Eclipse RCP persistence framework integration - eclipse

I am developing an Eclipse application, using the latest version of Eclipse RCP and RAP 2022-12.
I have a target platform, a product file, a complete Maven/Tycho build system working with unit and integration test.
My need now is to persist to a DB (my preference here is MongoDB) a simple POJO class, for example:
* The logged user.
public class User implements IMASUser {
* Developer user name
public static final String DEVELOPER_USER_NAME = "developer"; //$NON-NLS-1$
private static final SimpleDateFormat DB_DATE_FORMAT = new SimpleDateFormat(CommonConstants.DB_DATE_FORMAT_PATTERN);
private int m_id;
private String m_username;
private String m_password;
private String m_name;
private String m_surname;
private String m_domainID;
private String m_office;
private String m_blockCode;
private String m_eMail;
private AccessLevel m_accessLevel;
private boolean m_isBeta; // Access to beta program
private boolean m_isActive; // Currently working (hired and actively developing)
private Date m_loginDate;
private Date m_lastLoginDate;
What is the most "common" and easy way to integrate a persistence framework into an Eclipse RCP application?
In a standard Java app I would try Hibernate or Spring Boot but here the integration in the OSGi environment is somehow problematic.
I tried to integrate:
Spring Boot JPA
adding the dependencies to the target platform.
All of those have problems runtime discovering the needed service and classes.
For sure I'm missing some experience in Eclipse/RCP/OSGi.
Can you share some of your experience (if any), I can't find any up to date documentation.
Thank you!


No generator named "system-uuid" is defined in the persistence unit

In eclipse Im getting the error "No generator named "system-uuid" is defined in the persistence unit"
#GenericGenerator(name = "system-uuid", strategy = "uuid2")
#GeneratedValue(generator = "system-uuid")
private String userId;
Previous posts have asked the same question and the answer has been to turn off this error in eclipse ? but this isnt possible in the version of eclipse I'm using (mars) and Id really like to know the cause of this.

How to open a Part without duplicate?

I am developing 'Pure' Eclipse 4 RCP application. I want to open a 'part' using method like page.openEditor(IEditorInput input, String editorId, boolean activate); in e3.x
How can i do this?
You use EPartService to manage parts:
private EPartService partService;
MPart mpart = partService.showPart("part id", PartState.ACTIVATE);
if necessary you can then access your part class:
MyPart myPart = (MyPart)mpart.getObject();

GWT Bean validation does not return all constraint violations in compiled mode

I am experiencing different behavior for client side bean validation when running in gwt development mode than in compiled mode. I have been trying to debug and resolve this issue for hours (days actually) but, although further still did not find the root cause and am currently stuck. Hence my request for help.
In general I have been following the approach advocated here
and was further more inspired by various articles and questions on StackOverlow. So I have the user enter an object on the client. Than I validate it client side via a call to the validator that has been created by the validator factory.
The problem I am experiencing is that when more than one constraint is validated (i.e. the user enters 2 or more "mistakes") the validator does not (always) return all constraint violations when running in compiled mode, while it does return them all when running in gwt development mode.
The object I try to validate is of the class EnvyMonUser
public class EnvyMonUser implements Serializable, Obj<EnvyMonUser> {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 3L;
private static final String EMAIL_PATTERN = "^[_A-Za-z0-9-\\+]+(\\.[_A-Za-z0-9-]+)*#"
+ "[A-Za-z0-9-]+(\\.[A-Za-z0-9]+)*(\\.[A-Za-z]{2,})$";
private Long id;
#NotNull(message = "company must be selected")
private Key<Company> companyKey;
private String googleUserId;
#NotNull(message = "email address must be set")
#Pattern(regexp = EMAIL_PATTERN, message = "invalid email address")
private String email;
#NotNull(message = "name must be set")
#Size(min = 3, message = "must have a name of minimal 3 characters")
private String nickName;
#NotNull(message = "location must be selected")
private Key<SampleLocation> sampleLocationKey;
#NotNull(message = "result must be set")
private Long value;
Where Company and SampleLocation are two other classes. (The annotations #Entity, #Index, #Id and the class Key are of Objectify. I use the same entity class(es) client and server (gae) side. )
Once the user has entered an EnvyMonUser object I validate it via a validator, i.e.
Validator validator = Validation.buildDefaultValidatorFactory().getValidator();
EnvyMonUser obj = getView().getEditorDriver().flush();
Set<ConstraintViolation<O>> validate = validator.validate(obj);
where my validation factory is
public final class AppValidatorFactory extends AbstractGwtValidatorFactory {
#GwtValidation(value = { MonitorType.class, Measurement.class,
ProgramMeasurement.class, EnvyMonUser.class, Company.class,
SampleLocation.class })
public interface GwtValidator extends Validator {
public AbstractGwtValidator createValidator() {
return GWT.create(GwtValidator.class);
Am I doing something wrong?
Desperate as I was I tried removing and adding several fields but have not found any logical pattern. Depending on which fields I leave out and also on which of the fields are filled correctly by the user the (missing) constraint(s) in compiled mode change.
I have already tried multiple routes but no success so far. For example at some point I thought this was caused by using objectify. However when I remove sampleLocationKey member it works perfectly fine for companyKey member. I also tried removing the objectify attributes but this also doesn't seem to make a difference.
An interesting thing I did observe (by accident) is that when I remove (comment) some of the members from the hashCode and equals methods the behavior changes. Not sure why this is. Maybe it has something to do with how the validator generator is implemented.
Does anyone have any clue?
Also a pointer in the right direction is appreciated. Does someone for example know where I can find the validator that is generated. Or the sources of the validator generator?
Some versions of libraries I use:
gwt 2.6.0
objectify 4.0.1
Turns out the problem was not in my code but a bug in gwt sources for . See!topic/Google-Web-Toolkit/xRVGnMWfttc for a full description of the problem and solution.
I had the same issue. The validations were working fine on dev mode and all the error messages were showing up on the UI but in the prod mode we could see only one error message at one time. Late on when debugged and found that my DTO has implemented equals and hashcode method and that what causing this issue. The moment is removed these two implementations from my DTO every things worked fine after that.
I am using GWT 2.6.1.

Spring Data JPA Auditing never getting called at runtime

I'm presently struggling with getting Spring Data JPA Auditing to work, it is presently not setting the fields and doesn't seem to be getting called in any way when working with Entities. In particular any insight into how it hooks into the standard flow of persisting Entities would be helpful.
I'm presently using Spring Data JPA 1.5.0.M1 with Spring 3.2.6 and the basic configuration for the auditing piece is:
#EnableJpaAuditing(auditorAwareRef = "auditorAware")
#EnableJpaRepositories(basePackages = "org.myproject.dao")
public class JpaConfig {
the relevant entity at the moment is marked up with the annotations and the interface while trying to work this out (the annotations would be preferred). I realize this should not be done but I copied and pasted for the moment.
public class AutoDraft implements Auditable<Long, Long> {
#SequenceGenerator(name="seq_auto_draft", sequenceName="SEQ_AUTO_DRAFT")
private Long id;
private DateTime createdDate;
private DateTime lastModifiedDate;
In the logs the relevant beans are being set up and I can catch the AuditingHandler being properly configured within the AuditingEntityListener on startup, but nothing seems to be getting triggered at runtime, nor are there any audit related logging messages associated with specific entities or repositories. My attention is presently drawn by the AuditingBeanFactoryPostProcessor, but I've already spent too long on this so could use any assistance.
I know this is an old question, but I hit the same problem and a comment helped me resolve it. So I thought I would make it clearer if anyone falls on this question again.
The documentation for Spring Data is a bit misleading in that it implies that you can enable auditing simply by annotating a #Configuration class with #EnableJpaAuditing.
However, the part I found unclear is that you still need to modify the orm.xml file (
<entity-listener class="…" />
However, if you are using a pure annotation based solution, you may not have an orm.xml file. As indicated by Matt Whipple in a comment, you have to add the #EntityListeners annotation to you entity classes so that the JPA persistence library calks the Spring auditing class when persisting the objects (which in turn deals with the auditing).
So a complete example could be something like:
#PropertySource({ "" })
public class AppConfig {
* Stubbed method for the auditor as the app does not concern itself with auditing any User fields
* Consequently, return null for the current auditor
* #return
public AuditorAware<User> auditorProvider(){
return new AuditorAware<User>() {
public User getCurrentAuditor() {
return <User object that is Logged In>;
Then on your entity:
public class Log {
private long id;
private Date createdOn;
// bunch of other audit fields (and other fields)
It seems like you forgot to configure AuditingEntityListener in the orm.xml (which is still neccessary). Add this lines to your orm.xml:
<entity-listener class="…" />
see: Spring data jpa documentation: Auditing.

java.lang.NoSuchFieldError exception while the field is defined

I'm working on a web application for Apache Tomcat.
I'm using a class called Location in which i defined a field called ipAddresses. Here it is:
package com.maxmind.geoip;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Set;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.builder.EqualsBuilder;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.builder.HashCodeBuilder;
public class Location {
private final static double EARTH_DIAMETER = 2 * 6378.2;
private final static double PI = 3.14159265;
private final static double RAD_CONVERT = PI / 180;
public Set<String> ipAddresses;
public String countryCode;
public String countryName;
public String region;
public String city;
public String postalCode;
public float latitude;
public float longitude;
public int dma_code;
public int area_code;
public int metro_code;
public Location() {
ipAddresses = new HashSet<String>();
However, after deploying the webapp to the server (war file) and trying to run the servlet that is using this class in it, i'm getting the exception java.lang.NoSuchFieldError for ipAddresses.
Moreover, when trying to debug it (Eclipse), when i reach a place where Location loc = new Location() is called, two weird things happen:
The constructor i coded isn't called, the debugger won't step into it, instead the program counter arrow is shown on on of the imports of in the file.
After "returning" from the Location loc = new Location() call, when i'm viewing the object's content the field actually does not exist.
The source file that was deployed with the jar file does include this field.
I have tried many things:
cleaning and building the project and redeploying it.
cleaning the server's working directory, both manual and by using Eclipse.
changing the working directory of the server, in Eclipse.
re-installing the server in Eclipse.
re-installing Tomcat entirely, three times and to different locations!
I'm pretty stuck. What could it be?
The symptoms indicate that you have the com.maxmind.geoip.Location class in some JAR in the JRE/lib or JRE/lib/ext or any other Eclipse/Tomcat-independent classpath location which will always have precedence in classloading over the WAR's classes.
Examining the loc.getClass().getProtectionDomain().getCodeSource().getLocation() after you construct it should give insights about where it is actually been loaded from.
Are you using the field at all? Are there any references to it?. It is entirely possible that Eclipse is optimising it away.
In Windows->Preferences->Java->Compiler, there is a setting: Preserve unused (never read) local variables. Is this checked? If not, check it and try again.