How to catch Next-Auth Email Provider's sign in errors in the client with redirect property set to 'false'? - next-auth

I added Next-Auth's Email provider to my app, and having issues with catching signIn errors in the client. According to documentation as well as this answer, when using signIn with 'redirect: false' it will return a Promise, that resolves to the following:
error: string | undefined;
status: number;
ok: boolean;
url: string | null;
In case of errors, however, the 'error' property of the response object has only 'EmailSignin' value, and contains no other information about the kind of error. Instead, more detailed errors are printed in the terminal.
I have the following basic setup:
name: "Email",
server: {
host: "",
port: "587",
auth: {
user: "myusername",
pass: "mypassword",
from: "My App",
And the code of my custom sign in form (modal window):
const handleSignInClick = async () => {
const { email } = formData;
const response = await signIn("email", {
redirect: false,
Is there any way to catch the errors that are printing in the console, and send them to client instead?

Ok, after playing a little bit with the code + additional reading of the documentation I came up with a solution.
Basically, when you add normalizeIdentifier method to EmailProvider, it overrides the default normalization mechanism. In the method I return 'identifier' without any changes. This stops Next-Auth's logger from throwing 'invalid email' errors to the console. Here is the code:
'normalizeIdentifier' method
name: "Email",
server: {
host: "",
port: "587",
auth: {
user: "myusername",
pass: "mypassword",
from: "My App",
normalizeIdentifier(identifier) {
// return indentifier as is, to avoid next auth logger to log failure for invalid email
return identifier;
In addition to that, I added 'signIn' callback. Which as per documentation runs 2 times. First when verification request is sent, and second after a user has clicked on a sign-in link. In the first run, you can check 'verificationRequest' which will be 'true'. And here you can do validation of the email, as well and throw an error (which will be sent to client).
'signIn' callback
callbacks: {
async signIn({ user: { email }, email: { verificationRequest } }) {
if (verificationRequest) {
try {
// validate email here
} catch {
//thrown error will be sent to client
throw "Email is invalid";
Here is response for invalid request:
"error": "Email is invalid",
"status": 200,
"ok": true,
"url": null
NOTE: There is only one case in which this solution will not work, and it is when email is not provided at all (normalizeIdentifier and signIn will not be triggered). So default 'EmailSignin' error is sent to client. IMO this is still OK, because logger does not pollute the console, and you know that if it's not a custom error, then there was no email provided.


Can't login by Goggle accounts connect or by Google auth API in Cypress 10x

Current behavior
I've tried to connect to Google account when my tested application redirects to Google accounts connect for let the end-user send emails by the application but I'm not able to do it not by Google Auth API according to your guidelines:
and not by cy.origin() from the UI.
In the first attempt by the API it's ignore of these authentication and popup the dialog to connect by google account as usually even all the credentials and token are valid and return 200 ok.
In the second attempt by cy.origin() it's keep to load the page after the redirect and always reach to timeout and yell about to increase the timeout even the page seems like it was fully loaded after a few seconds.
I've tried to increase the timeout to 90 seconds and use wait() before and after the redirect and look for some hidden iframes and tried every versa of google domain but nothing help.
it always return errors over there.
all the examples are below.
This is the error when trying to use cy.origin()::
Timed out after waiting 30000ms for your remote page to load on origin(s):
A cross-origin request for was detected.
A command that triggers cross-origin navigation must be immediately followed by a cy.origin() command:
cy.origin('', () => {
<commands targeting go here>
If the cross-origin request was an intermediary state, you can try increasing the pageLoadTimeout value in Users/myname/repos/myreponame/cypress.config.ts to wait longer.
Browsers will not fire the load event until all stylesheets and scripts are done downloading.
When this load event occurs, Cypress will continue running commands.[Learn more](
Desired behavior
No response
Test code to reproduce
Cypress.Commands.add('loginByGoogleApi', () => {
cy.log('Logging in to Google')
method: 'POST',
url: '',
body: {
grant_type: 'refresh_token',
client_id: Cypress.env('googleClientId'),
client_secret: Cypress.env('googleClientSecret'),
refresh_token: Cypress.env('googleRefreshToken'),
}).then(({ body }) => {
const { access_token, id_token } = body
method: 'GET',
url: '',
headers: { Authorization: `Bearer ${access_token}` },
}).then(({ body }) => {
const userItem = {
token: id_token,
user: {
googleId: body.sub,
givenName: body.given_name,
familyName: body.family_name,
imageUrl: body.picture,
window.localStorage.setItem('googleCypress', JSON.stringify(userItem))
it.only('Send email to a user - is shown in the activity', () => {
.click({ force: true });
By cy.origin() by the UI:
it.only('Send email to a user - is shown in the activity', () => {
// cy.loginByGoogleApi();
.click({ force: true });
cy.origin('', () => {
cy.get('input[type="email"]', {timeout: 60000}).should('be.visible', {timeout: 60000}).type('111');
### Cypress Version
### Node version
### Operating System
macOS Montery 12.3.1

Use Firebase Cloud Function for Create User(Remove Automatically Login When register user)

When user register from client side(mobile app) , user automatically login app i dont want auto login so, I did some research, I had to use a firebase cloud function to solve this.
But I get a few errors when calling the function , how can i fix these errors
First error :
Access to XMLHttpRequest at 'https://***' from origin 'http://localhost:8100' has been blocked by CORS policy: Response to preflight request doesn't pass access control check: No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource.
second error :
zone-evergreen.js:2845 POST https://**** net::ERR_FAILED
Third Error
core.js:4197 ERROR HttpErrorResponse {headers: HttpHeaders, status: 0, statusText: "Unknown Error", url: "https://***", ok: false, …}
Firebase Console log
2:02:23.363 ÖS
Function execution started
2:02:23.390 ÖS
Function execution took 28 ms, finished with status: 'crash'
cloud function :
const functions = require('firebase-functions');
const cors = require('cors')({ origin: true });
const admin = require('firebase-admin')
exports.createUser = functions.https.onRequest((request, response) => {
return cors(req, res, () => {
if (request.method !== "POST") {
response.status(405).send("Method Not Allowed");
} else {
let body = request.body;
const email =;
const password = body.password;
email: email,
emailVerified: false,
password: password,
.then((userRecord) => {
return response.status(200).send("Successfully created new user: " +userRecord.uid);
.catch((error) => {
return response.status(400).send("Failed to create user: " + error);
client side :
let body = {
email : email,
password : password
EDIT (new cloud function code) :
1st and 2nd bug fixed 3 still continues but I can create users.
exports.createUser = functions.https.onRequest((req, res) => {
res.set('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*');
res.set('Access-Control-Allow-Methods', ' POST, OPTIONS');
res.set('Access-Control-Allow-Headers', '*');
if (req.method === 'OPTIONS') {
else {
let body = req.body;
const email =;
const password = body.password;
email: email,
emailVerified: false,
password: password,
.then((userRecord) => {
return res.status(200).send("Successfully created new user: " +userRecord.uid);
.catch((error) => {
return res.status(400).send("Failed to create user: " + error);
Cross origin error has many reason, first problem is your current url that probably like a ads url, please change the url pattern and clear browser cache. If you are using a VPN turn off it. The Chrome blocks url that contain ads url. This problem is not happen on production environment.
If your problem not fixed with top solution, use chrome in security disable mode.
Open start menu and type chrome.exe --disable-web-security and
make sure that this headers set in your backend
header('Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *');
header('Access-Control-Allow-Headers: Origin,token, Authorization, X-Requested-With, Content-Type, Accept');
header('Access-Control-Allow-Credentials: true');

how to reset password of users whose email is not verified in loopback?

So I ran into this issue.
I have a user who has emailedVerified as false.
So, when I try to reset password for that user as follows it gives me user unverified error.
email: email
}, function (err) {
if (err) return res.status(422).send(err);
So if user has emailVerified as false I created a token for the user with token data as follows:
const tokenData = {
ttl: 900,
scopes: ['reset-password'],
user.createAccessToken(tokenData, req, function (err, token) {
//email link with token
Now when I try to change password with following request.
/api/people/reset-password?access_token=generated-token and data message as {newPassword: “newPassword”}
I’m getting Access Denied for POST /api/people/reset-password?access_token=token
--Context scopes of Person.setPassword()
This happening only for generated token (either for verified user or non-verified user). If verified user request for password-change its successful which is done by following code.
email: email
}, function (err) {
if (err) return res.status(422).send(err);
I have following settings in person model, which i removed, but still it says access denied.
"restrictResetPasswordTokenScope": true,
"emailVerificationRequired": true,
I found this code in loopback/common/models/user.js:
User.resetPassword = function(options, cb) {
if (UserModel.settings.emailVerificationRequired && !user.emailVerified) {
err = new Error(g.f('Email has not been verified'));
err.statusCode = 401;
return cb(err);
Looks like email verification validation only depends on the emailVerificationRequired setting. The value should be false if you want to enable reset password for not verified users:
"emailVerificationRequired": false, // The deletion of this property should also work as I don't see a default value in user.json
If it will not help, I suggest just debug the method above. I think it should be easy to find the problem, when you know the place to search.

Getting "Invalid exit definition" on Compilation of Sails Helper (Sails v1.0)

I'm getting the error
Invalid exit definition ("success"). Must be a dictionary-- i.e. plain JavaScript object like `{}`.
Invalid exit definition ("error"). Must be a dictionary-- i.e. plain JavaScript object like `{}`.
when doing sails lift. The error is on getRole.js
module.exports = {
friendlyName: 'Get Role',
description: '',
inputs: {
user_id: {
friendlyName: 'User Id',
description: 'The ID of the user to check role',
type: 'string',
required: true
exits: {
success: function (role){
return role;
error: function (message) {
return message;
fn: function (inputs, exits) {
User.findOne({ id: inputs.user_id } , function (err, user) {
if (err) return exits.err(err);
return exits.success(user.role);
This is a new error, and looking at my git, nothing has changed in my code since it successfully compiled. I understand the Sails version (v1.0) I'm using in beta, so I'm taking that into account.
Exits cannot be defined as functions. There is a special syntax (Machine Spec) to define exits. In your example this should work:
exits: {
error: {
description: 'Unexpected error occurred.',
success: {
description: 'Role was succesffuly fetched'
You can read more info about helper exits here:
May changes occur on the last release 1.0.0-38. I've not checked underneath yet, but the way to execute helpers changed: on .exec() I get errors. Now, use .switch();

Ext.Direct File Upload - Form submit of type application/json

I am trying to upload a file through a form submit using Ext.Direct, however is sending my request as type 'application/json' instead of 'multipart/form-data'
Here is my form.
xtype: 'form',
api: {
submit: 'App.api.RemoteModel.Site_Supplicant_readCSV'
items: [
xtype: 'filefield',
buttonOnly: false,
allowBlank: true,
buttonText: 'Import CSV'
text: 'Upload',
handler: function(){
var form = this.up('form').getForm();
waitMsg: 'Uploading...',
success: function(form, action){
On the HTTP request, it checks to see if the request options is a form upload.
if (me.isFormUpload(options)) {
which arrives here
isFormUpload: function(options) {
var form = this.getForm(options);
if (form) {
return (options.isUpload || (/multipart\/form-data/i).test(form.getAttribute('enctype')));
return false;
getForm: function(options) {
var form = options.form || null;
if (form) {
form = Ext.getDom(form);
return form;
However, options looks like this
callback: function (options, success, response) {
jsonData: Object
action: "RemoteModel"
data: Array[1]
0: form
length: 1
__proto__: Array[0]
method: "Site_Supplicant_readCSV"
tid: 36
type: "rpc"
__proto__: Object
scope: constructor
timeout: undefined
transaction: constructor
And there is no direct form config, but it exists in[0]. So it doesn't set it as type multipart/form-data and it gets sent off as type application/json.
What am I doing wrong? Why isn't the form getting submitted properly?
Edit - I am seeing a lot of discussion about a 'formHandler' config for Ext.Direct? I am being led to assume this config could solve my issue. However I don't know where this should exist. I'll update my post if I can find the solution.
Solution - Simply adding /formHandler/ to the end of the params set the flag and solved my issue. Baffled.
Supplicant.prototype.readCSV = function(params,callback, request, response, sessionID/*formHandler*/)
var files = request.files;
The method that handles file upload requests should be marked as formHandler in the
Ext.Direct API provided by the server side.
EDIT: You are using App.api.RemoteModel.Site_Supplicant_readCSV method to upload files; this method needs to be a formHandler.
I'm not very familiar with Node.js stack but looking at this example suggests that you may need to add /*formHandler*/ descriptor to the function's declaration on the server side.