How to use font in JasperServer? - jasperserver

I have a report on JasperSoft Studio.
I'm setting the font to Arial Unicode MS inorder to display some non latin caracters. The Arial Unicode MS font is on JasperSoft Studio by default. I din't add manually.
On JasperSoft Studio preview the report shows properly and korean caracters are displayed correctly.
However when uploading the report to JasperServer the characters are not shown. There is no error, no warning but the characters are missing.
As it's a default font, should I still add it to jasper server ?
Does anyone know what I'm doing wrong please ?


SolaimanLipi font is breaking the connected word in iReport exporting PDF

I am using iReport 5.6.0 version. I am trying to work with custom font, in my case SolaimanLipi.ttf. It works perfectly in internal view. But when I export to PDF file then it is breaking with the combined letter (for my case: Bengali). I have googled for it and try some but no luck.
My attempts are as follows.
When adding TTF font:
In iReport view:
In exported PDF - broken:
Support for Indic scripts in PDF has been introduced in JasperReports 6.2.0, see the changelog.
You will not be able to benefit from that with iReport 5.6.0. I suggest downloading the latest Jaspersoft Studio release from here.

Crystal Reports 2008, PDF export, Chinese Characters are not visible for Arial Font

We have windows application with C#, using vs2008.
In this application we are using Crystal report 10.5, with Arial Font as application font.
While exporting to PDF, its not showing Chinese characters.
It seems that using font "MS UI Gothic", we can see the chinese character in pdf file.
But as per requirement we must use Arial Font.
Please let us know if any one has any solution to this problem.
We resolved issue by following steps:
First export the report in RTF format.
Use office interop to convert RTF to PDF format.

How to make the same font of the exported PDF file and CR designer in Crystal reports

My report in exported PDF version and in CR designer are not the same. The font in the PDF looks smaller than in the designer and I don't know why. Of course, that makes a big problem for me, because I am getting unused "white space". The problem is shown in the image below:
I am using SAP Crystal Reports 2013. Thanks in advance.
I found this, I needed to create a registry key: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\SAP BusinessObjects\Crystal Reports for .NET Framework 4.0\Crystal Reports\Export\PDF\ForceLargerFonts
And then to set: ForceLargerFonts to the value dword: 00000001
And it works fine now.

Converting to unicode font in Crystal Reports

I want to convert Report Headers and Section Headers to Hindi unicode font. At present I am using a Hindi font which is not rendering properly on various browsers. Is there any way to convert the Report Header and other fonts to unicode in Crystal Reports 2005?
If by Crystal Reports 2005 you mean the version of CR that bundles with .NET 2005, then you want to look at the following;
Working with Default and Custom Language Resource Files
Compiling the Custom Resource Files
Web: Configuring Global or Local Custom Resources
You also want make sure you are using SP 1 for CR 10.2:
Note that new, stand alone version(s) of CR have better localization support. Looking at CR 2008 (12.x) may be something to consider. An Eval of CR 2008 is available here:
Hope this will help !

JasperReport using iReport not support unicode character while export to pdf format

I am using iRport design tool to create the report in my project. I have created .jrxml and .jasper file, it works fine in the iReport means it supports for the Unicode character and displaying all unicode characters but if I integrated this .jasper file in my java class and exports the report into the pdf format by using itext jar file. Then the program runs well and create the report in pdf format but not showing the unicode characters in the generated report file. So please help me in this case sothat I will able to view unicode characters in the generated report file. Thanks in advance.
Of course the JasperReports has the unicode support.
This articles are about unicode support:
JasperReports - Unicode Sample
JasperReports - Fonts Sample
The main concept is to use the Font Extensions mechanism.
I think, You may need to add uni code font to class path.