Using CEC-Signal to reboot raspberry pi? - raspberry-pi

is it possible to let a Rasberry listen on CEC-Signals to trigger reboot? I use a rasberry as Info screen and being able to reboot it via TV Remote would be nice.
I want to trigger reboot on Volume up and trigger a script on Volume down.
I use CEC to start/stop the TV (single command that gets fired such as sudo -u pi echo 'standby' | cec-client -s -d 1 but can I also listen for Signals instead of sending them?


Cannot connect to Coral Dev Board (Edge TPU)

While following the instructions on Get Started with Edge TPU Dev Board, I can't get past Step 2:
$ screen /dev/ttyUSB0 115200
The issue is that screen immediately returns
[screen is terminating]
I have verified the contents of /etc/udev/rules.d/65-edgetpu-board.rules, verified the dmesg output, tried different USB ports, verified that all screen instances are closed, etc.
Solution = run screen command with sudo:
$ sudo screen /dev/ttyUSB0 115200
First you should flash your iptables
sudo iptables -F
mdt devices

How to shutdown raspberry pi over ssh

I am accessing my raspberry pi 3 from ssh. Can you tell me how to shut it down from ssh. Whenever I use sudo shutdown -h now the terminal just freezes without any output. If I kill the terminal I can ssh into raspberry again showing it did not shut down.
Add the -P flag:
sudo shutdown -h -P now
sudo shutdown -h now or sudo halt
You can’t use shutdown (or halt) unless you have sudo privileges.
-h instructs to halt the system, now means to run command right now. You can add a number X to tell it to shut down in X minutes. It also allows a specific time in this format XX:XX (note this is in 24 hour format seperated by a : colon).
sudo halt should be help you in this case
Just run sudo halt and wait until the green light turns off to power it off.
If you're on Linux, you should try:
sudo shutdown -h now && exit
A solution is to launch the shutdown in the background, with some delay to allow the user to safely exit the ssh connection.
Something like this :
{(sleep 5; sudo halt;) &}; exit
I created as script to suspend or shutdown a remote host over ssh. This may be used to suspend / shutdown a remote computer without an interactive session and yet not keep a terminal busy. You will need to give permissions to the remote user to shutdown / suspend using sudo without a password. Additionally, the local and remote machines should be set up to SSH without an interactive login. The script is more useful for suspending the machine as a suspended machine will not disconnect the terminal.
local_user#hostname:~$ ssh remote_user#remote_host "screen -d -m sudo pm-suspend"
source: कार्यशाला (Kāryaśālā)
Use the command systemctl poweroff
You will then be asked to authenticate yourself and enter your password. For reasons I don't know, it asks you to enter your password a second time.
Once authenticated, enter poweroff and the pi will shutdown.

Raspberry pi 2 .start wifi on boot

i have just bought a raspberry pi 2 . i manged to set up a headless setup by setting up an ip in the commandline.txt file and then connect to it via putty.
In the /etc/network/interfaces i set up a static ip for the wifi connection along with the connection name and password. and the wifi works fine...
But the problem is the raspberry pi wont connect to wifi unless i connect the ethernet cable and make one ssh connection using putty..
If i boot using wifi only the green light will not turn up and i am not sure if the raspberry is booting or no...but when the ethernet is connected the gren light starts blinking and i can make an ssh connection.
can anyone help me with this.
I've dealt with a lot of pi wifi issues.
Adding "auto wlan0" to /etc/network/interfaces helped, but there were still instances where it didn't start up. I have the edimax ew-7811un usb wifi adapter. Can't remember where I took this script from to give credit.
I have cron running this script ( every five minutes:
keepalive_host='ip to ping here'
ping -q -c1 $keepalive_host >> /dev/null
if [ "$?" -ne "0" ]; then
ifdown wlan0
rmmod 8192cu
modprobe 8192cu
ifup wlan0
You could repurpose the script and have something like this in crontab
#reboot /bin/sleep 30 ; /path/to/
Which should wait 30 seconds after boot, try to ping the server you specify, if it can: do nothing, if it can't: bring the wifi connection down and then try to bring it back up. I don't think the lines with 8192cu in them are necessary for your purposes unless that driver is also used by your wifi adapter.

bluez5 ble advertise stops after first connect

We are unclear about the functionality of the leadv command in bluez5.
After connecting to a device and disconnecting again it is impossible to reconnect to the same device. Only after calling leadv again it is possible to reconnect.
We have reproduced this behaviour with various platforms (raspberrypi, x86) and various versions of bluez5 (5.15, 5.16, 5.18, 5.21) and bt dongles from broadcom and csr.
Is it possible to reconnect multiple times without readvertising?
bluetoothd with gatt server is running
We issued the following commands
hciconfig hci0 up
hciconfig hci0 noscan
hciconfig hci0 name foo
hciconfig hci0 leadv 0
I am having the exact same issue.
Interesting is that during a disconnect 'hcidump' doesn't show any commands issued by bluez to the bluetooth controller which would indicate that it turned off the advertising.
I am using this workaround to re-enable advertising as soon as a device disconnected:
sudo dbus-monitor --system --profile | grep --line-buffered --only-matching InterfacesRemoved | xargs -n1 -I % sudo /home/pi/bluez/bluez-5.25/tools/hciconfig hci0 leadv 0
'--line-buffered' is needed as dbus-monitor does not flush its output
'-I %' makes xargs not appending the grep'd "InterfaceRemoved" to the executed command
It turned out that it is actually possible to reenable advertising automatically, but it only seems to work with selected bluez/kernel combinations. We finally had it working with bluez 5.21 and a raspberry pi kernel 3.16 for both broadcom and csr dongles. We haven't tried since with other combinations because we switched to custom hardware (TI CC2451) shortly afterwards.

Run commands on Raspberry Pi when external HDD is connected

I am using a Raspberry Pi to provide network access to a Western Digital media player that has no network interface. The player if just an external HDD and automatically mounts when it is connected.
The problem is that it's HFS formatted, so to be able to read and write it I have to unmount and then remount it with these commands:
sudo umount /dev/sda2
sudo mount -o force -t hfsplus /dev/sda2 /media/wdhdd/
Which works fine, but I don't want to have to SSH in via terminal to run these manually every time I reconnect the HDD.
Is there anyway to auto run a script when an external USB device is mounted?
Because this has to be done every time this USB device is plugged in, you should edit the procedures done when it is plugged in. You can find out more about this by visiting this explanation