Word Find/replace Regex - ms-word

I am working on a document word since few days. But I made a mistake...
I would like to remove on each page some specific content, I tried to use the find/replace with some regex but could never match my findings...
Example on my word document:
The valuation for the reception is more than 3 days (including the house).
Bla bla bla bla
I would like to remove on all my document the part reception until the organization.
Someone could help me on the right regex syntax please?


Replacing a phrase with a leading space in T-SQL - but it's also replacing the phrases without the leading space

I've run into an interesting problem I'm hoping someone can shed some light on.
I'm trying to pull a unique list of names from an MS SQL Database - but the company has been sloppy with their names. They were tacking on a code to the end of last name for some users. I need to remove that code.
firstname lastname
John Doe
Mary Smith AST
Mike Jackson AST
Brian Astor
Jackie Masterson
In the example, "AST" is the code they tack on. It's not tacked on to all last names either. I need to get an output of just the last names without the code.
I would have expected this is a simple use of REPLACE. I tried:
select REPLACE(lastname, ' AST', '') from table
Note the leading space in the quotes for the search phrase... this does work to remove the "AST" appended to the last names.
However - my problem is that it will also remove anywhere AST appears at the BEGINNING of the field. So Brian Astor comes out as "Brian or" since the field started with AST. However... it correctly does not remove ast from the middle, so Jackie Masterson is fine.
Any ideas why it is ignoring the leading space in my search phrase for the beginning of the field? I've tried ltrim to eliminate the possibility the field has leading spaces.
Replace with an empty string will eliminate the searched string anywhere in your source string. So the behaviour is as expected.
If you only need to replace ' ast' at the end of your searched string, try something like this:
select replace(lastname + '$$$', ' AST$$$', '') from table
Of course you need to be sure that the $$$ appended don't appear by chance in your source string (lastname). Which I guess is not that likely.

Sphinx search from text with special characters

Please help me on sphinx search with extended search mode - I need to find "fathers day" query string from "Today is fathers's day" text. While searching, this text was ignored because of single quote in it. Is there any way to retrieve this?
If really talking about father's, (ie fathers's is just a typo in your post); one possibility, is to add quote to ignore_chars
During indexing it will 'disappear', so Today is father's day would simply be indexed as Today is fathers day
Really dealing with fathers's is a more tricky. Possibly fix it up with regexp_filter.
regexp_filter = (\w)s's\b => \1s
May want to combine this with morphology - ie a stemmer.

Microsoft Word: Camel Case Typing

Does anyone know if there is a shortcut, feature or plugin available for Microsoft Word that can make highlighted text or styles in method camel case, so variableName not just ClassName.
I know there is the Capitalise Each Word shortcut but this also capitalises the first word.
I know its not really Programmy but its worth a shot, cheers!
Like so many things MicroSoft, they develope an application until it is works for 80% the cases it should support and call it done.
None of their office word application have any concept of a "Camel Case" word such as "camelCaseWord".
In my case, I would like a spell check to make each word in a camel case word to spell check independently.
In your case, I would suggest you create your own macro that would capitalize the first letter of each word in the selected text then remove the spaces between words. In fact someone already wrote one:
Convert Highlighted Text revised

How can I convert text to title case?

I have a text file containing a list of titles that I need to change to title case (words should begin with a capital letter except for most articles, conjunctions, and prepositions).
For example, this list of book titles:
barbarians at the gate
hot, flat, and crowded
should be changed to:
Barbarians at the Gate
Hot, Flat, and Crowded
A Day Late and a Dollar Short
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
I wrote the following code:
print $_;
But it capitalizes the first letter of every word, even words like "at," "the," and "a" in the middle of a title:
Barbarians At The Gate
Hot, Flat, And Crowded
A Day Late And A Dollar Short
The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy
How can I do this?
Thanks to See also Lingua::EN::Titlecase – Håkon Hægland given the way to get the output.
use Lingua::EN::Titlecase;
my $tc = Lingua::EN::Titlecase->new();
my $line = $_;
my $tc = Lingua::EN::Titlecase->new($line);
print $tc;
You can also try using this regex: ^(.)(.*?)\b|\b(at|to|that|and|this|the|a|is|was)\b|\b(\w)([\w']*?(?:[^\w'-]|$)) and replace with \U$1\L$2\U$3\L$4. It works my matching the first letter of words that are not articles, capitalizing it, then matching the rest of the word. This seems to work in PHP, I don't know about Perl but it will likely work.
^(.)(.*?)\b matches the first letter of the first word (group 1) and the rest of the word (group 2). This is done to prevent not capitalizing the first word because it's an article.
\b(word|multiple words|...)\b matches any connecting word to prevent capitalizing them.
(\w)([\w']*?(?:[^\w'-]|$)) matches the first letter of a word (group 3) and the rest of the word (group 4). Here I used [^\w'-] instead of \b so hyphens and apostrophes are counted as word characters too. This prevent 's from becoming 'S
The \U in replacement capitalizes the following characters and \L lowers them. If you want you can add more articles or words to the regex to prevent capitalizing them.
UPDATE: I changed the regex so you can include connecting phrases too (multiple words). But that will still make a very long regex...

ensure if hashtag matches in search, that it matches whole hashtag

I have an app that utilizes hashtags to help tag posts. I am trying to have a more detailed search.
Lets say one of the records I'm searching is:
The #bird flew very far.
When I search for "flew", "fle", or "#bird", it should return the record.
However, when I search "#bir", it should NOT return the sentence because the whole the tag being searched for doesn't match.
I'm also not sure if "bird" should even return the sentence. I'd be interested how to do that though as well.
Right now, I have a very basic search:
SELECT "posts".* FROM "posts" WHERE (body LIKE '%search%')
Any ideas?
You could do this with LIKE but it would be rather hideous, regexes will serve you better here. If you want to ignore the hashes then a simple search like this will do the trick:
WHERE body ~ E'\\mbird\M''
That would find 'The bird flew very far.' and 'The #bird flew very far.'. You'd want to strip off any #s before search though as this:
WHERE body ~ E'\\m#bird\M''
wouldn't find either of those results due to the nature of \m and \M.
If you don't want to ignore #s in body then you'd have to expand and modify the \m and \M shortcuts yourself with something like this:
WHERE body ~ E'(^|[^\\w#])#bird($|[^\\w#])'
-- search term goes here^^^^^
Using E'(^|[^\\w#])#bird($|[^\\w#])' would find 'The #bird flew very far.' but not 'The bird flew very far.' whereas E'(^|[^\\w#])bird($|[^\\w#])' would find 'The bird flew very far.' but not 'The #bird flew very far.'. You might also want to look at \A instead of ^ and \Z instead of $ as there are subtle differences but I think $ and ^ would be what you want.
You should keep in mind that none of these regex searches (or your LIKE search for that matter) will uses indexes so you're setting yourself up for lots of table scans and performance problems unless you can restrict the searches using something that will use an index. You might want to look at a full-text search solution instead.
It might help to parse the hash tags out of the text and store them in an array in a separate column called say hashtags when the articles are inserted/updated. Remove them from the article body before feeding it into to_tsvector and store the tsvector in a column of the table. Then use:
WHERE body_tsvector ## to_tsquery('search') OR 'search' IN hashtags
You could use a trigger on the table to maintain the hashtags column and the body_tsvector stripped of hash tags, so that the application doesn't have to do the work. Parse them out of the text when entries are INSERTed or UPDATEd.