attempting to convert an output into a numeric value - powershell

Trying to setup a powershell monitor for maintenance mode value from the output of ./repcli status:
This returns a long list of values and I'm trying to return the status for maintenance mode being [disabled] or [enabled]
The line of interest looks like this, for example:
Maintenance mode = [enabled]
I'd like to determine whether the line of interest contains [enabled] or [disabled], and return 1 in the former case, 0 in the latter.
What I tried:
./repcli.exe status | out-string | select-string -pattern 'maintenance'
This returns all output lines, which is not what I want.

Try the following:
# In the output from ./repcli.exe status, extract the line that contains
# substring 'maintenance' and see if it contains substring '[enabled]'
# Note: In PSv7+, you can replace '| ForEach Line' with '-Raw'
$enabled =
(./repcli.exe status | Select-String maintenance | ForEach Line) -match '\[enabled\]'
# Map the enabled status to 1 ($true) or 0 ($false)
return [int] $enabled
Note the use of the -match operator, which, due to being regex-based, requires escaping [ and ] with \ in order to be used literally. Select-String too uses regexes, except if you pass -SimpleMatch.
As for what you tried:
Out-String (without -Stream) returns a single string, comprising all the lines output by your ./repcli.exe call.
Therefore, if Select-String finds a match, it returns the entire string, not just the line on which the pattern is found.
You can avoid that problem by simply omitting the Out-String call, given that PowerShell automatically relays output lines from calls to external programs line by line.
While Select-String then only returns matching lines, note that it doesn't do so directly, but wraps them in Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.MatchInfo instances that accompany the actual line text, in property .Line, with metadata about the match.
Pipe to | ForEach Line or, in PowerShell (Core) 7+ only, add the -Raw switch to get only the line text.
Of course, you then need to examine the line text returned for the substring of interest, as shown above.


How to split a text file into two in PowerShell?

I have one text file with Script that I want to split into two
Below is the dummy script
this is first part of my script
this is second part of my script
I want to create two text files that would look like
this is first part of my script
this is second part of my script
So far, I have added a special character within the script that I know don't exist ("}")
$script = get-content -Path "C:\Users\shamvil\Desktop\test.txt"
$newscript = $script.Replace("--servertwo","}--servertwo")
but I don't know how to save the split into two separate places.
This might not be a best approach, so I am also open to different solution as well.
Please help, thanks!
Use a regex-based -split operation:
$i = 0
(Get-Content -Raw test.txt) -split '(?m)^(?=--)' -ne '' |
ForEach-Object { $fileName = 'file' + (++$i); Set-Content $fileName $_ }
This assumes that each block of lines that starts with a line that starts with -- is to be saved to a separate file.
Get-Content -Raw reads the entire file into a single, multi-line string.
As for the separator regex passed to -split:
The (?m) inline regex option makes anchors ^ and $ match on each line
^(?=--) therefore matches every line that starts with --, using a by definition non-capturing look-ahead assertion ((?=...)) to ensure that the -- isn't removed from the resulting blocks (by default, what matches the separator regex is not included).
-ne '' filters out the extra empty element that results from the separator expression matching at the very start of the string.
Note that Set-Content knows nothing about the character encoding of the input file and uses its default encoding; use -Encoding as needed.
zett42 points out that the file-writing part can be streamlined with the help of a delay-bind script-block parameter:
$i = 0
(Get-Content -Raw test.txt) -split '(?m)^(?=--)' -ne '' |
Set-Content -LiteralPath { (Get-Variable i -Scope 1).Value++; "file$i" }
The Get-Variable call to access and increment the $i variable in the parent scope is necessary, because delay-bind script blocks (as well as script blocks for calculated properties) run in a child scope - perhaps surprisingly, as discusssed in GitHub issue #7157
A shorter - but even more obscure - option is to use ([ref] $i).Value++ instead; see this answer for details.
zett42 also points to a proposed future enhancement that would obviate the need to maintain the sequence numbers manually, via the introduction of an automatic $PSIndex variable that reflects the sequence number of the current pipeline object: see GitHub issue #13772.

Remove the at symbol ( # ) and curly bracket ( { ) from Select-Sring output in Powershell

I'm parsing filenames in Powershell, and when I use Get-ChildItem | select name, I get a clean output of the files:
But when I try to narrow down those files with Select-String, I'm getting a weird # and { in front of my output:
Get-ChildItem | select name | Select-String -Pattern "1"
Is there a parameter I'm missing? If I pipe with findstr rather than Select-String it works like a charm:
Get-ChildItem | select name | Findstr "1"
You can simplify and speed up your command as follows:
#((Get-ChildItem).Name) -match '1'
Note: #(), the array-subexpression operator, is needed to ensure that -match operates on an array, even if only one file happens to exist in the current dir.
(...).Name uses member-access enumeration to extract all Name property values from the file-info objects returned by Get-ChildItem.
-match, the regular-expression matching operator, due to operating on an array of values, returns the sub-array of matching values.
To make your original command work:
Get-ChildItem | select -ExpandProperty Name |
Select-String -Pattern "1" | select -ExpandProperty Line
select -ExpandProperty Name makes select (Select-Object) return only the Name property values; by default (implied -Property parameter), a custom object that has a Name property is returned.
select -ExpandProperty line similarly extracts the Line property value from the Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.MatchInfo instances that Select-String outputs.
Note that in PowerShell [Core] v7+ you could omit this step by instead using Select-String's (new) -Raw switch to request string-only output.
As for what you tried:
As stated, by not using -ExpandProperty, select name (implied -Property parameter) created a custom object ([pscustomobject] instance) with a Name property.
Select-String stringifies its input objects, if necessary, so it can perform a string search on them, which results in the representation you saw; here's a simulation:
# Stringify a custom object via an expandable string ("...")
PS> "$([pscustomobject] #{ Name = 'file1.txt' })"
As an aside:
The above stringification method is essentially like calling .ToString() on the input objects[1], which often results in useless string representations (by default, just the type name); a more useful and intuitive stringification would be to use PowerShell's rich output-formatting system, i.e. to use the string representation you would see in the console; changing Select-String's behavior to do that is the subject of this feature request on GitHub.
[1] Calling .ToString() directly on a [pscustomobject] instance is actually still broken as of PowerShell Core 7.0.0-rc.2, due to this bug; the workaround is to call .psobject.ToString() or to use an expandable string, as shown above.

Delete a file, if it is empty except for a header row

I am trying to write a PowerShell script to delete a file if its empty, apart from the header.
postanote's answer provides some useful background information on the use of the Measure-Object cmdlet.
In the case at hand, however, it's simpler and faster to use the following:
$file = 'C:\path\to\FileOfInterest'
if ((Get-Content -First 2 $file).Count -le 1) {
Remove-Item $file
Get-Content -First 2 $file returns up to 2 lines from the start of file $file, as an array.
Note:-First is a more descriptive alias for the -TotalCount parameter; in PowerShell v2, use the latter.
(...).Count counts the elements of that array, i.e., the number of lines actually read.[1]
-le 1 (-le meaning less-than-or-equal) returns $true if, despite asking for 2 lines, only 0 or 1 are returned.
The Remove-Item call then removes file $file.
[1] Up to PowerShell version 2, .Count would return $null if only 1 line had been read, because PowerShell returns a single output object as-is instead of wrapping it in a single-element array. However, since $null is coerced to 0 in a numerical comparison such as with -le, ths solution works in v2 as well. PowerShell versions 3 and higher implicitly implement a .Count property even on scalars (single objects), which - sensibly - returns 1.
Agreed Olaf...
Khader - What did you search for. There are samples of how to count lines in a file all over the web.
Just search for 'powershell count lines in file'
Example hits.
Use a PowerShell Cmdlet to Count Files, Words, and Lines
How to count number of lines and words in a file using Powershell?
If I want to know how many lines are contained in the file, I use the
Measure-Object cmdlet with the line switch. This command is shown
Get-Content C:\fso\a.txt | Measure-Object –Line
If I need to know the number of characters, I use the character
Get-Content C:\fso\a.txt | Measure-Object -Character
There is also a words switched parameter that will return the number
of words in the text file. It is used similarly to the character or
line switched parameter. The command is shown here:
Get-Content C:\fso\a.txt | Measure-Object –Word
In the following figure, I use the Measure-Object cmdlet to count
lines; then lines and characters; and finally lines, characters, and
words. These commands illustrate combining the switches to return
specific information.
Update for OP.
You should have updated your original question for context vs putting your code in the comment
As for …
Is there any way I can return just the count and use it with an if
statement to check if it is equal to 1, and then del the file
Just use the if statement when checking for the 'lines' count greater than 1
If (Get-Content $_.FullName | Measure-Object –Line | Where-Object -Property Lines -gt 1)
'Count is greater than one'
Remove-Item ...
Again, this is very basic PowerShell overview stuff, so it's prudent you take Olaf's suggestion to limit future confusion, frustrations, misconceptions and errors you are going to encounter.

What constitutes a "line" for Select-String method in Powershell?

I would expect that Select-String consider \r\n (carriage-return + newline) the end of a line in Powershell.
However, as can be seen below, abc matches the whole the whole input:
PS C:\Tools\hashcat> "abc`r`ndef" | Select-String -Pattern "abc"
If I break the string up into two parts, then Select-String behaves as I would expect:
PS C:\Tools\hashcat> "abc", "def" | Select-String -Pattern "abc"
How can I give Select-String a string whose lines are terminated by \r\n, and then make this cmdlet only returns those strings that contain a match?
Select-String operates on each (stringified on demand[1]) input object.
A multi-line string such as "abc`r`ndef" is a single input object.
By contrast, "abc", "def" is a string array with two elements, passed as two input objects.
To ensure that the lines of a multi-line string are passed individually, split the string into an array of lines using PowerShell's -split operator: "abc`r`ndef" -split "`r?`n"
(The ? makes the `r optional so as to also correctly deal with `n-only (LF-only, Unix-style) line endings.)
In short:
"abc`r`ndef" -split "`r?`n" | Select-String -Pattern "abc"
The equivalent, using a PowerShell string literal with regular-expression (regex) escape sequences (the RHS of -split is a regex):
"abc`r`ndef" -split '\r?\n' | Select-String -Pattern "abc"
It is somewhat unfortunate that the Select-String documentation talks about operating on lines of text, given that the real units of operations are input objects - which may themselves comprise multiple lines, as we've seen.
Presumably, this comes from the typical use case of providing input objects via the Get-Content cmdlet, which outputs a text file's lines one by one.
Note that Select-String doesn't return the matching strings directly, but wraps them in [Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.MatchInfo] objects containing helpful metadata about the match.
Even there the line metaphor is present, however, as it is the .Line property that contains the matching string.
[1] Optional reading: How Select-String stringifies input objects
If an input object isn't a string already, it is converted to one, though possibly not in the way you might expect:
Loosely speaking, the .ToString() method is called on each non-string input object[2]
, which for non-strings is not the same as the representation you get with PowerShell's default output formatting (the latter is what you see when you print an object to the console or use Out-File, for instance); by contrast, it is the same representation you get with string interpolation in a double-quoted string (when you embed a variable reference or command in "...", e.g., "$HOME" or "$(Get-Date)").
Often, .ToString() just yields the name of the object's type, without containing any instance-specific information; e.g., $PSVersionTable stringifies to System.Management.Automation.PSVersionHashTable.
# Matches NOTHING, because Select-String sees
# 'System.Management.Automation.PSVersionHashTable' as its input.
$PSVersionTable | Select-String PSVersion
In case you do want to search the default output format line by line, use the following idiom:
... | Out-String -Stream | Select-String ...
However, note that for non-string input it is more robust and preferable for subsequent processing to filter the input by querying properties with a Where-Object condition.
That said, there is a strong case to be made for Select-String needing to implicitly apply Out-String -Stream stringification, as discussed in this GitHub feature request.
[2] More accurately, .psobject.ToString() is called, either as-is, or - if the object's ToString method supports an IFormatProvider-typed argument - as .psobject.ToString([cultureinfo]::InvariantCulture) so as to obtain a culture-invariant representation - see this answer for more information.
is one string which if you echo (Write-Output) out in console would result in:
PS C:\Users\gpunktschmitz> echo "abc`r`ndef"
The Select-String will echo out every string where "abc" is part of it. As "abc" is part the string this very string will be selected.
"abc", "def"
is a list of two strings. Using the Select-String here will first test "abc" and then "def" if the pattern matches "abc". As only the first one matches only it will be selected.
Use the following to split the string into a list and select only the elements containing "abc"
"abc`r`ndef".Split("`r`n") | Select-String -Pattern "abc"
Basically Mr. Guenther Schmitz explained the correct usage of Select-String, but I want to just add some points to support his answer.
I did some reverse engineering work against this Select-String cmdlet. It's in the Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility.dll. Some relevant code snippets are as follows, notice these are codes from reverse engineering for reference, not the actual source code.
string text = inputObject.BaseObject as string;
matchInfo = (inputObject.BaseObject as MatchInfo);
object operand = ((object)matchInfo) ?? ((object)inputObject);
flag2 = doMatch(operand, out matchInfo2, out text);
We can find out that it just treat the inputObject as a whole string, it doesn't do any split.
I don't find the actual source code of this cmdlet on github, probably this utility part is not open source yet. But I find the unit test of this Select-String.
$testinputone = "hello","Hello","goodbye"
$testinputtwo = "hello","Hello"
The test strings they are using for unit test are actually lists of strings. It means that they were not even thinking about your use case and very possibly it's just designed to accept input of string collection.
However if we look at the official document of Microsoft regarding Select-String we do see it talks about line a lot while it can't recognize a line in a string. My personal guess is the concept of line is only meaningful while the cmdlet accept a file as an input, in the case the file is like a list of string, each item in the list represents a single line.
Hope it can make things more clear.

How do I remove newline from a PowerShell variable

I'm trying to do some processing logic - running some commands in parallel based on the tree configuration CSV file:
I load the file into the variable and then I'm trying to find the next step which needs to be processed:
$Data = Import-Csv -delimiter ";" .\config.csv
$NextStep = $Data | Select-Object -first 1 | Where-Object {$_.Started -eq ""}
$NextStepText = $NextStep.Operation | ft -autosize | out-string
The problem is that it seems like $NextStep.Operation contains new line character. When I display it I get:
PS C:\temp\SalesForce> $NextStep.operation
PS C:\temp\SalesForce> $NextStep.Operation.Contains("`n")
Do you know what I'm doing wrong? I would like to display the content without the "dummy" new line character which is there even if contains method is saying it is not there.
Or please advise how to do it better. I'm still learning PowerShell; so far I just google the commands, and I'm trying to put it together.
The newline isn't in your data, it's being added by Out-String. Observe the output of the following (in particular, where you do and don't get the newline after CA1):
$Data = import-csv -delimiter ";" .\config.csv
$NextStep = $Data | select-object -first 1 | where-object {$_.Started -eq ""}
$NextStepText = $NextStep.Operation | ft -autosize | out-string
$NextStep.Operation | ft -autosize
You shouldn't be using Format-Table at that step (and Out-String is unnecessary in this script) if you intend to use $NextStepText for anything other than direct output later on. Consider Format-Table (or any of the Format-* cmdlets) the end of the line for usable data.
Why do you think that there is a new line character of some sort in there? If you are using the ISE then what you posted doesn't look like there is. It is normal to have a blank line between commands (in the v2/v3 ISE, not sure about v4), so what you posted would not indicate that it contains any new line characters.
You can always check the $NextStep.Operation.Length to see if it says 3 or 4. If there is a `n in there it'll show up in the length. For example (copied and pasted out of my v3 PS ISE):
PS C:\> $test = "Test`nTest2"
PS C:\> $test
PS C:\> $test.Length
PS C:\>
That was to show that there is a new line character injected by following it with text, without any text following the new line character it looks like this:
PS C:\> $test = "Test`n"
PS C:\> $test
PS C:\> $test.Length
PS C:\>
You'll notice that there are 2 blank lines after the text "Test" on the second command. The first is the line injected into the variable, and the second is the obligatory line that PS puts in to show separation between commands.
Out-String unexpectedly appends a trailing newline to the string it outputs.
This problematic behavior is discussed in GitHub issue #14444.
A simple demonstration:
# -> '42<newline>'
(42 | Out-String) -replace '\r?\n', '<newline>'
However, you neither need Format-Table nor Out-String in your code:
Format-* cmdlets output objects whose sole purpose is to provide formatting instructions to PowerShell's for-display output-formatting system. In short: only ever use Format-* cmdlets to format data for display, never for subsequent programmatic processing - see this answer for more information.
Out-String is capable of interpreting these formatting instructions, i.e. it does produce data - in the form of a single, multi-line string by default - that is the string representation of what would print to the display.
As such, the resulting string contains a representation for the human observer, not a structured text format suitable for programmatic processing.
In your case, Format-Table is applied to a string, which is pointless, because strings always render as themselves, in full (-AutoSize has no effect); piping to Out-String then in effect returns the original string with an (undesired) newline appended.
Therefore, use a simple variable assignment to store the property value of interest in a separate variable:
$NextStepText = $NextStep.Operation