Tableau datasource connect to other datasource - tableau-api

We are using tableau and found slow down in case of using single datasource with multiple workbooks with various filters.
We have created multiple datasources with their own filters. But currently we have a headache when we need to update tds due to updated db schema.
table organizations ddl changed -> added new column that should be added to tds
Is there a possibility to create datasource with db connection (master). And then child tds that will connect to master tds?


Identified PostgreSQL Database Replication for Consolidated Reporting

Coming from Microsoft SQL Server with Database Services, Integration Services and Analysis Services it was easy to create full or incremental replication beside SSIS Packages to sync child databases to a master reporting database while all have the same schema. Now I am looking how this can be done in real time while using PostgreSQL, close to real time and by knowing the source of the child database.
For example:
The goal is to gather data from selected tables and fields from child databases to a master reporting database. In this case all tables in child databases have the same schema and the master reporting database has one more column in all of the selected tables identifying the source database.
For reference:
First thought was to use Kafka based on a selected list of tables and fields to generate messages which will populate master reporting database in real time as soon as possible a new record is inserted into child databases, is there any other better idea?

How to establish one to many mapping from two postgres DB

I have a created different tables in two different PostgreSQL DB now i want to establish one to many and one to one relationship between two different DB's table How i can do this using hibernate?
To achive your goal you have to create a DB Link between the two DBs because you only can use realtionship mapping with hibernate with one DB connection.
Please read more about DB link here:

How do I get data for more than one table in Talend using Oracle CDC?

We are trying to connect Talend to our Oracle 12c database using CDC. The tOracleCDC component uses Oracle XStream to do the actual change data capture work. The issue is that when creating the CDC endpoint in Oracle one creates an "Outbound Server" which listens for changes on a number of tables, or even a number of whole schemas.
In Talend when configuring the tOracleCDC component one of the required fields is "Table Using CDC" which in the generated Java code is used to filter the incoming change records using something like "TableName".equalsIgnoringCase(... )
This means that we can only get changes for a single table for a given XStream connection (and each connection will require a unique outbound server object in the database).
We must be missing something, how can we pull changes for multiple tables in Talend?
The solution is to use an empty string as the table name in the Table Using CDC field. This will cause the templating engine to not emit the table name check that was causing this problem.
I could not find this documented anywhere, so it might be unsupported, but examining the templates shows that it is the intended behavior.

Connecting two different database in Tableau

I want to connect two database and establish a relationship between them in tableau. One from sql sever and another from Microsoft excel sheet. How to do that?
I have goggled a lot for that but could not get a suitable answer.
You are speaking about Data Blending -
And for connecting cross database data
Cross Database Querying is a Flagship Upgrade to Tableau 10.0
However, you cannot use cross-database joins with these below connection types:
Tableau Server
Google Analytics
Microsoft Analysis Services
Microsoft PowerPivot
Oracle Essbase
Teradata OLAP Connector
You just need to connect to each database separately and make sure they have the same column names. When creating a sheet when you switch between datasources you will see a chain on the linked fields.
Do note that this is not properly joined but is just blended data, it would be best to create another table in your sql database for the excel sheet.

How to add new table to the database using sql workbench

I was creating MySQL database to add medicine.I created a table and I need to add one more tabe.After creating it I tried to query the database from the sql workbench.But it donot show the table but it is present in the EER Model.How can I solve this problem.
Modeling is just the task of abstractly designing your schema and its objects (e.g. tables, views etc.). It does not actually create these objects. For this you have to forward engineer your model to a server (see Database menu). Once done you can use the Synchronization feature to update either model or server (or both) with any changes made.
But keep in mind this is only for the objects, not for any data.