How to change variable value in flutter with bloc? - flutter

Want to ask is How to change variable value with stream flutter?
You think my question is so fundamental and I can search in everywhere on internet. But in this scenario with stream, I can't change the variable value with method. How I need to do? please guide me. I will show with example.
Here, this is bloc class code with rxDart.
class ChangePinBloc {
final ChangePinRepository _changePinRepository = ChangePinRepository();
final _isValidateConfirmNewPinController = PublishSubject();
String oldPin = '';
Stream get isValidateConfirmNewPinStream =>;
void checkValidateConfirmNewPin(
{required String newPinCode, required String oldPinCode}) {
if (newPinCode == oldPinCode) {
oldPin = oldPinCode;
changePin(newCode: newPinCode);
isValidateConfirmPin = true;
} else {
isValidateConfirmPin = false;
void changePin({required String newCode}) async {
changePinRequestBody['deviceId'] = oldPin;
dispose() {
Above code, want to change the value of oldPin value by calling checkValidateConfirmNewPin method from UI. And want to use that oldPin value in changePin method. but oldPin value in changePin always get empty string.
This is the calling method checkValidateConfirmNewPin from UI for better understanding.
pinLength: 6,
onComplete: (value) {
pinCodeFieldValue = value;
newPinCode: value,
oldPinCode: widget.currentPinCodeFieldValue!);
onChange: () {},
Why I always get empty String although assign a value to variable?
Lastly, this is complete code that calling state checkValidateConfirmNewPin from UI.
void main() {
final changePinBloc = ChangePinBloc();
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Scaffold(
body: SafeArea(
child: StreamBuilder(
stream: changePinBloc.isValidateConfirmNewPinStream,
builder: (context, AsyncSnapshot pinValidateSnapshot) {
return Stack(
children: [
child: Column(
children: [
const PinChangeSettingTitle(
const SizedBox(
height: margin50,
padding: const EdgeInsets.only(
left: margin50, right: margin50),
child: PinCodeField(
pinLength: 6,
onComplete: (value) {
newPinCode: value,
oldPinCode: widget.newCodePinValue!,
onChange: () {},
? pinValidateDataState(pinValidateSnapshot, changePinBloc)
: const Positioned.fill(
child: SizedBox(),

To update the variable you should emit a new state using emit() method.
Just make sure your bloc is correct as it should inherit from Bloc object. Read flutter_bloc documentation to know how to use it.
A simple example:
class ExampleBloc extends Bloc<ExampleEvent, ExampleState> {
ExampleBloc() : super(ExampleInitial()) {
on<ExampleEvent>((event, emit) {
//Do some logic here


Flutter provider consumer removes my items

I'm trying to build a sort function in order to sort JSON data.
For this, I have a button that opens a "showModalBottomSheet".
Within it I can choose the following data of the school class numbers.
So in my data I have 6 classrooms when loading in my constructor.
My filter is represented by buttons which are active or not if the filter contains the number of the classroom. My code works pretty much, my problem is that when I select a filter button in order to activate or not the filter, the button is deleted instead of staying but changing color
My notifier :
class TablesNotifier with ChangeNotifier {
// Services
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
final jsonSelectorService = locator<JsonSelectorService>();
// Variables
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
//all data from my classerooms in JSON
List<ClassroomModel> classrooms;
// Data that I will display and reconstruct based on my filter parameters
List<ClassroomModel> classroomsFiltered;
List<int> numberOfClassrooms = List();
// Model which will store the parameters of my filters and as a function I will load the data to display
FilterClassroomsModel filterClassroomsModel = FilterClassroomsModel();
// Constructor
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Initialisation
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Future _initialise() async{
classrooms = await jsonSelectorService.classrooms('data');
classroomsFiltered = classrooms ;
// I install the number of existing classrooms
// Here the result is [1,2,3,4,5,6]
classrooms.forEach((element) {
// I install the number of classrooms activated by default in my filter
// As I decide to display all my classrooms by default
// My filter on the classrooms must contain all the loaded classrooms
filterClassroomsModel.classrooms = numberOfClassrooms;
// Functions public
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void saveClassroomsSelected(int index)
// Here my classroom model also contains the numbers of the classrooms that I want to filter
I have identified that in my function initialize () if I change my code by this it works :
filterClassroomsModel.classrooms= numberOfClassrooms; // this
filterClassroomsModel.classrooms= [1,2,3,4,5,6]; // By this
I am losing the dynamic side of my classroom calculation and that does not suit me. But I don't understand this behavior.
My view :
class TableScreen extends StatelessWidget {
final String title;
TableScreen({Key key, #required this.title}) : super(key: key);
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Scaffold(
drawer: MenuDrawerComponent.builder(context),
appBar: AppBar(
backgroundColor: AppColors.backgroundDark,
elevation: 0,
centerTitle: true,
title: Text(title),
floatingActionButton: FloatingActionButton.extended(
icon: Icon(Icons.sort),
label: Text('Filter'),
onPressed: () async{
backgroundColor: AppColors.contrastPrimary,
body: _buildBody(context),
Widget _buildBody(BuildContext context)
var _tableProvider = Provider.of<TablesNotifier>(context);
if(_tableProvider.chargesFiltered == null){
return Center(
child: CircularProgressIndicator(
backgroundColor: AppColors.colorShadowLight,
return Column(
children: <Widget>[
child: Container(
padding: EdgeInsets.only(top: 10, right : 20, left : 20),
child: ListView.builder(
itemCount: _tableProvider.classroomsFiltered.length,
itemBuilder: (context, index){
return Container(
child: Column(
children: [
// Some classrooms data
void slideSheet(BuildContext context) {
var _tableProvider = Provider.of<TablesNotifier>(context, listen:false);
context: context,
isScrollControlled: true,
isDismissible: true,
builder: (context) {
return Wrap(
children: [
color: Color(0xFF737373),
child: Container(
child: Column(
children: <Widget>[
// Some filters ...
// Here I want to rebuild the list of button for show the changes
value: _tableProvider,
child: Consumer<TablesNotifier>(
builder: (context, model, child){
return _listOfClassrooms(context);
Widget _listOfClassrooms(BuildContext context){
var _tableProvider = Provider.of<TablesNotifier>(context);
List<Widget> list = List<Widget>();
var listClassrooms = _tableProvider.numberOfClassrooms;
var filterClassrooms = _tableProvider.filterClassroomsModel.classrooms;
for (var i = 0; i < listClassrooms.length; i++) {
int selectIndex = 0;
selectIndex = listClassrooms[i];
text: "${listClassrooms[i]}",
index: listClassrooms[i],
width: (MediaQuery.of(context).size.width - 56) /3,
selectedIndex: selectIndex,
onPressed: _tableProvider.saveChargesSelected,
return Wrap(
spacing: 8.0, // gap between adjacent chips
runSpacing: 8.0, // gap between lines
children: list
My FilterClassroomsModel :
class FilterClassroomsModel {
int order;
int sort;
List<int> classrooms;
FilterClassroomsModel ({
this.order = 0,
this.sort = 0,
this.classrooms = const[],
String toString() {
return '{ '
'${this.order}, '
'${this.sort}, '
'${this.classrooms}, '
EDIT : Resolved topic. Thanks to Javachipper.
In the notifier I replace that :
filterClassroomsModel.classrooms = numberOfClassrooms;
By that :
filter.classrooms = List<int>();
change this:
filterClassroomsModel.classrooms = numberOfClassrooms;
Update (you can also do it like this):
filterClassroomsModel.classrooms= new List<int>();

Mobx flutter observable is not updating the value. Every time I am getting default value

Hello I am new to flutter and I am trying to use mobx state management.
import 'package:mobx/mobx.dart';
part 'counter.g.dart';
class Counter = _Counter with _$Counter;
abstract class _Counter with Store {
String hello = 'Hello';
void changeName(_name){
hello = _name;
and .g.dart also generated with updated values.
I am firing the action like (Action calling part)
final Counter counter = Counter();
return Observer(builder: (_)=> InkWell(
onTap: () {
counter.changeName("updated value");
}.....something like this.
Rendering part:
final Counter counter = Counter();
return Scaffold(
body: Observer(builder: (_) {
return Container(
height: 100.0,
width: 100.0,
decoration: BoxDecoration(),
child: Text(counter.hello),
Everytime I am getting counter.hello as "Hello"(Default value).
I am not getting "Updated Value"
-> Action changeName is triggering (I have debugged it)
Please help me.
This part
final Counter counter = Counter();
return Observer(builder: (_)=> InkWell(
onTap: () {
counter.changeName("updated value");
and this part
final Counter counter = Counter();
return Scaffold(
body: Observer(builder: (_) {
return Container(
height: 100.0,
width: 100.0,
decoration: BoxDecoration(),
child: Text(counter.hello),
are in the same widget tree ? I noticed that in both parts you instantiate the Counter(),
for the text to update, you need to use the same instance of the class.

Question about Flutter State and retrieving variables from State vs StatefulWidget

Here's the context:
In my app, users can create a question, and all questions will be displayed on a certain page. This is done with a ListView.builder whose itemBuilder property returns a QuestionTile.
The problem:
If I create a new question, the text of the new question is (usually) displayed as the text of the previous question.
Here's a picture of me adding three questions in order, "testqn123", "testqn456", "testqn789", but all are displayed as "testqn123".
Hot restarting the app will display the correct texts for each question, but hot reloading wont work.
In my _QuestionTileState class, if I change the line responsible for displaying the text of the question on the page, from
child: Text(text)
child: Text(widget.text)
the issue will be resolved for good. I'm not super familiar with how hot restart/reload and state works in flutter, but can someone explain all of this?
Here is the code for QuestionTile and its corresponding State class, and the line changed is the very last line with words in it:
class QuestionTile extends StatefulWidget {
final String text;
final String roomName;
final String roomID;
final String questionID; //
QuestionTile({this.questionID, this.text, this.roomName, this.roomID});
_QuestionTileState createState() => _QuestionTileState(text);
class _QuestionTileState extends State<QuestionTile> {
final String text;
int netVotes = 0;
bool expand = false;
bool alreadyUpvoted = false;
bool alreadyDownvoted = false;
void toggleExpansion() {
setState(() => expand = !expand);
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
RoomDbService dbService = RoomDbService(widget.roomName, widget.roomID);
final user = Provider.of<User>(context);
print(widget.text + " with questionID of " + widget.questionID);
return expand
? ExpandedQuestionTile(text, netVotes, toggleExpansion)
: Card(
elevation: 10,
child: Padding(
padding: const EdgeInsets.fromLTRB(10, 7, 15, 7),
child: GestureDetector(
onTap: () => {
Navigator.pushNamed(context, "/ChatRoomPage", arguments: {
"question": widget.text,
"questionID": widget.questionID,
"roomName": widget.roomName,
"roomID": widget.roomID,
child: new Row(
// crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.stretch,
children: <Widget>[
// the stack overflow functionality
children: <Widget>[
child: alreadyUpvoted
? Icon(Icons.arrow_drop_up,
: Icon(Icons.arrow_drop_up),
onTap: () {
dynamic result = dbService.upvoteQuestion(
user.uid, widget.questionID);
setState(() {
alreadyUpvoted = !alreadyUpvoted;
if (alreadyDownvoted) {
alreadyDownvoted = false;
stream: dbService.getQuestionVotes(widget.questionID),
builder: (context, snapshot) {
if (!snapshot.hasData) {
return Center(child: CircularProgressIndicator());
} else {
// print("Current Votes: " + "${["votes"]}");
// print("questionID: " + widget.questionID);
return Text("${["votes"]}");
child: alreadyDownvoted
? Icon(Icons.arrow_drop_down,
: Icon(Icons.arrow_drop_down),
onTap: () {
user.uid, widget.questionID);
setState(() {
alreadyDownvoted = !alreadyDownvoted;
if (alreadyUpvoted) {
alreadyUpvoted = false;
width: 290,
child: Align(
alignment: Alignment.centerLeft,
child: Text(text)), // problem solved if changed to Text(widget.text)
You can wrap your UI with a Stream Builder, this will allow the UI to update every time any value changes from Firestore.
Since you are using an item builder you can wrap the widget that is placed with the item builder.
That Should update the UI

Using Flutter Checkbox() and obtaining initial value from Firestore

I'm no experienced programmer and I could find no guidance, hence this question. I have a working solution but not sure if this is good practice.
I am using the widget Checkbox() in a Form(). Widgets like TextFormField() and DateTimeField() have a parameter called 'initialValue'. Checkbox() does not.
For TextFormField() and DateTimeField() I obtained the initialValue by:
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
final user = Provider.of<User>(context);
return StreamBuilder<UnitDetails>(
stream: DatabaseServices(uid: user.userUid, unitUid: widget.unitUid)
builder: (context, unitDetails) {
if (!unitDetails.hasData) return Loading();
return Scaffold(
The Checkbox(value: residentialUnit,) can not have its initial value set inside the builder:. The parameter 'value:' needs to be set true or false before the builder: ie before the value is obtained from Firestore! The way I solved this is by using initState(). An extra call to Firestore and more code for this one input widget.
void initState() {
.listen((snapshot) {
residentialUnit =['unitResidential'];
Is there a better way?
I think you can solve your problem with the following answer (using FormField).
Checkbox form validation
Following is a sample code.
initialValue: userProfile.agreement,
builder: (state) {
return Column(
children: [
children: [
value: state.value,
onChanged:(value) {
setState(() {
Expanded(child: Text('Sample checkbox')),
state.errorText ?? '',
style: TextStyle(
color: Theme.of(context).errorColor,
validator: (val) {
print('VAL: $val');
if (!val) {
return 'You need to accept terms';
} else {
return null;

Flutter: Prevent executed feturebuilder when setState is occurred

I am trying to load DropDownMenu inside Future builder.In my widget i have a Column. Inside Column I have a few widget :
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Column(
children: <Widget>[
Container(), {
..... {
future: MyToolsProvider()
(ctx,AsyncSnapshot<DropDownModel.DropDownConfigToolsModle>snapshot) {
if (!snapshot.hasData ||
snapshot.connectionState ==
ConnectionState.waiting) {
return Center(
child: CircularProgressIndicator(),
if (snapshot.hasData &&
snapshot.connectionState ==
ConnectionState.done) {
_dropDown =[0];
return DropdownButton<DropDownModel.DataModle>(
hint: Text("Select Item"),
value: _dropDown,
onChanged: (data) {
setState(() {
_dropDown = data;
items: {
return DropdownMenuItem<
value: item,
child: Row(
children: <Widget>[
width: 10,
style: TextStyle(
} else {
return Center(
child: Text('failed to load'),
As you can see i have FutureBuilder inside a loop to show DropdownButton.everything is ok and code works as a charm but my problem is :
onChanged: (data) {
setState(() {
_dropDown = data;
every time setState called, future: MyToolsProvider().getDropDownConfiges(inputs.dataUrl), is executed and
_dropDown =[0]; again initialized and it get back in a first time .
It is not possible declared MyToolsProvider().getDropDownConfiges(inputs.dataUrl), in initState() method because inputs.dataUrl it is not accessible there.
How can i fixed that?
Updating parent state from within a builder is anti-pattern here. To reduce future errors and conflicts I recommend to wrap the parts that use and update _dropDown variable as a statefull widget.
Afterward the builder is just responsible of selecting correct widget based on future results and separated widget will only update itself based on interactions. Then hopefully many current and potential errors will disappear.
Do one thing, change this
_dropDown =[0];
_dropDown ??=[0];
What this will do is, it will check if _dropDown is null then assign it with value otherwise it won't.