Yaml error preventing me from knitting to Word document in Rstudio - ms-word

I finished a homework assignment in RStudio and wanted to knit it to a Word Doument but it stopped and gave me this error message.
Error in yaml::yaml.load(..., eval.expr = TRUE) :
Scanner error: while scanning for the next token at line 2, column 7 found character that cannot start any token at line 2, column 7
Calls: <Anonymous> ... parse_yaml_front_matter -> yaml_load -> <Anonymous>
Execution halted
When i look at line 2, column 7 I dont see what the problem is. Here is that chunk of code.
title: "Homework Set 1"
data: `r Sys.Date()`
word_document: default
df_print: paged
I tried to remove the space at line 2, column 7 but when I do it simply moves the error code over to another part of the same line. I dont believe its a download error or that I need to download any new programs as I just installed the program. I am unsure as to why the problem is occuring and what I need to do to fix it.

The character at line 2, column 7 is `. This character is reserved in YAML for future use and thus cannot start a scalar. You can quote the scalar to fix the error:
data: "`r Sys.Date()`"


mongoimport on csv: bare " in non-quoted-field

Running mongoimport, I get the error:
Failed: read error on entry #2: line 3, column 25: bare " in non-quoted-field
This is line 3:
1,0xcrypton,"Hyderabad, India","'Hyderabad', ' India'",17.38405,78.45636
There are plenty of other questions about this error, but they're all related to double quotes or escaped quotes. There's none of that here. In fact, to be on the safe side I deleted all double quotes from the csv. What's going on?
edit: Also tried removing the entire rest of the csv so it's just this line and the header line. Still getting the error.
Well, this happened because I created the csv using pandas to_csv and used the encoding='utf16' option. Apparently doing so breaks quotation marks.

postgresql 11 ERROR: syntax error at or near "`"

I installed Mimic3 database in Pg11, and try to query using the code from here: https://mimic.physionet.org/tutorials/intro-to-mimic-iii-bq/ solution to step 1.
SELECT ie.subject_id, ie.hadm_id, ie.icustay_id,
ie.intime, ie.outtime
FROM `physionet-data.mimiciii_clinical.icustays` ie;
but I got the error.
ERROR: syntax error at or near "`"
LINE 3: FROM `physionet-data.mimiciii_clinical.icustays` ie
, Time: 0.004000s
And if I deleted those two backticks, I got the warning.
ERROR: syntax error at or near "-"
LINE 3: FROM physionet-data.mimiciii_clinical.icustays ie
, Time: 0.002000s
And if I explaced ` with ", it showed the error that:
ERROR: relation "physionet-data.mimiciii_clinical.icustays" does not exist
LINE 3: FROM "physionet-data.mimiciii_clinical.icustays" ie
, Time: 0.002000s
Hope somebody can tell me what was wrong. Thank you!
Postgres doesn't use backticks to quote table names, it uses double quotes, and dots aren't allowed in names without quoting, so you probably want this:
SELECT ie.subject_id, ie.hadm_id, ie.icustay_id,
ie.intime, ie.outtime
FROM "physionet-data.mimiciii_clinical.icustays" ie;

Swift Playground: Show Line Execution Counts > i.e. (# times)

I'm running Xcode Version 8.0 (8A218a)
While in the swift playground I'm not seeing line execution counts.
How does one show line execution counts like the "(3 times)" output normally show as the 'output' of line 2, as shown below on line 9 of an example:
Short and simple answer:
There is no calculation iteration to print out there, check this example:

Postgres: Inconsistent reported row numbers by failed Copy error

I have a file foo that I'd like to copy into a table.
\copy stage.from_csv FROM '/path/foo.dat' CSV;
If foo has an error like column mismatch or bad type, the return error is normal:
CONTEXT: COPY from_csv, line 5, column report_year: "aa"
However, if the error is caused by an extraneous quotation mark, the reported line number is always one greater than the size of the file.
CONTEXT: COPY from_csv, line 11: "02,2004,"05","123","09228","00","SUSX","PR",30,,..."
The source file has 10 lines, and I placed the error in line 5. If you examine the information in the CONTEXT message, it contains the line 5 data, so I know postgres can identify the row itself. However, it cannot identify the row by number. I have done this with a few different file lengths and the returned line number behavior is consistent.
Anyone know the cause and/or how to get around this?
That is because the error manifests only at the end of the file.
Look at this CSV file:
There is a bug in the third line, an extra " has been added before the 3.
Now to parse a CSV file, you first read until you hit the next line break.
But be careful, line breaks that are within double quotes don't count!
So all of the line breaks are part of a quoted string, and the line continues until the end of file.
Now that we have read our line, we can continue parsing it and notice that the number of quotes is unbalanced. Hence the error message:
ERROR: unterminated CSV quoted field
CONTEXT: COPY stock, line 6: ""google","falling","3,4
In a nutshell: the error does not occur until we have reached the end of file.

"Uninitialized value" error when running word_align.pl script

I'm trying to run the word_align.pl script provided by CMUSphinx. I write the command as follows:
perl word_align.pl actualtext.txt batchOutputText.txt
But the terminal gives me the following errors:
Use of uninitialized value $ref_uttid in hash element at word_align.pl line 60, line 1.
Use of uninitialized value $ref_uttid in concatenation (.) or string at word_align.pl line 61, line 1.
UttID is not ignored but it could not found in any entries of the hypothesis file on line3 1 UTTID
I am not quite familiar with Perl and I can't figure out what is the problem here though I followed the instructions provided by CMUSphinx to run that script
You can find the script here
Edit: here is the reference's file link
The answer is in this error message
UttID is not ignored but it could not found in any entries of the hypothesis file on line3 1 UTTID
The reference file that you are passing is malformed, specifically its first line isn't formatted as it should be
More precisely, each line of the reference file requires a UTT ID—a unique string in parentheses like (output00000). It must be unique because it is used as a hash key. A simple digit like (1) won't work as it will be mistaken for an alternative pronunciation
The first line of your file must be different from that. You suggest
<s> text </s> (file12)
which actually works fine—I have tested it—and $ref_uttid comes out as FILE12. If you tell us what is actually in your file then I am sure we could help you better