Travis CI Isn't allowing me to build - github

so I'm taking a course in DevOps with udacity right now, and I'm faced with a problem using Travis CI. My tutor wasn't able to help me.
The repo i'm tryin to build is
It contains a .travis.yml file supplied by udacity and Its syntax is correct as I checked.
I have selected the free plan manually, and entered my CC information. and I have 10,000 free credit points to use. with 0 used. I have also synced github with Travis and clicked on trigger build. Faced by the message shown in the image below.
What appears when I click on trigger build
However, It doesn't build anything. It does absolutely nothing.
Below is the .travis.yml file in the repo.
language: node_js
- 13
- docker
# Pre-testing installs
- echo "nothing needs to be installed"
# Scripts to be run such as tests
- echo "no tests"
- docker --version # print the version for logging
- docker build -t simple-node .
- docker tag simple-node amrnashaat98/simple-node:latest
# Tasks to perform after the process is successful. Formatting the Docker username and password as below enables you to programmatically log in without having the password exposed in logs.
- echo "$DOCKER_PASSWORD" | docker login -u "$DOCKER_USERNAME" --password-stdin
- docker push amrnashaat98/simple-node:latest
I'm also faced with the following error whenever I open the repo I tried to build on travis.
We are unable to start your build at this time. You exceeded the number of users allowed for your plan. Please review your plan details and follow the steps to resolution.
I have also set my environment variables for DOCKER_PASSWORD and DOCKER_USERNAME.
I have also tried MANY solutions online on github/Travis's Documentation/Stackoverflow. Nothing worked!
Any help?
I have tried to build a CI pipeline using Travis CI but It doesn't build anything.


requested access to the resource is denied [duplicate]

I am using Laravel 4.2 with docker. I setup it on local. It worked without any problem but when I am trying to setup online using same procedure then I am getting error:
pull access denied for <projectname>/php, repository does not exist or may require 'docker login'
is it something relevant to create repository here or need to docker login in command?
After days of study I am still not able to figure out what could be the fix in this case and what are the right steps?
I have the complete code. I can paste here if need to check certain parts.
Please note that the error message from Docker is misleading.
$ docker build deploy/.
Sending build context to Docker daemon 5.632kB
Step 1/16 : FROM rhel7:latest
pull access denied for rhel7, repository does not exist or may require 'docker login'
It says that it may require 'docker login'.
I struggled with this. I realized the image does not exist at any more.
Just make sure to write the docker name correctly!
In my case, I wrote (notice the extra 'u'):
FROM ubunutu:16.04
The correct docker name is:
FROM ubuntu:16.04
The message usually comes when you put the wrong image name. Please check your image if it exists on the Docker repository with the correct tag.
It helped me.
docker run -d -p 80:80 --name ngnix ngnix:latest
Unable to find image 'ngnix:latest' locally
docker: Error response from daemon: pull access denied for ngnix, repository does not exist or may require 'docker login': denied: requested access to the resource is denied.
See 'docker run --help'.
$ docker run -d -p 80:80 --name nginx nginx:latest
Unable to find image 'nginx:latest' locally
latest: Pulling from library/nginx
I had the same issue. In my case it was a private registry. So I had to create a secret as shown here
and then we have to add the image pull secret to the deployment.yaml file as shown below.
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
name: private-reg
- name: private-reg-container
image: <your-private-image>
- name: regcred
November 2020 and later
If this error is new, and pulling from Docker Hub worked in the past, note Docker Hub now introduced rate limiting in Nov 2020
You will frequently see messages like:
Warning: No authentication provided, using CircleCI credentials for pulls from Docker Hub.
From Circle CI and other similar tools that use Docker Hub. Or:
Error response from daemon: pull access denied for cimg/mongo, repository does not exist or may require 'docker login': denied: requested access to the resource is denied
You'll need to specify the credentials used to fetch the image:
For CircleCI users:
- image: circleci/mongo:4.4.2
# Needed to pull down Mongo images from Docker hub
# Get from
# Set up at
I had the same issue
pull access denied for microsoft/mmsql-server-linux, repository does not exist or may require 'docker login': denied: requested access to the resource is denied
Turns out the DockerHub was moved to a different name
So I would suggest you re check-in docker hub
I solved this by inserting a language at the front of the docker image
FROM python:3.7-alpine
I had the same error message but for a totally different reason.
Being new to docker, I issued
docker run -it <crypticalId>
where <crypticalId> was the id of my newly created container.
But, the run command wants the id of an image, not a container.
To start a container, docker wants
docker start -i <crypticalId>
In my case I was using a custom image and docker baked into Minikube on my local machine.
I had specified the pull policy incorrectly:-
imagePullPolicy: Always
But it should have been:-
imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
Because the custom image was only present locally after I'd explicitly built it in the minikube docker environment.
I had this because I inadvertantly remove the AS tag from my first image:
.. etc ...
COPY --from=installer ["/dotnet", "/Program Files/dotnet"]
... etc ...
should have been:
FROM AS installer
.. etc ...
COPY --from=installer ["/dotnet", "/Program Files/dotnet"]
... etc ...
I had the same issue when working with docker-composer. In my case it was an Amazon AWS ECR private registry. It seems to be a bug in docker-compose
After adding the full path "myrepo/myimage" to docker compose yaml
it was all fine.
This error message might possibly indicate something else.
In my case I defined another Docker-Image elsewhere from which the current Docker inherited its settings (docker-compos.yml):
FROM my_own_image:latest
The error message I got:
qohelet$ docker-compose up
Building web
Step 1/22 : FROM my_own_image:latest
ERROR: Service 'web' failed to build: pull access denied for my_own_image, repository does not exist or may require 'docker login'
Due to a reinstall the previous Docker were gone and I couldn't build my docker using docker-compose up with this command:
sudo docker build -t my_own_image:latest -f MyOwnImage.Dockerfile .
In your specific case you might have defined your own php-docker.
If the repository is private you have to assign permissions to download it. You have two options, with the docker login command, or put in ~/.docker/docker.config the file generated once you login.
if you have over two stage in the docker build process read this solution:
this error message is completely misleading.
if you have a two-stage (context) dockerfile and want to copy some data from the first to the second stage, you must label the first context (ex: build) and access it by that label
from <image> as build
From <image>
copy --from=build /sourceDir /distinationDir
Docker might have lost the authentication data. So you'll have to reauthenticate with your registry provider. With AWS for example:
aws ecr get-login --region us-west-2 --no-include-email
And then copy and paste that resulting "docker login..." to authenticated docker.
Source: Amazon ECR Registeries
If you're downloading from somewhere else than your own registry or docker-hub, you might have to do a separate agreement of terms on their site, like the case with Oracle's docker registry. It allows you to do docker login fine, but pulling the container won't still work until you go to their site and agree on their terms.
Make sure the image exists in docker hub. To me, I was trying to pull MongoDB using the command docker run mongodb which is incorrect. In the docker hub, the image name is mongo.
If you don't have an image with that name locally, docker will try to pull it from docker hub, but there's no such image on docker hub.
Or simply try "docker login".
If you are using multiple Dockerfiles you should not forget to run build for all of it. That was my case.
I had to run docker pull first, then running docker-compose up again and then it worked.
docker pull
Try this in your docker-compose.yml file
image: php:rc-zts-alpine
When I run the command multiple times "docker pull scrapinghub/splash" in Power shell then it solve the issue.
if it was caused with AWS EC2 and ECR, due to name issue(happens with beginners!)
Error response from daemon: pull access denied for my-app, repository does not exist or may require 'docker login': denied: requested access to the resource is denied
when using docker pull use Image URI of the image, available in ECR-row itself as Copy URI
docker pull Image_URI
I have seen this message and thought something was wrong about my Docker authentication. However, I've realized that Docker only allows 1 private repository per free plan. So it is quite possible that you are trying to pull your private repository and see this error because have not upgraded your plan.
Got the same problem but nothing worked. And then I understood I need run .sh (.ps1) script first before doing docker-compose.
So I have the following files:
And I had to first run on Unix (Mac) machine or docker-build.ps1 on Windows:
It will build an image in my case.
And only then after an image has been built I can run:
docker-compose up --build
For references. Here is my docker-compose file:
version: '3.8'
image: x86_64/prediction-service:0.8.1
container_name: api-service
- 8060
- "8060:80"
And here is
DIR="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" >/dev/null 2>&1 && pwd )"
docker build -f $DIR/Dockerfile -t $ARCH/$APP:$VERSION .
I had misspelled nginx to nignx in Dockerfile
In my case the solution was to re-create docker-file through visual studio and all worked perfeclty.
I heard the same issue.
I solved by login
docker login -u your_user_name
then I was prompt to enter docker hub password
The rest command work perfect after login successfull
Someone might come across the same error for different reasons than what is already presented, so let me share:
I got the same error when using docker multistage builds (Multiple: FROM <> as <>).
And I forgot to remove one (COPY --from=<> <>)
After removing that COPY then it worked fine.
Exceeded Docker Hub's Limit on Free Repos:
Despite first executing:
docker login -u <dockerhub uname>
and "Login Succeeded" being returned, I received the error in this question.
In the webgui in Settings > Visibility Settings I remarked:
Using 2 of 1 private repositories.
Which told me that I had exceeded the limit on Docker Hub's free account limits. However, removing a previous image didn't clear the error...
The Fix:
Indeed, the error message in my case was a red herring- it's nothing related to authentication issues.
Deleting just the images exceeding the allowed limit did NOT clear the error however!
To get past the error you need to delete ALL the images in your FREE Docker Hub account, then run a new build pushing the image to your account.
Your pull command will now succeed.

Run a self-hosted agent in Docker

I am trying to run a self- hosted agent in docker, I have created the dockerfile and start.ps1 files and installed the Azure DevOps Server Express Admin console. I am getting a "Basic authentication requires a secure connection to the server " when I try running the container in docker ( switched windows containers) URL: http://computername/DefaultCollection
I have also attached a screenshot of the error
can you please advise how to resolve this issue.
Docker Run error
Run a self-hosted agent in Docker
I could not reproduce this issue on my side with hosted agent windows-2019.
To test this issue, I created a folder dockeragent in my Azure repo, which including the files Dockerfile and start.ps1:
Then copy the content from the document Run a self-hosted agent in Docker to those two files.
Next, create a pipeline with an inline powershell task to create the docker image and run docker container:
cd $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)\dockeragent
docker build -t dockeragent:latest .
docker run -e AZP_URL=<YourOrganizationName> -e AZP_TOKEN=<YourPAT> -e AZP_AGENT_NAME=mydockeragent dockeragent:latest
The test result:
To make it work, please make sure the file Dockerfile and start.ps1 is correct without any change.
If above info not help you, please share the content of your Dockerfile and the steps you did.
Your are using azureDevOps without https.
Registering your PiplineAgent via PAT requires https (hence the error: "Basic authentication requires a secure connection to the server".
Try using other authentication Methoden (negotiation, which uses windows authentication)

Jenkins Intermittent Hangs on git clone/checkout from github on pipeline jobs

Have you seen and do you have a solution for or investigation ideas for this problem:
jenkins pipeline jobs using Pipeline from GitHub SCM intermittently hang on clone/checkout
nothing reported in jenkins logs about this situation
only seems to happen when we have a lot of activity (usually right before sprint demos)
clears after some period of time - haven't been able to detect much a pattern yet
Checking out git into
/var/lib/jenkins/jobs/myproject-dev-deploy/workspace#script to read deploy/dev-Jenkinsfile
git rev-parse --is-inside-work-tree # timeout=10
Fetching changes from the remote Git repository
git config remote.origin.url # timeout=10
Fetching upstream changes from
git --version # timeout=10
using GIT_SSH to set credentials Deploy key for myproject
git fetch --tags --progress +refs/heads/:refs/remotes/origin/```
A horrible intermittent problem in a java app? To the JVM settings we go. Luckily CloudBees wrote a great article on this Tuning Jenkins GC For Responsiveness and Stability with Large Instances
Turns out this wasn't the prime factor. The real cause was network configuration and impact of a backup job on saturation. Still, an excellent article.
Here's how we debugged it:
Github support gave us this script and we augmented it thus
#!/usr/bin/env bash
echo Clearing Previous Run
rm -rf /tmp/debug-repo-http
rm -rf /tmp/debug-repo-ssh
echo clone1: `date`
time git clone /tmp/debug-repo-http
echo clone2: `date`
time git clone /tmp/debug-repo-ssh
echo Ping: `date`
time ping -c 10
#echo traceroute: `date`
Setup jenkins job to attempt checkout, fail and report if it took longer than 30s - once via pipeline + plugin and once via shell script
Began running various tests: dump all docker images and re-pull, s3 pull backup, s3 push backup etc.
Repeat tests in another network area and compare results
I had meet this issue by git clone command and it's cost me 2 days to resolved this problems.
If you run git command by windows shell/batch on jenkins, it maybe cause by git ssh key issue...
Jenkins windows shell or batch command will use 'system' account to process git command and its ssh key setting is different form your gerrit plugin or login account.
A. Different git ssh key path
The git ssh key of 'system' account is setting in following path:
You can check ssh key in these paths for system account.
B. Register key in know_host file
Jenkins will not auto import new key of known host to your know_host file.
You can do it mannually by following steps:
Login your local account in windows
SSH this git remote path directly ssh <git remote web site> -p <port>, type yes to register the key
Copy the registered key form local account know_host (C:\Users\.ssh) you will see the bottom of file likes:
[]:29168,[]:29418 ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAASSSSAQABAAAAgQDPHbDKCHL3oPbzDn3qaVZR8S1EZx/rb500Th/fjQYg5jrJ7PBMVVUyNTpJ2moje5hLYjNsVtXtcoNEZjImGul2dl3f+eHrCB27X5198jr8Wj66I/xsQCLEngd7l3velsdfgd3432fsdDiFaE9INjDjgngfNzlFA+CYpFsnaorZ6XSPQ==
Paste to 'system' know_host file.
I think you will resolve your problem now !
Enjoy it!

django test in travis CI

I have a django project using travis CI
when I check pep8 in travis CI
It has no problem
and I want testing functional_test in travis CI
I insert the code in .travis.yml
In .travis.yml(hggg is a role name in my django project database)
language: python
- "3.5.1"
- pip install -r requirement/development.txt
- createuser hggg
# # command to run tests
- pep8
- python wef/ test functional_test
but when build start
travis server can't create database
The command "pep8" exited with 0.
$ python wef/ test users
Creating test database for alias 'default'...
Got an error creating the test database: permission denied to create database
Type 'yes' if you would like to try deleting the test database 'test_bookconnect', or 'no' to cancel:
No output has been received in the last 10 minutes, this potentially indicates a stalled build or something wrong with the build itself.
The build has been terminated
I want create a database(postgresql) in trvis CI
Please give me some advise

How to deploy product using docker in few steps

I can not understand conception of Docker. I trying to install this component (graphite rendering graphs from influxdb):
I was faced with docker at first time and it is important to deploy graphite+influxdb from that link by this work night.
The question is: if I need search github links of graphite and influxdb, install them, and after that make them work under docker?
For what docker and how quickly to deploy this project.
As I understood I need to do next steps from github link:
#cd /root
#yum install docker
#docker pull vimeo/graphite-api-influxdb
#git clone
#cd graphite-api-influxdb-docker
Dockerfile graphite-api.yaml LICENSE NOTICE
#vi graphite-api.yaml (change <host> to localhost)
#docker build .
#docker run -p 8000:8000 <image-id> (<image-id> here i set like vimeo/graphite-api-influxdb if this true?)
I feel that I think in different direction and hope for a few words what u think about will a little help to me.
First you need to clone the GitHub repository
git clone
Second, you have to add your own graphite-api.yaml (if you want)
Build it:
docker build .
If you need more information about how to build a Docker content from a Dockerfile, read the "Building an image from a Dockerfile" section from this link to know how to build a Docker image from a Dockerfile.
You can add a name with -t option (and use it as ID in the next step).
And, finally, run the content :
docker run -p 8000:8000 [ID]
[ID] is provided to you when you build the Docker content (it is explained in the link).
I hope my answer will help you.