How to make NetBeans search across .yml files - netbeans

I use Apache NetBeans 13 for Drupal PHP development. Sometimes I need to find some text in a directory. The search works ok, but it always ignore .yml files. So it can search in a file without excluding yml. If I change extension of an .yml file the search works properly with it.
So how to make NetBeans to search in .yml files too?


How do I start using source control with an existing project?

So I'm working on my first website in Eclipse. It is very simple only shows some text and an input box currently that does nothing, all this eclipse stuff is in my project folder. I've set it up to use Apache Tomcat 9 which is also in my project folder.
Now I think that I shouldn't just push my top level project folder as if I do this, everytime I open up the project in Eclipse, Sourcetree will show 50 or so files modified (.metadata files and such), so I'm guessing that I shouldn't have pushed these to start with.
I've since reset all my commits and am now wondering which files are necessary to upload to github?
You should add all source files to git: the actual code that runs your site (PHP, JavaScript, HTML, whatever it is), along with things like CSS. Don't include config files or files auto generated by the IDE (Eclipse in your case). You can use a .gitignore file to tell git not to pay attention to certain files, types of files, or directories. A guide to .gitignore files can be found here.

NetBeans doesn't show git ignore files

I can't see my project's .gitignore files within my netbeans program.
Is there a way to make them appear within the list of files? I could not find a way.
Open the NetBeans Options
Click on the 'Files' tab
Under 'Ignored Files Pattern', the default is:
This means that, by default, NetBeans ignores all files beginning with '.' except for .htaccess
You can update this regex to the following to also exclude .gitignore:
Click OK, and NetBeans will immediately begin displaying your .gitignore files.

VSCODE - Associate phtml to php on OSX

In the plugins folder I see various languages and within those folders I see ticino.plugin.json file where file extensions are associated with the given plugin. However, PHP is not in this folder, and none of the ticino.plugin.json files have the PHP extension associated with them.
I do see in the client/vs/languages folder that there is php folder, but there is nothing that I can find that would allow me to associate the additional file extension.
I did similar, I cloned the c# plugin and renamed it, then added my extensions. Take a look,

AppEngine with Eclipse - Common war/ resources

I have been creating Google AppEngine projects using Eclipse SDK 3.6.1.
In all of the projects I have a StyleSheet default.css (all seperate copies) that I have in the war folder.
I would like to keep this file in one place to be included in all of the projects.
I have created a copy in the workspace folder.
I have tried linking the file into the war folder, it shows up as a linked file, I can edit it, and all looks fine.
When I run the application I can see by the webpage created that it is not recognizing the linked file.
I hope that I am missing something simple, I do not like keeping multiple copies of a common resource.
Any ideas?
Creating a symbolic link to the file will do the job.
For example, on a Windows 7/Vista machine, run a command like this from the shell (as an administrator) to link two folders:
mklink /D C:\workspace\YetAnotherAppEngineProject\war\shared C:\workspace\SharedResourcesProject\shared
I assume that when you wrote "I have tried linking the file into the war folder" you meant that you tried linking a file/folder into the war folder using Eclipse's linked file/folder functionality. These links are limited to the Eclipse IDE and managed by it (int the .project file) - the Google App Engine runtime doesn't recognize them since it accesses the file system directly and not through Eclipse.
A symbolic link is done at the file-system level, and Google App Engine will recognize and respect it properly.
To create a symbolic link, use the "ln" shell command on Linux. On Windows Vista/7 use "mklink" (earlier Windows versions only have "hard links" which are not as nice for this purpose but should also get the job done, see the "linkd" command).
Have you tried "Static Files and Resource Files"?

How to have different file links to an Eclipse project (not importing it)?

I noticed when I import a file, the file is copied to the work space, but can I just create a file link in a Eclipse project? So when I modify the files in Eclipse, the files in the linked location is modified. In this way, I can version control the files using SVN. And I don't need to copy the modified files back to its dedicated directory when deployment.
The following is a more detailed description of my problem:
I have a cgi application located and runs in apache. The app runs with diff configuration files for different 'projects' which is more like showing different dataset with its corresponding configuration file. My task is to write the configurations files which will require some perl callback functions, css files and images. All these files have their own dedicated directories located in different places in the company server which i have not much control with.. So far, I just use command line to modify files and keeping old copies for version control. If I can do something like my above description, I will be able to have a central place to work on and do SVN. Or do you have a better idea how I should set up my work environment?
Thanks heaps in advance.
Yes you can,
File -> New File -> Advanced (at the bottom) -> Link to file in the file system
I have figured out a way to conveniently to version control files from different places and can deploy them to the correct directories after modified. It's ....... using..... the ANT build file... I just have all files imported to a single project and use an ANT build to distribute them back to their corresponding destination.
Use svn:external
One drawback though, you have to update your other projects once you commit a shared files.