Helm: render variable in a block inserted with toYaml - kubernetes-helm

I have a variable block configuring triggers in a Keda scaled object like so:
# [...]
enabled: true
- type: prometheus
serverAddress: http://prometheus-server.prometheus.svc.cluster.local
metricName: prometheus_redis_message_count
query: avg(redis_queue_job_states_total{state=~"waiting|active", namespace="{{ $.Release.Namespace }}", queue="reports"}) without (instance, pod, pod_template_hash, state)
threshold: '1'
activationThreshold: '1'
# [...]
as you can see, autoscaling.triggers[0].metadata.query contains a variable ( .Release.Namespace ) which does not get rendered when using the toYaml function (which is understood).
Is there a way, maybe with some named template magic or so, to put all items in triggers into my rendered template while also rendering vars contained inside (like .Release.Namespace?)
Right now I have it like this (which does work for now so I can proceed), but obviously is not great because it's way to static (won't allow multiple triggers or even other trigger types in the future):
# [...]
- type: prometheus
serverAddress: http://prometheus-server.prometheus.svc.cluster.local
metricName: prometheus_redis_message_count
{{- with index .autoscaling.triggers 0 }}
query: {{ tpl .metadata.query $ }}
{{- end }}
threshold: '1'
activationThreshold: '1'
# [...]
thanks to David's reply I was able to write it like so:
{{- range .autoscaling.triggers }}
- type: {{ .type }}
query: {{ tpl .metadata.query $ }}
serverAddress: {{ tpl .metadata.serverAddress $ }}
threshold: {{ tpl .metadata.threshold $ | quote }}
activationThreshold: {{ tpl .metadata.activationThreshold $ | quote}}
metricName: {{ tpl .metadata.metricName $ }}
{{- end }}
which makes it a valid array and also templates all the fields. Anyway, thanks for the help!

The quick-and-dirty answer is to just run tpl on the output of toYaml. toYaml takes an arbitrary structure and returns a string, but at that point it's just a string and there's nothing particularly special about it.
{{ tpl (toYaml .Values.autoscaling.triggers) . | indent 2 }}
I'm not clear that anything more nuanced is possible without iterating through the entire list and running tpl on each individual structure.
{{- range .Values.autoscaling.triggers }}
- type: {{ .type }}
query: {{ tpl .metadata.query $ }}
{{- end }}
Neither the core Go templating language nor the Sprig extensions have any sort of generic "map" function that could operate on the values of a nested object while retaining its structure.


Is there a native way to access the scope inside a range from inside a function?

In my template I use a range with a param like this:
{{- range $key, $value := .Values.myParam }}
fieldOne: $value.fieldOne
fieldTwo: $value.fieldTwo
myFunc: {{- include "myFunc" $ }}
{{ end }}
I want myFunc to get access global values (.Values.global.*) AND the scoped variables like $value.fieldOne and $value.fieldTwo. Is this possible?
If I don't pass myFunc $ it won't have access to globals. If don't pass it $value it won't have access to the range scoped values.
And I'd like to maintain the standard .Values.global.* referencing syntax for accessing globals inside myFunc- I don't want to create my own special map object the function has to read differently.
Currently I am doing this:
myFunc: {{- include "myFunc" (merge $ $value) }}
Then in myFunc I can access this:
{{- define "myFunc" -}}
# Get globals in the usual way
{{- .Values.global.myGlobal }}
# Get my scoped values for the current iteration
{{- .fieldOne }}
{{- .fieldTwo }}
{{- end -}}
Is this the only way to do this? It seems to work reasonably well, but I want to confirm there isn't a builtin like ., but for range scoped variables I can use inside myFunc.
I discovered an issue with my approach, it appears calling merge inside the function is mutating the root map.
For example doing this:
# helper function
{{- define "myFunc" -}}
# Get globals in the usual way
someGlobal: {{- .Values.global.myGlobal }}
# Get my scoped values for the current iteration
fieldOne: {{- .fieldOne }}
fieldTwo: {{- .fieldTwo }}
{{- end -}}
# In a template
{{- range $key, $value := .Values.myParam }}
apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
name: $value.fieldOne
{{- include "myFunc" (merge $ $value) }}
apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
name: $value.fieldOne
{{- include "myFunc" (merge $ $value) }}
{{ end }}
When I look at the outputted config maps the values returned from myFunc are the same. I also noticed I can do this:
# In a template
{{- range $key, $value := .Values.myParam }}
apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
name: $value.fieldOne
{{- include "myFunc" (merge $ $value) }}
apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
name: $value.fieldOne
someGlobal: {{ .Values.global.myGlobal }}
fieldOne: {{ $value.fieldOne }}
fieldTwo: {{ $value.fieldTwo }
{{ end }}
In the second ConfigMap the values are the same as the first. It's like calling merge inside myFunc is mutating the root map in place.
Ultimately I had to move the logic out of myFunc and call merge directly in the template to avoid this- doing that each iteration correctly gets its item's values.
A Go text/template template only takes one parameter. As with other programming languages, a function (template) can't access local variables in its caller, only things that are explicitly passed in parameters.
In short: the way you have it now is more or less as good as it's possible to do, given the constraints of the template language. If you want to directly reference .Values then the single template parameter must be a dictionary object and not something else.

Helm equals to one of multiple values

I want to have a condition that will be considered as "true" if .Values.envName is "dev" + the release namespace name is one of a closed list. otherwise, it should be "false".
Tried the following, but seems like it gets unexpected "false" when I ran it with .Values.envName = dev & .Values.envName = ns-1:
- name: MY_ENV
{{- if and (eq .Values.envName "dev") (regexMatch "^(?!^ns-1$)(?!^ns-2$).*$" .Release.Namespace)}}
value: 'true'
{{- else }}
value: 'false'
{{- end }}
A general note - if there is a better way to use eq with multiple possible values please let me know.
You can use has to test if some item is in a list; and then you can use list to construct a list of known items.
So for your example, if the test is that envName is exactly dev, and the namespace is either ns-1 or ns-2, then you can say
{{- $isDev := eq .Values.envName "dev" }}
{{- $isNs := list "ns-1" "ns-2" | has .Release.Namespace }}
- name: MY_ENV
value: {{ and $isDev $isNs | toString | quote }}
You could do this case with a regular expression too. The start-of-string test ^ and the end-of-string test $ generally need to be outside parentheses; I wouldn't worry about "non-greedy matches" if you're just trying to determine whether a string matches without extracting things. Here I might write either of
{{- $isNs := regexMatch "^ns-[12]$" .Release.Namespace }}
{{- $isNs := regexMatch "^ns-1|ns-2$" .Release.Namespace }}
If you've got an enumerated list of values that don't neatly fall into a regex, using has and list is probably clearer.

can't evaluate field Values in type string when using Helm template

I have k8s manifest such as below, packaged with Helm.
apiVersion: v1
kind: ServiceAccount
{{- template "myFunction" "blah" -}}
I have _helper.tpl defining myFunction as below.
{{- define "myFunction" }}
{{- if .Values.nameOverride }}
name: {{ . }}
{{- else }}
name: "test"
{{- end }}
{{- end }}
Finally, I have values.yaml defining nameOverride: "". From my understanding, as I haven't defined anything for nameOverride, myFunction should output name: "test", and when I define something for nameOverride, the output should be name: "blah". However, I'm getting the error below.
Error: template: product-search/templates/_helpers.tpl:2:16: executing "myFunction" at <.Values.nameOverride>: can't evaluate field Values in type string
helm.go:88: [debug] template: product-search/templates/_helpers.tpl:2:16: executing
"myFunction" at <.Values.nameOverride>: can't evaluate field Values in type string
Any ideas why? Thanks!
Inside the Go text/template language, .Values is a lookup of a field named Values in the special variable .. This variable changes meaning in different context. Inside a define template, . starts off as the value of the parameter to the template, which is not necessarily the top-level Helm object.
{{ template "myFunction" "blah" }}
{{ define "myFunction" }}
{{/* with the call above, . is the string "blah" */}}
{{ end }}
A template only takes one parameter. There are a couple of things you can do here. One approach is to figure out the field value in the caller, and pass that in as the template parameter:
{{-/* Emit a name: label. The parameter is a string. */-}}
{{- define "myFunction" -}}
name: {{ . }}
{{ end -}}
{{-/* if .Values.nameOverride then "blah" else "test" */-}}
{{- $label := ternary "blah" "test" .Values.nameOverride -}}
{{ include "myFunction" $label | indent 4 }}
Another approach could be to pack the two values into a single parameter. I tend to use the Helm list function for this. However, this makes the template logic significantly more complicated.
{{/* Emit a name: label. The parameter is a list of two values,
the top-level Helm object and the alternate label name to use
if .Values.nameOverride is defined. */}}
{{- define "myFunction" -}}
{{/* . is a list of two values; unpack them */}}
{{- $top := index . 0 -}}
{{- $label := index . 1 -}}
{{/* Now we can look up .Values within the passed top-level object */}}
{{- if $top.Values.nameOverride -}}
name: {{ $label }}
{{ else -}}
name: "test"
{{ end -}}
{{- end -}}
{{/* When calling the function manually construct the parameter list */}}
{{ include "myFunction" (list . "blah") | indent 4 }}

Helm 3, convert array of objects in values.yaml into comma separated string

I have the following structure in values.yaml file:
- service_name: service_a
mapped_port: 1000
- service_name: service_b
mapped_port: 1001
I want this to be rendered like this in my deployment.yaml template:
"service-upstreams": "service_a:1000, service_b:1001"
Any idea how to do that?
You need to iterate over the objects in the upstreams value and concatenate the values.
Definition of upstream helper template
{{- define "sample.upstreams" -}}
{{- if .Values.upstreams }}
{{- range .Values.upstreams }}{{(print .service_name ":" .mapped_port ) }},{{- end }}
{{- end }}
{{- end }}
Using the template (in this example as a label)
{{- if .Values.upstreams }}
service-upstreams: {{- include "sample.upstreams" . | trimSuffix "," | quote }}
{{- end }}
I'm not trimming the comma in the template because trimSuffix does not accept curly brackets as part of an argument
I would refer to the answer David Maze linked and range documentation

Creating a filtered list using helm template helpers

I'm trying to use a helm template helper to filter out values from a list in my values.yaml file, based on the value of one of the keys in each list member.
My chart is currently comprised of these files -
values.yaml -
- name: filter
- nonProduction
- name: dont-filter
- production
clusterProfile: production
apiVersion: v1
kind: List
{{ $filteredList := include "filteredNamespaces" . }}
{{ range $filteredList }}
{{ .name }}
{{- end -}}
{{/* vim: set filetype=mustache: */}}
{{- define "filteredNamespaces" -}}
{{ $newList := list }}
{{- range .Values.namespaces }}
{{- if has $.Values.clusterProfile .profiles -}}
{{ $newList := append $newList . }}
{{- end -}}
{{ end -}}
{{ $newList }}
{{- end -}}
The problem is that within my helper file, the $newList variable is only populated within the scope of the range loop, and I end up with an empty list returning to the namespaces.yaml template.
Is there any way around this issue? Am I taking the wrong approach for solving this?
For all that Go templates are almost general-purpose functions, they have a couple of limitations. One of those limitations is that they only ever return a string; you can't write basic functional helpers like map or filter because you can't return the resulting list.
The more straightforward approach to doing filtering as you've shown is to move it up to the point of the caller (and possibly repeat the condition if it's needed in multiple places):
{{- range .Values.namespaces }}
{{- if has $.Values.clusterProfile .profiles }}
- {{ .name }}
{{- end }}
{{- end }}
A hacky way to make this work as you have it is to marshal the list to some other string-based format, like JSON:
{{- define "filteredNamespaces" -}}
{{ toJson $newList }}
{{- end -}}
{{- range include "filteredNamespaces" . | fromJson -}}...{{- end -}}
Also remember that you can inject Helm values files using the helm install -f option. So rather than listing every permutation of option and then filtering out the ones you don't want, you could restructure this so that namespaces: only contains the list of namespaces you actually want to use, but then you use a different values file for each profile.
I had to deal with a very similar problem. I'm giving a minimal example how to filter and use the generated template as a list (Helm 3).
{{- define "FilteredList" -}}
{{ $newList := list }}
{{- range .Values.my_list }}
{{ $newList = append $newList .pvc }}
{{- end }}
{{ toJson $newList }}
{{- end }}
{{- range include "FilteredList" . | fromJsonArray }}
apiVersion: v1
kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
name: {{ . }}
storage: 1G
{{- end }}
- name: foo
pvc: pvc-one
- name: foo2
pvc: pvc-two
- name: foo3
pvc: pvc-three
Generates 3 PVC resources as you would expect.
Mind 2 things here, which differ from the question and accepted answer:
When appending and overriding the list, we use = instead of :=. Note the example the Helm 3 docs for "append" provide: $new = append $myList 6.
I actually don't know why = is required, a quick research from my side was without any result.
Recover the list from the JSON string using fromJsonArray. This function is not documented yet which is very unfortunate and the main reason i provide this extra answer. You can find it in Helm's source however.
We faced a similar problem and thanks to the answer provided from nichoio we were able to solve this. Just for google's sake, I'll provide it here as well :)
Our values.yaml included all of our secret references, and we wanted to filter those secrets, based upon which service is currently being deployed.
We added a new array in the values.yaml (named selectedSecrets), which was a list of secrets that are needed for the current deployment. Then, with the help of a function, only the secret references are passed to the deployment, which are included in the selectedSecrets. Please note, that the following function returns the original, complete list of secretRefs if no selectedSecrets are present.
{{- define "FilteredSecrets" -}}
{{ $result := .Values.secretRefs }}
{{ $selectedSecrets := .Values.selectedSecrets }}
{{- if gt (len $selectedSecrets) 0 -}}
{{ $result = list }}
{{ range $secret := .Values.secretRefs }}
{{ if has $secret.name $selectedSecrets }}
{{ $result = append $result $secret }}
{{- end -}}
{{- end }}
{{- end -}}
{{ toJson $result }}
{{- end }}
The relevant part from the deployment:
- env:
{{- range include "FilteredSecrets" . | fromJsonArray }}
{{- range $env := .envs }}
- name: {{ $env.name }}
key: {{ $env.name }}
name: {{ .name }}
optional: {{ $env.optional }}
{{- end }}
{{- end }}