I auto-generated a drools project using the archetype:
mvn archetype:generate -DarchetypeGroupId=org.kie -DarchetypeArtifactId=kie-drools-exec-model-ruleunit-archetype -DarchetypeVersion=8.33.0.Final
Modified the Measurement class to add:
public void setVal(final String val) {
this.val = val;
Added the following statement to the consequence of the original rule:
rule "will execute per each Measurement having ID color"
$measure: /measurements[ id == "color", $colorVal : val ]
When I ran the RuleTests (both via IntelliJ and via maven) I got the following error:
java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: You're trying to dynamically define a class, please add the module org.drools:drools-wiring-dynamic to your classpath.
at org.drools.wiring.statics.StaticProjectClassLoader$DummyInternalTypesClassLoader.defineClass(StaticProjectClassLoader.java:83)
at org.drools.wiring.api.classloader.ProjectClassLoader.defineType(ProjectClassLoader.java:208)
at org.drools.wiring.api.classloader.ProjectClassLoader.tryDefineType(ProjectClassLoader.java:192)
at org.drools.wiring.api.classloader.ProjectClassLoader.loadType(ProjectClassLoader.java:181)
at org.drools.wiring.api.classloader.ProjectClassLoader.loadClass(ProjectClassLoader.java:135)
at java.base/java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:522)
The workaround is to add the following to the pom.xml
Does anyone know why this needs to be added manually? I don't see anything about this in the documentation.
Link to a replicator: https://github.com/code4dc/kogito-examples/tree/drools-wiring-replicator/kogito-springboot-examples/ruleunit-springboot-example
This uses Kogito instead of pure Drools but the error is still the same. Just go into the ruleunit-springboot-example dir and run mvn clean verify
Cannot reproduce.
I've been following the steps you listed, and up to this commit it works as expected (tests are passing, no stacktraces), without having to add any additional dependencies.
Further, I'm not sure what you are trying to achieve, but a more idiomatic way to write the rule for that mod would be:
rule "will execute per each Measurement having ID color"
$measure: /measurements[ id == "color", $colorVal : val != "BS" ]
modify( $measure ) {
setVal( "BS" )
So the controlSet line is used to make sure non-regression during the test, the fact is modified with the modify() { expression } form which is idiomatic, and to avoid re-entry for property reactivity, we exclude the hardcoded value of "BS".
In the test case for aligning with your use case in the way I could only guess, I've added:
assertTrue( queryResult.stream().map(Measurement::getVal).allMatch("BS"::equals) );
and tests are again passing, as expected (proved in this following commit).
How to generate validator file only for message that contains validates rules ?
In the example below, actually sbt compilation generates 4 scala classes: one for protobufA, one for protobufB and one validator message for both.
int32 id = 1;
string action = 2 [(validate.rules).string = {in: ["tonic", "gin", "martini"]}];
message protobufB {
option (scalapb.message).annotations = "#JsonNaming(classOf[SnakeCaseStrategy])";
int32 id = 1;
string name = 2 ;
I would like to generate only three classes : one for protobufA, one for protobufB and the last for protobufA validator classes.
I have version 0.1.3 of scalapb-validate-codegen.
There is currently (as of version 0.2.1 of scalapb-validate) no way to suppress the generation of validation classes once you add the validation plugin. The only way, right now to do that would be to separate the messages you don't want to have validators for to separate SBT subprojects which doesn't have the validator plugin turned on.
Feel free to start a github issue on scalapb-validate github to discuss this as a feature request, and include also the motivation for a change like this. This would require some thought since messages that have validators require all the message that they transitively reference to have validators as well, so the plugin would have to detect this situation when disabling generation.
I am a student who begin to study SHOP2 from China.
My teacher told me to run JSHOP2 in Eclipse.Now I can run original zenotravel problem and generate GUI and plans.Likewise, I want to put other domain and problems to SHOP2 and produce plans.
But the problem is that I don't know how to compile them and My teacher only asked me to run the the main function in Internaldomain but it can't succeed.Follow is the original code:
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception
// compile(args);
//-- run the planning algorithm
This code can run zenotravel.Then I put domain and problems named pfile1 and
tdepots respectively into SHOP2 folder.Change the codes to:
// compile(args);
//-- run the planning algorithm
It warns "domainpdfiles cannot be resolved to a variable".
//-- run the planning algorithm
It turns out:
"Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 0
at JSHOP2.InternalDomain.compile(InternalDomain.java:748)
at JSHOP2.InternalDomain.main(InternalDomain.java:720)"
720 is main funcition above.And 748 is compile function:
public static void compile(String[] args) throws Exception
//-- The number of solution plans to be returned.
int planNo = -1;
//-- Handle the number of solution plans the user wants to be returned.
if (args.length == 2 || args[0].substring(0, 2).equals("-r")) {
if (args[0].equals("-r"))
planNo = 1;
else if (args[0].equals("-ra"))
planNo = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
else try {
planNo = Integer.parseInt(args[0].substring(2));
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
Finally,according to the advice of the friend,I put the two pddls into src folder and use “java Jshop2.InternalDomain domaintdepots”in CMD commad but an error appeared:"the main class Interdomain can't be found or loaded".But I have set the class path accurately and the Zenotravel planning can run.So how
and where can I use the command ?
And what is written in the bracket"compile()" in Eclipse?
I am also not familiar with JAVA so it's better if there is concrete instruction.Thanks a lot.
Please describe what are you trying to build, what is it supposed to do, what is the expected end result.
If you do have a valid PDDL domain and problem file, you could try to load them into the online http://editor.planning.domains/ editor using the File > Load menu. Then press the Solve button and confirm which of the file is the domain and which is problem. If the PDDL model is valid (and the underlying solver can handle the requirements), you will get a plan back.
If you are trying to build a software solution that needs a PDDL-based planning engine as one of its component, perhaps you could use one of the available implementations: https://nergmada.github.io/pddl-reference/guide/whatisplanner.html#list-of-planners
If you are trying to build your own planning engine in Java using the Eclipse IDE, you probably need a Java-based PDDL parser. Here is a tutorial, how to use pddl4j for that purpose:
If you need to use Jshop2 in particular, it looks from their documentation (http://www.cs.umd.edu/projects/shop/description.html) that you need to indeed compile the domain and problem PDDL into Java code using following commands:
java JSHOP2.InternalDomain domainFileName
java JSHOP2.InternalDomain -r problemFileName
Edited on June 19th
Java package names (e.g. JSHOP2) and class names (InternalDomain) are case sensitive, so make sure you type them as per the documentation. That is probably why you are getting the "main class not found error".
It is difficult to say what the lines numbers 748 and 720 exactly correspond to, because in the GitHub repo https://github.com/mas-group/jshop2/blob/master/src/JSHOP2/InternalDomain.java the code is different from yours. Can you indicate in your questions which lines those are exactly?
The make file shows how to execute an out-of-the-box example in the distribution:
cd examples\blocks
java JSHOP2.InternalDomain blocks
java JSHOP2.InternalDomain -r problem300
Does that work for you?
Currently I'm using Eclipse with Nokia/Red plugin which allows me to write robot framework test suites. Support is Python 3.6 and Selenium for it.
My project is called "Automation" and Test suites are in .robot files.
Test suites have test cases which are called "Keywords".
Test Cases
Create New Vehicle
Create new vehicle with next ${registrationno} and ${description}
Navigate to data section
Those "Keywords" are imported from python library and look like:
#keyword("Create new vehicle with next ${registrationno} and ${description}")
def create_new_vehicle_Simple(self,registrationno, description):
headerPage = HeaderPage(TestCaseKeywords.driver)
sideBarPage = headerPage.selectDaten()
basicVehicleCreation = sideBarPage.createNewVehicle()
TestCaseKeywords.carnumber = basicVehicleCreation.save()
The problem is that when I run test cases, in log I only get result of this whole python function, pass or failed. I can't see at which step it failed- is it at first or second step of this function.
Is there any plugin or other solution for this case to be able to see which exact python function pass or fail? (of course, workaround is to use in TC for every function a keyword but that is not what I prefer)
If you need to "step into" a python defined keyword you need to use python debugger together with RED.
This can be done with any python debugger,if you like to have everything in one application, PyDev can be used with RED.
Follow below help document, if you will face any problems leave a comment here.
RED Debug with PyDev
If you are wanting to know which statement in the python-based keyword failed, you simply need to have it throw an appropriate error. Robot won't do this for you, however. From a reporting standpoint, a python based keyword is a black box. You will have to explicitly add logging messages, and return useful errors.
For example, the call to sideBarPage.createNewVehicle() should throw an exception such as "unable to create new vehicle". Likewise, the call to basicVehicleCreation.setKennzeichen(registrationno) should raise an error like "failed to register the vehicle".
If you don't have control over those methods, you can do the error handling from within your keyword:
#keyword("Create new vehicle with next ${registrationno} and ${description}")
def create_new_vehicle_Simple(self,registrationno, description):
headerPage = HeaderPage(TestCaseKeywords.driver)
sideBarPage = headerPage.selectDaten()
basicVehicleCreation = sideBarPage.createNewVehicle()
raise Exception("unable to create new vehicle")
raise exception("unable to register new vehicle")
TL;DR: Is there a way how to specify the order in which the Babel plugins are supposed to be run? How does Babel determine this order? Is there any spec how this works apart from diving into Babel sources?
I'm developing my own Babel plugin. I noticed, that when I run it, my plugin is run before other es2015 plugins. For example having code such as:
const a = () => 1
and visitor such as:
visitor: {
ArrowFunctionExpression(path) {
FunctionExpression(path) {
my plugin observes ArrowFunction (and not Function). I played with the order in which the plugins are listed in Babel configuration, but that didn't change anything:
plugins: ['path_to_myplugin', 'transform-es2015-arrow-functions'],
plugins: ['transform-es2015-arrow-functions', 'path_to_myplugin'],
OTOH, this looks like the order DOES somehow matter:
---- EDIT ----
I found out that if I write my visitor as follows:
ArrowFunctionExpression: {
enter(path) {
FunctionExpression: {
exit(path) {
both functions are called. So it looks like the order of execution is: myplugin_enter -> other_plugin -> myplugin_exit. In other words, myplugin seems to be before other_plugin in some internal pipeline. The main question however stays the same - the order of plugins in the pipeline should be determined & configurable somehow.
The order of plugins is based on the order of things in your .babelrc with plugins running before presets, and each group running later plugins/presets before earlier ones.
The key thing though is that the ordering is per AST Node. Each plugin does not do a full traversal, Babel does a single traversal running all plugins in parallel, with each node processed one at a time running each handler for each plugin.
Basically, what #loganfsmyth wrote is correct; there is (probably) no more magic in plugin ordering itself.
As for the my problem specifically, my confusion was caused by how arrow function transformation works. Even if the babel-plugin-transform-es2015-arrow-functions plugin mangles the code sooner than my plugin, it does not remove the original arrow-function ast node from the ast, so even the later plugin sees it.
Learning: when dealing with Babel, don't underestimate the amount of debug print statements needed to understand what's happening.
I am working on a project which incorporates C code, as well as (MASM-like) assembly. I want to be able to compile it on Linux, as well as Windows, thus I am using a third-party assembler (jwasm) as follows:
QMAKE_PRE_LINK += jwasm -coff -Fo$$assembly_obj $$PWD/assembly.asm
(here, assembly_obj holds the directory I want jwasm to save the output. Oh, by the way: when using jwasm it is critical to first specify all the parameters, and only at the end the input files, otherwise it will ignore the parameters)
To make it easier for other people to compile the project, I would like to be able to check if jwasm is in their path, and if not, emit an error() telling them how to fix this. However, I am not sure if this is even possible using qmake. I have tried:
exists("jwasm") { # Always false
message("jwasm found!")
as well as:
packagesExist(jwasm) { # Always true
message("jwasm found!")
I have looked around in the qmake docs, but couldn't find any other alternatives...