Exiting out of a running Python script when script window is hidden - mouse

I have a Python script written using Visual Studio Code that periodically moves the mouse icon to keep the computer active and stop it from falling asleep. This computer is used for displaying other info, so when the program is running the script window is minimized and another window is selected and opened and then the computer is left alone. When I want to use the computer again the Ctrl+C keyboard interrupt to terminate the script does not work unless the script window is reopened. This proved to be annoying as the script takes control of the mouse away from the user. I have a 'time.sleep' command that pauses the mouse movement to allow for user control again for a bit, but I would like to be ab le to just exit the script without having to wait for this pause to be able to open up the script window.
I am fairly new to Python, so I am unsure of other commands or keyboard inputs that might allow this to be possible.
The code I have does utilize the pyautogui module and has the default failsafe of moving the mouse icon to the corner of the screen enabled. However, this still requires me to wait for the pause in the script when I have control of the mouse again.
This is for a Windows environment.

If you are using pyautogui, just quickly move your mouse to the top left corner of the screen and your program will stop


Autoit MouseClick - click does not work on Connection Bar in RDP window

I am trying to minimize RDP window by using Autoit mouse functions
First MouseMove to correct location -> hint "Minimize" appear
but then MouseClick (or mousedown, sleep, mouseup) seems do click "through" connection bar , as I see icon on desktop under the connection bar got focused.
I thought before, any mouse action "by hand" can be imitated , but I am stuck here...
To fix this problem, you need to do one of the following:
Run the program on the remote computer - then you can use the "standard" AutoIt functions
Run the program on the local computer, and analyze the remote image with ImageSearch UDF or OpenCV UDF and click in the selected point of screen.

PowerShell Control Where CMD Window is Displayed

My PowerShell script generates a Form Window (with a fix startup location) and has a CMD Prompt window that is displayed alongside it that is used to display certain actions. However, with each successive launch of the PowerShell script, even though the Form Window stays in one place, the CMD Prompt window moves lower and lower as it makes its way systematically to the center of the screen. Once it reaches the center of the screen, it resets its position to the top left corner of the screen, only to repeat the process all over.
Is it possible to designate the starting position of CMD Prompt Window, like you can with the Form window, so that I have more control over it?

Close pop up windows that rises during powershell script execution

I'm new with powershell and I'm trying to execute a third party program from command line. In one of the executions path, suddenly a pop up window emerges and the script is paused until I click on the accept button or close that window.
What I need is to avoid that click.
Is it possible to tell the script to close any emerging window or to send an event to close it?
Those windows that suddenly pop up make it impossible for me to achieve my task... Is there any other way to handle this?

Matlab command window unresponsive after losing focus

I am using matlab on linux with gnome and I have a problem with the command window. Note that this problem goes away when I switch to twm, but I don't want to do that (for obvious reasons).
When the command window loses focus and then regains focus, it freezes, i.e., it ignores anything I type. The only consistent way I've found to unfreeze it is to click somewhere within the matlab window, but outside the command window (for example, the workspace or command history windows), and then click back in the command window.
This is very annoying and it happens all the time. Any help would be appreciated!

Command Line Windows Hanging in RDP Windows

We regularly access the build machine through RDP and it there are lots of command line windows that open. Sometimes these windows hang like someone switched focus to them and press the Pause key. Tapping the keyboard moves the process along, but every once in a while this is missed and everyone waits on the process to finish while it is waiting for someone to press a key. Why does this happen? Is there a setting or version up/down-grade that can keep it from happening?
When this happens, does the window title say "Select Command Prompt"? If so, hitting a key will unpause it, but the keystroke will also be sent to the paused program unless it's ESC or enter (or possibly others). You can turn this feature off by going into the Command Prompt properties/defaults and unchecking "QuickEdit Mode".
If that's not it, you'll have to post more information about your build process. What is your build system written in (make, scons, jam, msbuild, etc.)?
One thing to watch out for in command line Windows; if you have QuickEdit Mode enabled (click on icon in title bar, Properties..., Options tab) you can highlight and copy with the mouse, bypassing the Edit menu. Stray mouse clicks in the window highlight the character underneath and the console will appear to "hang" until a key is pressed.