Kubernetes Deploy Mode - kubernetes

We wanna use TDengine on Kubernetes. But I dont see any docs,is there any problem runing in k8s or somethings?
As helm chart is popular in kubernetes to deploy service,If can use helm install tdengine to install a cluster in kubernetes,that will be wonderful.
If possible,I can contribute helm chart and test it in my cluster.

how about these two guys
it could help you on TDengine database K8s cluster with Helm


ZooKeeper K8s Helm chart from Bitnami

I am looking for a helm chart that contains the default (most commonly used) configuration for ZooKeeper (config for statefulset, netpol, service, etc.), v3.5.0+. A chart that I can then use to deploy a ZK cluster in a k8s cluster.
I was hoping to obtain such a Helm chart (the values.yaml file) from Bitnami (e.g. https://charts.bitnami.com/, or https://bitnami.com/stack/zookeeper/helm). But no luck.
Any ideas or pointers would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you,
You can get default values.yaml from the GitHub repository or through the helm command.
helm show values bitnami/zookeeper > vaules.yaml
From the GitHub repository, they have a link to the GitHub repository for every chart.

How can I migrate clusters from a rancher to another one

I have two ranchers, (rancher1, rancher2), I have some clusters in my rancher1, my objectif is to migrate all cluster from rancher1 to rancher2.
(rancher2 is deployed using ha rke, however rancher1 is deployed using docker)
Anyone have an idea ?
simple. unjoin the downstream cluster from rancher-1 and then join it to rancher-2.
This doc shows how to migrate from one Rancher to another:

How set up Prometheus Operator with Grafana to enable basic Kubernetes monitoring

I followed a bunch of tutorials on how to monitor Kubernetes with prometheus and Grafana
All referring to a deprecated helm operator
According to the tutorials Grafana comes out of the box complete with cluster monitoring.
In practice Grafana is not installed with the chart
helm install prometheus-operator stable/prometheus -n monitor
nor is it installed with the newer community repo
helm install prometheus-operator prometheus-community/prometheus -n monitor
I installed the Grafana chart independently
helm install grafana-operator grafana/grafana -n monitor
And through the UI tried to connect using inner cluster URLs
the UI test indicates success but produces no metrics.
Is there a ready made Helm operator with out of the box Grafana?
How can Grafana interact with Prometeus?
You've used the wrong charts. Currently the project is named kube-prometheus-stack:
If you look at values.yaml you'll notice switches for everything, including prometheus, all the exporters, grafana, all the standard dashboards, alerts for kubernetes and so on. It's all installed by one chart. And it's all linked together out of the box.
They only additional thing you might need is an Ingress/ELB for grafana, prometheus, and alertmanager to be able to open them without port-forwarding (don't forget to add ouath2-proxy or smth else cause it's all opened with no password by default).
I wouldn't bother, look at PaaS like Datadog, NewRelic etc. What you are describing becomes a costly nightmare at scale. It's just not worth the hassle for what you get ihmo.

How can I setup Jenkins-x on local kubernetes cluster?

Recently, I tried to setup Jenkins X on a kubernetes cluster. However there exists some problem during installation.
There are several options in jx create cluster such as aks(create with AKS), aws(create with AWS), minikube(create with Minikube) and etc.
However there is no option which create a cluster with local kubernetes cluster. I want to setup Jenkins X with my own cluster.
Can I get some advice?
when you have your cluster setup such that you can run kubectl commands against it, you can run jx boot to setup your jx installation. You don't need to use jx create cluster as your cluster already exists.
To install Jenkins X on already existing cluster, you have to use the below command:
jx install --provider=kubernetes --on-premise
Above command will install the jx on your cluster.

where does helm 3 get its cluster location from?

I have installed Helm 3 binary locally on my Mac. I understand that Helm 3 does not use Tiller on the Kubernetes cluster. How do I configure Helm 3 to know where to find my cluster? I have looked all through the documentation but nothing!
ok, so I figured it out:
Helm uses KubeConfig file.