Android Notification Not clickable in Unity - unity3d

We are facing a problem in unity is, when clicked on the scheduled notification in android. The app does not open.
We have firebase messaging in the app so it uses the activity "".
When a scheduled notification appears and we click on them its try to open "com.unityplayer.UnityActivity" instead of "" maybe this is causing the app not to open.
But, when scheduled notification appears when the app is already open and we kill the app and click on the notification it perfectly try to open activity "" and application also opens perfectly.
Do any of you have an idea on how to work around this or a way to fix this. or is this a issue from Firebase sdk itself. Please share you ideas.
Unity 2020.3.41f1
Firebase Cloud Messaging : 10.0.1
I Have tried changing the activity name from Mobile Notification but it did not work.


Flutter Local Notification Issue
I got a question. I use flutter notification package. My app open the web link from notification when the app is in background stage. However, it does not open the browser link when the app is in terminated stage or close. Is there any specific things to resolve that issue?

Get all notification messages (if any) when the app is opened using app icon

I was working with flutter and I managed to implement FCM push notification in the app. The FLUTTER_NOTIFICATION_CLICK click_action works fine.
But, I need to perform that similar action when the app is launched by clicking the app icon. Is there any method to do so?
Ultimate goal is to perform similar action when the app is launched by clicking the notification or by the app icon (from the app drawer). Please help me with this.
As far as I know, there is no way to get the received notification content when the app is opened using app icon in Flutter. I tried to find a method, but as of now, I am at zero.
Flutter with FCM supports only onLaunch and onResume click_action events for notifications. If you are able to write some native code, I think you may be able to do this. A simple work around I can give is that :
You can clear the notifications as soon as the app is opened using NotificationManager in Android. Here is the reference.
After that you can fetch the actual notification messages from your server(if there is one) and show it to the user.
This is not an accurate answer. But this is what I finally did. Not sure if this helps.
If you click and launch from notification
You can listen that 'onLaunch' method in firebaseMessaging.configure
But from 'app icon' is no way as far as I know.

Can a flutter app run code on receiving a push notification while Not Running

I have push notifications working and have both a data and notification part in them. In the data part is a tag that tells the app what updates are available for the user.
The problem is that I would like the app to fetch those updates even if the user does not tap on the notification.
With other apps, eg Whatsapp, a notification is shown. Without tapping this notification, and even when the app is not running, the app downloads the data. For example if the user switches to flight mode right after receiving the notification and then opens whatsapp, the message and/or picture is there, already downloaded and displayed in the app.
So the question is how to get an app written in Flutter to download something in response to getting a push notification, regardless of whether the app is in the foreground, background, or not running.
Checkout isolate mentioned in Flutter background processes with a link to Medium Executing Dart in the Background with Flutter Plugins and Geofencing
Checking with GitHub issue Flutter should provide an abstraction for background execution and issue comments/references after that you may find some other examples. Bottom line is people need more examples.

Bluemix - MQA : Stop notification that keeps on popping up on screen in android

I am trying to integrate Bluemix MQA with my mobile app. I am using MQA-Android-2.7.4.arr file in my project. I have one query related to notification popups in android as below.
How do you stop notifications that keep popping up on the screen in Android?
The popup notification cannot be suppressed in QA (pre-production) mode but will not be displayed in Market (production) mode.

Is it possible to start an application when a background notification is received in a locked android or ios?

I wish to send a background notification to an iphone or android locked phone. The notification will start the application. Is this possible, as I have been told by someone that it can't be done as a message dialog pops up which requires the user to press OK first?
iOS cannot launch third-party applications without the user's approval. I can't say what Android will do.