There was a css problem with the flutter_webview_pro package - flutter

enter image description here
I created the app using flutter_webview_pro package. The css menu at the top of the web page in the web view does not work properly. What kind of problem?
Below is how it works normally in the Chrome browser.
enter image description here
It does not work normally only in the webview.


Firefox addon SDK - Sidebar or panel with embedded browser

I want to develop a firefox addon sdk to show a sidebar or a panel that contains an embedded browser with a navigation bar.
I have constraint too : Since the page shown in the embedded browser, I want to be able to inspect the dom, to hightlight some specific text and also to be able to select text from and send it to a specific input in sidebar with right menu.
Is there some examples or ideas how can I do this?
P.S : I'm sorry for my bad English ;)
Use sidebar module, create HTML file with a fixed textarea top:0, left:0, width: 100%. Create an iframe that takes up the rest of the sidebar. User enters text into the textarea, then listen for enter keystroke, use regex to see if it's a URL, and set iframe source to the URL if it's a URL or to a Google search if not.
Loading a whole browser into the sidebar seems like overkill, but if you really want to, try to load chrome://browser/content/browser.xul into the sidebar.

How to navigate to different pages in a chrome app without creating a new window?

My Chrome app contains two pages A1.html and A2.html. How can i navigate from A1.html to A2.html without creating a new window?
The page A1.html contains 10 div's and A2.html contains a back link to A1.html. My need is to load directly a specific div of A1.html when the back link in A2.html is pressed.
You can't navigate within a Chrome App window (Content Security Policy), although you can navigate to an external browser if you set the target attribute of the <a> element to "_blank". What you have to do, if you really want links to appear to work normally, is intercept the click on the link by setting an event handler and then changing the DOM from within JavaScript.
One easy way to change the DOM from JavaScript if you have an HTML fragment is to use the insertAdjacentHTML API (Google it for documentation).
While this might seem awkward, even limiting, think of a Chrome App as an app, and not a web page. After all, with a native Mac OS X or Windows app, you wouldn't expect to entirely change the UI in a window by simply clicking on a button, right? You'd expect that the app would do that via the native API. Same the Chrome Apps.
Alternatively, you can position a webview in the Chrome App window, and then HTML within the webview works normally, because that really is a "web view."

How to change the facebook ui feed size?

I have included share button in my website. The share button works fine in web browsers.
But when access through mobile, after clicking the share button, the share popup size is same as web browser. So it is not getting displayed properly.
Can anyone please suggest, how to alter the height and width of the feed popup?
Afaik you cannot change the appearance and size of the popups made with FB.ui. You could try opening your own popup:
See "URL Redirection".
One other possibility is to use the "sharer.php", it is even easier to handle because you only need to add the URL as parameter and it will automatically get the Open Graph data from that URL.

Preload WebSite

I am using the iPhone simulator that is part of the SDK to test a jQuery Mobile website. I have the startup of the simulator scripted but once the simulator is up and running, I still have to click on Safari/enter the website URL. Is there a way to preload Safari/website URL through the shell script?
You can do the following... Once you open your webpage via mobile safari, look at the bottom tool bar where you see a set of icons. Click on the centre one "Share" and you get a list of options. Select "Add to home screen" and give it a name when prompted. Now, you will have this page added to the home screen and you can simply open this with a click.

Link Target in iPhone Based web app

I am building a web application that is to be run by adding the app to the home screen. Currently it has a list of users, clicking on a user takes you to a detail screen for that user and on that screen is a notes link to take the user to another screen with a grid of notes and a text box to add more notes.
When any links are clicked/tapped, the link is opened in Safari, not the current full screen Safari instance. I tried setting the target of the link to _self, but this had no effect.
Any ideas?
I learned a full screen iPhone webapp can only be a single web page. Any link you try to open will launch Safari instead of replacing the current page. To combat this, I used postbacks with panels to hide/load/show requested data.
I use target="_webapp" and it works just use for example <a href="" target="_webapp"> and it gonna open the link without exit landscape (full screen) i dont know why but with some of my webapps works and sometimes dont.