation?

I am building a rather large library and I think it would be a lot cleaner if I could have the implementation for my methods and such hidden. For example, when you view the in-code documentation for standard Swift types, such as UInt64, you see things like:
With the actual implementation of the methods hidden, and only the declarations and headers shown. How can I do this with my own library?
You need to distribute your library as a precompiled binary, in which case only the public headers + documentation will be visible for consumers of your library.
For more information, you can watch the WWDC2019 video of about Binary frameworks in Swift.
There is a shortcut in Xcode to show only the interface: Control+Command+Up Arrow, but it is a little slow and doesn't hide the internal methods that not useful for the usage of the code (since only public and open interface in Swift Package can be used by outside module).

Objective-C Encryption libraries on iPhone?

Are there any ready-to-use encryption libraries for the iPhone? 3DES, AES/Rijndael, whatever. I need to encrypt and decrypt strings. My understanding of Objective-C is that you can use C code inside of Objective-C methods/functions/whatever they're called.
iPhone comes out of the box with the CommonCrypto library. It has various support for encryption. See the Security Coding How-to from Apple.
That is correct, you can use any C code you want in Objective - C, since it is a proper superset of C.
don't forget you could always use c++ source code in your obj-c project and there are many c++ encryption libraries like : LibTomCrypt
add c++ code to your project and simply call functions;
Take a look at http://www.example-code.com/objc/crypt2_3des.asp

iPhone Undocumented API of Security.framework

I read some info regarding getting .h files for undocumented API. Most of sources recommend class-dump (or class-dump-x and class-dump-z).
However it doesn't work with iPhone Security.framework. It doesn't contain Objective-C runtime information.
The only other way which I found is to use nm or otool. This will give the names of functions and disassembly for them.
Does anybody know some faster way to get undocumented functions signature than reading disassembly and trying to figure out what parameters go where and what could it be?
You mean this undocumented api, documented here..
Security.framework is not private or undocumented.
As far as headers go, installed on my harddrive in the 3.2 sdk i find:
As for a little reverse engineering 101, you should realise that a framework doesn't contain or in anyway have a use for header files, or function signatures. When provided they are solely for the benefit of the developer. There is no C or C++ or objective-c code in the compiled framework, only the raw machine code.
As you have seen, if objective-c was used Class-Dump can do a pretty good job of arranging objective-c symbols into something that looks like a header file, only missing type information that isn't used at runtime, so still not that useful.
If the source language was C then you are screwed. There may be a function name symbol but there is no info about arguments or return type.
There are bunch of additional undocumented API's which are not mentioned in official documentation. As example, part of them could be seen here:

Is there a native YAML library for iPhone?

I'm considering using YAML as part of my next iPhone application, but I haven't been able to find an Objective-C library to use.
The Wikipedia page for YAML mentions one, but the link is dead.
Is there an Objective-C library that can parse YAML into native collection objects (NSArray, NSDictionary, etc...)?
The Cocoa extensions for Syck are probably what you're looking for -- it's where the library that Shaggy Frog mentioned seems to be living these days.
You can try YAML.framework it's LibYAML based, it's fast and easy to use. Follows the same pattern as standard NSPropertyListSerialization.
You can use it for iOS (iPhone/iPad) development.
The YAMLKit framework is a thin wrapper around LibYAML. It does exactly what you want. For example:
[[YKParser alloc] init];
[p readString:#"- foo\n- bar\n- baz"];
id result = [p parse];
/* result is now an NSArray containing an NSArray with elements:
#"foo", #"bar", #"baz" */
[p release];
I recently wrote modern ObjC-YAML bindings, based on the standard NSCoder/NSKeyedArchiver interface: http://github.com/th-in-gs/YACYAML. I'm using them in my own projects, and intend to maintain them for at least as long as I continue to do so.
More here: http://www.blog.montgomerie.net/yacyaml
IF you are doing alot of c++ in your iPhone projects, then please have a look at yaml-cpp:
has native iPhone support (via it's cmake build system)
has no dependencies beyond a good compiler and cmake
is very c++ friendly (thus, the name) with solid documentation (see the wiki/HowToParseADocument page)
I found this right from YAML's front page. But it looks like it might be out of date (c. 2004?), and the CVS link doesn't work for me.
I would bet that it's just a thin wrapper around an underlying C library like this or this... C code being "native" code that the Objective-C compiler will grok.
I found this question looking for YAML + objective C options. I ended up using this solution: https://github.com/icanzilb/JSONModel. Very cool, up to date and easy to use. Parses yaml directly into objective C models that you create inheriting the JSONModel class.