how can i solve my build error because of gradle? - flutter

Here is the problem: I manually upgrade my gradle version from 7.4 to 7.6 in gradle-wrapper properties section. Everything works fine but when i create a new project gradle version downgrading 7.4 automatically. How can i set gradle version to 7.6 permanently?


cannot run junit5 under eclipse (2020-06 (4.16.0))

I can run a junit5 test fine under command line or run as Gradle Test in eclipse; but run it as junit in eclipse it simply failed:
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/junit/platform/commons/PreconditionViolationException
I see this error in the older eclipse and in the new new eclipse 2020-06 (4.16.0). What am I missing?
Eclipse 2020-06 is using junit jupiter engine v5.6. Your application most likely is using the lower version. Try to change your app dependency to the latest junit jupiter version.

I am having this error in flutter while using google map through dependency map_view kindly help me

The Android Gradle plugin supports only Kotlin Gradle plugin version 1.3.10 and higher.
The following dependencies do not satisfy the required version:
project ':map_view' -> org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-gradle-plugin:1.2.50
Your gradle plugin version that is supported in your project is 1.3.10 and higher, the plugin you are trying to install is using gradle 1.2.50 there for not supported. I suggest you find another plugin since the only map view plugin i found states that is discontinued. I suggest when you pick a plugin to use to check how often it get updated and when the last update happent.

How to upgrade gradle build in eclipse?

Currently I am using Gradle Version 1.12. Now, I want to upgrade my gradle version to 2.16 in eclipse. Could you please help me with this.

Ionic App - build fails with "Minimum supported Gradle version is 4.4"

This is an Ionic Cordova project. I haven't touched in in a while but I came back to it now and when I run
ionic cordova build android
I get the following error:
Minimum supported Gradle version is 4.4. Current version is 4.1. If using
the gradle wrapper, try editing the distributionUrl in
C:\projects\ghost\gradle\wrapper\ to gradle-4.4-
So I did that and had my file looking like this:
But the build still fails and the properties file reverts to have 4.1 listed in it.
I have Gradle 4.9 installed and added to the path but that didn't work either.
Windows 10 Machine.
I tried changing the cordova build script in GradleBuilder.js where it referenced gradle 4.1 to have gradle-4.4-all instead but the result was the same.
Thanks for any input.
upgrade all your Sdk and do:
ionic cordova platform rm android
ionic cordova platform add android#7.1.1 or latest
this will allow u to correct the gradle problem since it will update the gradle automatic

Why does Eclipse want to download a previous version of Gradle when I already have a later version installed?

I'm trying to import a project from GitHub to Eclipse. I have Nodeeclipse and Gradle installed. I already have Gradle 2.4 package installed but when I begin to import it, Eclipse starts to download Gradle 2.1 and fails.
How can I make it recognize and use Gradle 2.4?