What can I do to get rid of MapCheck warnings after moving assets to another location made most objects invisible? - unreal-engine4

I'm having MapCheck warnings and missing meshes/materials after moving several assets to another folder and fixing redirectors. Maybe there are some types of assets or files associated with landscape that I should never move.
MapCheck: Warning: /Game/Scenes/tutorial_level.tutorial_level:PersistentLevel.Landscape_0.LandscapeComponent_0 : Fixed up deleted layer weightmap
MapCheck: Warning: /Game/Scenes/tutorial_level.tutorial_level:PersistentLevel.Landscape_0.LandscapeComponent_1 : Fixed up deleted layer weightmap
MapCheck: Warning: /Game/Scenes/tutorial_level.tutorial_level:PersistentLevel.Landscape_0.LandscapeComponent_2 : Fixed up deleted layer weightmap
MapCheck: Warning: /Game/Scenes/tutorial_level.tutorial_level:PersistentLevel.Landscape_0.LandscapeComponent_3 : Fixed up deleted layer weightmap
MapCheck: Warning: /Game/Scenes/tutorial_level.tutorial_level:PersistentLevel.Landscape_0.LandscapeComponent_4 : Fixed up deleted layer weightmap
MapCheck: Warning: /Game/Scenes/tutorial_level.tutorial_level:PersistentLevel.Landscape_0.LandscapeComponent_5 : Fixed up deleted layer weightmap
MapCheck: Warning: /Game/Scenes/tutorial_level.tutorial_level:PersistentLevel.Landscape_0.LandscapeComponent_6 : Fixed up deleted layer weightmap
MapCheck: Warning: /Game/Scenes/tutorial_level.tutorial_level:PersistentLevel.Landscape_0.LandscapeComponent_7 : Fixed up deleted layer weightmap
MapCheck: Warning: /Game/Scenes/tutorial_level.tutorial_level:PersistentLevel.Landscape_0.LandscapeComponent_8 : Fixed up deleted layer weightmap
MapCheck: Warning: /Game/Scenes/tutorial_level.tutorial_level:PersistentLevel.Landscape_0.LandscapeComponent_9 : Fixed up deleted layer weightmap
MapCheck: Warning: /Game/Scenes/tutorial_level.tutorial_level:PersistentLevel.Landscape_0.LandscapeComponent_10 : Fixed up deleted layer weightmap
MapCheck: Warning: /Game/Scenes/tutorial_level.tutorial_level:PersistentLevel.Landscape_0.LandscapeComponent_11 : Fixed up deleted layer weightmap
MapCheck: Warning: /Game/Scenes/tutorial_level.tutorial_level:PersistentLevel.Landscape_0.LandscapeComponent_12 : Fixed up deleted layer weightmap
I've tried painting information on the landscape and saving it as another scene. Nevertheless, I continue to get these warnings.
landscape painting mode

Same here,
Warnings only on the start, if I check the map from Build > Map Check, so there no warnings.
Have no idea what is, but fixed by resize landscape (with same parameters as it created)
Landscape mode > Resize > Apply
I suggest to try first on the duplicated map


Compiler error: Invalid library file - CoreLocation

I have one of my application, that is created in Xcode 8. I have used CoreLocation and MapKit in that app.
I have update app with latest iOS till now. and it was working fine. Now I am updating application with iOS 1. So I hvae opened app with Xcode 11.0 and updated all the required code. Also updated setting that is suggested by Xcode "Perform Changes" and all that.
Now I run application, but I am getting error like :
Compiler error: Invalid library file.
I have searched lot, but can't find any solution. Is this a bug in new Xcode or new iOS ?
Is there anything I have to do extra changes or settings ? Please guide me.
Is this known bug by Apple ?
2019-10-18 10:34:39.899827+0530 MapLocation[1697:57778] Compiler error: Invalid library file
2019-10-18 10:34:39.900098+0530 MapLocation[1697:57778] Compiler error: Invalid library file
2019-10-18 10:34:39.915973+0530 MapLocation[1697:57778] Compiler error: Invalid library file
2019-10-18 10:34:39.916228+0530 MapLocation[1697:57778] Compiler error: Invalid library file
2019-10-18 10:34:39.920608+0530 MapLocation[1697:57778] Updated coordinate are : <+23.02055700,+72.50524900> +/- 5.00m (speed -1.00 mps / course -1.00) # 10/18/19, 10:34:39 AM India Standard Time
2019-10-18 10:34:39.920697+0530 MapLocation[1697:57778] Latitude:- 23.0206, Longitude:- 72.5052
2019-10-18 10:34:39.925441+0530 MapLocation[1697:57778] Entering in ----> (Latitude:- 23.0206, Longitude:- 72.5052), With Radius:- 300.00
2019-10-18 10:34:39.925546+0530 MapLocation[1697:57778] Stated in ----> (Latitude:- 23.0206, Longitude:- 72.5052), With Radius:- 300.00
2019-10-18 10:34:39.926582+0530 MapLocation[1697:57778] Exit from ----> (Latitude:- 23.0021, Longitude:- 72.4995), With Radius:- 300.00
2019-10-18 10:34:39.926683+0530 MapLocation[1697:57778] Stated in ----> (Latitude:- 23.0021, Longitude:- 72.4995), With Radius:- 300.00
2019-10-18 10:34:39.932080+0530 MapLocation[1697:57778] Compiler error: Invalid library file
2019-10-18 10:34:39.932268+0530 MapLocation[1697:57778] Compiler error: Invalid library file
2019-10-18 10:34:39.948942+0530 MapLocation[1697:57778] Compiler error: Invalid library file
2019-10-18 10:34:39.949220+0530 MapLocation[1697:57778] Compiler error: Invalid library file
I'm seeing this issue also. It only happens if you implement the renderFor overlay for MKMapView. And without this function, I can't display the polyline that I'm adding to the mapView. This was working fine in Xcode 10.
Hope this will be fixed in the next version of xcode. But this only happens on the simulator. Use your real device for testing for now..
For me what works is to disable OS Activity Logging.
Add the Environment Variable: OS_ACTIVITY_MODE with value: disable on Product > Scheme > Edit Scheme > Run > Arguments.
Folks have reported that other useful logs for them have also been silenced.
Taken from a similar answer I gave regarding WKWebView, but reposting here for visibility after finding the logging noise appears also with MKMapView.
I started running into this error recently and was able to get it to go away by clearing the Simulator from Hardware->Erase All Content and Settings... menu item.
I worked around this by using SwiftLog to log my messages, putting some unique string inside the tag of each logger (could just be com.yourcompany.yourapp to differentiate it), and then filtering to messages which contain that tag on the console.
A more general solution would be to have a negative filter inside the console view, which would obviate the need to use the logger in this way.
I've got the problem too, trying to update multiple polylines coordinates.
The problem was coming, in fact, from the way new coordinates were pushed into the array containing the polylines coordinates (which is a property of a model object in my case).
To get the problem, i was just pushing new coordinates into that array.
To solve the problem, I had to clone that array first in a new var, then add the new coordinate into the cloned array and update the model property.
Before, i was doing :
Now, I am doing :
var newArray = [...existingArray];
existingArray = newArray;
Hope it can help !
For those of you experiencing this error with IOS 15, take a look at a helpful article on raywenderlich that says the error can be safely ignored:
Note: If you’re running on the Simulator, you’re likely to see a plethora of errors of the form Compiler error: Invalid library file in the Xcode console. This is a simulator bug and can safely be ignored. Unfortunately, it makes the console rather noisy, making it more difficult to see the results of your print statements.
You may want to do some more research to confirm this for yourself, but raywenderlich has never lead me astray.
For me, this only happens when I have Traffic turned on for the map.
I leave the feature on but turn it off in the simulator:
var mapView: MKMapView? {
didSet {
#if targetEnvironment(simulator)
mapView?.showsTraffic = false

Error while importing HoloToolkit-Unity-2017.4.2.0 on Unity 2018.1.6f1 Personal

While importing HoloToolkit-Unity-2017.4.2.0 on Unity (Version 2018.1.6f1 (57cc34175ccf) Personal
Branch: 2018.1/release)
PS: This unity installed by Visual studio itself.
To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:
1.Open Unity and Go to Assets -> Import Packages
Click on Custom Packages... and select HoloToolkit-Unity-2017.4.2.0.unitypackage
and after that click on import.
After import done , following error and warning occurs.
Also clicking on Apply Mixed Reality Project Settings will not update anything.
Error is
System.Exception: Package directory not found: "C:\Users\xyz.nuget\packages\Microsoft.CSharp\4.0.1".
at UnityEditor.Scripting.Compilers.NuGetPackageResolver.Resolve () [0x000dd] in <3f368bacb6c34f4db5fe7e90570f303a>:0
Warning are
Model 'Cursor_cross_root' contains animation clip 'Cursor_Cross_Hold_GestureFOV_root' which has length of 0 frames (start=132, end=132). It will result in empty animation.
Model 'Cursor_cross_root' contains animation clip 'Cursor_Cross_GestureFOV_off_root' which has length of 0 frames (start=132, end=132). It will result in empty animation
Model 'Cursor_cross_root' contains animation clip 'Cursor' which has length of 0 frames (start=1, end=1). It will result in empty animation.
Model 'CursorRing' contains animation clip 'Cursor' which has length of 0 frames (start=5, end=5). It will result in empty animation.
Before importing HTK
Error occurred after import
Please help!

Warning unable to restore previous frame and giving error: EXC_BAD_ACCESS

My iPhone app crashes and gives the following warning
warning: Unable to restore previously selected frame.
Current language: auto; currently objective-c
warning: Unable to restore previously selected frame.
warning: Unable to restore previously selected frame.
warning: Unable to restore previously selected frame.
warning: Unable to restore previously selected frame.
warning: Unable to restore previously selected frame.
warning: Unable to restore previously selected frame.
warning: Unable to restore previously selected frame.
Here is code where actauly it crashes
+(id) tbxmlWithURL:(NSURL*)aURL;{
return [[TBXML alloc] initWithURL:aURL];
return [self initWithURL:aURL];
Your -initWithURL: method is calling itself recursively. Each time it does that, it adds a stack frame, and eventually you run out of stack space and crash. The debugger typically doesn't give you much useful information when that happens.
Did you mean this?
return [super initWithURL:aURL];

4096 MiB SD card in Android Emulator... less than 9MB?

Every time I attempt to create a new AVD with the latest Android SDK (under Eclipse), I can't actually specify SD Card Sizes greater than 1024 MiB. Any attempt to specify higher numbers gets me always the same message:
"SD Card Size must be at least 9MB"
What gives?
Any idea why this could be happening?
Known issue. Vote for it.
I have got the same problem too.
Answer found here:
I've also reproduced it with the same setup as Michael. Here is some additional detail on what sizes are
considered valid or invalid when generating a new AVD (set to MiB):
0-8: invalid
9-2047: valid
2047-4104: invalid
4105-6143: valid
6144-8200: invalid
8201: valid
For example, I tried 4096MB and it gave the same error. But when I changed it to 4196M, the avd got created!!!

Strange, Sudden compiler fail error in Xcode for iPhone dev

What is the following error caused by? I did not make any significant changes and suddenly it started appearing:
Linking /Users/JimB/Desktop/iPhone Dev/Games4Kids/build/Debug-iphonesimulator/ETFanClub.app/Games4Kids(1 error)
duplicate symbol .objc_category_nameNSString_HTTPExtensions in (path)ViewController3 and (path)ViewController1
Command /Xcode 3.1.4/Platforms/iPhoneSimulator.platform/Developer/usr/bin/gcc-4.2 failed with exit code 1
The symbol .objc_category_nameNSString_HTTPExtensions is duplicated, meaning the category NSString(HTTPExtensions) is declared twice ViewController3 and ViewController1.
Check that you don't have #implementation's in the headers #import-ed by both of these files, and they don't both have #implementation NSString(HTTPExtensions) simultaneously.