Calculating a score for each road in Openstreetmap produces unexpected result. What am I missing? - postgresql

I have a Postgres database with a postgis extention installed and filles with open street map data.
With the following SQL statement :
st_area(st_intersection(ST_Buffer(l.way, 30), p.way))
st_area(ST_Buffer(l.way, 30))
) as green_fraction
FROM planet_osm_line AS l
INNER JOIN planet_osm_polygon AS p ON ST_Intersects(l.way, ST_Buffer(p.way,30))
WHERE p.natural in ('water') or p.landuse in ('forest') GROUP BY l.osm_id;
I calculate a "green" score.
My goal is to create a "green" score for each osm_id.
Which means; how much of a road is near a water, forrest or something similar.
For example a road that is enclosed by a park would have a score of 1.
A road that only runs by a river for a short period of time would have a score of for example 0.4
OR so is my expectation.
But by inspection the result of this calculation I get sometimes Values of
212.11701212511463 for a road with the OSM ID -647522
and 82 for a road with osm ID -6497265
I do get values between 0 and 1 too but I don't understand why I do also get such huge values.
What am I missing ?
I was expecting values between 1 and 0.

Using a custom unique ID that you must populate, the query can also union eventually overlapping polygons:
st_intersection(ST_Buffer(l.way, 30), p.way))
) / st_area(ST_Buffer(l.way, 30)) as green_fraction
FROM planet_osm_line AS l
INNER JOIN planet_osm_polygon AS p
ON st_dwithin(l.way, p.way,30)
WHERE p.natural in ('water') or p.landuse in ('forest')
GROUP BY l.uid;


Using the ST_Disjoint() Function gives unexpected result

I am fiddeling around with this dataset It is used in this workshop
I want to identify all the features, that do not have a subway station. I thought this spatial join is rather straight forward
FROM nyc_census_blocks AS census
JOIN nyc_subway_stations AS subway
ON ST_Disjoint(census.geom, subway.geom)
GROUP BY census.boroname;
However, the result set is waaaaay to large.
"Brooklyn" 4753693
"Manhattan" 1893156
"Queens" 7244123
"Staten Island" 2473146
"The Bronx" 2683246
When I run a test
SELECT COUNT(id) FROM nyc_census_blocks;
I get 38794 as a result. So there are way less features in nyc_census_blocks than I have in the result-set from the spatial join.
Why is that? Where is the mistake I am making?
The problem is that with ST_Disjoint you're getting for every record of nyc_census_block the total number of stations that are disjoint with nyc_subway_stations, which means in case of no intersection all records of nyc_subway_stations (491). That's why you're getting such a high count.
Alternatively you can count how many subways and census blocks do intersect, e.g. in a CTE or subquery, and in another query count how many of them return 0:
(SELECT count(*)
FROM nyc_subway_stations subway
WHERE ST_Intersects(subway.geom,census.geom)) AS qt
FROM nyc_census_blocks AS census
SELECT boroname,count(*)
FROM j WHERE qt = 0
GROUP BY boroname;
boroname | count
Brooklyn | 9517
Manhattan | 3724
Queens | 14667
Staten Island | 5016
The Bronx | 5396
(5 rows)

Recursive PostGIS query

I am trying to transform all the roundabouts in a city into simple intersections/crossroads (o -> +). As I am using OpenStreetMap for the initial topology, some roundabouts are not a circle but just the segments of the circle (Ex:
In practice the problem is that I need the centroid of each roundabout and I get it almost in all cases but sometimes I get several centroids for the same roundabout (centroids of the arches, no the full roundabout).
I have achieved this:
select f.osm_id as fid, (select ST_CENTROID(ST_Buffer(ST_UNION(way),1)) as r_geom
from planet_osm_line d
where st_intersects(f.way, d.way) and junction = 'roundabout') as rotonda
from planet_osm_line f
where junction like 'roundabout';
But this does not resolve the problem, it only reduces it. I am not getting the full circle, just bigger segments of it.
So I guess I need a recursive query in order to do this until the number of geometries retrieved remains the same (the full circle). Any ideas about how to build this query?
I was looking for something like this (hope it helps others in need):
create table no_roundabouts as
with recursive roundabout(geom) as (--Recursive function to build closed circled roundabouts even with roundabouts mapped as differents arches.
FROM planet_osm_line ways --Get all segments tagged as 'roundabout'
WHERE ways.junction = 'roundabout'
SELECT ST_TRANSFORM(ST_UNION(ways.way, roundabout.geom),3857)
FROM roundabout, planet_osm_line ways -- Compose segments building greater arches of the roundabout until we have the full circle (My_segment + a touching segment that is no contained in my segment)
WHERE ways.junction = 'roundabout' and ST_INTERSECTS(roundabout.geom, ways.way) and not ST_CONTAINS(roundabout.geom, ways.way)
SELECT * FROM roundabout;
alter table no_roundabouts add column id bigserial; -- Add id to each line
delete from no_roundabouts a -- Delete repeated roundabouts generated during recursion
where exists (select geom from no_roundabouts b where ST_CONTAINS(b.geom, a.geom) and >;
--select count(*) from no_roundabouts WHERE ST_IsClosed(geom) = false;
update no_roundabouts set geom = ST_LINEMERGE(geom) where ST_ISCLOSED(geom) is false --Force closed roundabouts
-- Query replacing roundabouts with crossroads (linking each way in and out with the centroid of the roundabout)
FROM no_roundabouts x JOIN planet_osm_line y ON ST_INTERSECTS(y.way, x.geom)
WHERE y.highway is not null and ST_INTERSECTS(x.geom, st_pointn(y.way,1)) and ST_CONTAINS(x.geom, y.way) = false
FROM no_roundabouts x JOIN planet_osm_line y ON ST_INTERSECTS(y.way, x.geom)
WHERE y.highway is not null and ST_INTERSECTS(x.geom, ST_POINTN(y.way,-1)) and ST_CONTAINS(x.geom, y.way) = false;

Distance between sequential points postgres

My table is as follows
1;"2015-10-02";"POINT(lat,lon) as geometry"
2;"2015-10-03";"POINT(lat,lon) as geometry"
3;"2015-10-04";"POINT(lat,lon) as geometry"
How can I find the distance between two sequential points?
So I'd have id=1 and id=2 distance between them = 99m (distances would be found between [1,2],[2,3],[3,4] and so on
then if distance < 100m aggregate them
I have not go very far with it
This gives me the distance but I don't know how to get the next row's geometry
SELECT st_distance_sphere(t.latlon,next.latlon) from test as t where id=1
Then I tried to read the distance as a additional column but could figure out a correct query
UPDATE test SET dist=ST_Distance(test.latlon, next.geom)
FROM (SELECT latlon FROM test WHERE id = + 1) into b;
1;"2015-10-02";"POINT(lat,lon) as geometry";distance between 1 and 2
2;"2015-10-03";"POINT(lat,lon) as geometry";distance between 2 and 3
3;"2015-10-04";"POINT(lat,lon) as geometry";distance between 3 and 4
To take the distance between current point and next point you can use a window function lead like this:
st_distance(latlon, lead(latlon, 1, latlon) over(order by id)) as distance
from test;

Unit of return value of ST_Distance

I need to calculate the distance between
all buildings and
all hospitals
in a map imported from OSM.
I use following query:
SELECT building_id, hospital_id, ST_Distance(building_centroid, hospital_location)
select planet_osm_polygon.osm_id building_id, ST_Centroid(planet_osm_polygon.way) building_centroid
from planet_osm_polygon
where building = 'yes'
) buildings,
select planet_osm_point.osm_id hospital_id, planet_osm_point.way hospital_location
from planet_osm_point
where amenity = 'hospital') hospitals
I get strange results - the distance is always smaller than 1.
How can I get the to know the unit, in which these values are reported?
Update 1: Sample result:
Update 2: This query seems to work
SELECT building_id, hospital_id, ST_Distance_sphere(building_centroid, hospital_location) distance
select planet_osm_polygon.osm_id building_id, ST_Centroid(planet_osm_polygon.way) building_centroid
from planet_osm_polygon
where building = 'yes'
) buildings,
select planet_osm_point.osm_id hospital_id, planet_osm_point.way hospital_location
from planet_osm_point
where amenity = 'hospital') hospitals
ORDER BY distance
The general rule for units is that the output length units are the same as the input length units.
The OSM way geometry data has length units of degrees of latitude and longitude (SRID=4326). Therefore, the output units from ST_Distance will also have lenth units of degrees, which are not really useful.
There are several things you can do:
Use ST_Distance_Sphere for fast/approximate distances in metres
Use ST_Distance_Spheroid for accurace distances in metres
Convert the lat/long geometry data types to geography, which automagically makes ST_Distance and other functions to use linear units of metres

Simultaneous selecting from tables and functions which use values from these tables

I have 3 tables: lightnings, powerlines, masts.
The main fields:
lightnings.geo_belief - an ellipse of a probable hitting.
powerlines.geo_path - a geo polyline of powerline's path.
masts.geo_coordinates - a geo point of a mast placing.
The task:
To calculate lightning strokes that hit powerline's corridor (5000
meters - its radius, and it is generated as a geometry by function
To get info about a powerline's mast, nearest to a respective lightning hit and to get the distance from lightning.geo_ellipse to masts.geo_coordinates.
So I can select lightnings:
FROM lightnings l
JOIN ( SELECT geo_path, powerline_corridor(geo_path, 5000::smallint) AS geo_zone
FROM powerlines WHERE id=1)
AS by_pl
ON ST_Intersects(by_pl.geo_zone, l.geo_belief)
Also I have got the function namos_nearest_mast(, lightnings.geo_belief):
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.namos_nearest_mast (
powerline_id integer,
geo public.geometry
RETURNS public.obj_powerline_masts AS
FROM obj_powerline_masts
WHERE powerline_id=$1
ORDER BY $2 <-> geo_coordinates ASC
Couldn't you suggest good solutions for selecting?
Following is all I've done by myself:
ROUND(st_distance(namos_transform_meters(m.geo_coordinates), namos_transform_meters(t.geo_belief))) AS dist_m
FROM obj_powerline_masts AS m
(SELECT id FROM nearest_mast(1, l.geo_belief)) AS mast_id
FROM lightnings l
JOIN (SELECT geo_path, powerline_corridor(geo_path, 5000::smallint) AS geo_zone FROM powerlines WHERE id=1) AS by_pl ON ST_Intersects(by_pl.geo_zone, l.geo_belief)
) AS t
But I'm not sure if it's an optimal solution. For instance, in PHP I can't apply dataProviders on such queries (which abstracts e.g. working with pagination), because of we can't affect on subqueries in a trivial way.