I want to automate tradingview with capitalise.ai - pine-script-v5

I'm a beginner, but I made a script from existing scripts.
But unfortunately it doesn't work. 😦
I want to automate tradingview with capitalise.ai.
Now I get 2 signals for each candle, but I only want to get 1 signal if it is at a SellSignal or if it is at a BuySignal.
Can this be solved?
strategy("My Strategy", overlay=true)
len6 = 125
src6 = close
hma = ta.wma(2 * ta.wma(src6, len6 / 2) - ta.wma(src6, len6), math.floor(math.sqrt(len6)))
hmacolor = close > hma ? #00ccff : #ff0055
plot(hma, title='HMA Line', color=color.new(hmacolor, 25), linewidth=5)
if (hmacolor == #00ccff and hmacolor[1] != #00ccff)
strategy.entry("Long", strategy.long)
if (hmacolor == #ff0055 and hmacolor[1] != #ff0055)
strategy.entry("Short", strategy.short)
ttbuystring = 'Input your custom alert message here.'
ttsellstring = 'Input your custom alert message here.'
ttstopstring = 'Input your custom alert message here.'
usebuyalert = input.bool(defval=true, title='Use BUY Alert', group='Alert Messages')
buystring = input.string(title='Buy Alert Message', defval='BUY', confirm=false, group='Alert Messages', tooltip=ttbuystring)
usesellalert = input.bool(defval=true, title='Use SELL Alert', group='Alert Messages')
sellstring = input.string(title='Sell Alert Message', defval='SELL', confirm=false, group='Alert Messages', tooltip=ttsellstring)
if usebuyalert
alert(buystring, alert.freq_once_per_bar)
if usesellalert
alert(sellstring, alert.freq_once_per_bar)
Now I get 2 signals for each candle, but I only want to get 1 signal if it is at a SellSignal or if it is at a BuySignal.
Can this be solved?

strategy("My Strategy", overlay=true)
len6 = 125
src6 = close
hma = ta.wma(2 * ta.wma(src6, len6 / 2) - ta.wma(src6, len6), math.floor(math.sqrt(len6)))
hmacolor = close > hma ? #00ccff : #ff0055
plot(hma, title='HMA Line', color=color.new(hmacolor, 25), linewidth=5)
//Variables for alerts
ttbuystring = 'Input your custom alert message here.'
ttsellstring = 'Input your custom alert message here.'
ttstopstring = 'Input your custom alert message here.'
usebuyalert = input.bool(defval=true, title='Use BUY Alert', group='Alert Messages')
buystring = input.string(title='Buy Alert Message', defval='BUY', confirm=false, group='Alert Messages', tooltip=ttbuystring)
usesellalert = input.bool(defval=true, title='Use SELL Alert', group='Alert Messages')
sellstring = input.string(title='Sell Alert Message', defval='SELL', confirm=false, group='Alert Messages', tooltip=ttsellstring)
if (hmacolor == #00ccff and hmacolor[1] != #00ccff) and strategy.position_size < 0
if (hmacolor == #ff0055 and hmacolor[1] != #ff0055) and strategy.position_size > 0
if (hmacolor == #00ccff and hmacolor[1] != #00ccff) and strategy.position_size <= 0
strategy.entry("Long", strategy.long)
if usebuyalert
alert(buystring, alert.freq_once_per_bar)
if (hmacolor == #ff0055 and hmacolor[1] != #ff0055) and strategy.position_size >= 0
strategy.entry("Short", strategy.short)
if usesellalert
alert(sellstring, alert.freq_once_per_bar)


Pine Script I want to combine two buy conditions in one buy alert and two sell conditions in one sell alert

indicator("SSL Channel", shorttitle="SSL Channel", overlay=true, timeframe="", timeframe_gaps=false)
wicks = input(false, "Take Wicks into Account ?")
highlightState = input(true, "Highlight State ?")
ma(source, length, type) =>
type == "SMA" ? ta.sma(source, length) :
type == "EMA" ? ta.ema(source, length) :
type == "SMMA (RMA)" ? ta.rma(source, length) :
type == "WMA" ? ta.wma(source, length) :
type == "VWMA" ? ta.vwma(source, length) :
show_ma1 = input(true , "MA High", inline="MA #1", group="Channel №1")
ma1_type = input.string("SMA" , "" , inline="MA #1", options=["SMA", "EMA", "SMMA (RMA)", "WMA", "VWMA"], group="Channel №1")
ma1_source = input(high , "" , inline="MA #1", group="Channel №1")
ma1_length = input.int(200 , "" , inline="MA #1", minval=1, group="Channel №1")
ma1_color = input(color.green, "" , inline="MA #1", group="Channel №1")
ma1 = ma(ma1_source, ma1_length, ma1_type)
show_ma2 = input(true , "MA Low", inline="MA #2", group="Channel №1")
ma2_type = input.string("SMA" , "" , inline="MA #2", options=["SMA", "EMA", "SMMA (RMA)", "WMA", "VWMA"], group="Channel №1")
ma2_source = input(low , "" , inline="MA #2", group="Channel №1")
ma2_length = input.int(200 , "" , inline="MA #2", minval=1, group="Channel №1")
ma2_color = input(color.red, "" , inline="MA #2", group="Channel №1")
ma2 = ma(ma2_source, ma2_length, ma2_type)
showLabels1 = input(true, "Show Buy/Sell Labels ?", group="Channel №1")
show_ma3 = input(false , "MA High", inline="MA #3", group="Channel №2")
ma3_type = input.string("SMA" , "" , inline="MA #3", options=["SMA", "EMA", "SMMA (RMA)", "WMA", "VWMA"], group="Channel №2")
ma3_source = input(high , "" , inline="MA #3", group="Channel №2")
ma3_length = input.int(20 , "" , inline="MA #3", minval=1, group="Channel №2")
ma3_color = input(color.orange, "" , inline="MA #3", group="Channel №2")
ma3 = ma(ma3_source, ma3_length, ma3_type)
show_ma4 = input(false , "MA Low", inline="MA #4", group="Channel №2")
ma4_type = input.string("SMA" , "" , inline="MA #4", options=["SMA", "EMA", "SMMA (RMA)", "WMA", "VWMA"], group="Channel №2")
ma4_source = input(low , "" , inline="MA #4", group="Channel №2")
ma4_length = input.int(20 , "" , inline="MA #4", minval=1, group="Channel №2")
ma4_color = input(color.blue, "" , inline="MA #4", group="Channel №2")
ma4 = ma(ma4_source, ma4_length, ma4_type)
showLabels2 = input(true, "Show Buy/Sell Labels ?", group="Channel №2")
Hlv1 = float(na)
Hlv1 := (wicks ? high : close) > ma1 ? 1 : (wicks ? low : close) < ma2 ? -1 : Hlv1[1]
sslUp1 = Hlv1 < 0 ? ma2 : ma1
sslDown1 = Hlv1 < 0 ? ma1 : ma2
Color1 = Hlv1 == 1 ? ma1_color : ma2_color
fillColor1 = highlightState ? (color.new(Color1, 90)) : na
highLine1 = plot(show_ma1 ? sslUp1 : na, title="UP", linewidth=2, color = Color1)
lowLine1 = plot(show_ma2 ? sslDown1 : na, title="DOWN", linewidth=2, color = Color1)
plotshape(show_ma1 and showLabels1 and Hlv1 == 1 and Hlv1[1] == -1, title="Buy Label", text="Buy", location=location.belowbar, style=shape.labelup, size=size.tiny, color=Color1, textcolor=color.white)
plotshape(show_ma2 and showLabels1 and Hlv1 == -1 and Hlv1[1] == 1, title="Sell Label", text="Sell", location=location.abovebar, style=shape.labeldown, size=size.tiny, color=Color1, textcolor=color.white)
fill(highLine1, lowLine1, color = fillColor1)
Hlv2 = float(na)
Hlv2 := (wicks ? high : close) > ma3 ? 1 : (wicks ? low : close) < ma4 ? -1 : Hlv2[1]
sslUp2 = Hlv2 < 0 ? ma4 : ma3
sslDown2 = Hlv2 < 0 ? ma3 : ma4
Color2 = Hlv2 == 1 ? ma3_color : ma4_color
fillColor2 = highlightState ? (color.new(Color2, 90)) : na
highLine2 = plot(show_ma3 ? sslUp2 : na, title="UP", linewidth=2, color = Color2)
lowLine2 = plot(show_ma4 ? sslDown2 : na, title="DOWN", linewidth=2, color = Color2)
plotshape(show_ma3 and showLabels2 and Hlv2 == 1 and Hlv2[1] == -1, title="Buy Label", text="Buy", location=location.belowbar, style=shape.labelup, size=size.tiny, color=Color2, textcolor=color.white)
plotshape(show_ma4 and showLabels2 and Hlv2 == -1 and Hlv2[1] == 1, title="Sell Label", text="Sell", location=location.abovebar, style=shape.labeldown, size=size.tiny, color=Color2, textcolor=color.white)
fill(highLine2, lowLine2, color = fillColor2)
// Alerts
alertcondition(Hlv1 == 1 and Hlv1[1] == -1, title="SSL Channel (1) Buy Alert", message = "SSL Channel (1): BUY")
alertcondition(Hlv1 == -1 and Hlv1[1] == 1, title="SSL Channel (1) Sell Alert", message = "SSL Channel (1): SELL")
alertcondition(Hlv2 == 1 and Hlv2[1] == -1, title="SSL Channel (2) Buy Alert", message = "SSL Channel (2): BUY")
alertcondition(Hlv2 == -1 and Hlv2[1] == 1, title="SSL Channel (2) Sell Alert", message = "SSL Channel (2): SELL")
This is SSL Channel indicator. I want to create an alert based on this indicator. I want it to alert BUY when two blue cloud happens at any time. and SELL two red cloud happens at any time. I tried to add the two buy alerts together with AND operator but it is not what Im looking for. It is not necessary to occur the buy/sell conditions at the same time. the buy or sell conditions could happen one another..
I want this: while buy1 condition is already true alert when buy2 condition occurs. and visa versa
while sell1 condition is already true alert when sell2 condition occurs. and visa versa..

Pyspark AssertionError: on should be Column or list of Column

Hi I have the below dataframes and when I join them I get AssertionError: on should be Column or list of Column. How do I get around this please as I cannot find any solution on google related to this?
Pages = sc.read.json("/Users/me/desktop/clickstream/Clicks/Page*.json.gz")
Pages_Dataset = Pages.select("SessionNumber", "PageLocation", "PageInstanceID")\
.withColumnRenamed("PageLocation", "URL")\
.withColumnRenamed("PageInstanceID", "CsaNumber")\
.withColumn("URL2", expr("CASE WHEN INSTR(URL, '=') > 0 THEN SUBSTR(URL,0,INSTR(URL, '=') -1) ELSE URL END"))\
.withColumn("URL2", expr("CASE WHEN INSTR(URL2, '?') > 0 THEN SUBSTR(URL2,0,INSTR(URL2, '?') -1) ELSE URL2 END"))\
.withColumn("URL2", expr("CASE WHEN INSTR(URL2, '#') > 0 THEN SUBSTR(URL2,0,INSTR(URL2, '#') -1) ELSE URL2 END"))\
.withColumn("URL3", expr("CASE WHEN INSTR(URL, 'prdcls=') > 0 THEN SUBSTR(URL,INSTR(URL, 'prdcls=')+7,2) ELSE '' END"))\
.withColumn("URL", concat("URL2", "URL3"))\
.select("SessionNumber", "URL", "CsaNumber").alias("a")\
.join(ConfiguredUrls.alias("b"), lower("a.URL") == lower("b.URL"), "left")\
.select("a.SessionNumber", "b.Product", "a.CsaNumber", "b.EndQuote", "a.URL")\
.withColumnRenamed("Product", "Session")\
.withColumn("Session", expr("CASE WHEN lower(URL) like 'https://mobilephones.com/deals/%' THEN 'Mobile Phones' ELSE Session END"))\
.withColumn("EndQuote", expr("CASE WHEN lower(URL) like 'https://mobilephones.com/deals/%' THEN 'Mobile Phones' ELSE EndQuote END"))\
Goals_Dataset = Goals.select("SessionNumber", "GoalName", "PageInstanceID", "EventTimestamp")\
.withColumnRenamed("EventTimestamp", "GoalDate")\
.withColumnRenamed("PageInstanceID", "CsaNumber")\
.select("SessionNumber", "GoalName", "CsaNumber", "GoalDate").alias("a")\
.join(ConfiguredGoals.alias("b"), lower("a.GoalName") == lower("b.GoalNameValue"), "left")\
.select("a.SessionNumber", coalesce("b.StartQuote", "b.EndQuote", "b.Switch").alias("Session"), "a.CsaNumber", "b.EndQuote")\
Session_Dataset = Pages_Dataset.select("SessionNumber", "Session", "CsaNumber", "EndQuote").alias("a")\
.join(Goals_Dataset.alias("b"), "a.SessionNumber" == "b.SessionNumber", "fullouter")\
.select(coalesce("a.SessionNumber", "b.SessionNumber").alias("SessionNumber"), coalesce("a.Session", "b.Session").alias("Session"), coalesce("a.CsaNumber", "b.CsaNumber").alias("CsaNumber"), coalesce("a.EndQuote", "b.EndQuote").alias("EndQuote"))\
Session_Dataset = Pages_Dataset.select("SessionNumber", "Session", "CsaNumber", "EndQuote").alias("a")\
File "/usr/local/Cellar/apache-spark/3.2.1/libexec/python/lib/pyspark.zip/pyspark/sql/dataframe.py", line 1343, in join
AssertionError: on should be Column or list of Column
"a.SessionNumber" == "b.SessionNumber" should be col("a.SessionNumber") == col("b.SessionNumber"), or just "SessionNumber"

stocktsats Stoch RSI values dont match with trading view values

def good_buying_condition_stoch_ema_ema(the_exchange, symbol, timeframe):
#print ("finding the good to go long/buy signal")
r = dict();
hist_data = get_historical_data(the_exchange, symbol, timeframe)
stock_data = create_stock(hist_data) #stock stats data
stock_data.KDJ_PARAM=(3.0 / 14.0, 3.0 / 14.0)
stock_data.MACD_EMA_SHORT = 50
stock_data.MACD_EMA_LONG = 200
macd = stock_data._get_macd(stock_data)
gap = stock_data['kdjk'][499] - stock_data['kdjd'][499]
abs_gap = abs(gap);
r['datetime'] = stock_data['timestamp'][499]
r['symbol'] = symbol
r['timeframe'] = timeframe
r['close'] = stock_data['close'][499]
r['kdjk3'] = stock_data['kdjk_3'][499]
r['kdjd3'] = stock_data['kdjd_3'][499]
r['kdjk'] = stock_data['kdjk'][499]
r['kdjd'] = stock_data['kdjd'][499]
r['macd'] = stock_data['macd'][499]
r['kdjk7'] = stock_data['kdjk_7'][499]
r['kdjd7'] = stock_data['kdjd_7'][499]
r['kdjk14'] = stock_data['kdjk_14'][499]
r['kdjd14'] = stock_data['kdjd_14'][499]
if (gap < 1 and gap > -1): r['side'] = 'HODL'
elif (gap > 1): r['side'] = 'buy'
elif (gap < -1): r['side'] = 'sell'
else: r['side'] = 'unknown'
if (r['side'] == "buy"):
if (stock_data['kdjk'][499] < 20): r['confidence'] = "strong"
elif (stock_data['kdjk'][499] < 75): r['confidence'] = "ok"
elif (stock_data['kdjk'][499] < 80): r['confidence'] = "questionable"
elif (stock_data['kdjk'][499] < 90): r['confidence'] = "risky"
elif (stock_data['kdjk'][499] < 100): r['confidence'] = "extreme risk"
elif (r['side'] == "sell"):
if (stock_data['kdjk'][499] < 20): r['confidence'] = "extreme risk"
elif (stock_data['kdjk'][499] < 40): r['confidence'] = "risky"
elif (stock_data['kdjk'][499] < 60): r['confidence'] = "questionable"
elif (stock_data['kdjk'][499] < 80): r['confidence'] = "ok"
elif (stock_data['kdjk'][499] < 100): r['confidence'] = "strong"
else: r['confidence'] = 'unknown'
r['momentum'] = gap
if (stock_data['macd'][499] > 0 and stock_data['macd'][499] < 1):
r['trend'] = "bullish"
elif (stock_data['macd'][499] > 1 ):
r['trend'] = "uncertain"
elif (stock_data['macd'][499] < 0 ):
r['trend'] = "bearish"
#### FINTA tech indicators
#ohlc = resample(hist_data, "1m")
#ema50 = TA.EMAIndicator(close=hist_data.close, n=50)
#hist_data['ema50_tpj'] = ema50
#print ("TA.STOCH K = ", TA.STOCH(hist_data['close'], period=14)[499])
#print ("TA.STOCH D = ", TA.STOCHD(hist_data['close'], period=3, stoch_period=14)[499])
#print ("TA.EMA 9 = ", TA.EMA(hist_data)[499])
#print ("TA.EMA 50 = ", TA.EMA(hist_data, 50)[499])
#print ("TA.EMA 200 = ", TA.EMA(hist_data, 200)[499])
r['ta_ema9'] = TA.EMA(hist_data)[499]
r['ta_ema50'] = TA.EMA(hist_data, 50)[499]
r['ta_ema200'] = TA.EMA(hist_data, 200)[499]
r['ta_atr14'] = TA.ATR(hist_data, 14)[499]
r['atr14'] = stock_data['atr'][499]
r['min14'] = hist_data.close.rolling(14).min()[499];
r['max14'] = hist_data.close.rolling(14).max()[499];
print ("returning", r)
return r
def get_historical_data(exchange, coin_pair, timeframe):
"""Get Historical data (ohlcv) from a coin_pair
# optional: exchange.fetch_ohlcv(coin_pair, '1h', since)
data = exchange.fetch_ohlcv(coin_pair, timeframe)
# update timestamp to human readable timestamp
data = [[exchange.iso8601(candle[0])] + candle[1:] for candle in data]
header = ['Timestamp', 'Open', 'High', 'Low', 'Close', 'Volume']
df = pd.DataFrame(data, columns=header)
return df
def create_stock(historical_data):
"""Create StockData from historical data using stockstats
stock = Sdf.retype(historical_data)
return stock
in a 10 second loop, the above produces the following output:
returning {'datetime': '2021-05-26T15:55:00.000Z', 'symbol': 'XRP/USDT', 'timeframe': '1m', 'close': 0.9838, 'kdjk3': 23.00115833047544, 'kdjd3': 33.246639262609804, 'kdjk': 31.557468092520086, 'kdjd': 40.89122272232644, 'macd': -0.00016899252758151295, 'kdjk7': 29.02460416563654, 'kdjd7': 40.37714935820455, 'kdjk14': 31.502465082807905, 'kdjd14': 41.35215340927536, 'side': 'sell', 'confidence': 'risky', 'momentum': -9.333754629806354, 'trend': 'bearish', 'ta_ema9': 0.9863129810243016, 'ta_ema50': 0.9876962538671861, 'ta_ema200': 0.9980103854792317, 'ta_atr14': 0.003885714285714286, 'atr14': 0.0038138082006646855, 'min14': 0.9827, 'max14': 0.9927}
returning {'datetime': '2021-05-26T15:56:00.000Z', 'symbol': 'XRP/USDT', 'timeframe': '1m', 'close': 0.9831, 'kdjk3': 14.450607500341013, 'kdjd3': 26.42224572620021, 'kdjk': 23.26053428390232, 'kdjd': 34.77728953914806, 'macd': -0.000447425790014111, 'kdjk7': 18.859864087371616, 'kdjd7': 32.94481190275474, 'kdjk14': 23.223865610760864, 'kdjd14': 35.07235377273352, 'side': 'sell', 'confidence': 'risky', 'momentum': -11.516755255245737, 'trend': 'bearish', 'ta_ema9': 0.9856063848194415, 'ta_ema50': 0.9875009374853446, 'ta_ema200': 0.9978533449719774, 'ta_atr14': 0.0036571428571428666, 'atr14': 0.0035699647577600697, 'min14': 0.9827, 'max14': 0.9927}
baseCurrBal: 556.21882609 percent: .4 ticker['last']: 0.984
returning {'datetime': '2021-05-26T15:56:00.000Z', 'symbol': 'XRP/USDT', 'timeframe': '1m', 'close': 0.9838, 'kdjk3': 20.006163055896863, 'kdjd3': 28.27409757805216, 'kdjk': 25.127200950569065, 'kdjd': 35.399511761370306, 'macd': -0.00039158533417382735, 'kdjk7': 20.88884959461808, 'kdjd7': 33.62114040517023, 'kdjk14': 25.09053227742761, 'kdjd14': 35.69457599495577, 'side': 'sell', 'confidence': 'risky', 'momentum': -10.27231081080124, 'trend': 'bearish', 'ta_ema9': 0.9857463848194415, 'ta_ema50': 0.9875283884657932, 'ta_ema200': 0.9978603573934625, 'ta_atr14': 0.003707142857142861, 'atr14': 0.003619964757760064, 'min14': 0.9827, 'max14': 0.9927}
returning {'datetime': '2021-05-26T15:56:00.000Z', 'symbol': 'XRP/USDT', 'timeframe': '1m', 'close': 0.9841, 'kdjk3': 22.387115436848994, 'kdjd3': 29.06774837170287, 'kdjk': 25.927200950568974, 'kdjd': 35.66617842803694, 'macd': -0.0003676537102420552, 'kdjk7': 21.758414812009285, 'kdjd7': 33.91099547763397, 'kdjk14': 25.890532277427518, 'kdjd14': 35.96124266162241, 'side': 'sell', 'confidence': 'risky', 'momentum': -9.73897747746797, 'trend': 'bearish', 'ta_ema9': 0.9858063848194416, 'ta_ema50': 0.9875401531716997, 'ta_ema200': 0.997863362716956, 'ta_atr14': 0.003707142857142861, 'atr14': 0.003619964757760064, 'min14': 0.9827, 'max14': 0.9927}
baseCurrBal: 556.21882609 percent: .4 ticker['last']: 0.9839
returning {'datetime': '2021-05-26T15:56:00.000Z', 'symbol': 'XRP/USDT', 'timeframe': '1m', 'close': 0.9843, 'kdjk3': 23.974417024150412, 'kdjd3': 29.596848900803344, 'kdjk': 26.46053428390225, 'kdjd': 35.8439562058147, 'macd': -0.0003516992942875774, 'kdjk7': 22.338124956936753, 'kdjd7': 34.10423219260979, 'kdjk14': 26.423865610760792, 'kdjd14': 36.13902043940016, 'side': 'sell', 'confidence': 'risky', 'momentum': -9.38342192191245, 'trend': 'bearish', 'ta_ema9': 0.9858463848194414, 'ta_ema50': 0.9875479963089707, 'ta_ema200': 0.9978653662659518, 'ta_atr14': 0.003721428571428574, 'atr14': 0.003634250472045777, 'min14': 0.9827, 'max14': 0.9927}
returning {'datetime': '2021-05-26T15:56:00.000Z', 'symbol': 'XRP/USDT', 'timeframe': '1m', 'close': 0.9848, 'kdjk3': 27.94267099240484, 'kdjd3': 30.91960022355482, 'kdjk': 27.79386761723572, 'kdjd': 36.28840065025919, 'macd': -0.0003118132544015495, 'kdjk7': 23.787400319255745, 'kdjd7': 34.587323980049455, 'kdjk14': 27.757198944094263, 'kdjd14': 36.583464883844655, 'side': 'sell', 'confidence': 'risky', 'momentum': -8.494533033023473, 'trend': 'bearish', 'ta_ema9': 0.9859463848194416, 'ta_ema50': 0.9875676041521483, 'ta_ema200': 0.997870375138441, 'ta_atr14': 0.0038000000000000095, 'atr14': 0.0037128219006172126, 'min14': 0.9827, 'max14': 0.9927}
baseCurrBal: 556.21882609 percent: .4 ticker['last']: 0.9842
when i compare all the kdj* values, i can not see a strong resemblance to the values over the same time period from trading view's standard stoch rsi with 3/3/14/14/close params. I have adjusted the KDJ_WINDOW and KDJ_PARAM values numerous times with just about every combination of 3, 7 and 14 that make sense to me; i've tried with calls to _calc_kd and without, i've tried adjusting KDJ_WINDODW and KDJ_PARAM in between _calc_kd calls; i've tried to only reference ['kdjk'] and ['kdjd']; i've tried use the ['kdjk_N'] columns as mentoined at https://www.programmersought.com/article/69583827158/ but i have not been able closely replicate the trading view values...
What am i missing / doing incorrectly?
(note1: that any reference to an exchange is for ccxt exchange object).
(note2: i'm using stockstats )
i ended up using the following manual calculation:
i ended up using the following manual calculation:
stock_data['rsi1'] = stock_data['rsi_14']
stock_data['rsi_L14'] = stock_data['rsi1'].rolling(window=14).min()
stock_data['rsi_H14'] = stock_data['rsi1'].rolling(window=14).max()
stock_data['stoch'] = 100*((stock_data['rsi1'] - stock_data['rsi_L14']) / (stock_data['rsi_H14'] - stock_data['rsi_L14']) )
stock_data['my_k2'] = stock_data['stoch'].rolling(window=3).mean()
stock_data['my_d2'] = stock_data['my_k2'].rolling(window=3).mean()
r['kdjk'] = stock_data['my_k2'][499]
r['kdjd'] = stock_data['my_d2'][499]
i found this pine script and used explanations at the tradingview explanation and explanation from this page to come up with the true algorithm.
i subsequently cross referenced against a live 1m chart of xrp/usdt on trading view and the values aligned almost exactly.

Azure Sentinel - Log Analysis - Help - Finding all sucessful azure signs over 3 months period by location and user

I'm new to Sentinel/Work Analytics and KMQ. I have been trying to figure out a query to get all successful login by user and location from azure actvity sign in. I hope you can help me or point me to some references.
I've tried using some examples from the github and Sentinel dashboard. I can get all the failed user logins by country but not successful. I was going to use this log data for a geo blocking activity.
any help would be really appreciated, and sorry for such a beginner question.
thanks in advance
let data = SigninLogs
| extend AppDisplayName = iff(AppDisplayName == '', 'Unknown', AppDisplayName)
| where AppDisplayName in ('*') or '*' in ('*')
| where UserDisplayName in ('*') or '*' in ('*')
| extend Country = tostring(LocationDetails.countryOrRegion)
| extend City = tostring(LocationDetails.city)
| extend errorCode = Status.errorCode
| extend SigninStatus = case(errorCode == 0, "Success", errorCode == 50058, "Pending user action", errorCode == 50140, "Pending user action", errorCode == 51006, "Pending user action", errorCode == 50059, "Pending user action", errorCode == 65001, "Pending user action", errorCode == 52004, "Pending user action", errorCode == 50055, "Pending user action", errorCode == 50144, "Pending user action", errorCode == 50072, "Pending user action", errorCode == 50074, "Pending user action", errorCode == 16000, "Pending user action", errorCode == 16001, "Pending user action", errorCode == 16003, "Pending user action", errorCode == 50127, "Pending user action", errorCode == 50125, "Pending user action", errorCode == 50129, "Pending user action", errorCode == 50143, "Pending user action", errorCode == 81010, "Pending user action", errorCode == 81014, "Pending user action", errorCode == 81012, "Pending user action", "Failure")
| where SigninStatus == '*' or '*' == '*' or '*' == 'All Sign-ins'
| where details.Type == '*' or (details.Type == 'Country' and Country == details.Name) or (details.Type == 'City' and City == details.Name)
| where UserPrincipalName contains "example.com"
| where Country != "AU";
//| where SigninStatus contains "success";
| top 10000 by TimeGenerated desc
//| extend TimeFromNow = now() - TimeGenerated
//| extend TimeAgo = strcat(case(TimeFromNow < 2m, strcat(toint(TimeFromNow / 1m), ' seconds'), TimeFromNow < 2h, strcat(toint(TimeFromNow / 1m), ' minutes'), TimeFromNow < 2d, //strcat(toint(TimeFromNow / 1h), ' hours'), strcat(toint(TimeFromNow / 10d), ' days')), ' ago')
| project User = UserDisplayName, ['Sign-in Status'] = strcat(iff(SigninStatus == 'Success', '✔️', '❌'), ' ', SigninStatus), ['Sign-in Time'] = TimeGenerated, App = AppDisplayName, ['Error code'] = errorCode, ['Result type'] = ResultType, ['Result signature'] = ResultSignature, ['Result description'] = ResultDescription, ['Conditional access policies'] = ConditionalAccessPolicies, ['Conditional access status'] = ConditionalAccessStatus, ['Operating system'] = DeviceDetail.operatingSystem, Browser = DeviceDetail.browser, ['Country or region'] = LocationDetails.countryOrRegion, ['State'] = LocationDetails.state, ['City'] = LocationDetails.city, ['Time generated'] = TimeGenerated, Status, ['User principal name'] = UserPrincipalName, ['ClientAppUsed'] = ClientAppUsed````

Send email through VBS script

I am trying to send an email via VBS but I keep getting errors. I want it to send a email as simple as possible.
Does not work, with this error:
Set objEmail = CreateObject("CDO.Message")
objEmail.From = "othermail#hey.com"
objEmail.To = "myemail#yahoo.com"
objEmail.Subject = "thisisasubject"
objEmail.Textbody = "Here is the message"
line: 6
Char: 1 error: The "sendusing"configuration value is invalid. 80040220
Set emailObj = CreateObject("CDO.Message")
emailObj.From = "dc#gail.com"
emailObj.To = "dc#gail.com"
emailObj.Subject = "Test CDO"
emailObj.TextBody = "Test CDO"
Set emailConfig = emailObj.Configuration
emailConfig.Fields("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/smtpserver") = "smtp.gmail.com"
emailConfig.Fields("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/smtpserverport") = 465
emailConfig.Fields("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/sendusing") = 2
emailConfig.Fields("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/smtpauthenticate") = 1
emailConfig.Fields("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/smtpusessl") = true
emailConfig.Fields("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/sendusername") = "YourUserName"
emailConfig.Fields("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/sendpassword") = "Password1"
If err.number = 0 then Msgbox "Done"
Set MyEmail=CreateObject("CDO.Message")
Const cdoBasic=0 'Do not Authenticate
Const cdoAuth=1 'Basic Authentication
MyEmail.Subject = "Subject"
MyEmail.From = "<fromsample#mail.com>"
MyEmail.To = "<tosample#mail.com>"
MyEmail.TextBody= "TEST MAIL"
MyEmail.Configuration.Fields.Item ("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/sendusing")=2
'SMTP Server
MyEmail.Configuration.Fields.Item ("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/smtpserver")="smtp.server.com"
'SMTP Port
MyEmail.Configuration.Fields.Item ("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/smtpserverport")=25
MyEmail.Configuration.Fields.Item ("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/smtpauthenticate") = 1
'Your UserID on the SMTP server
MyEmail.Configuration.Fields.Item ("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/sendusername") = "username"
'Your password on the SMTP server
MyEmail.Configuration.Fields.Item ("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/sendpassword") = "password"
'Use SSL for the connection (False or True)
MyEmail.Configuration.Fields.Item ("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/smtpusessl") = False
Set MyEmail=nothing