How to give admin privileges for a Microsoft dev box user inside Dev box? - elevated-privileges

I created a dev box, but I need to install some software on the machine. It requires login to have admin privileges inside dev box. How do I access the Dev box with admin privileges?
I created a dev box and logged into it with Azure AD user account. I found that I do not have Admin rights on the user. Just checking how to provide Admin privileges.


GCP Cloud SQL, accidentally granted perms from IAM account to Postgres account, now locked out

Ran this while trying to manage some permissions with Cloud SQL IAM users:
GRANT "****#*****.iam" to postgres;
Now it appears that my postgres account is an IAM user in the DB. And I can't change it back because I can't log in with my original postgres user password. This was also my only superuser account, so I can't get the proper access to change anything back. GCP dashboard also does not let me modify the password because now it's a "System User". Very strange... how do I resolve this?
Tried logging in with the IAM role that I granted to postgres, that does not work... Not sure what to do beyond file a support ticket with GCP

Tableau server setup

I have hosted a Tableau server in AWS windows EC2. To log in to Tableau Services Manager, I am using my credential, I have administrator privileges but it's still prompting an invalid username password. What do I do?

Can't create a PostgreSQL Superuser role to get an Application installed and running

I want to install an application (Odoo) that uses PostgreSQL, but it needs you create a superuser Role to allow the aplication process instalation create its own database. I just created an Azure PostgreSQL database (PaaS), but the user it creats is not a Superuser, and can't create a superuser role. Is there a way to get my admin user a Superuser?
To explain the users and roles a little better for Azure Database for PostgreSQL:
By default, when a server is created we have the following 3 roles defined, which you can also see when you run SELECT rolname FROM pg_roles; –
server admin login – the admin login the user created the server with – which by default is a member of azure_pg_admin.
Ours is a managed PaaS service and Microsoft is the azure_superuser. We don’t grant superuser privileges to the user.
With that as baseline, there is at least one role (user) at any given time that is part of azure_pg_admin group i.e. server admin login. This user can create databases, create custom roles and customize privileges, and create additional users that are member of azure_pg_admin. A user is either a part of this group or not. Any user outside this group will not have those privileges.
Hope that helps answer your question.
When we postgres as service then we cannot be superuser but can enable extensions allowed
Azure console => Azure Database for PostgreSQL flexible server => => Server parameters => azure.extensions => => Save

PostgreSQL admin account

After doing an initial installation and setup of PostgreSQL, what is considered "best practice" when it comes to an admin account?
You have the postgres user, of course. Do people set a password on this account and use that for administration purposes both locally and remotely trough tools such as pgadmin?
Or do people create a dedicated account for administration purposes, and only use Postgres locally?

how to set a postgres user under windows 7

I'm trying to install postgeSQL on my win 7 machine.
trying to set a password during the instalation, I found that I allready have a username
named postgers in my system. can find it by typing net user postgres in the console.
Now, how can I change it's password?
loged in with my administrator account, I typed "net user postgres abcd123".
the respond is: System error 5 have occurred. Access is denied.
What am I doing wrong? Why my admin account don't have a privilege to modify this user?
Try opening cmd with admin privileges explicitely (Run as administrator in context menu).