In linear regression can I use one variable that has been log-transformed and another that has not been transformed? - linear-regression

I log-transformed microbiome data using centered log-ratio transformation. From this point, I will do a linear regression with another continuous variable that has not been transformed. Is that okay?
This seemed to work fine but I just wanted to be sure this is not a problematic approach.


Error function and ReLu in a CNN

I'm trying to get a better understanding of neural networks by trying to programm a Convolution Neural Network by myself.
So far, I'm going to make it pretty simple by not using max-pooling and using simple ReLu-activation. I'm aware of the disadvantages of this setup, but the point is not making the best image detector in the world.
Now, I'm stuck understanding the details of the error calculation, propagating it back and how it interplays with the used activation-function for calculating the new weights.
I read this document (A Beginner's Guide To Understand CNN), but it doesn't help me understand much. The formula for calculating the error already confuses me.
This sum-function doesn't have defined start- and ending points, so i basically can't read it. Maybe you can simply provide me with the correct one?
After that, the author assumes a variable L that is just "that value" (i assume he means E_total?) and gives an example for how to define the new weight:
where W is the weights of a particular layer.
This confuses me, as i always stood under the impression the activation-function (ReLu in my case) played a role in how to calculate the new weight. Also, this seems to imply i simply use the error for all layers. Doesn't the error value i propagate back into the next layer somehow depends on what i calculated in the previous one?
Maybe all of this is just uncomplete and you can point me into the direction that helps me best for my case.
Thanks in advance.
You do not backpropagate errors, but gradients. The activation function plays a role in caculating the new weight, depending on whether or not the weight in question is before or after said activation, and whether or not it is connected. If a weight w is after your non-linearity layer f, then the gradient dL/dw wont depend on f. But if w is before f, then, if they are connected, then dL/dw will depend on f. For example, suppose w is the weight vector of a fully connected layer, and assume that f directly follows this layer. Then,
dL/dw=(dL/df)*df/dw //notations might change according to the shape
//of the tensors/matrices/vectors you chose, but
//this is just the chain rule
As for your cost function, it is correct. Many people write these formulas in this non-formal style so that you get the idea, but that you can adapt it to your own tensor shapes. By the way, this sort of MSE function is better suited to continous label spaces. You might want to use softmax or an svm loss for image classification (I'll come back to that). Anyway, as you requested a correct form for this function, here is an example. Imagine you have a neural network that predicts a vector field of some kind (like surface normals). Assume that it takes a 2d pixel x_i and predicts a 3d vector v_i for that pixel. Now, in your training data, x_i will already have a ground truth 3d vector (i.e label), that we'll call y_i. Then, your cost function will be (the index i runs on all data samples):
sum_i{(y_i-v_i)^t (y_i-vi)}=sum_i{||y_i-v_i||^2}
But as I said, this cost function works if the labels form a continuous space (here , R^3). This is also called a regression problem.
Here's an example if you are interested in (image) classification. I'll explain it with a softmax loss, the intuition for other losses is more or less similar. Assume we have n classes, and imagine that in your training set, for each data point x_i, you have a label c_i that indicates the correct class. Now, your neural network should produce scores for each possible label, that we'll note s_1,..,s_n. Let's note the score of the correct class of a training sample x_i as s_{c_i}. Now, if we use a softmax function, the intuition is to transform the scores into a probability distribution, and maximise the probability of the correct classes. That is , we maximse the function
sum_i { exp(s_{c_i}) / sum_j(exp(s_j))}
where i runs over all training samples, and j=1,..n on all class labels.
Finally, I don't think the guide you are reading is a good starting point. I recommend this excellent course instead (essentially the Andrew Karpathy parts at least).

ANN: Approximating non-linear function with neural network

I am learning to build neural networks for regression problems. It works well approximating linear functions. Setup with 1-5–1 units with linear activation functions in hidden and output layers does the trick and results are fast and reliable. However, when I try to feed it simple quadratic data (f(x) = x*x) here is what happens:
With linear activation function, it tries to fit a linear function through dataset
And with TANH function it tries to fit a a TANH curve through the dataset.
This makes me believe that the current setup is inherently unable to learn anything but a linear relation, since it's repeating the shape of activation function on the chart. But this may not be true because I've seen other implementations learn curves just perfectly. So I may be doing something wrong. Please provide your guidance.
About my code
My weights are randomized (-1, 1) inputs are not normalized. Dataset is fed in random order. Changing learning rate or adding layers, does not change the picture much.
I've created a jsfiddle,
the place to play with is this function:
function trainingSample(n) {
return [[n], [n]];
It produces a single training sample: an array of an input vector array and a target vector array.
In this example it produces an f(x)=x function. Modify it to be [[n], [n*n]] and you've got a quadratic function.
The play button is at the upper right, and there also are two input boxes to manually input these values. If target (right) box is left empty, you can test the output of the network by feedforward only.
There is also a configuration file for the network in the code, where you can set learning rate and other things. (Search for var Config)
It's occurred to me that in the setup I am describing, it is impossible to learn non–linear functions, because of the choice of features. Nowhere in forward pass we have input dependency of power higher than 1, that's why I am seeing a snapshot of my activation function in the output. Duh.

Neural Networks Regression : scaling the outputs or using a linear layer?

I am currently trying to use Neural Network to make regression predictions.
However, I don't know what is the best way to handle this, as I read that there were 2 different ways to do regression predictions with a NN.
1) Some websites/articles suggest to add a final layer which is linear.
My final layers would look like, I think, :
layer1 = tanh(layer0*weight1 + bias1)
layer2 = identity(layer1*weight2+bias2)
I also noticed that when I use this solution, I usually get a prediction which is the mean of the batch prediction. And this is the case when I use tanh or sigmoid as a penultimate layer.
2) Some other websites/articles suggest to scale the output to a [-1,1] or [0,1] range and to use tanh or sigmoid as a final layer.
Are these 2 solutions acceptable ? Which one should one prefer ?
I would prefer the second case, in which we use normalization and sigmoid function as the output activation and then scale back the normalized output values to their actual values. This is because, in the first case, to output the large values (since actual values are large in most cases), the weights mapping from penultimate layer to the output layer would have to be large. Thus, for faster convergence, the learning rate has to be made larger. But this may also cause learning of the earlier layers to diverge since we are using a larger learning rate. Hence, it is advised to work with normalized target values, so that the weights are small and they learn quickly.
Hence in short, the first method learns slowly or may diverge if a larger learning rate is used and on the other hand, the second method is comparatively safer to use and learns quickly.

Online logistic regression

I wish to use online logistic regression training in Matlab in which I train the model by presenting the first sample, evaluate the model, next add the second sample, evaluate etc. etc.
I could do this by first creating a model on the first sample, evaluating it, throw this model away; next create a model on sample one and two, evaluate it etc. etc but this is very ineffecient. Is there a way I could do 'real' online training of the logistic regression model in Matlab?
Short answer: No Matlab does not support it (at least not that i'm aware of). Therefore you need to create a whole new model every time you get new input data. Depending on the size of the task this might still be the best choice.
Workaround: You can implement it yourself, by creating a loss function which updates every time. Take a look at this paper if you decide to go this way (it about many kinds of loss function but you are interested in the logistic one):
Or you could go Bayesan and update your priors any time a new point comes in.

Functional form of 2D interpolation in Matlab

I need to construct an interpolating function from a 2D array of data. The reason I need something that returns an actual function is, that I need to be able to evaluate the function as part of an expression that I need to numerically integrate.
For that reason, "interp2" doesn't cut it: it does not return a function.
I could use "TriScatteredInterp", but that's heavy-weight: my grid is equally spaced (and big); so I don't need the delaunay triangularisation.
Are there any alternatives?
(Apologies for the 'late' answer, but I have some suggestions that might help others if the existing answer doesn't help them)
It's not clear from your question how accurate the resulting function needs to be (or how big, 'big' is), but one approach that you could adopt is to regress the data points that you have using a least-squares or Kalman filter-based method. You'd need to do this with a number of candidate function forms and then choose the one that is 'best', for example by using an measure such as MAE or MSE.
Of course this requires some idea of what the form underlying function could be, but your question isn't clear as to whether you have this kind of information.
Another approach that could work (and requires no knowledge of what the underlying function might be) is the use of the fuzzy transform (F-transform) to generate line segments that provide local approximations to the surface.
The method for this would be:
Define a 2D universe that includes the x and y domains of your input data
Create a 2D fuzzy partition of this universe - chosing partition sizes that give the accuracy you require
Apply the discrete F-transform using your input data to generate fuzzy data points in a 3D fuzzy space
Pass the inverse F-transform as a function handle (along with the fuzzy data points) to your integration function
If you're not familiar with the F-transform then I posted a blog a while ago about how the F-transform can be used as a universal approximator in a 1D case:
To see the mathematics behind the method and extend it to a multidimensional case then the University of Ostravia has published a PhD thesis that explains its application to various engineering problems and also provides an example of how it is constructed for the case of a 2D universe:
If you want a function handle, why not define f=#(xi,yi)interp2(X,Y,Z,xi,yi) ?
It might be a little slow, but I think it should work.
If I understand you correctly, you want to perform a surface/line integral of 2-D data. There are ways to do it but maybe not the way you want it. I had the exact same problem and it's annoying! The only way I solved it was using the Surface Fitting Tool (sftool) to create a surface then integrating it.
After you create your fit using the tool (it has a GUI as well), it will generate an sftool object which you can then integrate in (2-D) using quad2d
I also tried your method of using interp2 and got the results (which were similar to the sfobject) but I had no idea how to do a numerical integration (line/surface) with the data. Creating thesfobject and then integrating it was much faster.
It was the first time I do something like this so I confirmed it using a numerically evaluated line integral. According to Stoke's theorem, the surface integral and the line integral should be the same and it did turn out to be the same.
I asked this question in the mathematics stackexchange, wanted to do a line integral of 2-d data, ended up doing a surface integral and then confirming the answer using a line integral!