DAX Calculate Billing Days Between Two Variable Dates - date

I have a dimdate table that is represented below. I have each day flagged as BusinessDay Y/N. I also have a DimSalesRep table that has a daily goal for each rep. I want to be able to allow users to input a StartDt and EndDt with filters on the report and have a calculated column look at the business days between those dates. I can calculate daysbetween with defined dates but I am unsure how I would use DAX with variable dates that are applied through Report filters.
I should also note I am not sure how best to handle a startdt and enddt filter based of the column, TheDate

Reference your dimdate table twice
StartDate = 'dimdate'
EndDate = 'dimdate'
and use this measure:
Num BusinessDays =
'dimdate'[BusinessDay] = "Y",
'dimdate'[Date] >= SELECTEDVALUE(StartDate[Date]),
'dimdate'[Date] <= SELECTEDVALUE(EndDate[Date])


How to calculate total sales as of first day of the current month as Previous month sales in power BI

I have salesamount column and the saledate column in my table. so I need to calculate total sales for each month based on below calculation.
total sales for current month=sum(salesamount) as of 1st day of the next month
for example sales of December-2021 should be calculated based on the total sales as on Jan-1-2022. total sales for January should be blank until Feb-1-2022 as it should be the total sales as on feb-1-2022. I am very much confused how we can achieve this in Dax. Really appreciate your help.
If I understand your question correctly, you can use the following DAX measure:
Total Sales =
var currentDate = MAX(myTable[saleDate])
var firstOfMonth = DATE(YEAR(CALCULATE(MAX(myTable[saledate]), ALL(myTable))),
MONTH(CALCULATE(MAX(myTable[saledate]), ALL(myTable))), 1)
var result = SUM(myTable[salesamount])
Return IF(currentDate < firstOfMonth, result)
This will take the current date of the report context and compare it to the 1st of the current month. If the currentDate is less than the 1st of the current month, the result will be calculated.
If your dataset has a Date table, you can replace the 'myTable[saledate]' references with a reference to the Date column in your date table.
With some sample data, here are the results:
(I added the firstOfMonth column for demonstration purposes)

Tableau - Divide values from 2 dates

I need help making a division with a relative date range.
For example:
Date Range: 01-01-2015 & 20-01-2015
Divison: 1.209,812 / 1.207,810 = 1,0016575
You can do this with a combination of LOD calcs and a Context Filter.
Select Add to Context on your relative range date filter.
Create Level of Detail calcs to isolate the min and max dates based on your filter
{max([Order Date])}
{min([Order Date])}
Create min and max values based on your measures. I'm using the Superstore data set in this example. The calculation states if the date equals the max date, return the Sales value. Repeat for min values.
if [Order Date] = [max date] then [Sales] end
You should have something like this:
Now just create a division between the max and min. You'll need to remove the date from the view for the calculation to render.
sum([max value]) / sum([min value])
See attached sample workbook if needed. https://www.dropbox.com/s/1ed15pwhihmjkdv/181227%20stack%20question.twbx?dl=0

How to dynamically calculate the YTD for current year without using a table calculation in Tableau?

How do I dynamically calculate the Year To Date (YTD) for the current year without using a table calculation in Tableau?
I have used the below formulas to calculate YoY for the current year:
if datediff('year',[Date],TODAY())=0 then [Sales] END
For the previous year:
if datediff('year',[Date],TODAY())=1 then [Sales] END
sum(current year)/sum(previous year)-1
create a calculated field:
[date] >= MAKEDATE(Year(today()),1,1) and
[date]<= today()
Drag this to filter and select True
It depends on what you're trying to achieve. If you want to filter dates to show only values in the current year without a table calculation, then you could create a calculated field like below and filter on the result:
if Year([Date]) = YEAR(TODAY()) then "YTD" else "Not" END

Create a measure to return the maximum date about the order in a fact table. (SSAS Multidimensional)

I want to create a measure which return the maximum date about Orders but before the actual day
I will write an example :
My tables here
(In my table Calendar i have the year 2016,2017,2019, and in my Order table, i have an order for 2016 and 2019,
I want the last date order but before the actual day (18/05/2017), so i want the Date 01/01/2016).
I have 2 table, a dimension Calendar and a fact table Order.
I was thinking about the function filter, so i search how to use filter in
google, and all the solutions i found use 'With' and 'Select'.
(I can't use 'With' and 'Select' when i create a measure in SSAS multidimensional).
Hope i will see your advice.
Just like this similar case in adv cube?
[max order date] return the maximum date about [Internet Sales Amount]
with member [max order date] AS
tail(NONEMPTY([Date].[Date].[Date],[Measures].[Internet Sales Amount])).item(0).item(0).PROPERTIES( "name" )
select {[max order date] } on 0 from [Adventure Works]
if yes, then you can create a measure in your cube like this:
Create Member CurrentCube.[Measures].[max order date]
As tail(NONEMPTY([Date].[Date].[Date],[Measures].[Internet Sales
Amount])).item(0).item(0).PROPERTIES( "name" );
if only till current day, then(following is refer to adv cube, you need do some code changes per your cube):
Create Member CurrentCube.[max order date] AS
Head([Date].[Date].[Date]).Item(0).Item(0)--the first day in your Date dim
StrToMember("[Date].[Date].&[" + Format(Now(),"yyyyMMdd") + "]")-- as of current day
,[Measures].[Internet Sales Amount]
IDE to Write, Analyze, Tuning, Debug MDX efficiently (www.mdx-helper.com)

Syntax for column values for same period of last year in SSRS report

I am generating a report where I SUM price and cost values per month. I would like to show the same defined time period - 1 year. I'm not clear how to nest this. Would I use a case when statement?
My terrible example.
select month, cost, price from table1 where (define months here in SSRS parameter filter)
I'd like to see:
select month, cost, price, lastyearcost, lastyearprice FROM table1 where (define months here in SSRS parameter filter)
I know that I should be using some variant of GETDATE() -1, but will this include the data range parameters passed when running the report? How do I select the column of cost apply the date filter and then get the result of cost for that period last year?
Hopefully that makes sense?
One way is to use DATEPART() with the correct nesting and pairing.
FROM table1
--this is limiting the data to the year passed in, and the previous year
(datepart(year,DateColumn) = #YearParam or datepart(year,DateColumn) = #YearParam-1)
--this is limiting the months to the two parameters you pass in as integers
(datepart(month,DateColumn) >= #minMonthParam and datepart(month,DateColumn) <= #maxMonthParam)
declare #table1 table (DateColumn date)
insert into #table1 (DateColumn)
declare #YearParam int = 2017
declare #minMonthParam int = 2
declare #maxMonthParam int = 5
FROM #table1
(datepart(year,DateColumn) = #YearParam or datepart(year,DateColumn) = #YearParam-1)
(datepart(month,DateColumn) >= #minMonthParam and datepart(month,DateColumn) <= #maxMonthParam)