mysql router in kubernetes - kubernetes

There are few deployments in different namespaces in our application. Mysql is outside of the cluster and planning to use mysql router. Deployed mysql router as a service and the deployments are able to connect using kubernetes service URL. The question is should mysql router be deployed as sidecar (possible to??) to each of the deployments or run as another deployment within the cluster? If it runs as the separate deployment how the router deployment will handle the increase in requests if the app deployments are scaled up?

You can deploy the Mysql router as deployment and service.
So when if your application scale up you can also scale the deployment with HPA based on the resource you are looking CPU/Memory/Requests etc.


Kubernetes - How to create a service that point to LAN application

My infrastructure is based on Kubernetes (k3s, with istio ingress). I would like to use istio to expose an application that is not in my cluster.
outside (internet) --https--> my router --> [cluster] istio --> [not cluster] application (
I tried creating a HAProxy container, but it didn't work...
Any ideas?
If you insist on piping your traffic to the non-cluster application through the Kubernetes cluster, there are a couple of ways to handle this. You could use a Kubernetes-native ExternalName Kubernetes service.
The Istio way would be to create a ServiceEntry, though, and then use a VirtualService combined with a Gateway to direct traffic to your application outside of the cluster.

bitnami/external-dns with Kubernetes on Docker Desktop does not work

What I'm trying to do
I have deployed an core gRpc service on Docker for Desktop (Kubernetes enabled). To do client-side load balancing, I want to expose the same via a headless service. The deployment and service definition YAML files are as provided by the link viz. Deployment.yaml , service.yaml, and PV and PVC .yaml. When the deployment is run two replicas will be created. Now I want to expose them via a headless service and do a DNS lookup of the pods' IP addresses and do a client-side load balancing. For this, I installed the bitnami external-dns using the HELM charts. I did not make any modifications to the default chart values. Now when I try to do a nslookup of my service this is not working.
My expectation
Deploy the bitnami external-dns on Docker for Desktop with Kubernetes enabled and configured service to expose as DNS on the load balancer. I was expecting the nslookup to succeed in getting the pod IPs as a result
Can someone help me to get the same working?

How to integrate Prometheus with Kubernetes where both are running on different host?

My prometheus server is running on different server. Also I have another kubernetes cluster. So, I need monitoring kubernetes pod metrics using prometheus running on different servers.
To monitor external cluster I would take advantage of Prometheus federation topology.
In your Kubernetes cluster install node-exporter pods and configure Prometheus with short-term storage.
Expose the Prometheus service (you can follow this guide) outside of Kubernetes cluster, this can be done either by LB or a node port.
Configure the Prometheus server to scrape metrics from Kubernetes endpoints configuring them with correct tags and proper authentication.

Can we reach a server running inside kubernetes Cluster from Outside?

I have a requirement that the server that is running inside one of my container in a k8s cluster should be able to reach a server that is running in some other machine (currently its in AWS).Now the problem is that both the server (in AWS & Kubernetes Cluster) should be able to reach each other.
My server in AWS is not able to ping my Server running in Kubernetes Cluster.
Is that possible? Can we do it ?
Yes you can use ingress-nginx to create publicly reachable services ingress-nginx
If you want to do it manually you can setup load balancers that map to specific ip ranges for your nodes. This is for ssh traffic.
yes you can use ingress kubernetes object it will create publicly reachable services.
Mainly if you are using aws or digital-ocean and you will use ingress it will make load balancer (ELB or ALB) and make public service and you can access server running inside kubernetes
By manually also you can do it just simply use kubernetes service and expose it using load balancer and NODE port

Kubernetes services within cluster

I am trying to set up a conventional web app with a database in Kubernetes. I have accomplished it by configuring 2 services and 2 deployments - one for the app and one for the database. Now I would like to make my database accessible only from the app pods, ie not expose it to outside world like a service. Is it possible using only Kubernetes configuration?
There are following ways to expose the pods.
purpose is inter-service communication
Internally expose
service type=clusterIP
Headless-service clusterIP: None is used for database pods
Sometimes you don’t need or want load-balancing and a single service IP. headless-services
Externally expose
Exposing service to the customers.
service type=NodePort or type=LoadBalancer